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November 10, 1964 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1964-11-10

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u 4 3 irtiigan l aig
Seventy-Fifth Year

I jr- -- 14-RM

Where Opinions Are Fr e 420 MAYNARD $T., ANN ARBOR, MIcH.
Truth Will Prevail

NEWS PHONE: 764-0552

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

Sorority System Must Clmb

THE SORORITY SYSTEM at the Uni- without being accused of tre
versity is facing a crisis this year, the information coming out
Unless sororities learn to be open with ist" circle is filtered and re
both themselves and the rest of the it may be presented to th(
University community they will not suc- student body. Even the wo
ceed in coping with the situation. sorority system are not inf
One sorority, Phi Mu, has already been what goes on in the upper
forced to leave the University because Presidents' Council.
of inability to take pledges. Three others,
Alpha Omicron Pi, Kappa Delta and SORORITY PRESIDENTS
Zeta Tau Alpha, are facing serious mem- afraid that the student
bership problems despite what the presi- out the truth which, in t
dents and members of these houses would do irreparable damag
would like students to believe, tem. They want to keep qui
Before anything can be done to solve problems and present a un
these immediate problems, the sororities the University, showing th
must reevaluate themselves. Ann Wick- stable and infallible. They
ins, president of Panhellenic Association, the truth.
represents the new progressive outlook Bari Telfer, executive vic
which the sororities must take, but un- Panhel, has said that the se
fortunately she is being hampered by to destroy the preconceived
the system. Her honesty has brought many students harbor regar
more criticism than praise from the rest tem. The word "preconceil
of the system. When she is honest-as context seems to imply "fa
she was when she first stated that the how can the ideas be anyt
three sororities mentioned above are in lacious if the sororities pers
difficulty, a fact that cannot be denied- or masking the truth? The:
she only met with strong censure. truth is hurting them m
truth would.
sororities have certain obligations as JF THE SORORITIES wish
well as certain privileges. So far they the problems they are nom
have been taking advantage of the bene- must get down off their
fits while ignoring the responsibilities: take their place on ground i
primarily the responsibility of keeping rest of the student organiz
the University aware of what they are University.
doing. They must make the men
As long as all publicity is positive or own system as well as the
complimentary, there are no complaints student body aware of th
from the sororities, but as soon as there need to be done.
is a hint of criticism or negative publi- This is the only way that
city, most of the chapters are up in arms. can retain a respected p
The sororities have placed themselves member of the University
on a hallowed ground, establishing limits
beyond which no one is allowed to go -LAU
The Crusade Marehes On


espassing. All
of the "elit-
efined before
e rest of the
omen in the
formed about
circles of the
are afraid;.
s might find
heir opinion,
;e to the sys-
et about their
ited front to
he system as
are afraid of
e-president of
ororities wish
notions that
'ding' the sys-
ved" in this
llacious," but
hing but fal-
sist in hiding
ir fear of the
ore than the
to overcome
w facing, they
pedestal and
level with the
ations at the
nbers of their
e rest of the
e things that
the sororities
osition as a

