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November 04, 1964 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1964-11-04

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Each Time I Chanced To See Franklin D.
President's Convocation Should Be Attended
by . Neil Berkson


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Where Opinions Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICI.
Troth Will Prevail,42MANR$TAxAoMie

NEWS PHONE: 764-0552

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
Berkeley Students Must Behave
Calmly in Face of Hypocrisy

DESPITE THE OVERT show of coopera-
tion between administrators and stu-
dent leaders, the political situation at
Berkeley-speeded on by the catalyst of
hypocrisy-is going from bad to worse.
Yet it is imperative that in this per-
iod of worry and slight panic leaders of
the student protest movements do not
forget the essential issues at stake. In
order to attain victory they must avoid
using decidedly illicit action which would
ruin their case.
THE PRESENCE of forces which seek
to stifle the students in their quest for
political freedom on the Berkeley campus
is quite evident. Ernest Besig, director of
the Northern California branch of the
American Civil Liberties Union, said re-
cently, "We have gathered from reliable
sources that University of California
President Clark Kerr will attempt to have
bills proposed to the California state leg-
islature which will support the Berkeley
anti-political bans." Meanwhile a com-
mittee set up by Kerr is investigating and
making recommendations about the
broad issue of political freedom at Berke-
Nor is this the only incident of ad-
ministration hypocrisy. The cases of the
eight students who were suspended for
participating in direct political action on
the Berkeley campus are being reviewed
by an ad hoc committee of the liberal
Academic Senate in accordance with
Kerr's latest proposal. Yet, when the com-
mittee makes its first recommendation
-that the eight students be temporarily
reinstated-Berkeley Charicellor E. W.
Strong rejected the idea. ,
THE STENCH of hypocrisy, however, is
not only noticeable in these particular
incidents, but saturates the entire history
of the student fight against the political
bans. Even the first statement from
Kerr regarding the question of political
freedom at Berkeley was deceptive. Kerr
appeased the student rioters by telling
them that a standing committee of the
Academic Senate would review the cases
of the suspended students. The protes-
tors ratified Kerr's proposal, and then
they found out that no such committee
Managing Editor Editorial Director
ANN GWIRTZMAN..............Personnel Director
BILL BULLARD...........Sports Editor
MICHAEL SATTINGER .... Associate Managing Editor
JOHN KENNY.............Assistant Managing Editor
DEBORAH BEATTIE ...... Associate Editorial Director
LOUISE LIND ........ Assistant Editorial Director in
Charge of the Magazine
TOM ROWLAND.... ........Associate Sports Editor
GARY WYNER.............Associate Sports Editor
STEVEN HALLER..............Contributing Editor
MARY LOU BUTCHER.........Contributing Editor
CHARLES TOWLE ........ Contributing Sports Editor
JAMES KESON .................. Chief Photographer
NIGHT EDITORS: David Block, John Bryant, Jeffrey
Goodman, Robert Hippler, Robert Johnston, Lau-
rence Kirshbaum.
Blumberg, John Meredith, Leonard Pratt, Barbara
Seyfried, Karen Weinhouse.
Business Staff
JONATHON R. WHITE, Business Manager
The Daily is a member of the Associated Press and
Collegiate Press Service.
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise
credited to the newspaper. All rights of re-publication
of all other matters here are also reserved.
Subscription rates: $.50 semester by carrier (5 by
mail); $8 yearly by carrier ($9 by mail).
Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Mich.
Published daily Tuesday through Sunday morning

