Dorm Improvement Souh.t
Across Campus
As an experiment in improving
the dormitory living experience,
the University has grouped to-
gether, in three residence hall
houses, a number of students tak-
ing many of the same courses.
This pilot project, initiated
three years ago, involves Greene
and Hinsdale Houses in East
Quadrangle, and Little House in
Mary Markley.
Four Differences
George Smith, present head of
the project, cites four ways it
differs from regular dormitory
1) Scheduling arrangements
have been made so that students
living in these houses are takingt
many courses together. "The
classroom is brought into the
dormitory and the close relation-e
ships developed in the dorm help PROF. THEODORE NEWCOMB
to create a stimulating classroom P
situation." the students which results inc
2) The resident advisors in closer student - teacher relation-
Greene and Hinsdale Houses are'ships.
resident fellows rather than floor
counselos.Asresident fellow r 4) The students are encouraged
counselors. As resident fellows, to plan projects. Hinsdale House,x
they can help the students through for instance, planned playreading
informal teaching and discussions. sessions and invited the othert
3) The teaching fellows in the houses to participate. Little and
pilot project courses may come to Greene houses are planning after-E
the dorm at any time to eat with dinner discussion groups and lec-
tures. Members of all three houses
Te u shave taken a tour to the Phoenixt
SGC R equests Project, the University's atomict
reactor on North Campus.
Exam Break The pilot project has, however,{
been subjected to some criticism
by students who have participatedt
Student Government Council in it. In a recent letter to the
at its meeting Wednesdayteight, editor of The Daily, Jacquelyn F.t
passed a motion presented by Wagner, '66, and Susan K. Gra-
Eugene Won, '66, which requests I ham, '66, who lived in Little House
that a three-day study period prior during the project's first year, ex-
to the weekend before final exam- pressed their discontent with ex-
inations be included in the Uni- treme competition among the stu-
versity's calendar beginning next dents for grades.a
year. h t Coc assed They said this competition was
thr e tr acion , Rachel Amado intensified precisely because stu-
'67, which provide that-: dents were in many of the same
'6?,whic proide hat:courses together.
-SGC co-sponsor and support
the Nov. 7 bucket drive to be con- Some Discontent
ducted by the Confederated Civil Smith agrees that when the pro-
Rights Drive of Ann Arbor for ject was initiated in each of the
the purpose of raising funds to three houses, there was some ex-
support registration in Mis- pressed discontent with it. Since
sissippi; then, however, he observes, im-
--SGC establish regularly sched- provements have been made.
uled office hours for all Council We had an hypothesis with
members in the SGC offices in the which we experimented. After in-
SAB; and itial work we made some changes
-Alternating Council members based on the results obtained, he
will be responsible for writing a said.
letter to the editor of The Daily Highly favorable response to
once a week, to publicize and ex- the project after its first year in-
plain Council legislation. dicated that the project was suc-
Council also acted upon a mo- ceeding, he adds.
tion by Thomas Smithson, '65, Little House faced two impor-
which provided for the placing of tant problems that first year. The
a representative of the Graduate girls did not know what they were
Student Council upon SGC's Off- getting into, and there was no
Campus Housing Advisory Board. specific academic counselor for
The rationale for this was that the pilot project students, Smith
graduate students have a very says.
strong interest in student-realtor Seek Improvement
relations in the Ann Arbor area. But while there were difficul-
Robert Bodkin, '67E, tagged on ties, attempts have been made to
to Smithson's motion a clause alleviate them, Smith stresses.
which increases the SGC member- Questionnaires which were fill-
ship on the board from one to ed out by last year's project in-
two. The total membership of the I dicate "our attempts have been
board was thus expanded to nine. successful." He notes that the
questionnaires showed 81 per cent
of the girls found the project
'beneficial" or "very beneficial."
The pilot project was originally
suggested by Prof. Theodore M.
Newcomb of the psychology and
sociology departments. The idea
was presented for approval to the
literary college executive commit-
tee. The project presently includes
about 200 students. Thirty class-
room sections have been reserved
for pilot project students this,
Selected at Random
From the students accepted to
the University, a group is selected
at random and invited to partici-
pate in the project. Since the
program is operated on a volun-
tary basis, "only those students
who are interested in the idea and
expects to benefit from it will join
and help in its success," Herbert
C. Sigman, assistant in the fresh-
man and sophomore counselors
office explains.
In selection of courses, students
are encouraged to choose class-
room sections set aside for the
pilot project students, but they
are free to elect what ever courses
they want, Sigman says.
Teachers for pilot project class-
es are selected through communi-
cation with the various academic
departments. Hopefully, o n 1 y
those interested will volunteer to
teach a section, he adds.
Feel Favorable
The instructors in pilot project
courses are also very favorable
towards the program, Sigman
says. They feel it is much easier
to have a. class discussion among
students who already know each
The students are more enthusi-
astic and the teachers report no
greater absences or other disci-
plinary problems than with non-
pilot project students, he explains.
An ad hoc committee from the
literary college runs the project.
Chaired by Newcomb, it includes
Eugene Haun, director of Univer-
sity residence halls, and Profs.