inaWhy a Smi
EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first The attitudes whic
na t~wo-pr series. Thisr wek's ors represent are in t
article discusses s o m e problems tosrpentaei
created by the size of the literary sult of certain conce
college. Next week's will consider of which are pure fo
how the residential college might of which arise from
solve these: problems, tions of the function
By BURTON D. THUMA versity, and some of
from the ways people
IN THE FALL of 1963 I wrote a pressure of circumsta
memorandum to the faculty of willing they are to
the literary college on the residen- or less perilous exped
tial college proposal and related The folklore appeai
issues. I propose here to elaborate tion, deeply imbed
on some of the points I raised in American mind, that
that memorandum, but again I in itself a "good," p
hasten to add that what I have cause in some way larg
to say is strictly my own opinion to imply power, state
and is not to be construed as rep- by some strange logic
resenting the views of either the ity. To appreciate fu:
faculty or the administration, of this notion, one1
Since the steadily increasing listen to a professi(
growth of the literary college with prior to 1959and t
its attendant problems.was one of manifest discomfortur
the important factors prompting ka was admitted to
the curriculum committee to rt.z- Then too, I am alway
ommend the establishment of the the respect and eve
residential college, it merits fur- dawns in the faces(
ther discussion here. academic relativesa
when I say (in reply
my opin- evitable question) thai
QUITE CANDIDLY, in m pn sityha an enrollmer
ion, the literary college is now too 30,000 students.
large, and this opinion, at least, * *
I know to be shared by many ASEODcnrb
members of thesliterary college is A SECOND contrib
faculty. It is, of course, not shared isthe widely enjoyed
by all. In fact, I have never dis- tially a big corporatio
covered any proposition that is General Motors.Does
unanimously endorsed by the fac- a board of directors,
ulty, including, believe it or not, vice-president, divisio
that the faculty is underpaid. this case called dean
Nevertheless, I do havensupport. (department chairme
But, the decision to permit or en-
courage the growth of the Uni- borers (laughingly re
versity and the literary college is university jargon as tl
the responsibility of the Board of The products, of cot
Regents and such a decision is students who ro off
the resultant of a complex of vec-
tors, if I may be permitted a Interesting conclusi
rather loose physical analogy. ularly drawn from t
These vectors represent the at- Those relating to t
titudes of the Regents themselves, University should be
the central administration, the pass by with a shudd
deans, the legislature, the faculty to the following arg
and the students. It is impossible, larger the corporatio
of course to assign relative and better are the p
strengths to these vectors, nor are produced in a giv
can directions be assigned to all hence, the sounder iti
of them, but the resultant is con- in which to invest th
tinued growth-a growth that bids money. But since for
fair to continue indefinitely. sity, the quality of th

all Residential College?

;h these vec-
turn the re-
ptions, some
olklore, some
as of a uni-
which arise
react to the
nce and how
adopt more
rs in the no-
ded in the
large size is
probably be-
ge size seems
us, and also,
c, high qual-
lly the force
had only to
onal Texan
then toehis
e when Alas-
the Union.
ys shaken by
n awe that
of my non-
and friends
y to the in-
t the Univer-
nt of nearly
uting factor
d misconcep-
ity is essen-
n, not unlike
it not have
a president,
n heads (in
ns), foremen
en), and la-
ferred to in
the faculty)?
arse, are the
the assembly
ons are reg-
these beliefs.
he way the
run, I shall
er and move
ument: The
n, the more
roducts that
en tine and,
is as a place
he taxpayer's
the Univer-
he product is

hard to evaluate, and since it
cannot be demonstrated that one
university produces Rolls- Royces
and another Volkswagens, it is
quite easy to assume that all uni-
versities, after all, produce es-
sentially the same quality of pro-
duct. The cost of production
should therefore be the same and
the universities of the state al-
located funds on the basis of the
number of units "produced."
* * *
IT IS TRUE that the legislature
is beginning to accept 'the fact
that it costs more to train grad-
uate students, particularly in
highly specialized scientific areas,
than it does freshmen, but the
complexities of the problem are
not yet really grasped. Although
members of the University admin-
istration try manfully to explain
the differences in the teaching
costs for graduate students versus
seniors, juniors versus freshmen
and sophomores, appropriate fac-
ulty-student ratios, the high cost
of specialized scientific apparatus,
and that a distinguished faculty
costs money, they know that the
really telling argument is enroll-
The University now is asking
the legislature for a very sub-
stantial increase in appropriation,
much of which is simply to per-
mit us to catch up to where we
think we ought to be. But to sup-
pose that we shall receive any
such increase in appropriation
without increasing our enrollment
is wishful thinking of the most
naive sort. Couple all this with an
understandable pride and loyalty
to one's own institution, an all-
too-human jealousy of what many
unfortunately regard as our com-
petitors, and one is forced to con-
clude that no state university will
ever voluntarily limit its own en-
rollment. If such limitation is to
occur, it must be done by the
To these conditions we must
now add the circumstance that all
state institutions are faced with
an unprecedented number of qual-
ified applicants, and that there
exists an undeniable moral ob-

