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November 05, 1964 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1964-11-05

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Seventy-Fifth Year

Where Opinions Are F* 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MIcH.
Truth Will Prevail

NEws PHoNE: 764-0552

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

What the 'Great Society'
Will Be Like on 61%

WITH AT LEAST a 61 per cent majority
for Lyndon Johnson, what can the
nation expect from Washington in the
next four years?
Johnson has already spoken of his
"mandate for unity," of a "government
with no special interests," of a bipartisan
emphasis. He has behind him both broad
and ambiguous popular support and a
Congressional coalition almost as un-
predictable. He has moved the Democratic
Party, both in his campaign and in his
term to date, more away from controver-
sial ideological commitment than toward
the all-embracing ideology of the politi-
cal center. His "Great Society" is as po-
tentially unexciting as his largely anti-
Goldwater mandate, his widespread and
thus overgeneralized backing.
MUST WE THEREFORE simply avoid
predictions and, for the time being,
class the forthcoming administration as
an enigma? Or can we say now that we
expect either some new and distinctive
policies or just more money for old pro-
The very conditions which pose the
first question answer the second: We can
expect programs which are neither one
thing nor the other, just generally better
funded than before.
The overwhelming element in predict-
ing little legislation that could be termed
startling vis a vis present trends is that
Johnson's popular support is too large,
too extensive, too inclusive. While pro-
files are not yet available, it is wholly
reasonable to assume that Johnson's 61
per cent cuts across numerous economic,
ethnic, regional, demographic, religious
and ideological boundaries.
V HEN SUCH IS the case, there is little
left upon which everyone agrees. One
primary assumption of pluralistic politi-
cal theory is that a single candidate
from the standpoint of inidividual vot-
ers, combines all desirable characteristics
on all possible issues. Rather, specific
blocs of voters finid his stand on issue X,
which especially concerns them, so much
better than the stand of his opponent
that they naturally incline toward him.
What he says on other issues may an-
tagonize the particular voter-block or
simply appeal to it less; in any case, the
other issues are less important.
Perhaps an unskilled, blue-collar rac-
ist is less bothered about Negroes in gen-
eral or by the prospect of Negroes tak-
ing his job than he is about an economy
which is not expanding-thus not pro-
viding jobs-or a lack of unemployment
and other welfare measures. If so, he was
more attracted to Johnson's liberal-wel-
fare position than he was to Goldwater's
implicit indifference toward improving
the Negroes' situation.
THE CATCH is that there were also
some voters who favored better treat-
ment for Negroes much more than they
did a welfare state. If Johnson pursues
either policy energetically, he stands, at
the least, to disappoint many of his
At the least, for if the voters favoring
welfare programs wanted them restricted
to whites and if the voters favoring
anti-discriminatory laws wanted them
administered in a free enterprise con-
text, then Johnson must count on antag-
onism as well as disappointment among
his constituents.
THIS THEORY-of course oversimpli-
fied here-is basic to the fact that
national governments have always moved
slowly and with programs watered down
enough to reduce the chances of stimu-

Managing Editor Editorial Director
ANN GWIRTZMAN ................ Personnel Director
BILL BULLARD ...... ......Sports Editor
MICHAEL SATTINOER .... Associate Managing Editor
JOHN KENNY ..,........Assistant Managing Editor
DEBORAH BEATTIE ...... Associate Editorial Director
LOUISE LIND ....... Assistant Editorial Director in
Charge of the Magazine
TOM ROWLAND.........Associate Sports Editor
GARY WYNER............ Associate Sports Editor
STEVEN HALLER.... .......Contributing Editor
MARY LOU BUTCHER ..........Contributing Editor
CHARLES TOWLE.......Contributing Sports Editor
JAAES KESON..........Chef Photographer

