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October 23, 1964 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1964-10-23

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Hall Views Red Upheaval!

Examine Detroit Paper Strike

Gus Hall, general secretary of Speaking on the ouster of
the United States Communist Par- Khrushchev, Hall continued, "The
ty, claimed recently that thej vagueness surrounding the event,
changes in the Soviet leadership I think, means that the Soviet
would not affect the basic policies leaders did not contemplate or
of the party. plan to make the change at this
"Our policies of the fight for particular time. But I have a feel-
peace, civil rights and the strug- ing they have been discussing it
gle against the ultra-right are still for some time."
the main roles of the party," he ! , Criticized1


He went on to say that
that Khruschchev was

he thinks'

,TeSt bomb
BAXTERVILLE, Miss. (P) - The
United States exploded a five
kiloton nuclear device a half mile
underground yesterday to see if
American detention devices can
spot sneak atomic tests by foreign
With a ground tremor and ~ a
deep, muffled sound the Atomic
Energy Commission triggered the
blast 2700 feet below the surface
in. the Tatum salt dome. A fine
dust haze appeared above the site.
The device had about a fourth
the punch of the atomic bomb that
leveled Hiroshima in World War

and instead of accepting the criti-
cism resigned.
"In this area;" Hall surmised,
"the question of ill health and ad-
vancing age played a role. As you
know the older you get the more
set in your ways you become, I
believe that this is what happened
to Khrushchev."
"I wouldn't be surprised," he
said, "if Khrushchev thinks things
over" and then continues to play
a role in the building of a Com-
munist society.
On the question of China's nu-
clear explosion, Hall said it was,
"a serious event and would lead
to problems."
"Thp expenditure and energy
to develop that device was not
necessary," he said. "China should
have accepted for their defense
the nuclear umbrella pledged by
the Soviet Union to all socialist
He said, however, that as long
as the arms race continues, the
development of nuclear arms will
continue. "This week it is China.
Next week it is France and we are
continuing underground testing."
Hall welcomed the suggestion
from the People's Republic of
China for a world ban on all nu-
clear tests.
He said he was sure the new
Soviet leadership will utilize the
id-f or-Yo

change to see whether new nego-
tiations with China can be open-
ed. "I think that would be all to
the good. A change in personnel
always helps to find new ave-
nues and new openings."
Hall is confident that "the So-
viet Union remains the bulwark
of world peace. The steps toward
peace taken by the Soviet Union
are irreversible trends," he said.
Deep Roots
"They have deep roots in So-
viet society," he continued. They
are not the brainchild of any one
man. Khrushchev made a contri-
bution toward world peace and the
struggle for Communism. It is
my belief that history will treat
him well."
According to Hall, Khrushchev
made errors in his method of work.
"It seemed from the course of
events that Khrushchev bypassed
the collective in making decisions.
"The Soviet Union has become
very sensitive to any bureaucratic
tendencies such as this. Such sen-
sitivity is to be commended as aE
positive improvement."
Other Response
There have been various other
responses to Khrushchev's ouster
in other Communist parties:
-In East Germany the party
politburo expressed confidence in
the new regime, but praised
Khrushchev for his "merits in
carrying out the Marxist-Leninist

day declined to accept the 1964 Nobel Prize for literature. The
leftist existentialist philosopher said that he desired to remain1
neutral in cultural conflicts B'etween the East and the West. In
rejecting the prize, Sartre turned down an award of $53,123.
Nobel Literature Prize
Goes to Thinker Sartre
STOCKHOLM (AP)-Writer-philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre won
the 1964 Nobel Prize for Literature yesterday and turned it down-
explaining that he wanted to remain free in East-West cultural con-
"It is not the same thing if I sign myself 'Jean-Paul Sartre' or
'Jean-Paul Sartre, Nobel Prize winner'," he said in Paris.
The Swedish Academy of Letters maintained'an unruffled take-it-
or-leave-it attitude to the left French author's rejection. An academy,

-Associated Press

in Detroit's newspaper strike, now
in its 101st day, were scheduled
to meet yesterday with the Fed-
eral Mediation and Conciliation
William E. Simkin, chief of the
service, called the parties to Wash-
ington for the meeting at 1 p.m.
The strike of the afternoon De-
troit News and morning Detroit
Free Press by two craft unions has
defied efforts of state and fed-
eral mediators, Gov. George Rom-
ney and a special citizens' panel.
A major question in the strike
was whether the unions would
agree to binding arbitration, of
disputed issues, as recommended
by the panel. The publishers last
week expressed willingness to ar-
bitrate but sought an accelerated
Pressmen's Union Local 13 said
it was willing to negotiate but
would not accept arbitration.
Plate and Paperhandlers Union
Local 10 said it would accept only
limited arbitration which would
exclude a key demand for prem-
ium payments on some work. It
also proposed excluding from ar-
bitration any term of contract or
Baker' Points Out
Record Exports
agricultural exports have reached
a record $6.1 billion, Assistant
Secretary of Agriculture John A.
Baker said yesterday.

