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October 25, 1964 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1964-10-25

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Ohio State.....
Wisconsin .....

28 Purdue .......19 Illinois ........ 26 Michigan State 24 Notre Dame ... 281 Alabama.....17 1 Arkansas .....17 Indiana (Pa.) 3
3 Iowa..........14 UCLA ........ 7 Northwestern.. 6 Stanford...... 6 Florida .......14 Wichita St..... 0 Slippery Rock Y


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Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom


warming trend



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State School Cr

When the University recently
entered a $55.7 million appro-
priation request with the state
legislature, it listed salary in-
creases and additional staff ac-
quisitions as top-priority items.
A s u r v e y of department
chairmen at, the other nine
state-supported schools has re,-
vealed that they share with
University officials the concern
the student enrollment surge in
Michigan is outpacing the hir-
ing of qualified faculty.
These educators echo the
statements of officials here
that overcrowded' classrooms
and overworked teachers are
hampering the educational abil-
ity of institutions-throughout
the state.
And like officials here they
can supply only one answer:
the allocation of state funds in
unprecedented quantities.
Enrollment Surge
The "post war baby boom"
strikes Michigan with full force
next year when the majority of
people born in 1947 will be en-
tering college.An increase of
14-17,000 students is expected
to hit the state-supported col-
lege campuses.
This will, raise total enroll-
ment in the 10 schools to about
165,000. Total college enroll-
ment in Michigan, including
religious -and private schools
will surpass 229,000.
At Eastern Michigan Univer-
sity in Ypsilanti, where the
present enrollment is 7500,
Prof. Hoover :H. Jordan, chair-
man of the English department,
predicts the freshman class will
climb to 2000 students.
Faculty Increase
Despite this increase, he and
other chairmen there foresee
few staff additions. Perhaps a
few will be made for the entire
By comparison, the Univer-
sity here tries to add one teach-
er for every 1 4student increase.

Finding qualified
problem shared by
schools. The educa
Prof. Ralph Nash, ac
man of the English d
at Wayne State Un
Detroit to Prof.
Prigers, chairman of
lish department at
Michigan University
mazoo, complain of
petition for personne
dustry and other inst
Staff Raidin
Jordan pinpoints
"serious" competition