Kerr said that the name of the com-
mittee in his proposal was a "misnomer"
and that actually he meant to establish
a committee composed of administra-
tion appointees from the faculty, the ad-
ministration and the student body. Only
after students threatened to riot again
did Kerr change the structure of the com-
should not stoop to petty deception.
If he believes in the constitutionality of
the political bans and, as the head of the
University of California, believes it to be
in the educational interest of the stu-
dents that the bans be enforced, he
should behave accordingly-and honestly
-in his treatment of the case, and wait
for a court to render its decision on the
Meanwhile the students who had the
personal bravery to defy the political ban
must take care that they do not defeat
themselves. These students are trying
to either make the Berkeley administra-
tion revoke the bans or bring a test case
to court. If they get involved in activi-
ties which could get them suspended on
noncontroversial grounds, the whole test
case would collapse.
THESE STUDENTS carry the torch of
personal political freedom for count-
less other individuals and they must
learn to bear the burden with responsi-
bility, patiently waiting for a final deci-
sion in the case despite the irritations
caused by the administration. The ac-
tions of these individuals no longer be-
long to themselves alone; they also belong
to the public.
No Choice?
OF ALL the "significant," "indicative,"
"interesting" and "surprising" trends
of yesterday's election, the most "intrigu-
ing" voting trend reported early last night
took place in Fairfield County, Connecti-
Situated in the tiny notch bordering
New York state and the great city it-
self, the residents of the prosperous
county went to the polls to vote for their
local, state and national officers. But
early returns showed that about 50 per
cent of the voters decided there was no
choice to be made between Johnson and
Goldwater. They declined to vote for
either candidate.
Practice Makes ...
the contrary, the presidents of two
fraternity houses involved in a fracas
Saturday night deny that it occurred. The
brawl took place between the Sigma
Chi's and Sigma Alpha Mu pledges, send-
ing four of the latter to the hospital.
One of the presidents who denied the
incident, Robert Pincus of SAM, claimed
that the injuries had occurred at a house
football scrimmage.
Yesterday, the Sammies defeated the
Sigma Chi's in intramural football 14-0.
It's amazing how those bruising late-eve-
ning football scrimmages pay off.

IN THE MIDST of a rash of surveys last year, The
Daily set out to see how many students knew the
names of the president of the University. Given our
usual low opinion of student interest, we were somewhat
surprised at the positive response.
Without doubt, however, most students know little
beyond the president's name. They have never met him.
They know little of his background, little of what his
job consists. They know less of his viewpoints, his
primary concerns within the University, his evaluation
of the complicated issues facing higher education.
"I find it is easier to talk to students on another
campus, at a commencement address, for instance, than
it is to talk with students here," President Harlan
Hatcher said last spring. In a commendable effort to
change that situation, President Hatcher asked a student
committee to work out plans for one or more "convoca-
tions" where he might address students and answer
questions on pertinent matters. The first of these will
be held tomorrow.
WHY GO? Enough people have said enough times
that the University is a vast, complex institution. Its

budget is near $150 million and will run well over that
figure in the next fiscal year. The University coin-
munity encompasses 30,000 students, 10,000 faculty,
numerous other staff and dependents. They work in 17
vastly different schools and colleges and in such non-
academic operations as the Institute for Science and
Technology, making use of a physical plant valued near
$300 million.
These figures are not intended to impress a state
legislator. Rather, they should serve to underline why
a sizable majority of students take only the most ten-
tative actions during however many years they spend
here. The vastness of the institution is beyond their
comprehension and beyond their control. They don't
understand the community; they don't participate in it.
If one single individual must have a grasp of all
the different facets of the institution, he is the president
of the University. If one individual should be able to
provide students with a perspective of the University
and an analysis of all the elements involved in a single
decision, he is President Hatcher.
HE MAY NOT SUCCEED tomorrow night. Too often,
the President unconsciously begins talking at people

instead of with them. While this is understandable in
terms of his years of experience, it does not help him.
On the other hand, he has made a conscious effort
in the last year to increase his communication with the
rest of the campus. His speech tomorrow should advance
that effort. It is worth the attendence of the entire
student body.
THE FRATERNITY SYSTEM rarely stays out of
trouble. Sammy's and Sigma Chi had a nice, clean
brawl last weekend-adding up to a concussion, a dis-
located jaw and a broken nose.
More quietly, Acacia national fraternity gave its
members on this campus one week to move out of their
house. As a letter in today's columns indicates, the
local brothers don't feel very fraternal about the situa-
The national's action places Acacia in clear viola-
tion of SGC standards for recognizing student organiza-
tions. "The organization's program and direction (shall
be) in the hands of student members . . .," point two
of the Bases for Recognition reads.
The long-somnolent Council might wake up to act
on this situation.