The strike was called July 13
to back up new-contract demands.
More than two-thirds of the
4,100 employes at the two papers
were left jobless by the walkout,
although some have found em-
ployment on two strike-inspired
temp3rary dailies.
The special panel, created by
Romney to seek a solution to the
strike, listed three major issues
standing in the way of settlement:
-Demands by both unions for
premium compensation for Satur-
day night work, scheduled or not,
at the morning Free Press;

Attenda F REE Lecture
by Theodore Wallach, C.S. of Chicago, Illinois
Member of the Board of Lectureship
of The Mother Church,
The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mass.
First Church of Chri- Srintkf

-Disputes between publishers
and pressmen over "manning" re-
quirements on new eight-unit
presses at the News;
-Pressmen's demands for either
employer-provided work clothes or
paid wash-up time.
The panel, made up of Prof.
Russell A. Smith of the Law
School, President Clarence Hil-
berry of Wayne State University
'and Michigan Episcopal Bishop
Richard S. Emrich, disbanded
earlier this month after failing to
get the two sides to agree.


policy.""spokesman said Sartre might
-In Italy, the head of the Com- Ipjchange his mind later as others;
munist party in. Italy expressed A uto TalkS have done in their views on ac-
concern over the way Khrushchev cepting or rejecting the $53,123
was replaced. -award.
-The French Communist party F' unil h Existentialism
wanted information on "the con- The 59-year-old Sartre, apostle
ditions and methods" of Khrush- of existentialism, declated the
chev's ouster. By The Associated Press East-West struggle "should take
-In Israel there was praise of DETROIT - Negotiators at place between men and cultures,
Khrushchev and also a request American Motors Corp. completed without the intervention of insti-
for more information regarding their contract settlement with the tutions."
the nature of the ouster. United Auto Workers Wednesday "My sympathies are undeniably
- - while their. counterparts at Gen- on the side of socialism and what
eral Motors continued to struggle one calls the Eastern bloc," he
to get the remaining local griev- said. "But I was born and raised
l ~..ances settled and start production in an upper middle class family.
, 11 /again. This allows me to collaborate with
tal At GM, negotiators tried to all those who seek to bring the
evaporate the diminishing pool of two cultures together. Of course,
'Llocal issues in the strike before I hope that the 'better one wins'
Sto osa workers vote Sunday on contract -that is socialism."
and return-to-work proposals. No Lenin Prize
A "yes" vote on the national However, he added that he would
e solved loca not accept a Soviet Lenin Prize,
plsagemettowrki either, if one were ever offered.
torieswihsiloe dipt, Ignoring his warning, the acad-
could put GM back into the auto- emy selected the controversial
mobile production picture next Frenchman, citing him for: "Im-
week. aginative writing, which by rea-
Flint son of its spirit of freedom and
The Flint Buick complex reach- striving for truth has exercised
ed a local level agreement yester- a far-reaching influence on our
5 . ..dav coerin nearly 15.000 work- "


"Everything went off as expect- Gov. George Romney and his
ed," Dr. Philip Randolph, the Democratic challenger, Congress-
AEC's project director, told news- man Neil Staebler, continued their
men following a check of instru- campaigns into the final stages
ments in the blast area. Wednesday.
A worldwide network of seis- Scaebler charged that Romney
mographic stations, including two makes "a poor board chairman for
behind the Iron Curtain, had been the Michigan corporation."
alerted prior to the explosion in "What would you think of the
this south Mississippi piney woods chairman of your corporation if
country. 'he lied to the board of directors?"
The AEC said the test results Staebler asked a meeting of Ohio
would be evaluated and results State University alumni.
disclosed later. S1Saebler, "who would like to be
The test camne a week after 'Michigan's next chairman of the
Communist China announced it board," accused Romney of "over-
had produced a nuclear device estimating earnings, underestimat-
i Officials estimated the' blast ing obligations . . . and not rec-
had created a cavity 120 feet in ognizing the problems of the cor-
diameter in the salt dome itself. poration."
Chief among thesproblems, he
said, is that of school dropouts.
National One year's crop of dropouts will
cost the state $500 million over
a lifetime, he said.
ound p Democratic philosophy and eco-
nomic policies have helped the
nation's annual growth rate rise
By The Associated Press from 2.4 per cent under the Eisen-
hower administration to seven per
WASHINGTON-Former Presi- cent under President Johnson, he
dent Dwight D. Eisenhower enter- added.
ed Walter Reed Army Hospital "I consider myself more of a
yesterday suffering from a "mod- conservative than the' conserva-
erately severe" inflammation of tives," he said in defense of his
his windpipe and the tiny air philosophy.
tubes leading to his lungs. Individualism
But his chief doctor reported The Democratic philosophy aims
less than three hours later that to preserve individualism while
Eisenhower is "in no danger . . . adapting to inevitable change, he
at the present time"-and none added, instead of fighting the

He termed it "by far the largest
agricultural export operation ever 1833 Washtenaw Avenue
carried out by any nation in a
single year in the history of the
world."Ann Arbor, MICh.
Baker, in a speech delivered to
a state grange convention, said ALL ARE WELCOME
practically all of the increase was
in dollar sales.
to $4950 Round
Leave Nov. 25 Leave Dec. 22
Return Nov. 29 Return Jan. 3
CALL 663-6412--includes bus from Union and return

