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October 25, 1964 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1964-10-25

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ARTS and LETTERS By Jeffrey K. Chase
Piano Intrigues Its Owner

Discovering an old piano Von-
structed by the English firm of
Broadwood is just as exciting as
finding a Stradivarius violin in
somebody's attic. And just as un-
usual, too.
Barbara Holmquest, Ann Arbor
concert pianist, enjoys talking
about her recently discovered
Broadwood and its ramifications
on the performance of the late
seventeenth and early eighteenth
century piano music-especially
that of Beethoven.
"To make this particular Broad- ;
wood even more interesting," Miss
Holmquest said, "we know that
Beethoven was given a piano sim-
ilar to it in 1816. The serial num-
ber of Beethoven's instrument, is
7362 and that of my piano is!
7023." (About 300 Broadwoods
were made per year.)
While looking for furniture for!.
his cottage two years ago, Juillard :0
School of Music librarian Bennet hh
Ludden found this piano in bits
and pieces in a Long Island, New
York antique shop. He didn't real- MISS BARBARA HOLMQUEST
ige the significance of what he is the owner of a Broadwood pi
had found until he saw the name- The piano was found in a Long
plate: "John Broadwood & Sons, T
Makers to His Majesty & the pieces. The question now is ho
Princesses." This latter phrase the United States.
definitely dates the piano in the'
reign of George III, Miss Holm- er of antique keyboard instru-
questsaid.ments, to return as closely as pos-
quest said. sible to its original condition, she
"The piano was probably made explained.
for a very wealthy client." Shee
pointed, "Look at the fine carv- Fortunately, some of the orig-
ing on the graceful legs and the inal hammers, dampers and strings
ornate brass trim. Beethoven's remained. Using these as models,
piano was far from being this Ripin constructed facsimiles, Miss
highly decorated." Holmquest said.
After Ludden purchased the pi- "Ripin's only major moderni-
ano-for $10-he gave it to Ed- zation," she continued, "was to
win M. Ripin, a New York restor- put more felt on the dampers, sc,

Name New Students
For Steering Group
By SHIRLEY ROSICK As the steering committee evolv-
ed, its members gradually came to
Four students have been named be those students who attended the
to fill vacancies on the literary faculty-student conferences rather
college steering committee, Chair- than the leaders of student or-
man Edward Mehler, '65, reported ganizations on the first commit-
recently. The new members are: tees, Robertson said.
Nancy Heiber, '66, Robert Golden'
'67, Suzanne Naiburg, '67, and He °pointed to the wrork of the
Ju7 SuzannelieHa''65., steering committee of some years
Mehler said that the students ago as being largely responsible for
were chosen after they submitted the adoption of the University's
petitions and were interviewed by Lst yeas study progmam.
old steering committee members. Last year, the steering commit-
He described the function of the tee set up student counselling
steering committee as "discussing seminars to supplement the regu-
problems of an academic nature lar academic counselling program.
affecting the literary college, with The present steering committee
the hope of giving recommenda- is now in the process of investigat-!
tions through the proper channels ing distribution requirements.
such as the faculty curriculum-
committee and Dean James H. 1 e u a
Robertson of the literary college." L[rdCebr Cris-s
Varied Memberships

