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October 24, 1964 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1964-10-24

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Expect To Implement
Deferred Admissions
Heyns Says Larger Enrollment
Can Be Handled by U' Facilities
University officials yesterday forecast a record 1800-stu-
dent increase here next fall, revising recent estimates that
the University would add only 1200 to the current 29,100.
Conceding that this newly projected enrollment of 30,-
900 would tax academic and housing facilities, the officials
were unanimous in their optimism that the University can,
handle the increase.
To accommodate qualified applicants beyond the pro-
jected total, a deferred admissions policy will be in force for



Approve Plans for 'U' Events Building;
To Cost $4.9 Million, Hold 14-16,000

the first time, they said. The
Detail '63-
64 Finances
Total expenditures for Univer-
sity operations increased 8.5 per
cent last year to an all time high
of $136.6 million, Vice-President
for Business and Finance Wilbur
K. Pierpont disclosed in the an-
nual University Financial Report
accepted by the Regents yesterday.
Pierpont stated in the report
that in the last ten years the Uni-
versity has grown significantly.
"Overall volume of dollar opera-
tions has more than doubled in
this period.
"Total net assets of the Univer-
sity have increased 150 per cent.
Endowment market values have
more than doubled and student
loan fund assets have increased
over six times in the same period."
Federal Support
For the first time in history the

enrollment forecast, deliverer
to the Regents by the Vice-
President for Academic Affair,
Roger W. Heyns, came only
one month after the Regents
had approved a tentative oper-
ating budget for next yeas
geared to a maximum 30,30(
student enrollment.
At that time, officials were pri-
vately skeptical about the ability
of the University, already bother.
ed by dormitory and classroomr
crowding, to handle a heavier en-
But at the Regents meeting yes-
terday, Heyns and Vice-Presideni
for Business and Finance Wilbur
K. Pierpont gave assurances that
the revised estimates were made
in line with appraisals of the ca-
pacity of University resources.
No More Requests
Executive Vice-President Mar-
vin L. Niehuss reported after the
meeting that although the Re-
gents had briefly considered ask-
ing the state for more funds, this
idea had been rejected. The ad-
litional students will increase rev-
enues, he said.
Pierpont unveiled a multi-mil-
lion dollar housing construction
package designed to add 3600 new
residence places by 1968. How-
ever, he said none of these would
be ready until the fall of 1965.
No specific mention was made
of academic construction; how-
wver, the University's building pro-
gram will not create any substan-
tial new classroom space by next



AN ARCHITECT'S DRAWING OF THE UNIVERSITY Events Building approved yesterday by the
Regents is shown here. The new structure, to be used primarily as a basketball arena, will cost $4.9
million and will have a capacity of 14-16,000. The target date for completion is the spring of 1966.
Rorganizin ArgoLb

The Argonne National Labora-
tory near Chicago, one of the
Atomic Energy Commission's larg-
est research centers, is being re-
organized to allow increased man-
agement participation by Midwest-
ern universities.
The $325 million laboratory,
which had its origin in World
War II atomic bomb research, is
currently operated solely by the
University of Chicago, with an ad-
visory committee of representa-
tives from other universities and
from industry.
A non-profit corporation will be
formed "as soon as possible" with
membership composed of Midwest-
ern university representatives,
Prof. H. R. Crane of the physics
department said yesterday. "We
expect that the University will
be included in the board mem-
bership," he said.