lating discontent. When legislation has
been unquestionably sweeping-as dur-
ing Roosevelt's administration in the
early '30's-the social and political cli-
mate of the country has had to be polar-
ized enough, socially and politically, that
the national consensus was no longer an
ambiguous and toothless compromise.
Were the needs which American voters
now perceive as clear or as widespread
as they were in the '30's, it would be
much more natural to expect a definite,
highly tangible program from the John-
son administration. But those needs-
whether as people feel them or as John-
son must interpret them-are just not
that unitary. To garner over 60 per
cent again in 1968-as he most likely
hopes to do-Johnson must therefore do
more to avoid antagonisms than to create
deep satisfactions.
JF JOHNSON had fewer interest groups
to consider-both among the voters
and in Congress-he could afford to pur-
sue the traditional policy of recommend-
inig one distinctive program to appeal
to one group and another distinctive
program for another group, even though
the two groups might be opposed on each
issue. If the first group were satisfied
enough with its program, it might forget
about the second, and vice versa.
But the Goldwater position represented
such an extreme on so many issues that
Johnson could almost not help attracting
voters with all the varying and intensities
and combinations of conviction which
lie in the broad political range left of the
radical right. While such a following defi-
nitely attests to Johnson's universality, it
also requires universalistic - relatively
AND JOHNSON is not likely to endanger
this following willingly. As a man, he
believes in the concept of unity and con-
sensus, and lacks an ideological program
to pursue. As a politician, he instinctive-
ly resists alienating anyone, and must
never forget that his party may need all
the support it can get against a tougher,
more moderate opponent in 1968.
Thus he will not move too fast or too
slow in Viet Nam, be too friendly or too
antagonistic toward Russia, be too com-
promising or too uncompromising on civil
rights, extend welfare and anti-poverty
programs too much or too little.
WHAT WILL this mean for America?
Are there needs, perhaps not vocal-
ized, which nevertheless cry for solutions
yet will not be solved? Would it be better
for Johnson to risk widespread discon-
tent and the creation of deep social con-
flicts to satisfy these needs with distinct-
ive programs?
The answer depends largely on where
one stands on the political spectrum.
Generally, those near either extreme view
a nebulous middle-of-the-road line as
either too much or too little and are
more willing to face potential social con-
flict to enact less universal programs.
Those occupying the center, however, will
be more satisfied with Johnson's pro-
gram and generally happier for the con-
sensus or integration of interests which it
For the liberal-socialist and the reac-
tionary, the next four years are bound to
be disappointinig. For moderates of any
hue, good times are ahead.
BUT THE beauty of American democ-
racy is that in the longer range it
does indeed satisfy almost everyone. Be-
tween now and 1968, those near both po-
litical extremes will be highly displeased

with the administration's position. By
1972 or 1976 or 1980, however, many of
the demands of one extreme will have
been integrated-albeit in superficial
fashion-into the programs of Presidents
like Johnson. Those with strong convic-
tions in the direction society is moving
need merely wait for the system to co-
opt their demands; those wishing to go
in the other direction will fade away,
change their beliefs, revolt, die angry
or move to Australia. Only those in the
last three categories will perhaps never
be satisfied.
As long as there are no great domestic1

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SelectingtheRea' Winners

Disagrees with Letter
On 'Offset' Publication


To the Editor:
As LONG as misconceptions
concerning student publica-
tions are being cleared up, I feel
that those trying to clear up mis-
leading ideas should get a few of
their facts straight. This is spe-
cifically in reference to Mr. John
M. Knox's letter in the Novem-
ber 4 Daily.
Mr. Knox's opinions represent
some the most naive ideas con-
cerning publications that I have
seen for some time. For instance,
his statement, "I had never con-
sidered that Generation staffers
might see the new magazine as
a threat to their own publication,"
shows his lack of information con-
cerning the work and effort in-
volved in putting together any
magazine, much less a literary
magazine. Not only will this new
magazine be in competition with
Generation, it will be in direct
competition with every other pub-
lication on this campus.
* * *
WHILE IT IS fine to think that
this magazine will provide an op-
portunity for more students to
publish (which it will), other
things besides the copy itself must
be considered. Anyone who has
worked on any publication realizes
the importance of advertising.
Along with this goes the realiza-
tion of the enormous competition
involved in getting this advertis-
ing. In this respect, it doesn't
matter what the magazine is pub-
lishing, the advertising is wanted
and needed by all. Do the people
involved in the birth of this mag-
azine have any idea of the quan-
tity of soliciting for advertising
that goes on in Ann Arbor? Judg-
ing from their statements, I think
Publications of all types are also
in competition with each other for
their circulation. Certainly there
is a hard core of readers who are
faithful to a certain publication,
but in each case, this is a very
small group. Most of the sales
come from students who see the
thing on sale, and, on the spur
of the moment, decide to buy it.
If a student has something shoved
at him every time he walks across
the Diag, or through the Fish-
bowl, he is going to become an-
noyed with the whole thing and
will stop buying ANYTHING. If
a publication had to depend solely
on its "hard core readers," all
publications would soon go out of
* * *
MR. KNOX tried to clarify his
statement that this magazine
would not be in competition with
Generation by saying that 1) Gen-
eration is "devoted to the works
of older (especially graduate) stu-
dents"; and 2) this new magazine
will be "given largely to non-
fiction." In reply to the first,
Generation, again like all other
student publications, accepts man-
uscripts from anyone whovsubmits
th~em. If it happens that very few
undergraduates submit copy, it
would seem that there is an
apathy that offset will have to
face,has well as being a telling re-
flection on the "talent" of under-
If there are many undergrads
who have the ability and desire to
work on a publication, where were
they when the other, better es-
tablished publications were ask-
ing (in some cases begging) for
help? With the number and var-
iety of publications now available,
I find it hard to believe that these
people could find no publication
worthy of their' talents.
As to the second point, I'm
glad that the founders of Offset
have finally decided exactly what
they will publish . . . if they have.
Since the beginning of work on
this proposed project, several sug-
gestions for content have come up;
essays by Honors students (writ-
ten for their classes), fiction writ-

