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November 01, 1964 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1964-11-01

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Each Time I Chanced To See Franklin I}D
What Makes College Students Turn Inward?
by H. Neil Berkson

Where Opinions Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MIcH.
Truth Will Prevail

NEWS PHONE: 764-0552

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1964 Nj(HiI 1'Ii0R: J tk'i (WMAN

The Record Shows Romney
Should Be Reelected

F ONE characteristic defines today's college student,
it is his increasing tendency to turn inward.
To. examine this event from an historical perspective
is perhaps senseless. The structure of higher education
has changed radically; the numbers involved take the
heart out of any concept of an academic community.
Specialization and quantity place the contemporary
student in a position foreign to his predecessors.
To examine it in a sociological context is to pre-
suppose differences which do not exist. The student is
not in> a unique situation. Rather, he is manifesting a
symptom rampant in society. Everyone seems to be more
and more concerned with.less:and less.
NEVERTHELESS, we have always expected more
from education, and we have a right to wonder what
is happening. We have a right to wonder why we have
little compassion, little desire for an awareness and
understanding of the human problems which surround
Everyone has their own bogeyman; mine is the
"system." I find neither concrete sources for the blame,
nor do I see any remedies, but it is clear that the ma-

jority of college students today are looking merely for
a resting place between the time high school gradua-
tion ends and responsibility begins.
Proof? Educational Testing Service happened to pro-
duce convincing evidence of this development just last
week. In a comprehensive survey of 13,000 freshhmen
at 26 private and public universities and colleges they
found the following to be true:
-A staggering 50.5 per cent went to college for pure-
ly "social" reasons;
-Another 26.5 per cent for purely "vocational"
-18.5 per cent for "intellectual" reasons;
-4 per cent wanted to "rebel." Nearly 80 per cent, in
other words, had no interest in a liberal education as
freshmen. They were in college for the wrong reasons.
NOR IS THAT figure likely to decrease once students
have been through the University. Two pressures here
are simply too great.
The first is toward conformity and relates, I suspect,
to the 50 per cent of the student body here for social
reasons. The University is loaded with all kinds of

status symbols - the "wise" student will quickly learn
to do homage to those symbols. He will conform to
middle-class values both inside and outside the class-
The second pressure is primarily one of time. Both
society and the University are demanding too much
every single day. The more I study the learning process,
the more I am convinced it must go at its own pace.
Education cannot be measured by X credits, Y semesters,
Z years.
Every student is a different human being. Ideally,
each should be able to develop in his own fashion, ac-
commodating his own problems on his own time. I have
never yet understood why everyone must be launched
by the time they are 21.
AS LONG AS THE pressures reign, students will .con-
tinue to reflect only on themselves. Concern for their
security and a deep fear of failure must necessarily
combine to produce deadening apathy.
Menacing forces in society threaten the existence of
all of us, but, ironically, our pre-concern for ourselves
may keep us from recognizing and meeting these forces.

IN THE PAST 21 MONTHS Michigan has
made more progress, solved more prob-
lems and made greater preparation for
the future than any other state in the
nation. A look at the record shows not
only that this is true, but that the ad-
ministration of Gov. George Romney is
responsible for it.
Congressman Staebler maintains that
Michigan's economic growth is purely a
result of national prosperity. He ignores
and denies any part that the Romney
administration may have had in this
growth. Governor Romney himself has
admitted that "it would be inaccurate to
say that Michigan has made it out of
the economic woods on its own." How-
ever, it would be equally inaccurate to
say that the state's economy automatic-
ally moves in step with the national econ-
In the 1950's, Michigan's percentage
of unemployment was consistently greater
than the national average. Since early
1963, Michigan's percentage of unem-
ployment has been consistently below the
national average. Today it is 2.9 per cent
compared to 5.2 per cent for the nation.
Between 1050 and 1961, Michigan's im-
provement in personal income was 47th
among the 50 states. But since 1963, Mich-
igan's improvement in personal income
has been number one in the nation.
DURING THE 1950'S, industry was mov-
ing out of Michigan. So far this year,
there has already been over $1.5 billion
worth of plant and business expansion
announced. Non-residential construction
in the state is up 49 per cent over last
year; the national increase is 8 per cent.
Michigan's increase in this type of con-
struction has been six times that of the
whole country.
Why? Those who make plant-location
decisions say it is because of "new con-
fidence" in Michigan. These decision-
makers have a faith in Michigan today
that they did not have 10 or even two
years ago. No act of Congress decreed
that the new Ford stamping plant-the
biggest ever built by Ford in this coun-
try-with its thousands of new jobs, be
located in Michigan instead of Illinois.
This is Michigan's progress, not the fall-
out of national prosperity, and the ef-
* Fairy Tale
munist Rally in Ann Arbor this week.
Herbert (I Led Three Lives) Philbrick will
speak on "Should Known Communists Be
Invited To Speak on College Campuses?"
Dr. Fred (Christian Anti-Communism
Crusade) Schwarz will discuss "Com,-
nism, Fascism and Extremism."
"Patriotic, devotional and anti-Com-
munist songs" (to quote from the press
release) will be sung by Janet Greene, "a
former star of the program 'Cinderella
and Her Friends'."
Maybe she still is.
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise
credited to the newspaper. All rights of re-publication
of all other matters here are also reserved.
Subsription rates: $4.0 semester by carrier ($5 by
mail); $8 yearly by carrier ($9 by mal).
Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Mich.
Published daily Tuesday through Sunday morning