Midwestern Universities Research
Association (MURA), the Associ-
ated Midwestern Universities, the
University of Chicago and the
Atomic EnergydCommission, an-
nounced yesterday the tripartite
agreement under which the lab
will operate.
Crane said that the Atomic En-
ergy Commission will continue to
supply funds for the operation of
the lab, the University of Chicago
will continue to perform most of
the normal business management
and the new corporation will di-
rect the policy making.
"It is hoped that this new or-
ganization will encourage Mid-
western universities to participate
more strongly in scientific activ-
ity at the laboratory," Crane said.
"It is also expected that with 15-
20 universities directly interested
in the lab, considerable political
strength will be available to in-

The re
out to in
retain op
ceives $1
who wil
and resp
tory oper
ed at $6
be work
ICrane sai
The N
quish c
en low p

eorganization was worked
'mplement this plan. The
ty of Chicago, which will
erational control, now re-
1.3 million per year for
the laboratory. Exactly
1 have actual authority
onsibility for the labora-
ations, which are budget-
66 million annually, will
ed out in detail later,
ew York Times reported
y that the University of
was reluctant to relin-
ontrol over accelerator
ns and that Midwestern
felt they were being giv-
riority for research time.
CM Pact
,OIT (M)The United Auto
union took a significant
terday toward ending a
de strike against General
Corp. It's GM council
erwhelmingly to recom-
AW members return to
ction came after a day-
sion of the GM council,
by a speech by UAW
t Walter P. Reuther rec-
ng that the strike be
rn to work, however, will
dent upon a Sunday vote
AnW's local unions within
tomaking empire.
rike was called 29 days
upport new contract de-
the union.

The Regents approved yesterday
plans for a new $4.9 million Uni-
versity Events Building which will
seat 14-16,000 people around a
permanent basketball floor.
The cost is approximately $1.4
million more than the amount
originally authorized for the build-
ing by the Regents at their Feb.
27 meeting.E
The building will be located
immediately east of Michigan
Stadium and construction is ex-
pected to start this spring with a
target date for completion set for
May 1966.
Primarily Basketball
Vice-President for Business and
Finance Wilbur K. Pierpont ex-
plained thetdetails of the build-
ing plans to the Regents, "The
University Events Building, which
is primarily a basketball struc-
ture, will also be used for wrestling,
gymnastics, tennis, volleyball-
intercollegiate as well as intra-
mural activities. The building is
also designed for commencement,
lectures and student entertain-
ment, such as the Chad Mitchell
Trio or Harry Belafonte concerts.
The building will have 14,000
individual chair-type seats with
two areas of temporary seating. A
telescopic seating structure with a
capacity of about 1,000 can be
extended immediately adjacent to
both sides of the basketball floor.
In addition, temporary seats may
be placed in the walkway that
runs around the entire oval in-
terior about halfway up. The ver-
tical aisles will remain unoccupied
by order of the fire marshall.
Practice Courts
The entire floor of the oval
arena will be a basketball floor
with a width much larger than
regulation size. The floor is wide
enough to accommodate two full-
sibe practice courts which will lie
perpendicular to the regular bas-
ketball court. The telescopic stands
will extend over the practice courts
to the side of the basketball court.
The new building will be fi-
nanced entirely by revenues and
receipts from the University's
Board in Control of Intercollegiate
Athletics, These funds will con-.
sist primarily of student athletic
fees, football and basketball ticket
sales, and radio and television
Dual Purpose
The location of the structure en-
ables its facilities to serve a dual
purpose. The dressing rooms of the
arena will be used by both the
teams of indoor athletic events
and those of football. This will be
See REGENTS, Page 7

new housing: 1965-No new
residence structures are plan-
ned. 1966--Cedar Bend Hous-
ing I, to accommodate 600
students will be ready, and
Cedar Bend Housing II, also
accommodating 600' students,
is scheduled for possible com-
1967-Bursley Hall, with space
for 1200 students, will be ready
for use, and the residential college
will open for 800 out of the 1200
students that it will eventually ac-
The Cedar Bend and residential
college units have been in the
planning stage for some time, but
the surprise in yesterday's meet-
ing was the revival of Bursley
Hall. This project, originally con-
ceived in 1957, was officially scrap-
ped in 1963 in favor of smaller
housing units.
The completed plans have re-
mained in the Office of Student
Affairs, however, and apparently
the administration decided that
reviving them would be the quick-
est way to meet the housing prob-
Regent Irene B. Murphy of
Birmingham questioned the sud-
denness with which Bursley Hall
was brought out.
Regent Murphy abstained on the'
vote approving Bursley,as did Re-
gent Eugene B. Power of Ann Ar-
bor. "I recognize that it is neces-
sary, and that we need and must
have the space, but I regard with
some concern the size of the units
in view of what we have learned
since we began planning in 1957,"
he said.
The Bursley proposal passed five
to nothing.
See REGENTS, Page 2