Harlan Lane of the psychology de-
partment, Lawrence Slobodkin of
the zoology department, Arlen
Brown of the mathematics depart-
ment, Stuart Zellini, director of
East Quad, and James Doremus,
director of Markley.
Other schools, such as Yale and
Michigan State University, also
have some type of pilot project.
Their students take a common
curriculum, but under a much
more controlled a type of program
than the one offered here, Sigman
Final Payment
Of Tuition Due
The final payment of tuition for
the fall semester is due today.
The penalty for late payment
will be a $10 fee and the with-
holding of credits and transcript
until the payment is made.
The tuition payment should be
made in person at the Cashier's
Office, SAB.
THE NEW VICE-PRESIDENT FOR STUDENT AFFAIRS Richard Cutler is a popular speaker on
campus known for his animated humor. He is shown here explaining "Childhood: Worlds To Dis-
cover" on a television program produced by the University.
Cutler Named Student Affairs V-P
5 p.m.-Cars will leave the Bap-
tist Campus Center for a retreat,
"The Image of Man in Contem-
porary Theology." at Drake House
near Walled Lake and will return
by 8 p.m. on Saturday. A $5 con-1
tribution is asked. For further
information call Paul Light at
7 and 9 p.m,-Cinema Guild
p r e s e n t s Somerset Maugham's
"Rain" in the Architecture Aud.
8 p.m.-The PTP presents the
APA in George Bernard Shaw's
"Man and Superman" in Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre.
8:30 p.m.-About 6 fraternities
and 6 supporting sororities will
perform in the Inter-Fraternity
Council Sing at Hill Aud. First,
second and third prizes will be
9 p.m.-A Young Citizens for
Johnson rally which was scheduled
to be held last night will be held
this evening. In addition to Josh
White and Eric Godman, special
assistant to President Lyndon B.
Johnson, Congressman-at-large,
Neil Staebler will be featured. The
rally will be held in the Ann Arbor
Herman, French
Professor, Dies
Prof. Abraham Herman of the
romance languages department
died at St. Joseph Mercy Hospital,
here, last Friday, after a short{
Herman had been a member of
the French department and since
1921 with short interruptions to
live abroad. He was an instructor
from 1921 to 1945, an assistant
professor from 1945 to 1950 and
an academic counsellor from 1937
to 1950.
In 1950, Herman resigned to
live in France until 1957 when he
returned to the University as part-
time lecturer in French. He served
High School Aud. with no admis-
sions charge. Refunds for tickets
to last nights rally will be avail-
able next week in Rm. 2539, SAB.
5 and 9 p.m.-The PTP will
present the APA in George Ber-
nard Shaw's "Man and Superman"
in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
7 and 9 p.m. - Cinema Guild
presents Michelangelo Antonioni's
"L'avventura" in Architecture
U.S. Corps To
Stop Poverty
Starts Slowly
By Collegiate Press Service
VISTA, a domestic version of
the Peace Corps, is not being de-
luged with applications as its pro-
totype was when it was formed
three years ago.
Now in its second month of
operation, VISTA has received
more than 3,000 letters of inquiry
and 745 preliminary applications.
The Peace Corps by the end of
its second month had received
20,000 letters of inquiry and 6,000
Of VISTA's 745 preliminary ap-
plicants, only 470 have been}found
eligible to fill out a :second ques-
tionnaire. Of these 470 eligible ap-
plicants, only 75 are students, but
nearly one-third are over 46 years
'of age.
The timing and manner of
President Kennedy's creation of
the Peace Corps in 1961 may ex-
plain the greater initial response
it received.
Unlike VISTA, which is a part
of the Economic Opportunity Act
of 1964, the Peace Corps was not
put in a larger legislative package.
There was, therefore, a good deal
of attention and publicity focused
directly on the Peace Corps in its
(Continued from Page 1)
adopted it. By the fall of 1962 the
OSA was without a dean of men
or a dean of women. Instead, cut-
ting across sexual lines were di-
rectors of financial aids, student
activities and organizations, and
Cutler became chairman of the
SRC in the fall of 1962. During
his term, Cutler represented the
interests of the faculty in con-
sulting with the vice-president
when Lewis was first implement-
ing the new OSA structure and
Cutler is currently in his elev-
enth year on the University fac-
ulty. He taught at the University
of California, Berkeley, before
coming to Ann Arbor as assistant
professor of psychology in 1954.
He was promoted to associate pro-
fessor in 1958 and to full professor,
this year.
Also a Lecturer ,
teaching in developmental psy-
chology and personality theory
and socio-cultural change.
Cutler has been active in local
politics. He ran unsuccessful on
the Democratic ticket for the state
senate seat from Ann Arbor in
1960. Subsequently he was ap-
pointed as a member of the state
mental health commission by Gov.
John B. Swainson. He served
through 1962.
He has also been a frequent
consultant to industry and other
Serving directly under Cutler
when he assumes his duties will
be three directors covering schol-
arships and loans, student organi-
zations and activities, and hous-
ing. The domain of the OSA vice-
president has remained essentially
unaitered since the 1962 structural
revisions along functional lines.