isis Revealed 'UN May Postpone
staff is a offices, small classes, a mixi-
y all the mal teaching load with plenty
tors, from of research time and a greater
Aing chair- salary than the smaller state
departnient schools can afford.
liversity in Prof. George Reitz,chairman Say Nations To Give U.S., Russia
Frederick of the physics department at
f the Eng- Ferris S.tate College in Big Time*St e ieover D e
t Western Rapids, complains about the I To Settie ispute e r ues
in Kala- teaching levels at his' institu- B
stiff com- tion. Most state schools have a By The Associated Press
el from in- standard 12 hour teaching re- UNITED NATIONS-A majority of United Nations members are
tutions. uire nt, but the'rFerris load expected to respond affirmatively to a poll by Secretary-General U
Similar Predicament Thant asking whether they think the Nov. 10 meeting of the General
n in Cali- The smaller schools all seem Assembly should be postponed.
to share this concern, although The purpose of a postponement would be to give Russia and the
the larger schools have smaller United States time to work out their dispute over UN peacekeeping
teaching loads. dues. Forty-one nations have already requested that the meeting be
Prof. C. B. Mead, chairman put off. Thant's poll is in response to their requests.
of the English department of The U.S. has called for a showdown on whether the Soviet Union
- Michigan StateUcaniverity, say should lose its General Assembly vote for nonpayment of back dues
, :'; hertecer aryaniehoi-far UN peacekeeping in the Congo
maximum which about parallels an teMdeEast. RushiaColds
Th i s he and the Middle East. Russia holds
This is also the requirements here. U.- iti h the position that the peacekeeping
fered by most California insti- operations are illegal, violating
tutions, the educators note. the UN charter.
Crisis Noted Withdrawal
The extent of the faculty W r
b sbrought public Many delegates fear that a U.S.-
Sproblem Iwas bogtto pbi
attention this summer when Russia showdown at the opening
.~two instructors at Eastern . cheduledii;session might result in ' a Soviet
ichigantUnversity rsign withdrawal from the UN.
v because of "intolerable teaching The Russians, the United States
conditions." WASHINGTON (P) - Patrick and Thant all had comment on the
Faculty at that time criticrzed Gordon Walker, Britain's new for- payments dispute yesterday.
the heavy teaching loads, the ein secretary, is deb ee o President Lyndon B. Johnson
1 35teaher-tudnt rtioand for the first meeting between the
1:35 teacher-student ratio and . .reiterated the U.S. position in a
the 40-man recitation sections Johnson administration and the statement yesterday in observance
his staff was being burdened Labor government. of the UN's 19th anniversary:
with. The decision by Prime Minister "The United Nations faces a real
One of the resigning instruc- Harold Wilson to send his No. 1 crisis unless all its members can;
tors, Stewart R. Mott indicated foreign policy aide to Washington agree to bear a fair share of the:
then there was widespread dis- immediately after his narrow elec- costs."
satisfaction on the staff. ion victory mdicated that the Pravda
One of the big difficulties at Labor government wants to get As Johnson spoke, the Commun-1
tudents- the state schools in holding key down to business on a number of ist Party organ Pravda called UN
find the faculty is the comparative de- international issues as soon as peacekeeping operations a "cover!
nd teach cline in salary levels, these edu- possible. for colonial aggression." Though
cators say. Unwilling Pravda repeated the Soviet re-z
Salary Competition Though State Department spe- fusal to pay the $55 million the
that many One department head at Cen cialists are unwilling to list all U.S. says it owes, it did not repeat!
sting from tal Michigan University n topics, they mentioned the fol-
throgh- Mout Peasnt ite anexa loV in man isue whch ndobt-the Russian threat to pull out of
f thoug- MuntPlesan cits a exm- owig min isue whch ndobt-the UN if deprived of its vote in
Ple of a professor he lost to a edly will be discussed during the the General Assembly for not pay-
e offering junior college. Reason: the Monday-Tuesday conferences: ing the assessments.
as private See DISCUSS, Page 2 1 -A serious assessment of the In a speech yesterday, Thant
.. <. new world situation in the wake warned that a solution to the dis-
.of the ouster of Nikita Khrush- pute over peacekeeping assess-!
chev as Soviet premier and the ments is necessary if the UN is to,
detonation of China's first nuclear avoid returning mankind "to the
bomb. same kind of situation which per-
-A review of such trouble spots mitted two world wars."
l_1 TV as Cyprus, the Malaysia-Indonesia


\-Associated Press
SEN. BARRY GOLDWATER made his fifth campaign swing through President Lyndon B. John-
son's home state of Texas yesterday. He plans one more trip here next week before the Nov. 3 elec-
tion. Earlier in Washington Goldwater sired the report of his "Space, Science, Atom Task Force,"
calling for a stepped-up space exploration program.


I -


GOP Candidates Stress Science



Goldwater Hits the contributions of our most bril-
liant minds in scientific research
Space Programs and development."
Also, Goldwater said, he will
propose "suitable acknowledgment
WASHINGTON (M)-Sen. Barry to scientists working in govern-
oldwater protested yesterday ment laboratories on classified
at the Johnson administration projects and unable to publish the
evidencing no enthusiasm for result of their work because the
omic-powered space travel which national interest requires secrecy."
said "may prove to be the key Goldwater said there are areas
at unlocks the way to the stars." in science where government
The Republican presidential should take the lead, such as re-
minee coupled that with his search directed toward better un-
peated demand for abandon- derstanding of disease and im-
ent of a U.S. crash man-on- provement of the nation's health.
e-moon program. Goldwater

Michigan's college s
the problem is to:
funds to house an
them well.
fornia. He explains t
new colleges are sta
scratch, raiding staff
out the country.
They reportedly ari
inducement's such a

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stressed that exploration of space
"in the immediate neighborhood
of our planet has a much more'
direct bearing on our safety" and
should come first.
He urged that exploration of the
moon and the planets be under-
taken in cooperation with Ameri-
ca's allies rather than the Com-
Private Research
He called for a vigoroust ub-