The Week To Come: A Campus Calendar


SUNDAY, OCT. 25 tories will speak on "The Chal-: Zimmerman of the political science
2:30 p.m.-The First Chamber lenges of Special Librarianship" in department.
. the Multipurpose Rm. of the UGLI. 8 p.m.-The PTP will present
Dance Quartet will perform in 3:30 p.m.-George T. Scanlan the APA in George Bernard Shaw's
senior fellow of the American "Man and Superman" in Lydia
3 and 8 p.m.-The PTP presents Research Center in Egypt, will Mendelssohn Theatre.
the APA in "Judith" at Lydia speak on the excavations at Fustat, 8:30 p.m.-Nelson Hauenstein,
Mendelssohn Theatre. an Islamic medieval capital, in flutist, and Benning Dexter, pian-
7 and 9 p.m.-Cinema Guild pre- Architecture Aud. ist, will perform in a music school
sents "The Crucible" in the Arch- 4:10 p.m.-Paul van Buren, pro- Dedication Series Faculty Concert
itecture Aud. fessor of theology at Temple Uni- in Rackham Lecture Hall.
8 p.m.-The Lubeck Choir will versity, will speak on "The Chal- FRIDAY, OCT. 30
present a concert in Aud. A, An- lenge of Contemporary to Tra- 7 and 9 p.m.-Cinema Guild
gell Hall. di ional Theology: The Challenge p r e s e n t s Somerset Maugham's
of Clarity" in the Multipurpose "Rain" in the Architecture Aud.
MONDAY, OCT. 26 Rm. of the UGLI. 8 p.m.-The PTP presents the
8 p.m.-The PTP will present APA in George Bernard Shaw's
8:30 a.m.-A Bureau of Indus-.-e APA in George Bernard Shaw's
trial Relations Personnel, Tech- the APA in George Bernard Shaw's "Man and Superman" in Lydia
S"Man and Superman" in Mendel- Mendelssohn Theatre.
Pfques Seminar will begin with ssohn Theatre. 8:30 p.m.-About 9 fraternities
Prof. Lee F. Danielson of the bus- 8 p.m.-Paul van Buren, profes- and ten supporting sororities will
ess administration school speak- sor of theology at Temple Univer- perform in the Inter-Fraternity
ing on How To Use Psychologi- sity, will engage in a dialogue with Council Sing at Hill Aud. First,
cal Tests in Selection" in the Fr. John Harden, S. J., of Western second and third prizes will be
Michigan Union. Michigan University on the topic awarded.
9 a.m.-A short course for as- "Recent Developments in Ca holic SATURDAY, OCT. 31
sessing officers will begin in the Theology" at the Newman Center.
Rackham Lobby. 8:30 p.m.-Soieta Corelli will 5 and 9 p.m.-The PT? will




, an Ann Arbor concert pianist,
ano dating back to around 1815,
Island antique shop in bits and
w, why and when did it get to
This permits the tones above mid-
die C to bedamped separately
from those below middle C by us-
ing either half of the pedal only.
Or, by using both halves togeth-
er, the pedal functions like the
tamper pedal on our modern pi-
anos and damps all the tones at
once, she said.
"Knowing that Beethoven wrote
with this device in mind (his
Broadwood had it, too), scholars
are able to solve the performance


- I

Use of This Column for Announce-
ments is available to officially recog-
nized and registered student organi-
zations only. Forms are available inr
Room 1011 SAB.
Canterbury House, Sunday snack, dis-
cussion: "Unitarianism; What Is It?"
Oct. 25 at 7:45 speech by Dr. Gaede,
pastor, Ann Arbor Unitarian Church,
Canterbury House, 218 N. Division.
Gamma Delta, p .m., Supper, 7, speak-
er, Rev. Everard Leske from Australia,
Oct. 25, 1511 Washtenaw.
s . *
Graduate Outing Club, Hike, Oct. 25,
2 p.m., Rackham. Huron St. entrance.
La Sociedad Hispanica, Tertula, Oct.
26, 3-5 p.m., 3050 Frieze Bldg.
* * *


the tone cut-off would be more problems in"ma n reiosl "Cz
effective. Miss Holmquest bought problems in many previously puz-
h zling passages in his keyboard lit-
the piano from Ludden after it erature."
had been restored. Because the Broadwood sound is
"The d a m p i n g mechanism, not as full and resonant as that
which stops a tone from sound- of modern pianos, the inner voices
ing after it has been played, is of music-the' notes between the
still not as efficient as I would top voice, or melody, and the
like it to be; future experimenta- lower voice, or bass line-played
tion will indicate whether there is upon it are individually distinct.
anything more that can be done," "Our greatest problem now,"
she said. Miss Holmquest said, "is to find
One interesting feature of this out how, when, and why this piano
piano is the split damper pedal. came to the United States."
Regents Approve F(

