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October 28, 1964 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1964-10-28

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' Adiligau Bal
Seventy-Fifth Year

Each Time I Chanced To See Franklin D.
Higher Education: Tradition Out of Focus
by H. Neil Berkson

Wh" OpinionPrcva~m420 MAYNARD 5?., ANN ARBOR, MicH.

NEWS PHONE: 764-0552

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

End the Ostrich Approach
To High-Rise Housing

AS THE PERCENTAGE of American college graduates
begins to move from elite proportions toward 50 per
cent of the population, universities will take on more and
more of the attributes of such social institutions as the
church and state. The ramifications of such an event
are multifold, but above all, the university will become
increasingly embedded in the crust of its traditions.
Practices and concepts which originated when the uni-
versity was a far different institution will keep their
momentum, sacrificing the realities and exigencies of
the present to the false security of the past.
THE MOST immediate parallel to this situation lies
in American politics. Dismissing the Goldwater move-
ment, which calls on a past that never was to produce
a future that never could be, even the so-called prag-
matic politics of the center deals in cliches and slogans
from another era.
In that same era, and before, the university was an
institution for the intellectual elite. Both intellectual,
and elite are important words, for while they are the
anchors of higher education, they are no longer definitive.

The minute proportion of a population which used to
receive a university education was very much apart
from society. The university functioned in an idealistic
atmosphere. Philosophy reigned; every subject from the
sciences to the arts was studied in a philosophical con-
text. Liberal education defied the concept of breadth
and depth: the Renaissance Man.
BY MAKING education at lower levels possible for
virtually everyone, the United States created the founda-
tion for the influx of numbers into the colleges and uni-
versities, a phenomenon which has been picking up speed
for a generation.
This trend has thoroughly destroyed the foundations
of the elite. While it is perfectly possible that the "com-
munity of scholars" might have broadened to accommo-
date the new numbers, this has not happened in fact.
Only a very small percentage of the University's 29,000
students is faithful to the tradition of liberal education.
In short, there is now an elite within the elite. A large
majority of students are here simply because higher edu-
cation has become a prerequisite for middle-class life.
At the same time, knowledge has accumulated at such

a fantastic rate that most men have forsaken any com-
prehensive grasp of its boundaries. This has led to a
rigid compartimentalization. The specialist dominates
while links between fields continually grow weaker. A
new field begins by crossing departmental- lines; it ends
by becoming an entity in and of itself.
I AM TALKING about two separate groups of people,
both divorced from the traditions of university educa-
tion. The first is anti-intellectual. Its followers move
automatically from high school to college to $200,000
more per lifetime. The second is a-intellectual. Its fol-
lowers are scholarly, but they have lost touch with the
philosophical base of education and consequently have
narrow concerns.
The University bemoans the lack of values of its stu-
dents, but it shouldn't be surprised. The so-called com-
munity is so fragmented that there are few shared
values. In theory, the University remains true to the
historical principles of education; in practice, it cannot
communicate these principles. Education is a status
symbol or a vocation; it is no longer the means to a
better society.

group of businessmen known as the
Ann Arbor Property-Owners Association
succeeded in pressuring the city's De-
partment of Building and Engineering
Safety into temporarily suspending the
building permit for South University's
controversial apartment building. In do-
ing so they have unearthed several needs
and undercurrents in the city and Uni-
versity communities.
First, it must be realized that tempor-
ary suspension of this building permit
cannot affect the eventual construction
of the building. Robert E. Weaver, Ann
Arbor co-owner of the building project,
has explained that present work is con-
tinuing under a "foundations permit."
When this permit will be insufficient for
continued construction it is difficult to
say; it seems reasonable to assume, how-
ever, that it will be at least several weeks
before the work requires a full building
And will Weaver or Towne Realty,
Weaver's partner in the enterprise, be
inactive in those several weeks? Hardly.
It will be only a matter of days before the
Weaver-Towne Realty deferment is ap-
is merely a technicality, it will be only
a short time until his building permit is
reinstated. If, on the other hand, some-
thing involving modification of the build-
ing is involved, it may be a matter of tsev-
eral weeks before the permit is rein-
stated. The important thing is that even-
tually the permit will indeed be rein-
stated. Weaver and Towne Realty will
not fill up their South 'U' hole and go
away as some Ann Arbor merchants ap-
parently would like to believe.
Certainly the Property-Owners Associa-
tion, businessmen all, must realize this.
The question then changes from one of
whether or not POA will be able to stop
the building to one of what POA could
possibly have hoped to gain from their
action; why was this step, which at the
very most will merely inconvenience Wea-
ver and his associates, taken in the first
Consideration of this question indicates
that the deferment action is merely the
hasty, ill-considered action of some Ann
Arbor businessmen-citizens who wanted
to "do something about the apartment
building."And these people are not lim-
ited to the POA.
THE FEELING that "something should
be done" is as old as the city's and the
University's knowledge that such a build-
ing was going to be built. Ann Arbor
businessmen, at first enthusiastic about
the influx of new trade, rapidly cooled
to the project when they realized that
the introduction of out-of-town money
into Ann Arbor, is concommitant with
the introduction of out-of-town competi-
tion-competition that could provide
services for less than the exorbitant rates
which many of the city merchants cur-
rently charge. Competition equals loss
of customers equals loss of money equals
something to be resisted.
Managing Editor Editorial Director
ANN GWIRTZMAN .............. Personnel Director
BILL BULLARD ..................... sports Editor
MICHAEL SATTINGER .... Associate Managing Editor
JOHN KENNY ............. Assistant Managing Editor