. . "


ligation to the citizens of the state
to take as many qualified state
residents as possible, if not more,
plus a similar obligation to the
nation. Furthermore, we certain-
ly want to maintain the cosmo-
politan nature of the student
body by taking as many out-of-
state students as can be squeezed
in. Therefore, until the enrollment
in state institutions is limited by
legislative action and, prior to
that, more state institutions are
established, one can only conclule
that the University is going to
continue to grow at roughly the

taking into consideration all of
the current conditions. Neverthe-
less, I would hold this view even
if we assumed the highly improb-
able event that the legislature
ganted us the increase in appro-
priation which most of us believe
necessary to handle adequately
our present student body, with our
present method of operation.
There would be clear benefits, of
course, especially for the students,
but for the faculty some of the
unfortunate effects of large size
might well be increased. The ad-
ditional classroom and office

BURTON D. THUMA, associate dean of
..the literary college, has held this posi-
tion since 1951. Thuma, who received all his
; ;degrees from the University, joined the
faculty in 1928 as an instructor in psychol-
ogy. He is presently director of the plan-
ned residential college, and has been a
member of several other University com-
mittees and boards.

same rate as over the past five
IT IS perfectly true, perhaps
unfortunately, that many of these
same growth factors operate with-
in the University .itself, if to a
lesser degree. Although for the
most part the literary college
would like very much to halt its
growth, this is not true of all the
other schools and colleges on the
campus, and, in general, the less
so the smaller the school. This
fact compounds the problem of
the literary college because of its,
service function. If the schools
thus serviced continue to grow,
the literary college will in effect
grow even though it were to limit
successfully its own enrollment.
But it must recognize its obliga-
tion here, and if it does not, the
other schools and colleges can in
no way be blamed for establishing
their own auxiliary liberal arts
departments, which, I am con-
vinced, would lead ultimately to
a state of academic chaos. Ac-
cordingly, the literary college is
forced into choosing the alterna-
tives of either eventually becom-
ing largely a service unit or, to
avoid this, allowing a proportion-
ate increase in its own students.
The clear conclusion is that it
will continue to grow along with
the rest of the University.

Convocation is Disappointment

WILLIAM B. JACKSON, intelligent col-
lege student, has a professor who is
a secret% Communist agent. The teacher
(bearded, with a monocle) subtly injects
Communist ideology into his lecturers.
The teacher invites Jackson to his
house and teaches him Communist doc-
trine. After the meeting, Jackson reads
his Bible and in a moment of inspiration
realizes he is being duped. Jackson goes
to see the dean, and the professor is fired
and subsequently deported as an underis-
able alien.
The above synopsis comes from a 10-
cent comic book sold at Christian Anti-
Communism Crusade rally last Satur-
day at Ann Arbor High.
Naturally a large contingent of Uni-
versity liberals was there to laugh it up,
and they were not dissappointed.
There was Fred Schwarz, the former
Australian physician, claiming that
"Communism and Fascism are the same
There was Herb "I Led Three Lives"
Philbrick whose services as an FBI'
counterspy over a decade ago give him
the right to say "It's an act of treason to
invite a Communist to speak on a college
There was vivacious Janet Greene, the

crusade's new music director. Mrs.
Greene formerly had a television show in
Columbus, Ohio, called "Cinderella and
Her Friends." She quit to join the cru-
sade and warn about the evils of Com-
munism by singing folk songs to the
tune of "Jimmy Crackcorn."
But how about a few more jokes?
The Christian Anti-Communism Cru-
sade is a million dollar organization.
Its financial backers include the presi-
dent of Schick Razor and Rexall Drugs,
the chairman of Bank of America, the
publishers of the St. Louis Globe-Demo-
crat and Life Magazine.
Its sponsors include the superintendent
of public instruction for Hawaii, and the
superintendent of St. Louis schools.
Political allies include the governor of
Missouri and Stuart Symington.
Add to them clergymen like Cardinal
Cushing, who said, "You're on the side
of the angels, Fred."
SO WHILE the crusade quietly goes
about peddling its views ("Past pro-
grams to restrain Communist advance
have been inadequate and defensive pro-
grams alone will never prevail") to thou-
sands of church groups and high schools,
the liberals just keep on laughing.
They laughed about another anti-
Communist too. Hitler.