forts of state government in the past
two years have helped to create this un-
equaled record of Michigan progress.
How? Primarily by putting an end to
anti-business state government, and b
maintaining fiscal integrity. Specifically,
the economic expansion program has in-
cluded: 1) a new Department of Eco-
nomic Expansion; 2) greater state help
to local communities in attracting new
industry; 3) a Community Industrial Fi-
nancing Act; 4) additional research funds
for state universities and colleges; 5)
specific legislative steps such as better
tax equalization practices and an im-
proved State Securities Act.
that Governor Romney thinks people
are numbers. But Romney's record refutes
this view. In the areas meeting human
needs-health, education and welfare-
the Romney administration has paced the
nation in improvements in the past two
The percentage of state aid to local
schools declined steadily from 1950 un-
til 1962. In the last two years, the Rom-
ney administration has increased state
support for local school budgets by $52
million and reversed the declining per-
centage of state aid. Local special educa-
tion programs for mentally and physical-
ly handicapped have also been strength-
ened by $21/2 million in state matching
Romney has instituted new ways for
school districts and community colleges
to set up area education programs of
vocational and technical training to help
meet the drop-out problem. Romney has
also gotten the state a new constitution
which provides a new Board of Educa-
tion with the responsibility to plan, co-
ordinate and budget all education-kin-
dergarten to university.
IN THE AREA of higher education, the
recommendations of Romney's blue rib-
bon committee on educational needs led
to a 20 per cent increase in operating
funds for state-supported colleges and
universities-the largest single year in-
crease in the history of Michigan. This
20 per cent increase provides catch-up
funds for faculty salary increases, equip-
ment and book purchases, and general
costs increases. Also under way is a gi-
gantic college building program - $100
million on a "pay-as-we-grow" basis
which saves Michigan over $50 million
in interest.
In the social welfare field, more
changes and more progress have been
made in the past two years than in any
other period since the present system of
welfare programs was established 25
years ago. A new juvenile-delinquency
program, for example, was established
for youths released from the Boys and
Girls Training Schools, including 18 new
positions and $25,000 for special foster
home care for girls released from GTS.
Furthermore, new facilities have increas-
ed capacity 80 per cent in three years
in BTS.
THE BASIC POINT is this: Michigan
government in the last two years has
been a pro-people, public interest gov-
ernment, and it will continue to be pro-
people, public interest as long as the
people of Michigan re-elect Gov. George
Romney as the head of their state.


State Democratic Party Control Rests on Outcome

A BIG UPSET could be in the
making in Texas where lib-
eral Democratic Sen. Ralph Yar-
borough is being challenged by
conservative Republican George
Bush. Bush, who trailed by 15 per
cent early in the campaign, is
now running neck and neck with
his Democratic opponent, accord-
ing to latest polls.
Bush, a wealthy oilman and
son of the late Prescott Bush,
former Connecticut senator, is
known as a strong proponent of
the Goldwater brand of Repub-
The strength of his effort is all
the more amazing since barely five
years ago, Texas for all practical
purposes did not have a Re-
publican Party. In 1961, the first
breakthrough, was made by the
GOP when John Tower, another