DEBORAH BEATTIE ...... Associate Editorial Director
LOUISE LIND ........ Assistant Editorial Director in
Charge of the Magazine
TOM ROWLAND ........... Associate Sports Editor
GARY WYNER ............... Associate Sports Editor
STEVEN HALLER .............Contributing Editor
MARY LOU BUTCHER .....Contributing Editor
CHARLES TOWLE ........ Contributing Sports Editor
NIGHT EDITORS: David Block, John Bryant, Jeffrey
Goodman, Robert Hippler, Laurence Kirshbaum.
ert Johnston, John Meredith, Leonard Pratt, Bar-
bara Seyfried, Karen Weinhouse.
Business Staff
JONATHON R. WHITE, Business Manager
JAY GAMPFL .......... Associate Business Manager
SYDNEY PAUKER............. Advertising Manager
JUDITH GOLDSTEIN ............. Finance Manager
BARBARA JOHNSTON ............ Personnel Manager
RUTH SCHEMNITZ ..............Systems Manager
JUNIOR MANAGERS: Bonnie Cowan, Susan Craw-
ford, Joyce Feinber, Judith Fields, Judith. Grohne,
Judith Popovits, Patricia Termini, Cy Welman.

Even unofficial assurances that the
new building's prices would be compar-
able to local prices could not allay com-
munity fears that even if Towne Realty
didn't undersell local prices, letting
Towne Realty in would open the way for
other out-of-town businessmen.
The University had no official com-
plaint, but there were rumblings of dis-
content from individuals. The fears ex-
pressed were endless in their variety and
imaginativeness: the .building would ruin
the campus skyline; it would disrupt cam-
pus expansion plans; there would be in-
sufficient parking-even if tenants could
park their cars they would have no room
to drive them; there aren't enough res-
taurants on South 'U' to feed 800 people.
BUT GRADUALLY talk has subsided.
Whether the University community
has resigned itself to the building, become
convinced that its fears were groundless
or has simply grown tired of talking with
no one listening, is impossible to say.
But through all objections, the build-
ing has continued, and will continue, to
rise. Perhaps it should not have been so,
perhaps it would have been better if the
project had been zoned out of existence
when it first originated; right now it is
impossible to say.
The final responsibility must be shared
by both the University and the city.
Both were caught entirely unaware by
the building; neither was prepared to
deal with the problem in a unified co-
herent manner. Hence the community was
treated to the confused diversity of un-
informed, individual opinions which rose
against the project.
FUTURE STUDY of the problem does
not require any new committee or of-
fices. But what the city's Department of
Building and Engineering Safety, city
councilmen and the University's housing
office must realize is that this building
easily may not be the last of high-risej
student apartments in Ann Arbor. If
it is successful, and it may well be, the
University's rising enrollment cannot help
but attract more apartment investments
of this type.
And what should these investors find
when they arrive here? Should they find
a city that is not even sure they exist?
Should they find a University which, co-
operative as it is, pretends that the hous-
ing of almost a thousand of its students
is of no interest to it and, moreover, that
it has no means of controlling that hous-
ing? Should they find a business com-
munity which,uncertain of whether or
not it favors such investment, throws ar-
bitrary and useless blocks into the path
of reasonable and honest investors?
should find a city government which
is informed about the problems which
they will have and which they will create.
Investors should find a University which
has enough faith in its housing office to
let that office act as policy spokesman in
the area of high-rise housing. With the
South 'U' building as a prototype, enough
experience can be gained to permit the
formulation of a realistic and unified
University policy on high-rise housing.
Out-of-town businessment should find
a chamber of commerce, representative
of the city's business community, and able
to present a factual picture of what can
be expected in the way of aid and resist-
ance in Ann Arbor. The business com-
munity cannot be expected to provide a
unified front to large investment proj-

ects; but it does not seem unreasonable
to expect that community to have enough
faith in its chamber of commerce to en-
trust to it the job of providing out-of-
town businessmen with- the most com-
plete information possible.
AT LEAST ONE high-rise apartment is
in Ann Arbor to stay; more can easily
follow. If they do, the problems associat-
ed with their construction and operation
will be eased only if the groups connected
with housing take a realistic, helpful
approach to their construction.
For it is conceivable that everyone con-
nected with high-rise apartments could
profit from them. The city will gain