Uy, V~ilg lcily1,V t-
The world's No. 1 automaker
" stopped turning out its 1965 mod-
els when some 260,000 UAW work-
es walked off their jobs Sept. 25
in support of new contract de-
f t' mands.
Since then, another 40,000 GM
workers in the United States and
Canada have been laid off as a di-
rect result of the strike.
Tentative agreement on a na-
tional contract was reached Oct.
GOV. GEORGE ROMNEY 5, but the strike continued in sup-
port of local demands.
schools to operate day-care pro-- Latest count showed 92 of the
grams to assist in cultural and UAW's 130 bargaining units had
social upgrading of pre-school dis- resolved their differences, with
advantaged children. other local-level bargainers re-
-Continue efforts to reorganize ported nearing agreement at sev-
county welfare departments. eral plants.
-Reduce social worker case In response to a plea from Pres-
loads. ident Lyndon B. Johnson, union
-State leadership and held to officials decided to take a vote
make neighborhood schools cam- udyonednFhewlot
munity centers. Sunday on ending the walkout.
-More state help to schools Johnson Johnson
offering services to social dis- settlement of the strike-which
advantaged, disturbed, retarded enters its fifth weeksFriday-be-
and maladjusted pupils.
-More state help to fight school ct ho a begun to aect ro-
dropouts. er industries.
-State help to provide better Meanwhile, the union and Amer-
job opportunities for minority ican Motors completed work Wed-
youths and education for migrant nesday on labor contracts cover-
children. ing all that company's 27,000
-Utilization of federal funds hourlyrated employes.
for increased vocational education. The United Auto Workers now
- i of2r- hvecopltednew tree

Sartre has been a prolific, ar-
ticulate storm center -in Parisian
lef bank intellectual circles since
beftore the war..
But it took the war, and its
aftermath of revulsion, disgust
and general disillusionment, to
push Sartre forward on the world
stage as an apostle of a prag-
matic philosophy known as exist-
Man himself is nothing, said
this philosophy, but he exists, and
his "engagement" or participation
in a given situation, determines
the values of life and gives life a
Sartre coupled this with left-
wing political sympathies which at
times leaned close to outright
Communis~i. His plays reflected
an anti-American, or at least anti-
capitalistic, bias. But in his "Les
Mains Sales," produced in 1948,
Sartre turned his ire on Stalin-
ism and thus provoked new and
violent polemics around the cafe


is foreseen at the moment.
* * *
WASHINGTON - Secretary of
Defense Robert S. McNamara pre-
dicted yesterday it would be many
years before Red China could be
able to make a nuclear attack on
the United States or its allies.
But, at the same time, he reit-
erated his concern over the pro-
liferation of nuclear power as evi-
denced in the test detonation of
what he called a "primitive device"
by the Chinese Communists last
* *"*
can "task force" said yesterday
United States aid to Latin Amer-
ica's underdeveloped nations can-
not succeed until Cuba is freed
from Communist domination with
American help.
At the same time, the group
called for switching the aid pro-
gram's emphasis from govern-
ment - to - government loans to
loans by government for "private
enterpreneurs" to bring North
American businessmen into the

Meanwhile in Detroit, Romney
citing crime figures fle said
"shocked the shoes off me," an-
nounced a 15-point program to,
help young people in Michigan.
Speaking to a Detroit Boys Day
program, the governor said he had
just learned that two-thirds of,
major crimes in Michigan are1
being committed, by persons 21
years old and younger.-
Police Figures
Until release of the state police
figures, said Romney, he had used
reports showing that half of major
Michigan crimes were committed
by young persons.
The governor told nearly 100
.boys who were theoretically in
city jobs for the day that the "very
success of America makes it
necessary for you fellows to act
and think on a broader basis."
These were the 15 points Rom-
ney cited for future action:
-Legislation to pinpoint re-
sponsibility for bringing social
services to bear on cases of neglect,
cruelty or abandonment.
-Legislation to permit local


-Appropriation of $ milojhaecmltdnw hr-yr
for manpower development and national contracts with all four
training programs.'American automakers.
-Continued efforts to improve A nk
the state's school-aid formula.
-Increased state support for.
local health departments.
-Increased staffs for the Hu-
man Resources Council, Youth
Commission and Inter -Agency BEAUTY SALON
Council on Children and Youth.
-Expansion of state facilitiesI C,.609 S. FOREST
for delinquents and mentally dis- Call NO 8-8878 - -
-Increased coordination be- Evenings by Appointment
tween state and local programs. . -

Invite you to hear
Minister of the 1st Avenue
Baptist Church of Toronto,
a nephew of Dr. Oswald J. Smith
Date: Sat., Oct. 24, 7:30 p.m.
Place: University Club Dining Rm.,
inside the Michigan Union, Ann
Rev. Billings will give his testimony
as to.what the Holy Spirit has
done in his life and work.
All Are Welcome. Please come.
Full Gospel Business Men Fellow-
ship International



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