Goldwater Republican
the Senate.
However, Tower's
due more to the split
of his opponents thar
strength. ConservativE
candidate Williaml
strenuously opposed
who feared that heN
warded with an imp
mittee assignment if e
of these liberals act
for Tower, hoping t
their wing of the p
hold the committee,
another, more liberal,
an incident in the pr
in -which liberal and
Democrats have been
one side is the popu
John Connally, who le
servative faction oft
cratic Party. On t
Ralph Yarorough, w

i, was elected tered the Senate in 1957. In the
middle is the President of the
election was United States, Lyndon Johnson.
in the ranks For many years Johnson was
n to his own allied with Connally in an attempt
e Democratic to get rid of Yarborough. While
Blakely was Senate majority leader, Johnson
by liberals refused to grant Yarborough a
would be re- seat on the prestigious appropria-
ortant com- tions committee, despite the fact
lected. Many that Yarborough was in line for
ively worked the post according to the seniority
o strengthen system.
arty and to
seat open to As Vice-President, Johnson saw
Democrat. to it that patronage went to Con-
nally rather than Yarborough; the
name of the liberal Texas senator
LIT was only was also excluded from lists of
olonged feud senators meeting visiting dignitar-
conservative ies and attending other important
engaged. On functions.
lar Governor
eads the con-
texas' Demo- AS A RESULT of this feud,
he other is President Kennedy made his ill-
'ho first en- fated trip to Texas last November
hoping to heal the split which
appeared to be endangering his
chances for reelection. Connally
and Yarborough were both in the
W motorcade at Dallas, but had re-
Sfused to ride together in the same
car. As a result, Connally rode
with the President and was ser-
ion built up iously wounded during the assas-
.e reason be- sination.
After Johnson assumed the
;ht complain Presidency, he suddenly had a
n 's distract- change of heart about Yarborough,
who was one of the strongest
handled and supporters of the administration's
technique is program. When Connally tried to
hroughout the run one of his men in the pri-
k is adequate mary against the liberal senator,
Johnson intervened, protesting
that Yarborough was necessary for
few technical the success of his legislative pro-
is a success- gram.
vestigatior of Connally acceded to the Presi-
t versus fate" dent's request, but since then he
rmne human has -rendered no assistance what-
soever to Yarborough's reelection
K. Simpson efforts. In fact, several of Con-

Connally and Yarborough: To the Victor .. .

'Fact Vs. Fate' Well L

At the Michigan Theatre
THE AFTERMATH of a plane
crash; who was at fault? Was
it an engine failure? Was it the
irresponsibility of the playboy pi-
lot? Was it the misjudgement of
the flight engineer? Or was it
Glenn Ford is the airline exc-
utive whose job and best friend's
reputation depend on finding the
reason for the death of 53 people
aboard the ill-fated flight. Ford
does an excellent job in creating
the tension, frustration and sheer
determination of the young execu-
tive he portrays.
Rod Taylor does a commend-
able job as Savage, the pilot whose
reputation Ford is left to defend.
In the flash-backs Taylor shows
multiple facets of the characer
of Savage. At each new encounter
Taylor succeeded in creating a
more complex character than our
initial impression would lead us
to expect.
BASICALLY, the movie deals
with the question of fact versus
faith, a question which it cleverly
avoids answering. On one hand,
the audience is presented with an
incredible number of factual pos-
sibilities which are eventuaily
narrowed down to - one. But on
the other hand, there seems to,
be a reason and pattern to these
events outside human control. The
ultimate decision is left to the
Technically, "Fate is the Hunt-
er' is well done. Opening with the
event creates an immediate in-
terest w h i c h is maintained
through the ensuing list of credits.
This "teaser" technique permits
the audience to recover from the
initial impact of the crash and

prepare for the tens
in the pursuit of th
hind it.
However, one mig
that this interruptio:
Settings are well
the "flash-back"
skillfully employed ti
film. The sound trac
but not outstanding
difficulties, the film
ful, tension-filled in'
the question of "fac
in events which dete
life and death.

nally's men including former Gov.
Allan Shivers have openly sup-
ported Bush.
Should Yarborough lose, it would
leave Connally in clear control of
the Democratic Party and in good
position to run for the Senate
against John Tower in 1966, an
election it is quite likely Connally
would win.
YARBOROUGH meanwhile is
relying upon a strong showing by
the President in Texas, hoping to
sweep in on his coattails. He also
hopes to pick up needed votes
when he campaigns across Texas
with President Johnson this week-
Yarborough's vote in favor of
the Civil Right's Act (he was the
only Southern senator to vote for
the bill) is being used against him
in eastern Texas, which is the
area where most Texas Negroes
reside. However, Texas has a
strong liberal element, particularly
in the southwest, where the Demo-
cratic senator will pick up a huge
offsetting vote.
Another factor being used

against Yarborough is his alleged
involvement with Billie Sol Estes.
During the primary, Gordon Mc-
Clendon, Yarborough's opponent,
charged that the senator had ac-
cepted a large campaign contribu-
tion from Estes, and he Dioduced
four substantiating witnesses.
Yarborough promptly denied the
storyand the accounts of two of
the four "witnesses" were quickly
disproven. Later the other two
admitted they had been lying.
However, Bush has renewed the
charge, and the two witnesses now
say they were not lying-and they
have taken lie detector tests to
prove this.
BUSH, FOR HIS PART, is prov-
ing to be an attractive candidate
and an excellent campaigner, as
even his opponents readily "admit.
Despite his conservative ideology,
he has followed the example of
his more liberal brethren in the
North and avoided too close an
association with Sen. Goldwater.
In Texas, as almost everywhere
else, observors are predicting a
Johnson sweep.