Efforts To Sing Ballad
.Form Fail at Preent
OF ALL THE FORMS of folk music the hardest to sing is the ballad
form. Ironically, this is precisely because the ballad must be
sung in a clear, spare, absolutely simple style. Its power comes from
its understatement. An example of the difficulties of ballad-singing
can be seen in the performance of Murv Shiner, currently singing at
Ann Arbor's lone coffee-house, the Golden Vanity.
Shiner, after 15 years in "show business' and country-western
singing, sounds affected rather than expressive. He relies on singing
and playing techniques rather than the emotional content of the
songs. He has a very pleasant gruff middle-range voice, well-controlled,
capable of much . variety. His guitar playing also is quite good,
especially for up-tempo blues and work-songs.
Despite his skill, he has a manufactured cheerfulness, mild in-
sincerity and pleasant commetcialism. This is quite unfortunate, since
Shiner doesn't feel that way about the music at all.
* * * *
"I'M TRYING to work toward the ballad style," he says; and
he's having trouble getting ther. He is best at songs like Libba
Cotten's "This Life I'm Living," in which the witty disinterest of
Shiner's solidified style and the wry dispassion of the blues happily
Another type of song that fits Shiner's witty, urbane, not-too-
deep style is the naughty neo-folk song "Zulayka."
When he moves into ballads, he still has some success. Songs
like "Paddy Works on the Railway" and "Springhill" will carry
themselves without any help from the singer, as long as he keeps
himself in the background.
BUT SHINER still can't get down to the lean, intense steel-edged
simplicity of voice needed to support more subtle ballads, "Cotton-
Eyed Joe," although it's sung without accompaniment, instead of
sounding tender and sad sounds merely pleasant and not very throught-
provoking. The eerie balancing of beauty and horror in "Red Were
the Flowers" hardly gets through at all (even though Shiner particu-
larly likes the song) thanks to the soft-toned style +which suggests
that Shiner is singing it less out of concern for the threat of war
or the beauty of the song than because it's fashionable to sing
Protest Songs.
The general effect is about that of a good commercial folk
singer; easy to listen to, not too stirring or deep, a pleasant introduc-
tion for newcomers to folk music-ideal for a fraternity-party hoot-
enanny. Murv Shiner seems to be trying for more than this. He
should stick to blues and work-songs until he's managed to reach,
the bare, simple style of the ballad form. He may yet make it.
-Leslie Fish


HAK6~E. Nt40\PAPJ4S 4O RC -

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Republican Attacks Account of Governorship Debate

To the Editor:
MR. GUDWIN'S description of
the debate between myself and
Mr. Killingsworth was totally er-
roneous and slanted. To illustrate
a few points:
I never alleged the nuisance
taxes were passed under the Rom-
ney administration. What I did
say was that they were passed by
a Republican Legislature prior to
the Romney administration. I
noted that the taxes would not
have brought in the revenue if it
were not for the money people had
to spend on the items taxed. Un-
der the Romney administration,
Michigan is leading the states in
the nation in rate of growth of
personal income, the dollars
people put into their pocket,
whereas under Democratic admin-
istrations in the '50's Michigan was
I did not say that the surplus
would "be used up in a couple of
years." What I did say was that
it would all be allocated by next
year for essential services and
Contrary to Mr. Gudwin's as-
sertion, reapportionment was not
a major topic. Furthermore, Mr.
Killingsworth himself said that
the apportionment plan under the
new state constitution was de-
signed by Mr. Hannah of Michigan
State, not Governor Romney.
* * *
AS FOR education, my "claim"
that the Romney administration
has provided more funds than the
previous Democratic administra-
tions, both in absolute dollars and
in per cent of the state aid, is a
fact not a claim.
What Mr. Gudwin failed to note.
and which is far more significant,
is that opposite Mr. Killings-

