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October 22, 1964 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1964-10-22

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Seventy.Fifth Year

ere Opinions Are F'ree,420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MIcH.
Truth Will Prevail

NEws PHONE: 764-0552

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

Residential College:
Chance for 'Real' Education

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HE DISCOURAGING concept of mass
"education" is now a cold, ugly fact in
American higher education. This fall's
enrollment squeeze at the University-,
more importantly, the methods used to
alleviate the over-crowding-have forced
the point down the throats of students
and faculty members.
The University's first response was to
shuffle students to and from crowded
housing facilities, jam them in the aisles
of cramped lecture halls or simply shut
down courses and say, "Sorry, but ...
The second administrative answer at
the University is the typical large cor-
poration response: We must expand; we
need more money. The University is ask-
ing from the state Legislature an unpre-
cedented $55.7 million.
THE UNIVERSITY'S answer isn't unique.
Last week Michigan State University's
Board of Trustees met to requent an add-
ed $1 million to handle an estimated 50008
more students next fall. Their total budg-
et is now over $49 million.
The trend seems obvious. The only
solution offered is more money to build
more buildings and pay more teachers to
"educate" more students. The discourag-
ing aspect of the situation is that no
one seems willing to say, "Wait a min-
ute, is this the only answer? Is more mass-
education the solution?"
Governor Romney's "Blue Ribbon" Citi-
zens' Committee on Higher Education
seems to be content with this "solution."
It realizes the need for more money, and
requests the Legislature to respond as
fully as possible to the budget requests of
the 10 state colleges and universities: It,
too, doesn't seem to care about taking a
longer look, stopping to see where this
"solution" has taken us, where it willl
A FACULTY MEMBER at the Univer-
sity recently said, "We have simply
lost sight of education . . . My point is
that we are not today engaged in any
meaningful search for an education or for
educational values for the present or the
future. No one, from the President down,
stands up for educational principles."
He's right. But he failed to point out

that most students in college today don't
want an education.
What they want is a degree so they can
get a job; they want technical training:
an architect's degree or a teaching cer-
tificate. Or a bachelor's degree so they
can sell insurance.
MOST STUDENTS are little concerned
with intellectual stimulation or crea-
tivity. And often they are down right
annoyed when teachers demand these
The mass-education mentality wants a
grade-even a "hook" is respectable
enough-just so they get by. Professors
even encourage this attitude - lecture
notes yellowed with age are no myth;
regurgitating the text is the established
way to a high grade.
want to be educated, why bother trying
to do it? Let them be just another I.D.
number, another faceless name in a grade
But for those few who really want to
be educated, there may be an answer-
even here at the University.
The residential college could admit only
those students who want an education
for its own sake. Those with a job-orient-
ed mentality would have to look else-
Discriminatory? Sure.
But it's necessary if the few have any
hopes of education, of relating the cen-
turies of massed knowledge to their
unique personalities.
WITH THIS TYPE of admission policy
the residential college can be radical
in teaching methods, course content, for-
mat and living facilities.
And those who only want the grade,
the job training can go merrily on their
way. The Legislature will be happy; it
will see the University grinding out de-
grees. So will the administrators and fac-
ulty members who reflect this state of
And so will the few students and fac-
ulty members who really care.
Assistant Managing Editor

A Simple Solution to
Block Ticket Problem

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Problems of a Coincidence

The Transitory in Education

the Communist world, long
foreseen as inevitable, happeneci
to coincide last week. This com-
plicates greatly the making of our
own policy.
Had Khrushchev departed well
before the Chinese achieved nu-
clear status, the problem for us
would be simply whether Soviet
policy will continue along its pres-
ent line and how soon a post-
Khrushchev regime will be stabliz-
ed. Had China exploded the nu-
clear device while Khrushchev was
-still securely in office, the pros-
pect of a joint, though tacit, policy
of containing China would have
been good.
Now, instead of one variable-
either in Russia or China-we are
dealing with two variables. The
conduct of United States policy is
complicated many times over.
*S **
WE HAVE, I think, to make two
assumptions at the very begin-
ning. One is that the post-
Khrushchev regime will be fluid
and uncertain for months, per-
haps for some years to come. The
other assumption is that while the
Chinese nuclear device is no doubt
primitive by our own standards
and by Russian standards, China
will nevertheless soon begin to be
regarded, at least in Eastern Asia,
as a genuine nuclear power.
Toward Russia and China, the
grand objective of our policy must
be to avoid the unification of the
Communist world as one hostile
nuclear power. This does not mean
that we have, therefore, a vital
interest in perpetuating and
sharpening the Sino-Soviet con-
flict. It does not necessarily mean
that at all. But it does mean that
we have a vital interest in the
nature of any settlement that may
be brought about.
The critical question for us and
for our allies is whether Russia