There is no set number of mem- InEducation 4 p.m.-Prof. William R. Sears! perform in a Chamber Arts Seriesnd Shas Man and Superman
bers, but past committees have of Cornell University will speak on Concert in Rackham Aud.
been composed of from nine to 15 "Aligned - Fields Magnetogasdy- THURSDAY, OCT. 29 7 and 9 p.m. -Cinema Guild
students, Mehler said. Any literary AcrossState1 namic Flow; The Story of a Con-T presents Michelangelo Antonioni's
college student, from freshman to troversy" in Rm. 311, West En- 9:30-7:30 a.m.-Paul van Buren, "L'avventura" in Architecture
senior, is eligible for membership. (Continued from Page 1) gineering Bldg. professor of theology at Temple Aud.
Petitioning for the committee{ 4:15 p.m.-Prof. Jesse Gordon University, will be in the Michigan '
takes place each semester. school couldn't match a $200 raise of the social work school and the Union Grill to talk informally
The student president of the offered by the junior college. psychology department will speak with interested students, faculty
literary- college sits as an ex- Department heads say their on "The Deaf Child: Ego Defeat and staff.
officio member on the steering staff deficiencies are intensified and Family Interaction" in the 2:15 p.m.-J. C. R. Licklider of
committee. This year the post is by insufficient facilities for classes Social Work Aud. International Business Machine DIAL 8-6416
held by Jon Davis, '65. and faculty office space. laboratories will speak on "Man
Robertson, who acts as liaison Prof. George Bradley, chairman TUESDAY, OCT. 27 and Computer Interaction" in Rm. "CHEERED
between the steering committee of the physics department at 12 noon-Prof. Robert J. Harris 1057 of the Mental Health Re-
and the various faculty committees Western, characterizes this point of the Law School will speak on search Institute Bldg.
of the college, traced the origins of view. He observes that a phys- "Civil Rights and the Law" at 4 p.m.-Prof. H. F. Schurmann
of the steering committee back to ical science building there, con- the regular luncheon discussion of the University of California at
1949. structed to serve a student body group at the International Cen- Berkley will speak on "How to
Assembled Leaders of 4500, must now handle 13-14,000 ter Survive and Prepare for the Fu-
He said at that time, adminis- students. This does not even take ture: Reflections on Communist
trators, eager to become familiar into account next year's increases. 3,30 p.m.-Jacques Polieri will China Today" in Rm. 200 Lane
with informed student views, as- give a slide lecture on the "The
sembled with a group of campus a r p New Theatre" in the ArchitectureHn, pro- At The CanneS
leaders. Discussion included all cies. He points out basic equip- 'Aud' fessor of theology at Temple Uni-
educational aspects of the literary ment shortages and obsolete class- 7:30 p.m. - Clifton DeBerry, versity, will speak on "The Chal-i F
college-from distribution require- rooms with inadequate lighting presidential candidate of the So- lenge of Contemporary to Tra-
ments to student dishonesty. exist at the institution. cialist Worker's Party, will speak ditional Theology: The Challenge Itusres
on "Goldwater, Johnson and the of Security" in the MultipurposeID
trators were pleased with the re- Even if the staff could be in- Negro" in Rm. 3RS of the Michi- Rm. f the UGLI
ts wr plasedssith the e- creased, the educators show alarm Rtgan Union.
suits of this discussion and decided gnUin at the increasing shortage of 87 .Po.GronLpid-~ p.nm.-Richard C. Jelineck of Its Accolades"'
to establish a permanent student!r g hpm.-Prof. Gordon Lippit, di Hospital Administration of the In- -THE NEW YORK TIMES
advisory committee the following office space to house them. Al- rector of the Center for the Be- dustrial engineering department
year under Roberston, he said. though Ferris State rates in the'havioral Sciences at George Wash- will speak on "Nunring: The De-
One of the major functions of upe i pr scent thation ington University, will speak on pment of an Activity Model in
the early committees was to spon- tGeorge Reitz chairman of the Changing Trends i Organiza Rm. 70, Business Administration
sor conferences at which faculty G tional Development" in the West Bld
d s desofdedis erary phics departmenti notes s de- Conference Rm. of the Rackham 7 and 9 p.m.-Cinema Guild will n 1
demic problems of the literary As a result of overcrowding gen-Bdg 8n aBe sne n t Somerset Maugham'sn
college. erally, department heads say they.pr Rain" in the Architecture Aud.
.I sor of theology at Temple Univer-
are reorganizing their academic sity, will speak on "The Challenge 7:30 p.m.-Prof. Horace Dewey, T'.
structure. Prof. David Dickson, y acting director of the Center for
Dickonof Contemporary to Traditional RsinSuis ilmdrt
chairman of the English depart- ThooTe Challen n Russian Studies, will moderate a
*ment at Northern Michigan Un- ITeooy:TeChleneefHn
ll verstnt Martthe, shat Ue esty in the Multipurpose Rm. of panel discussion on The Change
versity in Marquette, says thate the UGLI in Soviet Leadership" in the Mich-
ows 1l ~school is engaged in a ''completeth GI igan Rm. of the Women's League.'
Symphom-Myar Kenwic atcptigilh pnlwl
overhaul" of its curriculum, re- 8:30 p.m.-Maynard Klein ill Participating in the panel will be
assessing course priorities and conduct the University Marian Low and Prof. Alfred
enlarging crowded courses. But Choir in a music school Dedication Levin, both of the history depart-
others must be dropped, he ex- I Concert in Hill Aud. ment, Prof. William Medlin of the
plains. WEDNESDAY, OCT. 28 education school and William
rThe 10 schools are requesting a