gram, increasing state aid to local
schools so as to reverse the decline
that had been occurring under
the Democratic administrations,
increasing state funds to com-
munity colleges to 4 million dol-
lars-triple the amount of two
years ago, strengthening local
special education programs for
mentally and physically handi-
capped by 21/2 million dollars in
state funds, and many others.
AS FOR economic growth, Mr.
Killingsworth passed over the
question by asserting that the
growth in this state is due to
"national growth and increased
productivity in the auto industry."
I pointed out that in the 1950's
Michigan did not keep pace with
the national economy and in fact
its economic growth was 47th in
the country where under the
Romney administration it is num-
ber one. Furthermore until the
Romney administration, the auto
companies were moving out of
Michigan; in the two years under
t h e R o m n e y administration,
though less than half the facilities
are here, more than half of the
domestic economic expansion of
the auto companies has been in
Finally Mr. Gudwin could have
noted for each alleged failure I
pointed out 10 or more new crea-
tive programs implemented and
planned under the leadership of
Governor Romney.
-Alan M. Sager, '65L
Students for Romney
So Does Democrat
To the Editor:

2) Reapportionment. Sager had
absolutely no reply when I point-
ed out that many Democrats had
warned Romney on numerous oc-
casions that his apportionment
plans were unconstitutional. They
were later declared unconstitution-
al (which, obviously, Sager agreed
with). This did not appear in the
account of the debate.
3) Tax reform. Sager made ab-
solutely no attempt to dispute my
statement that Romney and only
Romney was responsible for the
defeat of his own tax program in
his Republican-dominated Legis-
lature. This whole issue was elim-
inated completely from the Daily's
4) Leadership. I attacked Rom-
ney for failing to pass his open-
occupancy bill and said that he
traded an effective FEPC for a
largely inoperative Civil Rights
Commission whose budget was cut
$100,000 by Romney's Republican
"team" in the Legislature. Mr.
Sager could only say that the
commission had helped prevent
riots and disorder. A listener ask-
ed him to indicate how (through
meetings, programs, etc) it had
done this. Mr. Sager "could not
remember" a single example. This
"lapse of memory" was not re-
tacked Romney for presenting an
aid to dependent children bill
which state and federal officers
had previously told Romney was
not up to federal standards. Sager
charged the federal ADC laws
were "changed after the governor's
plan was submitted," a charge
Romney made - though these
warnings occurred before Rom-
ney's bill was submitted for ap-

Poor Sports
To the Editor:
Michigan Daily appeared an
editorial entitled "Poor Sports,"
by C. Towle, who claimed that the
football roster distributed by the
UniversityChapter Citizens for
Johnson-Humphrey "revealed all
the gory details of the Jenkins
He further charged that the
spectators were "continually pest-
ered" by the people distributing
the lineup.
These are rather serious charges,
both of which are without founda-
tion. The "lineups" were free to
any who wished them; no one was
in any way coerced or "pestered."
* * *
BUT more importantly, it seems
clear to us that Mr. Towle did not
even bother to read what he de-
scribed as the "seamier side" of
the Presidential race. In reality,
the roster presented no details,
gory or otherwise, of the Jenkins
case. Rather the article was an
editorial written by Robert Spi-
vack of the New York Herald
Tribune (Oct. 18, 1964). In it Mr.
Spivack described the "mean and
senselessly vicious attacks on Mr.
Jenkins and President Johnson.
It was a plea for an end to "dirty
If, indeed, Mr. Towle did not
read the article, then he is guilty
of the worst form of journalistic
-Arthur J. Vander
Asst. Prof. of Physiology
-Richard Malvin
Associate Prof. of Physiology

sure my own memory is accurate.
occurs insthe statement of Ti-
lich's first criterion' of ethical,
decision: "the ultimate norm or
principle is the quality of love
which I prefer to call agape or
Eros." At no time did Tillich 'use
these two Greek equivalents of
"love" as synonyms. He was me-
ticulous about using "agape" to
designate his ultimate norm, ex-
plaining that in intellectual dis-
courses he preferred to express
the various meanings of "love" by
more explicit terms, such as
"agape," "eros," and "friendship."
The statement that "love with-
out justice is like a body without
warmth" should read "without
The sentence "Tillich defined a
singularistic ethical system as one
in which all was accepted with-
out question" is too 'vague, though
partly clarified by the context.
The point was that in a singularis-
tic society there is a body of moral
laws. and traditions, the validity
of which is not questioned. Where-
as, in a pluralistic society, the
universal ethical problem of apply-
ing abstract moral standards to
continually changing concrete sit-
uations is compounded by the
fact that there are competing' sets
of standards, none' of which is
acknowledged as valid by the en-
tire society.
* * *,
one: instead of "Stay in your own
tradition and go into its. steps,"
what I heard was "its depths,"
which seems to me more meaning-
Finally, may I take the liberty
of pointing out a small recurrent
problem in Tillich's own text
which may havenuzzler1 nm

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