The director of financial aids,
Walter B. Rea, oversees studies in
the administration of student aid
the directors and their assistants,
Cutler will also have authority
over the International Center,
Health Service, the Bureau of
School Services, and the Bureau
of Appointments.
These units serve more special-
ized types of student needs than
do the directorships. The scholar-
ship and loans department is
availableto any student needing
financial aid, while the Interna-
tional Center serves mainly for-
eign students, although any stu-
dent is welcome there.
Health Service
Health Service handles any stu-
dent suffering from an illness that
does not require major surgery.
The Bureau of Schools Services
offers community relations and
publications programs to elemen-
tary, secondary and private schools
in Michigan. The Bureau of Ap-
pointments serves students who
are looking for jobs by funneling
and filling job requests from other
In addition to his work in the and supervises the OSA functions schools and businesses. in that capacity until his death. I early days.
psychology department, he has of distributing scholarships and
been a lecturer in the education loans on the basis of need. r
school. In the field of research, he . Oversees Student Activities
has been a principal investigator Director of student activities . Sadie Thompson Vamps Reverend Lost Times Tonight
for the National Institute of Men- and organizations John Bingley /
tal Health under a series of grants oversees the activities of the stu-
since 1958 and held a similar post dent groups at the University. Di- u
with the U.S. Office of Education, rector of Housing Eugene Haun :
1961-64. has direct supervision over all /
Among his major research in- matters affecting University resi- 6 8
terests have been the general area dence halls.
of mental health, University Besides the duties handled by For Program Information
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The Daily Official Bulletin isa
official publication of The Unive
sity of Michigan, for which TI
Michigan Daily assumes no edito
ial responsibility. Notices shouldb
sent In TYPEWRITTEN formt
Room 3564 Administration Bldg. b
fore 2 p.m. of the day precedil
publication, and by 2 p.m. Frida
for Saturday and Sunday. Gener
Notices may be published a max
mum of two times on Request; Da
Calendar items appear once onl
Student organization notices are n
accepted for publication.
Day Caendar
Bureau of Industrial RelationsF
sennel Techniques Seminar - Ro
Guest, Professor of Business Admi
tration, Dartmouth College, "The Mi
agement of Change": Michigan Un
8:00 a.m.
School of Public Health Confere
on Coordinated Home Care-3042 Sc
of Public Health, 9:00 a.m.
Cinema Guild-Somerset Maugha
"Rain": Architecture Auditorium,5
and 9:00 p.m.
Professional Theatre Program-.
Repertory Company in George Bern
Shaw's Man and Superman: Men
ssohn Theater, 8:00 p.m.
On Friday, October 30, at 7:00 at
International Center, there will b
party with the opportunity of mee
the Chinese students on the campu
an Doctoral Examination for Richard If fees are not paid by this date:
r- Leo Eiseman, Mathematics; thesis; "On 1) A $10.00 delinquent penalty will be
he Solutions of Alliance Games," Friday, charged.
r- October 30, 2225 Angell Hall, at 1:00 2) A "Hold Credit" will be placed
be p.m. Chairman, R. M. Thrall. against you. This means that until pay-
to ment is received and "Hold Credit" is
e- Doctoral Examination for Andreas cancelled:
ng Kare Hellum, Forestry; thesis: "Factors (1) Grades will not be mailed.
a Influencing Frond Size of Brackex on (2) Transcripts will not be furnished.
al Sandy Soils in Northern Lower Michi- (3) You may not register for future
I gan," Friday, October 30, 1032 Natural semesters.
ay Resources Bldg., at 1:30 p.m. Chairman, (4) A Senior may not graduate with
ly. Robert Zahner. his class at the close of the current
ot _semester.
Astronomical Colloquium. Friday, 3) The Dean of your school or college
October 30, 4:00 p.m., Room $07, will be given a list of delinquent ac-
Physics-Astronomy Building. Dr. Wil- counts.
61 3 E. William St.
v5 ,
ed.-Thurs. Fri.-Sat.
1.50-1.00 - $1.75-1.2
ie a
liam P. Bidelman, Department of As-
tronomy, will speak on "Recent Work
on the Spectra of the Peculiar A Stars."
Final Payment of Fall Semester Fees
is due and payable on or beforx Oct. 30,
DIAL 662-6264
SHOWS AT 1-3-5-7 & 9:05
Payments may be mace in person. oy
mailed to the Cashier's Office. 1015 Ad-
ministration Bldg., before 4:30 p.m., Oct
30, 1964.
Mail Payments postmarked after due
'Continued on Page 3)
LI il'
DIAL 8-6416
One of the Most Enchanting
Films of All Time!
by George Bernard Shaw
Directed by Stephen Porter
Joseph Bird
a'1 .4 Ronald Bishop
Clayton Corzatts
Paddy Craft
Keene Curtis
Gordon Gould
Jennifer Harmon
Rosemary Harris
Nancy Marchand
Donald Moffat
Paul Sparer
Ellis Rabb
Joanna Roos
Richard Woods
A Delightful, Witty
Battle of the Sexes.
r~w I"Great"
AADnkl flACh!IDflrf.. ._ -
I. /T -1. in* -