To the Editor:
EVERYTHING about the first
convocation w i t h President
Hatcher was a disappointment.
Only about 100 students showed
up. Hatcher spoke in generali-
ties and refused to take definite
and meaningful stands. The Daily
--that acute critic of campus af-
fairs-has lavished nothing but
praise on a mediocre performance.
Hatcher wrote a good speech for
the occasion. It was aimed at
building undergraduate confidence
in the University and advertising
the University's open-mindedness
about the views of undergradu-
The President reaffirmed Uni-
versity policy that undergraduates
are the core of the University,
that they are not "the forgotten
man" to be "phased out." But he
did not demonstratethis asser-
tion with specifics, nor was he
willing, in the question and an-
swer period, to answer specific
questions specifically.
AT LEAST three of the nine
"specific features that speak ele-
egently of the University's inter-
est and dedication to undergradu-
ate education"-the honors pro-
gram, the UGLI, the pilot pro-
gram - are questionable. These
were not discussed, nor were other
important matters brought up in
the question and answer period.
Hatcher did announce the for-
mation of a blue-ribben commis-
sion of interested parties to study
the wide ramifications of Univer-
sity housing policies on itself, stu-
dents and Ann Arbor. But that is
all he said. He did not indicate
what its composition or major
areas of concern will be.
In two most important areas
raised in the question and answer
period-housing and out-of-state
students - Hatcher met specific
questions with generalities. He re-
fused to make a commitment be-
yond broad statements, thus
blunting communication the con-
vocation intended to foster.
diversity and balance of housing
choices in Ann Arbor and the
University's intention to foster
them, but did not say whether
and how the University would
maintain decent housing and a
free choice among housing types.
The occasion called for a clear
statement one way or the other
so that interested students know
where they stand.
The matter of out-of-state stu-
dents came up several times. This
writer asked ifnthe University is
a "federal grant university," as
outlined in Hatcher's speech and
if so, what are the implications
on out-of-state students, the na-

discuss such crucial questions as:
-Does a ceiling on out-of-state
students create admissions differ-
entials that border on the dis-
criminatory? Michigan does not
have the population to produce as
many high quality students as
those selected by necessity from
the thousands of excess out-of-
state applications.
-Will there be an adequate in-
tellectual climate that will. retain
and attract good faculty members
to teach a diminishingly cosmo-
politan student body?
-Does not the University, which
took in more federalvthan state
money last year, have a moral
obligation to educate more of the
nation's youth, not just Mich-
IN ONE OF his best points,
Hatcher challenged students to
use the generally untouched chan-
nels of communication to air their
"The easiest way," Hatcher de-
clared, "is to live listlessly on a
dead level of monotony or to drift
. . . into quiet desperation. The
next easiest is to consume your
energies in the fire of undirected
revolt or rebellion or to starve
them in cynicism and unbelief.
The most difficult and most re-
warding is to combine knowledge
and understanding . . . with those
golden moments of clear vision
and faith."
This year's student activists
have chosen the second road rath-
er than the superior third one.
Hatcher has declared he will lis-
ten to those on the third only. He
may be too harsh, but the third
road in the long run is the most
* * * .
HATCHER was not insulted by
the low turnout. Rather he was
told that the majority of students
are not really interested in chang-
ing their fate at the University.
Nor are the student leaders who
did not show up. Their picket
lines, mass rallies, demonstrations
and petitions have been less ef-
fective by their absense from the
The Daily-which thought up
the convocation in the first place
--did not help matters. Aside from
several brief mentions on the edi-
torial page and some buried ad-
vertisements inside, the event got
very little play. The advance
story was near the bottom of the
page. No eye-catching banner or
box was present to draw students
to the event. Had some special
play been given the event on page
one last Thursday, double the
number of people would have
shown up.
Both Laurence Kirshbaum and
Editor H. Neil Berkson were so