Alums' Discuss Reconstitution of Acacia Fraternity


To the Editor:
A NUMBER of pertinent facts
were omitted from the article
concerning Acacia fraternity
which appeared in the October 31
issue of The Daily.
In that article, former Chapter
President Bruce Larson, who has
been offered a job as an employe
of the national fraternity, stated
that the new pledges and former
actives of Acacia "just couldn't
get along together" and that the
actives had accordingly been
"elevated" to alumni status by
the national fraternity.
The truth is that most of the
actives were not even acquainted
with the majority of the pledges,
as no effort had been made by
the officers of the national fra-
ternity, who had been conducting
the rush without the full knowl-
edge of the active chapter, to
bring the two groups together. The
first meeting came at a dinner
on October 28, immediately follow-
ing which most of the members
were informed of their deactiva-
tion and told that they had until
November 1, a period of four days,
to vacate the fraternity house and
find new living accommodations.
IT IS ALSO stated in the ar-
ticle that there were no pledges
this fall. There were no pledges
during formal rush because a na-
tional field secretary, in conjunc-
tion with Larson, decided that any
rushees whom they deemed to be
"worthy of Acacia" were not to
be offered bids at that time but
were to be advised of the possibil-
ity of joining as a group during
informal rush. The active chapter
as a whole was not told of this
The article concludes by say-
ing that "Larson suggested that
another factor in the deteriora-
tion of the present chapter was
financial difficulties. He explain-
ed that Acacia could operate most
efficiently at 24, but last year
only 16 lived in the house." Al-
though it is obvious that the fra-
ternity could operate more effi-
ciently with a larger membership,
it should be noted that during the
spring semester of 1964, when only
16 people lived in theahouse, the
organization gained a financial
surplus. As 19 were living there
this year, there is no reason to
assume that the house need have
operated at a loss.
-Paul L. Robertson, '65
John Morrison, '65
Daniel A. Nicholls, '66
Kenneth E. Posse, '66
James W. Nilsson, '66
Kurt H. Fauser, '64
Robert E. Witter, '67
Racial Inequalities

it deserved-or perhaps it did.
There is something appealing in
someone whose sympathies are
obviously in the right place, facing
up against hard fact and calling
emotion to reason's heel, but Win-
ter spoiled it by arguing racial
inferiority is irrelevant. That was
We' would all be safe in suppos-
ing, with nature arguably on our
side, that an egalitarian society
could notbe assembled from really
unequal races. Now on the key
question, that is, why haven't we
been able to build an egalitarian
society, there are two views. One
holds it due to racial inferiority
and& sees no sense in further striv-
ing; the second finds other causes
and may or may not favor con-
tinuing the effort. You would have
to look pretty far, on this con-
tinent, for someone (not an heir
of Reconstruction) who accepts
the first alternative.
have rejected the first alternative.
He. wi"h the help of Science
magazine, has stumbled on it
afresh and wonders if we"can't
have an egalitarian society and
racial inferiority both. This is
most implausible, as the civil
rights movement and many others
appreciate. Civilrights is not a
Inatter of individuals, as Winter
seems to suggest. Would he have
us tie the equality and civil rights
which an individual Negro may
enjoy to the degree of racial in-
feriority assigned to that Negro?
Civil rights and equality are not
fractionable, at least in our con-
stitutional framework. They re-
spect only age.
We could declare racial infer-
iority irrelevant but that would
evidence a poor knowledge of his-
tory and a worse familiarity with
human nature. If the Negro race
is inferior, there is no point in a
civil rights movement. Why in-
deed should an inferior people
have equal rights? This suddenly
becomes the material question. Let
Winter face it before castigating
the civil rights movement.
those of us who disbelieve in racial
inferiority? There's no way to
prove racial inferiority doesn't
exist, of course. Even if it could
be scientifically demonstrated that
Negroes are equally intelligent,
motivated and ethical, what pre-
vents a believer in inferiority from
changing his ground but not his
mind? He could contend, in the
last analysis, that color alone is
the source of inferiority. We sus-
pect that with most people who
profess to believe in racial in-
feriority the decision preceded the
rationale. A possibility that Ne-
groes might be inferior, which
Winter seizes on, is irrelevant un-
til it becomes a probability.