Congress Initiates N(

By BRUCE WASSERSTEIN I enrolls in the program in good!
faith," because students remain
Each student in advanced Re- unaffected by the provision un-
serve Officer Training Corps less a direct violation of terms is
courses here must now sign a involved.
contract pledging that he will The ROTC bill passed by Con-I
be called to active duty if he re- gress includes three other provi-
fuses his commission upon grad- sions which affect students here.
uation or if he wilfully evades'
other terms of his ROTC contract. It increases monthly retainer
Lt. Col. Donald C. McNair, pay for all upperclass ROTC stu-
chairman of the military science dents from $27 to $40-50. ROTC
department, announced this yes- students have been entitled to re-
terday, explaining that Congress sive the higher pay starting Oc-
inserted a provision for such a tober 13 when President Lyndon
insrte a rovsio fo suh aB.Johnson signed the bill into
contract into the ROTC Vitaliza- law
tion Act of 1964 to insure that law.
the ROTC program would not be The bill initiates a scholarship
abused through students violat- program for Army and Air Force
ing provisions without sufficient students. To be launched next fall,
reason. , 0 the program is similar to one now
being used in the Navy. Under
If a student leaves the program the program, 4000 Army and 4000
due to circumstances beyond his Air Force ROTC cadets will get
control such as academic or fi- monthly retainer pay and pay-
nancial difficulties, he will not be ment of tuition, book costs and
bound to the new provision, Mc- laboratory fees. Recipients must
Nair added, commit themselves to a minimum
He said that the new provision of four years of active duty serv-
"does not affect the man who ice.

dispute, Southeast Asia, the Con-
go, and perhaps others.
The bill also introduced a two _Anderhanseoere.s. o
year ROTC program primarily de- trade problems, ranging from
signed for transfer students who trade with Communist nations to
have never had ROTC, McNair the slow progress being made in
said. Students in the two year pro- tariff - cutting negotiations. The
gram will have to substitute a six future of the Common Market will
to eight week period of summer certainly come up in the talks.
training for the first two years of Complex
basic ROTC training. -The entire complex of nuclear
armament, including the multi-
lateral force project, the 1961
Displa Prize Nassau agreement and the pros-
pects on the on-again-off-again
disarmament talks in Geneva.
Grand Prize-Delta Upsilon The Labor Party has never been
Fraternities-Delta Upsilon enthusiastic toward the mixed-
Second--Theta Chi manned fleet and is now under-
Third-Chi Phi stood to prefer that the fleet con-
Sororities-Alpha Gamma Delta sist of less than the 25 ships the
So ndies-AGma Delta United States proposed. London
Second--Sigma Delta Tau also suggests that land-based
Third-Kappa Delta nuclear weapons and airplanes
Men's Halls-Huber House (SQ) carrying such weapons should be
Second-Gomberg (SQ) added to the project.
Third-Wenley (WQ) Labor also announced prior to
Women's Halls- the elections that it would rene-
Oxford-Cheever gotiate the Nassau pact in which
Second-Oxford Co-ops the United States agreed to sell to
Third-Mosher Hall Britain Polaris missiles for its
nuclear submarines.


KI.C. .aA..,1..t ,, u ,u'b'ip, a-
lic-private partnership in scien-
0 Q To Vat tific' research and development to
Inpursue peaceful uses of the atom
Oto assure America "fi'eedom in
'On n Nlaspace." Goldwater said too often
federal government has neglect-
WASHINGTON MP)-The Fed- ed the technological capabilities
eral Mediation Service said yes- of "our own great industrial en-
terday a new settlement offer it terprises."
considers "sound and equitable" Goldwater gave these views in
will be submitted to a vote today a report prepared in consultation
of one of the two unions involv- with his "space, science and atom
ed in the 104-day-old Detroit task force" headed by Adm. Lew-
newspaper strike. is L. Strauss, former chairman of
Printing Pressmen's Local 13 will the Atomic Energy Commission.
vote on the offer at 1:30 p.m. in While Goldwater stressed a need
Detroit. for more attention to the poten-
Negotiations between the pub- I tials of the atom in space explora-
lishers of the two newspapers in- tion, he did not detail how he
volved-the Detroit Free Press and considers the Johnson adminis-
the Detroit News-and Paper Han- tration is showing lack of en-
dlers Union Local 10 are continu- thusiasm in this aspect.
ing, the mediation service said. Restore Inpetus
The announcement made by Goldwater said the American
William E. Simkin, director of the patent system has hamstrung in-
service, said details are being dustry by depriving it and research
withheld pending results of the laboratories of their deserved
ratification vote. fruits. The GOP presidential nom-
The mediation talks with both inee said he would "propose leg-
sides have been underway here islation and regulations which will
since Thursday. stimulate rather than discourage