were supplied with vote totals
simultaneously from a cooperative
agency-network election service
-Tuesday night's $5 million elec-
tion returns battle had all the
flavor and excitement of a foot-
ball game between Michigan and
the Ann Arbor High School Junior
The affair was technically over
shortly after 8:30 when the vast
network computers revealed the
obvious-a sweeping Johnson vic-
Nonetheless the evening had its
moments of distinction. In recog-
nition of these brief interludes,
we award the following election-
night emmys:

TOR-ABC's Clare Boothe Luce,
in her rhinestone-studded gown.
TER-NBC's team of RCA 301
and 3301.
-ABC's Bill Lawrence, who re-
minded Alaska voter's their polls
were still open and urged them to
get out and vote.
John Chancellor, who with the
vast resources of the good-looking
RCA computers was able to reveal
startling facts like 68 per cent of
all Jews who eat Bagels voted for
Johnson, despite a mild "Lox
McGee, who, upon learning that

Adaptation Successful-
AndAlmost Moliere

Bud Wilkinson had lost in Okla-
homa, quipped, "Perhaps Bud will
go back to coaching football and
use a new strategy called the
Raleighkcommercial showing that
by smoking 10 packs of Raliegh's
a day for 30 years, one will have
enough coupons for a mink coat.
commentator Clare Boothe Luce
took on Edward P. Morgan over
the relative merits of Republican
gubernatorial candidates openly
backing Goldwater.
Clare Boothe Luce, who was cut
off during her rebuttal to Morgan.
When she returned, she said, "Be-
fore I was so rudely interrupted."
-ABC for cutting off Mrs. Luce a
second time. When the cameras
returned to her position, she was
Huntley at 1:45 a.m: "I imagine
this has been a rough night for
All three networks at Bobby Ken-
nedy's victory speech in New York.
Kennedy answered several ques-
tions. He was then mobbed by re-
porters and asked them to step
back 10 consecutive times. Finally
he gave up and walked out.
ley and Brinkley. Brinkley read a
terse note, stating that Johnson
had swept a Negro district in Ken-
tucky. He turned to Huntley for
his comments. Huntley read the
same note.
CKLW (Canada) for having the
good sense to program "Old Man
and the Sea" at 9 p.m.

ten by Honors students and the
faculty, nonfiction written by
Honors students and non-Honors
students (and perhaps the fac-
ulty), or "things that couldn't be
printed in Generation." Button,
button, who's got the button.
* * *
"I HAD NEVER expected . . .
that George White (editor of Gen-
eration) should be the dominant
figure in the story," says Mr.
Knox of the article on the new
magazine's approval. Did I per-
haps misread that, too? I thought
the main fact was that the mag-
azine was approved. But the main
thing Mr. Knox was worried about
was whether this article was a
news article, or whether it was
some kind of front page editorial
against Offset.
He complains that Michael
Handelman (editor of the Offset
publication) was not given the
same rightto express himself as
was George White. As far as I
know, a news story involves the
reporting of the events as they
happen, complete with quotes
from those who are present.
George White was present; Mi-
chael Handelman was not. If this
were to be a background or inter-
pretive article, such "equality"
would have been advisable; but it
was not. There have been enough
of these articles to make any
further ones unnecessary, if not
THEY ARE ALSO vague about
the name of their magazine.
Granted, this is rather a trite
point at this stage of the game,
but it seems to have been enough
to arouse Mr. Knox. He stated,
"'Offset' is not the name of the
publication itself; it is the name
of the Honorsdiscussion organiza-
tion which has been active in pro-
moting and sponsoring the pub-
lication." Again, this is one of
the first times that this point has
been clarified.
The name itself, "Offset," would
indicate to anyone who has the
slightest knowledge of printing
that this is a publication, since
offset is a method of printing
widely used for printing mag-
azines. Also, the ad run by this
group in the November 1 Daily
reads: "Offset is now accepting
quality manuscripts for publica-
tion in its first issue." I'm sorry
if I misunderstood, but this seems
to indicate that Offset is a pub-
lication. But as I said, this is a
very trite point.
Let me state that, as a student,
I am not against Offset. I am
against wild criticism by people
who have little knowledge of the
situation or the problems involved.
I wish Offset all the luck in the
world, but if they do so poorly on
keeping their staff informed, I
shudder to think what the mag-
azine . . . whatever it may be . . .
will look like.
-John M. Ward, '66
IQC and Housing
To the Editor:
Daily since my freshman year,
I have often noticed omissions of
a nature that are common in any
newspaper. But I cannot overlook
the last notable incident of this
type, because the lack of publicity
in this area is already too serious.
I am referring to the role played
by the Interquadrangle Council in
the multimillion dollar appropria-
tion for University housing.
As expressed by The Daily, IQC
endorsed plans for Bursley Hall in
a report on the problems of over-
crowding in residence h a 11 s.
"Strongly recommended," no "en-
dorsed" were the actual words;
and the construction of Cedar
Bend and the residential college
were also urged. The report was
a most outstanding job by Lester
Page of Markley -Hall and Leon-
ard Weinstein of West Quadrangle.