"Welcome To The Club"


v :.~

To the Editor:
hardly provoked the



Essentially, then, the question
of racial inferiority is a matter to
be decided on the basis of other
attitudes, rather than the reverse
--which is where we were before
Winter came in.
-Roger Leed, '67L
Sager on Killingsworth
To the Editor:
AM WRITING this letter to
denounce the malicious adver-
tisement placed by Mark Killings-
worth and the Students for Staeb-
ler in The Daily on October 30.
The ad, placed to further the can-
didacy of Neil Staebier, contained
a picture of Alvin Bentley, a
prominent Republican, and stated
that Mr. Bentley's recommenda-
tions for higher education were
cut by Governor Romney. The ad
layout, as determined by the
Young Students for Staebler, con-
tained the obvious implications
that Bentley was deceitfully treat-
ed by fellow Republican Romney
and that somehow Bentley was en-
dorsing Staebler.
This ad is clearly an outrage
against "fair" campaigning and
any decent sense of personal
morality. Because of its political
implications the ad seems, in fact,
to be libelous. Bentley, an ardent
Republican, has fervently sup-
ported Governor Romney in the
current campaign. In addition,
previous Democratic administra-
tions have cut the education com-
mittee's recommendations even
more than did Governor Romney.
Under the Romney administration
aid to education has been raised
by more than 30 per cent over

misquoted me. In his Oct. 26 letter
to The Daily, Al said I declared
that the apportionment plan for
the Michigan Senate embodied in
the Michigan Constitution was
"designed by Mr. Hannah of Mich-
igan State, not Governor Rom-
I didn't say that. MSU President
and poultry scientist John A.
Hannah evidently resisted the
pressures of certain interest
groups and did not draft the 80-
20 plan of Senate redistricting,
which would have represented 80
per cent population and 20 per
cent land, tree stumps and chick-
ens. I actually cited Republican
Con-Con delegate William F.
Hanna, the drafter of the provi-
sion. Giving his full name, I quot-
ed him as saying (7/20/62), "I am
satisfied, after considering the ap-
portionment cases as they have
developed in other states, that the
Michigan court's rule will be up-
held and 80-20 will prove no good
. . . Personally, I have no hesita-
tion in saying that I don't intend
to offer the people of Michigan a
new constitution which I know is
legally in trouble from the start."
However, George Romney appar-
ently had no such compunctions.
He ardently supported 80-20,
which is why I referred to it as
the "Romney plan." Indeed, it was
later found unconstitutional.
-Mark Killingsworth, '67
Students for Staebler
'Offset' Story
10 the Editor:

portantly, I had never expected,
in what was intended to be a
news article about Offest's maga-
zine, that George White (editor
of Generation) should be the dom-
inant figure in the story.
But perhaps this was to be ex-
pected. Ira Shor-who wrote the
article, who quoted Mr. White's
adverse statements throughout the
story and who did not bother to
quote the reactions of Michael
Handelman (editor of the new
magazine) in return was present,
if my memory is correct, at ex-
actly one Offset meeting,
In the first place, "Offset" is
not the name of the magazine it-
self; it is the name of the Honors
discussion organization which has
been active in promoting and
sponsoring the publication. The
magazine is as yet unnamed.
In the second place, the Offset
club's magazine would not be in
the nature of a "rival publication"
to Generation, as Mr. White fears.
While Generation is a compara-
tively elaborate, and established
literary publication devoted to the
works of older (especially grad-
uate) students, the new magazine
would style itself as a low-budget,
high-quality experimental Maga-
zine given largely to nonfiction
articles by undergraduate writers.
AND, in the third place, even
if the far smaller literary portion
of the new magazine were to re-
sult in a spirit of competition, it
seems unlikely that the creative
forces on campus would suffer
from the resultant raising of stan-
dards or from the presence of a
second editorial policy regarding
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