Set enin
Of College
The Regents yesterday set the
fall of 1967 as the opening date
for the residential college, the
University's novel classroom-resi-
dence complex.
The precise building schedule for
the college, though not yet final-
ized, will be coordinated with the
University's plans for constructing
a number of other residence units
over the next five years.
By 1967, facilities for approxi-
mately 800 of the residential col-
lege's eventual 1200-student capa-
city will be completed. This is a
year later than a tentative rec-
ommendation by the college's fac-
ulty planning committee.
The extra year will,, however,
allow the committee to be much
more careful in planning the col-
lege, according to Associate Dean
Burton Thuma of the literary col-
lege, residential college director.
Moreover, the coordination of
the residential college building
schedule with that of the other
residence units-a point empha-
sized at the Regents' meeting by
University President H a rla n
Hatcher-will reduce pressures on
the college to house some general
student overflow. These students
would be accommodated in the
empty facilities which will exist in
the residential college.
The major decision which res-
idential college planners now face
is whether or not to set up make-
shift classroom facilities so that
the first class can be admitted for

Plan Housing for
3600 More by '68
Bursley Hall To Be Ready in '67,
Cedar Bend Units for 1200 in '66
The 'Regents yesterday approved a plan for University
housing to accommodate 3600 more students by 1968. Three
new dormitory complexes, none of which will be operational
until 1966, were announced as the solution to the overcrowded
situation in the residence halls produced by rapidly rising
At the same time, Vice-President for Academic Affairs
Roger W. Heyns told the Regents that the University will take
in 1800 more students next fall-600 more than previously an-
ticipated; there will be no new housing for freshmen.
Vice-President for Business and Finance Wilbur K. Pier-
pont provided the following timetable for completion of the

Justifying the revised enroll-
ment estimates, which if fulfilled
? f.would surpass this year's 1700-
student increase, Heyns pinpoint-
ed increasing pressure from quali-
fied state high school graduates
as the major factor. The Univer-
sity's out-of-state enrollment will
remain level.
Heyns said the impact was so
VICE-PRESIDENT PIERPONT great that the University might,
under less pressing circumstances,
est financial supporter of the Uni- accept 31,300. He said a compro-
versity. The University received mise between demand and re-
over $42.3 million in federal sources dictated the 30,900 figure,
funds for support of teaching and adding that qualified applicants;
research programs. beyond that number would be de-,
ferred to the winter term.
On the other hand, state appro-
priations totaled $41 million, the Consistent
report stated. Pierpont also stressed the theme
Despite the dominance of fed- that this growth was consistent
eral funds in the University's fi- with University plans, particularlyr
nancing, Vice-President for Aca- in reviewing the housing situation.-
demic Affairs Roger W. Heyns "In a dormitory system of 7000,
stated at the Regents' meeting the addition of 400-500 unexpect-
that he foresees little change in ed students is hardly going to1
the orientation of the University. overrun our residence hall sys-
See PIERPONT, Page 2 tem," he observed.-
The University has been under
Board Attacks fire from both students and par-l
ents for converting 300 dormitory
" rooms from singles into doubles or
Discriminator ydoubles into triples this fall. Thel
1 number of converted rooms hasl
Aid I "steadily declined, however, as stu-
Financia dents have moved into apartments,
the fraternity-sorority system, or
left school.