OffSet As with the colleges, so with the
individual departments within the
To the Editor: literary college, and at this level
ALTHOUGH I imagine that v- a form of schizophrenia develops.'
LutHOUyHrItiainaetsoe-Since the departments are affect-
untary retractions are some- ed by the same growth vectors as
what rare in The Daily's letter are the schools and colleges and
column, I would like to take this the University itself, it is exceed-
opportunity to apologize for my ingly rare for a department to say
Nov. 7 letter. Not, perhaps, for that it does not want more un-
the entire letter - the bulk of dergraduate students, and even
which is an accurate account of rarer for it to; say that it does
my feelings-but chiefly for the not want more graduate students.
last paragraph, an "irresistible" What it asks for, of course, is a
thrust which I should have re- larger faculty and more space.
sisted. Yet it is at the departmental level
I have noticed that the entire that the effects of size are most
"Offset" controversy is beginning painfully felt, because here we find
to swing toward the petty and the "assembly line crew." The col-
personal, and I would like to cor- lective will is to grow, the in-
rect immediately any steps which dividual will is to contract; the
I myself may have taken in this result: ambivalence and frustra-
direction. I bear the Generation tion.
staff no ill will; I merely disagree Many, of course, hasten to point
with its contention that Genera- out that the difficulty which the
tion and the Offset magazine can- faculty experiences as a result
not exist on the same campus. of continued expansion is that in-
* * *
IN PLACE of my last paragraph, crease in students almost always
I would like to add this thought speace, facitiebefore n ease
to my letter: Since my two pre- fore, weiligetmonyfutoyake-r
vious letters have appeared in The fore we get money to take care
Daily, I have been treated to sev- of the increase in students, we
eral deliciously large scoops of must have the increase, and, as
information (in private and as a a consequence, we seem always to
response to my letters). This in- be i trouble. But it is then said
formation was hitherto unavail- that if only we had adequate
able either to me, to the public, faculty and facilities, taking on
or to the Offset officials them- more students would present no
selves. I do not know whether it problem. I quite agree that the
has not been released because of prouat n wot tat all te problems
failure on the part of The Daily,prvdbuthtalheroem
the Board of Control, or some- of large size would therefore van-
body else, but I heartily urge ish I cannot accept.
those responsible to air out this * * *
stuffy controversy with a few fresh AT THE OUTSET I said I be-
facts. lieved the literary college is now
-John Knox, '68 too large and at that point I was
Russian Singer Proves
to Be Talented Artist,
LAST NIGHT at Hill Auditorium, Irina Arkhipova made her North
American debut in an all-Russian program. Miss Arkhipova proved
to be one of the finest young artists to be heard here in many years.*
This reviewer did not know what to expect since she has only one re-
cording available in the United States, however let's hope that we will
be hearing much more of her in the future.
Her program opened quietly with several songs of Prokofieff which
made modest demands on the singer vocally while showing her dra-
matic possibilities. With the Moussorgsky pieces, she showed herself to
be a consumate artist; "The Four Songs and Dances of Death" are
among the most subtle of Russian songs and every nuance was con-
veyed to the audience. The Rachmaninoff songs allowed her to show her
wide range and superb command of dynamics. For her first encore she
sang a song by Rimsky-Korsakov which was virtually unaccompanied.
* * * *
M. HER, (T n TIXv. nnmhp, - ., n -av, niee i uhich many neonl