IT WAS solely because of the
report that the appropriation for
Bursley Hall was made, and the
influence of this same report gave
momentum to the residential col-
lege and Cedar Bend action. This
is no speculation, but the actual
reason for the outlay as given by
James A. Lewis, vice-president for
student affairs, and Peter Ostafin,
assistant to the vice-president.
The Interquadrangle Council
has done more this semester for
its residents than ever before. Any-
one connected with the residence
halls system can be justifiably
proud of this body.
-James M. Spall, '67
Plans for Bursley Hall came off
the shelf well before IQC's report--
a report based solely on information
provided by the very, administrators
IQC feels it has influenced so strong-
ly-was completed.; The major factor
in the decision was the status of the
residential college plans. The ad-
ministration determined by the end
of September that if these plans were
not ready for the October Regents'
meeting, Bursley would be built.
The Daily's story concerning the
University's housing plans did not
"omit" the IQC report; its relevant
details were included. IQC's action
was given space and prominence
commensurate with its Importance
in comparison to other events of Oct.
Girl Cheerleaders




night turned their comic per-
sonality on their ever-appreciative
first-night audience at Trueblood
Auditorium, as they burlesqued
and schemed their way through
an adaptation of Moliere's "The
Imaginary Invalid."
The result was a bright and
often uproariously funny blend of
characters and comedy, a pleasant
evening's entertainment one can
openly recommend.
David-Rhys Anderson, as Argan,
Moliere's delightful hypochond-
riac, leads a well-mixed cast of
Playersas the play's centralsfig-
ure. Barbara Tarbuck, as the maid

unity of style. . . ." Toward this
end, the Players have set their
sights too low, and hit the mark.
The production lacks style. Or
perhaps stylization. It never quite
gives the impression of the bril-
liance, the brittle precision, with
which Moliere invested his later
works. The pure farce, the satire,
the verbal wittiness are all there,
but the mixture is somehow
wrong. As a result, the characters
emerge as separate personalities
in a highly verbalized situation
IN SHORT, there is too much
of too many characters. Miss Tar-

Musicof Bach, Grieg
Paces Kogan Recital
OUTSTANDING performances of the Bach Chaconne and the rarely-
heard Grieg Third Sonata highlighted last night's recital by Leonid
Kogan, Soviet violinist, at Hill Auditorium.
Kogan's program was solidly based on the classics, which filled
the first half of the program. The Bach work, just before intermission,
was the climax of the first part of the recital. Although it is always
somewhat upsetting to hear the monumental Chaconne without the
four preceding dance movements of the D Minor Partita, Kogan pre-
sented a strongly unified performance that was self-sufficient. Taking
for granted Kogan's first-rate technical mastery and full-bodied sound,
the Bach performance also displayed the violinist's compelling inter-
pretive powers.
It, was a pleasure just to see the Grieg Sonata on the program,
since most violinists avoid it nowadays. The work is a delightful period-
piece, using a vocabulary long since passe, but removed enough in time
from our own period to seem thoroughly charming. Echoes of the
composer's works flit by here and there, giving the piece a distinctive
personal style, while at the same time the whole approach of an era
to sonata form, melody, and harmony is exposed.
THE KREISLER-RACHMANINOFF recording of the Grieg is prob-
ably the definitive performance, if only because the two musicians
grew up when the sonata's style was dominant. However, Kogan and
his accompanist, Artur Balsam, brought out a good deal of the romantic

AS BARBARA TARBUCK watches, David-Rhys Anderson, as
Moliere's hypochandriac, lapses momentarily into good health.

and schemer Toinette, and Maria
Bahas, in the role of Angelica, the
phony invalid's love-struck daugh-
ter, stand out with him as worthy
of critical praise. Separately the
Players have done a first-rate job
of acting, and together they have
managed to assemble a happy mix-
ture that Ann Arbor will love.
ONE CAN'T help thinking,

buck is too often Lucille Ball.
Moliere set Argan's hypochondria
in an otherwise shrewd fellow;
Anderson has a damnable ten-
dency to play him as Milton Berle.
Francis Bayley, as the invalid's
brother, is too much like the gen-
ial fellow in the beer commercial.
When a cast relies upon char-
acater-playing to this extent, with
false noses to carry the balance,
the play emerges in personified

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