A seven-man committee com- sure adequate government sup- DETR
posed of representatives from the port." Workers
step yes,
Sus lov Reported on Peae voted v
e e mend U1
SSO 0 e m Soviets hei j"ac
Mission toTPkig ovet
long sess
MOSCOW (A) - Reports circulated among diplomats yesterday President
that Mikhail Suslov, the Kremlin's top expert on the Soviet-Red China ommendi
dispute, is heading a peace mission to Peking. ended.
There was no confirmation and some were skeptical, but Suslov, A retu
who has made a reputation over three decades as a Communist Party be depen
trouble shooter, was conspicuously missing from public functions in GMtheau
the Soviet capital. The st
Suslov failed to appear among either party honor guards or ago to st
mourners at the Red Square funeral of Marshal Sergei S. Biryuzov, mands of
the chief of staff and deputy de-
fense minister who was killed in FOR NORTH CAMPUS:
a plane crash in Yugoslavia Mon-
Smoothing 0
An assignment to try to smoothHu.
over relations between Mao Tze-
shchev's successors would be in
keeping with Suslov's background Diversity has been the theme of Universit
There is still some question for the last few years. Oxford Housing, with
whether he was a trusted lieu- taining everything from co-ops to apartmer
tenant or a tolerated rival of break-except for donated structures such as
Khrushchev, who lost the party samekesewtichrhdona rctrecmusd
leadership to Leonid Brezhnev ness which had characterized campus d
and the premiership to Alexei The four-year North Campus residence-
Kosygin Oct. 14. terday indicates that diversity is here to sta
He headed the Soviet team that The Cedar Bend project, the first to bec
discussed Communist ideological perclassmen and graduate students somewhat
problems - chiefly Peking's hard than they had knowns as freshmen and sop]
line vs Khrushchev's advocacy of the projects will resemble Oxford: small 150-
coexistence-with a Chinese dele- p
goexintencwhahinhesuerale-open area. On the inside, they will attempt
gation in Moscow in the summer Oxford toward eliminating an "institutional"
of 1968.
Charges long hallways and large bathroom facilities
The talks broke down, leading tion-and there will be no institutional food
to angry charges and later to a Bend units will contain no dining facilities.
word war concerning such nation- The next unit planned, 1200-student Burs
alistic things as the ownership of departure from the South Quad-Markley Hall
some frontier territory, for it had been shelved because of reaction
Any second round of talks could tor y concept.
be expected to be held in Peking,
since the first round was in Mos-' But Bursley won't simply be another Sou
cowe its 1200 residents will be housed in several sex
Since Khrushchev's o u s t e r, long corridors-rather than one high-rise stru
China and the Soviet Union have Still another variation, again on the mo
+nannnnr iunfpnfa n+enf nonh n A nrtn n il a n ie ---- f~oln

the 1966-67 winter term.

Projects Emphasize Diversity

y residence hall planning
its small structures con-
mts, was the first major
the Law Quad-with the
-halls plan released yes-
completed, will offer up-
tmore luxurious facilities
homores. On the outside,
resident units on a large,
to go even further than
atmosphere. Abolition of
are steps in this direc-
d at all, since the Cedar
sley Hall, is a less radical
tradition-in fact, plans
against the large-dormi-
uth Quad. For one thing,
parate units-albeit with
ore radical Oxford-Cedar
,n -rr Tf tIafn o2.i-n"+

Thiie Rkegents yesterdayi dispiayeCd Conversions
a firm posture against discrimi- Nf r evilnsh
natory scholarships as they accept- No figures are available on how
nary $th many rooms will be converted to
e a $5000 gift without a racia meet additional overcrowding next
They had postponed acceptance year, but officials have said pub-:
of the scholarship last month, re- licly and privately that they do
not regard the situation as serious.
questing the anonymous donor to Y e s t e r d a y 's announcement
delete a racial qualification favor- marked another instance of en-,
ig Negroes. rollment miscalculation which has
At their monthly meeting yes- plagued higher education officialsa
terday, the Regents also accepted in Michigan andacros the ncon-

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