Humphrey Hits
GOP Position
DETROIT ()--The Democratic
party deployed one of its biggest
guns yesterday to help the Michi-
gan gubernatorial campaign of
Rep. Neil Staebler.
Democratic vice presidential
candidate Hubert Humphrey barn-
stormed across Detroit and inta
Hamtramck, plugging for Stae-
bler, Sen. Philip Hart and a whole
slate of national and state Dem-
Humphrey repeatedly praised
Staebler as one of the chief en-
gineers of the present Michigan
Democratic party.
Humphrey concentrated on the
social legislation of the Kennedy-
Johnson administration.
On a television taping session in
Detroit, he revealed that a task
force of economists is loo:ing into
the possibility of linking Social
Security payments to the cost of
Calling Sen. Barry Goldwater's
philosophy outmoded, Humphrey
declared that the Arizonan voted
against the three "great issues of
conscience" to come before the
U.S. Senate in the past decade.
These issues, he said, were the
censure of the late Republican
Sen. Joseph McCarthy of Wiscon-
sin, the ratification of the lim-
ited nuclear test ban treaty and
the civil rights bill.

Roiimey Views
Help of Research
George Romney told northern
Michiganders yesterday their area
is improving economically under
his administration and has new
industrial potential.
The governor whipped through
seven cities on a day-long flying
tour that included his only re-
election campaign stops in the
Upper Peninsula.
House Speaker Allison Green
and Meyer Warshawsky, Republi-
can candidates for secretary of
state and attorney general, re-
spectively, accompanied him.
Spur Industry
The governor told residents
that $333,000 in research projects
had produced many results:
-'-"We've got enough red pine
out here to start a telephone pole
and guard rail industry instead of
importing them from the southern
-"Enough pulp is available to
support a paper mill in the eastern
Upper Peninsula;"
--"'New processes developed at
Michigan Tech for producing iron
ore pelletts and new tax advant-
ages, can aid the sagging mining
--"Test firings indicate a
rocket-launching station would be
practical for the Keweenaw Penin-
Romney said the state hopes to
bolster the winter sports business
with a "Water Winter Wonder-
land" slogan on Michigan license
Toll Question
He also announced that a five-
man commission headed by former
Atty. Gen. Frank Millard of Flint
will study re-financing and lower-
ing of tolls on the Mackinac
Questioned several times about
legislative reapportionment, Rom-
ney declared that suits are being
pressed which have as one aim re-
storing more representation to the
sparsely-populated Upper Penin-

-~ ,'Michigan Checks Minnesota Rall

y, 19-12

Associate Sports Editorj
Michigan held off a kicking-till-the-end Minnesota offensive'
rally in the closing minutes and brought home the Little Brown Jug
for the first time in five years here yesterday-but it took all the
defensive effort the Wolverines could muster to pull out a 19-12
The Wolverines struck for an early touchdown and field goal
while completely dominating the first half but then had to cope
with a revitalized Gopher attack after the intermission. After
relinquishing a safety and seeing the Wolverines tally again in the
third period to set the score at 19-0, Minnesota marched 80 yards
for one six-pointer and then chalked up another on a 91-yard pass
With the closing minutes ticking off, the Gophers once again
knocked at Michigan's goal line door, but the Wolverine defense
jelled on a fourth and goal to go from the three with just over,
three minutess to play.t
Winning Trail
The win was a jump back onto the victory trail for the Wol-,
verines, who ended up on the losing end of a 21-20 decision to
Purdue last week. Michigan is now 4-1 for the season with a 2-1

Contributing Sports Editor
Football Coach Bump Elliott
mopped his face with a towel as he
greeted reporters in the dressing
room following yesterday's win
over Minnesota; "We were really
fortunate to win that one."
Elliott's relief over winning the
game was genuine, because up to
the five minute, two second mark
of the fourth quarter Michigan
and NBC-TV had dominated to
the point of dullness.
In a Jam
"We really got ourselves into a
jam," he said, referring to the
10-minute stretch of cliff-hanging,
football which . followed the 91-
yard TD interception by the Goph-
ers' senior halfback Kraig Lof-
quist. Michigan only ran six more
plays from scrimmage in two se-
ries of 'downs as the fired up



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