The Week in Review
Cutler Appointment Highlights Dutll Days,

Assistant Managing Editor
Assistant Editorial Director
DESPITE THE appointment of
a new vice-president for stu-
dent affairs and a variety of
events in the area of student non-
academic concern, post-midterm
sluggishness prevailed at the Uni-
versity this week.
Replacing James A. Lewis as
vice-president for student affairs
will be Prof. Richard L. Cutler of
the psychology department. His
appointment is effective Dec. 1.
Lewis, who held the post since
1954, asked to be relieved of his
duties to return to teaching in
the education school. He an-



nounced his retirement this sum-
* * *
CUTLER WAS a member of the
University Senate's Student Re-
lations Committee which in 1962
criticized the structure and policy
of the OSA. That committee re-
port prompted a full student-
faculty - administrative investiga-
tion of the OSA headed by Prof.
Reed of the Law School. The
Reed report urged the abolition
of the office of the deans of men
and women and a restructuring of
the OSA along functional lines.
Lewis and the Regents accept-
ed the recommendations of the
Reed Committee and reorganized
the OSA into offices of financial
aid, student activities and organi-
zations, and housing.
In the fall of 1962 Cutler was
named chairman of the Senate's
Student Relations Committee and
helped Lewis implement the new
OSA structure.
mained essentially the same since
the 1962 shakeup. Serving under
Cutler will be Walter B. Rea, di-
rector of financial aids, J.ohn
Bingley, director of student activi-
ties and organizations and Eu-
gene Haun, housing director.
The OSA is also responsible for
the International Center, current-
ly under criticism for its unimag-
inative program for foreign stu-
dents, Health Service, the Bureau
of School Services and the Bu-
reau of Appointments.
In addition to his work in the
psychology department, Cutler
has done extensive research in
the field of mental health.
Cir_ ea dvnamir.individua

selection methods and the actual
wording of its membership clause.
The deadline for submitting
statements came yesterday with
about 20 statements still unfiled.
Membership committee chairman
William Burns, '65, said some
statements were not filed because
of oversights. Some statements al-
ready submitted are incomplete,
Burns said.
Some affiliates which have not
filed may be experiencing difficul-
ty with their national chapters
over disclosure of membership cri-
If some groups fail to submit
their membership statements
after a reminder by the commi t-
tee, the committee will probably
turn the case over to SGC's Mem-
bership Tribunal for judiciary
action, Burns said earlier this
SGC could ultimately 'withdraw
recognition from these affiliates,
if it decides to do so. Withdrawal
of recognition would demand
much courage from the recently
inactive Council.
* * *
ation and reactivation of the Uni-
versity's chapter of Acacia fra-
ternity manifests both tragic and
comic overtones.
Former Acacia President Bruce
Larson, '65, (he's now been de-
moted to the status of alumnus)
called the national organization
for help. During fall rush they
sent a field advisor here who
realized Acacia wasn't going to
get any pledges.
So the field secretary called in
a "rush specialist" who grabbed
some guys and conducted inior-
mal rush with them. But this

by today, The national orgasniza-
tion generously supplied them
with a list of available housing in
Ann Arbor.
The tragedy here is that some
members had to be sacrificed for
the sake of appearance to keep
the University chapter. The
Acacia case seriously questions
again the existence of local af-
filiate autonomy.
ACCORDING TO figures re-
leased Friday by Director of Hous-
ing Eugene Haun, 116 students
are currently overcrowding the
University's dormitory system.
An unexpectedly large enroll-
ment this fall forced over 450
extra persons into the residence
halls. The relief for many of them
came from several sources: Some
students quit school; some pledges
moved into fraternity houses;
some junior women were given
apartment permission. These last
two groups, however, were re-
quired to pay a $50 fee for break-
ing their dorm contracts with the
Significantly, dormitory crowd-
ing will be even worse next year.
More students are expected -
about 1800 of them. But no new
housing facilities will be built.
Housing officials may be forced
into granting all junior women
apartment permissions simply to
alleviate further crowding next fall.
* * *
WITH A NEW cooperative a
state-wide educational effort, the
state's 10 tax-supported institu-
tions are working together to
submit a total state education
budget to the state Legislature
next fall. This year's requests
have already been submitted and


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