At their monthly meeting yes-
I fd.rda. n the Ret oentflapproved a

Bowditch, chairman of the his-
tory department and friend of the
late Prof. Boak, said. His schol-
arship in the fields of Greek, Ro-
man and Byzantine history won
him international fame.

rU'... ts L"y, gLUS"9 tbaJ,., t
Unitarian Student Group, Discussio new graduate fellowship in me-
tMedicare," speech by Prof. Ronaidne grdaeflosiinm -
Bishop, School of Medicine, Oct. 25 at ory of Prof. Arthur E. R. Boak,
y p.m., 1917 Washtenaw. Rides avail- noted scholar of Ancient History,


able at Michigan Union and MarkleyI
at 6:45 p.m.
Voice, Campus Committee meeting,
Oct. 27 at 7:30 p.m., Student Action
League discussion. All invited, Room
3C Union.
Youth Committee for DeBerry and
Shaw, Speech by Clifton DeBerry, So-
cialist Workers' presidential candidate,
Oct. 27 at 7:30 p.m., 3RS Michigan

who died in 1962. Boak, who was born in 1888,
Initated by the Alvin M. Bent- rhad at the University. After join-
ley Foundation, the award of $3,, in g the faculty in 1914, he became
000 annually is intended to stim- a full professor in 1920. From
ulate interest in the field of An- 1930 until 1946 he was chairman
cient History. of the history department. For
While at the University, Boak 19 years, until his retirement in
was a favorite amongst his stu- 1959, he held the Richard Hudson
dents and colleagues, Prof. John Professorship in Ancient History.
"Boak had a wonderful capa-
city to accept individuals as they
-....- - - An rA- w ere1, drawing the best out of

record $175 million in state funds 9:30-11:30 a.m. - Paul van;
which will be funnelled into these Buren, professor of theology at
critical areas. They unanimously Temple University, will be in the
call for legislative recognition of Michigan Union Grill to talk in-
their problems. But they reveal a formally with interested students,
consciousness of the past--where faculty and staff.
appropriations are sliced in Lans- 11 a.m.-Eugene Jackson of the
ing. General Motors research labora-


Dial 662-6264




STARTS 'n m u Dial
WEDNESDAY 662-6264



7:00 AND 9:05
-Bosley Crowther,
New York Times

W1, U- lg Lmu ,VaV
them. Many of his students now
hold leading positions in univer-
sities across the country," Bow-
ditch said.
He served on the staff of two
University sponsored archaeologi-
cal expeditions to Egypt and was
awarded the Henry Russell and
the Thomas Spence Jerome Lec-
tureships at the University and
at the American Academy at


Take your date

The Alvin M. Bentley Founda-
tion has agreed to give $3000 a
year to the fellowship until the
endowment fund gets 1a r g e
enough, through contributions
from others who knew of Boak
and of his work, to support the
award and permit additional
Alvin Bentley, who receiv-
ed his bachelor's degree in 1940,
and his master's in 1963, is a for-i
mer student of Boak and is tak-
ing this opportunity to honor the
memory of his former professor.


Twilight Matinee Sun. at 3:00


..r.. ..........


Dial 5-6290
at 7 o'clock
ofa brand new
major studio film.
Come at either 5 or 7 p.m.
and see regular feature,
Kisses For My President,
and sneak preview. The pre-
view is from 7 to 9 p.m.
... Kisses For My President
shown both before and
after preview.





Arthur Miller's bitter attack on McCarthyism, set in the period of the
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ring Simone Signoret and Yves Montand.
TONIGHT only at 7:00 and 9:25
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by Jean Giraudoux

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