buildings, laboratories, and park-
ing structures would, in all prob-
ability, be built in thecentral
campus area. This would mean
either crowding buildings on the
40-acre square and adjacent Uni-
versity land, or taking over more
private property in the vicinity.
The economic effects to the town
of the University acquiring more
property in the central campus
.area are not easy for me to eval-
uate.cWhether the tax losses to
the city would be made up by the
increase in taxes resulting from
additional faculty housing, is
doubtful. In any event, many
householders now complain of the
encroachments of the University,
and further expansion will only
add to their unhappiness.
But more seriously, certain of
the problems which the literary
college now faces would be inten-
sified. Large departments would
become larger. Department chair-
men, who now find themselves
floundering in the minutiae of ad-
ministrative detail, would find the
goingstill harder. The task is now
becoming so distasteful that many
chairmen are asking to be relieved
of these responsibilities, and it is
becoming increasingly difficult to
cajole other members of the fac-
ulty into taking on the job.
IN ADDITION, the problems of
communication within the literary
college and the University will be-
come intensified. Let us, for ex-
ample, call the interaction be-
tween two persons a "communi-
cation unit." With three individ-
uals we have three such units,
with four individuals six units,
with five individuals ten, with six
individuals fifteen, with seven in-
dividuals twenty one, and so on.
It is easy to see that the group
does not have to very very large
before it is going to break down
into sub-groups that tend to lose
communication with each other.
A moments reflection on this phe-
nomenon will reveal at least one
reason for the present malaise.
In the larger departments now
it is relatively rare for any one
member of the faculty to have
more than a nodding acquaintance
with many members of his own
department. Faculty participation
in literary college, or even in de-
partmental affairs will inevitably
dwindle from the present low
point. It is, I think, generally true
that the larger the college the
smaller the attendance at faculty
meetings. I have not gathered the
statistics, but I wager the propor-
tion of the governing faculty that
attends meetings of the literary
college is considerably less than
it is in other schools and colleges.
With less faculty participation in
policy, it is only natural that ad-
ministrative officers will assume
more policy determination. Fur-
thermore, the larger the group,
the greater is the likelihood of a
divergence of opinion, the more
difficult it is to arrive at a satis-
factory collective decision, the
more the individual feels frustrat-
ed, and the greater is the in-
dividual conviction that the fac-
ulty have little or nothing to say
about important decisions.
IF NOW we take the more re-
alistic view that only with an in-
crease in the size of the student
body will we get additional fa-
cilities and faculty (assuming that
we can get the faculty in view
of the intense competition be-
tweenuniversities) then the stu-
dents begin to suffer. State Street
and North University will begin
to approximate Times Square. The
students' feeling of anonymity, en-
joyed, to be sure, by a few but
not by most, will be increased.
Contact with the faculty will be
lessened. Opportunities for par-
ticipation in extra-curricular ac-
tivities will be reduced and what
we now laughingly refer to as
student government will become
an absurdity.

These conditions certainly pre-
vail even though we assume ade-

What Happened to the Slinky?


A MAN with the hostile voice of a
grouchy police sergeant boomed over
the television airwaves a couple nights
ago. He was describing guns, tanks,
bombs:Then he launched into a devious
sentence about "destroying whole cities."
No, this wasn't a scenario from some
Class C horror film; it was an advertise-
ment for kids' toys. With the Christmas
gift season quickly approaching the toy
makers are already making their pitch.
Evidently war toys are really "going to
sell like gangbusters" this year.
THE ANONYMOUS announcer, in the
most authoritarian tone he could mus-
ter, vividly pictured "Commando," a gift
that can make any boy into a calculating
killer. Plastic hand grenades come with

home can become a simulated war plant.
FINALLY that police sergeant turned
toy salesman ended his message. He was
followed by what first appeared to be an
educational show for kids about the Wild
West. It brought back marvelous mem-
ories of reading Landmark books about
Wild Bill Hickok and Buffalo Bill.
But the host with the cherubic smile
wasn't praising these heroes; he was de-
bunking the legends of the West. Buffalo
Bill was a drunken bum who was often
so boozed up he couldn't sit upright in
the saddle, he said. Wyatt Eary was never
even a marshall in Wichita. He wrote a
fictitious autobiography which made him
famous. General Custer was a stupid
dandy who delighted in scalping defense-

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