and China will reach agreement
on the basis of coexistence wih
the West or on the basis of revolu-
tionary hostility against the West.
THE FOUNDATION of a policy
must be an extension to China
of the military system which has
played such a crucial part in
persuading the Soviet Union under
Khrushchev to rule out nuclear
war and seek peaceable coexist-
ence. This is a policy of military
superiority without pretending to
supremacy, a superiority used to
deter, but not to dominate.
President Lyndon Johnson on
Sunday evening extended this
policy to Eastern Asia, and we
may take it for granted that if
additional military power is need-
ed to enforce these extended
guarantees, there will be no hesi-
tation about providing it. Thus,
China starts its career as a nu-
clear power within the same
framework of deterrence that the
Soviet Union has lived in since
the middle of the 1950's. This
should serve as a big persuader
for a policy of coexistence in
ALONG WITH deterrence, an
integral part of American policy
begun under President Dwight
Eisenhower has been to negotiate
with the Communist nations on
the principle that they are not
identical and have differing na-
tional, interests. One of the card-
inal fallacies of Goldwaterism,
which would paralyze American
diplomacy in the world, is the
ignorant prejudice that all Com-
munist states are alike and should
be treated with the same degree
of hostility.
The truth is -that Russia and
China, though they both avow
Marxism and Leninism, are in
different stages of development
and have divergent national in-
terests. Moreover, the East Euro-
pean Communist nations desire

NO READING is more melancholy than
a large college catalog.
Spread out before the inquiring stu-
dent are often hundreds of little slices
of history, literature, language and sci-
ence, of which in his allotted time he can
consume a paltry 16 or 20. Every com-
pleted year more closely constricts the
range of possibilities open to him.
One student learns something about
the Romans and at the same time of nec-
essity passes by the Greeks, Egyptians
and Babylonians, not to mention misty
peoples whose very names he never knows.
He has four years and a catalog; out of
the combination, he must create an edu-
Every hall boasts a few fatuous opti-
mists who intended to fill in the gaps
with private reading and, more rarely,
someone who actually makes the attempt.
These intrepid souls' inevitable failure
reflects discredit on their sense of per-
spective rather than their talents: the
uomo universale is impossible today, and
no amount of natural genius can com-
pensate for the condition of the times.
THE GALAXY must largely remain in
shadows, it and most of its literary,
historical, and physical components.
Twenty or so little slices we may investi-
gate. What should they be? No one can
objectively say. What should they be?
Well considered discrimination can at
least begin to suggest omissions.
One obvious class of candidates for the
blackball need only be mentioned, Other
writers have railed sufficiently against
basket-weaving, modern dancing, physi-
cal education and related non-courses.
Baskets and basketballs are not intrin-
sically evil, not special varieties of sin.
When, however, so many possibilities
stand arrayed before the student, choos-
ing such a subject as one of these is ludi-

those tempting courses about the world
today: current events, minority conflicts,
economic problems, politics in the Middle
Too many students, fired up with so-
cial conscience instead of intellectual
zeal, look at college as a medical school
to prepare general practitioners for the
world's ills. They come out knowing every-
thing about NATO and nothing about the
history of France and England.
Meanwhile, NATO will reorganize or'
realign, and the current affairs devotee
will know nothing relevant about NATO or
the history of France and England.
APASSION TO STUDY "real life" most
often creates these intellectual ephe-
merids. "Real life" last year meant the
arms race, and now means sit-ins. Next
year it will be something else again.
The student of "real life" is grabbing
for the newspapers which will be thrust
at all of us quite soon enough. Now we
have the time to enjoy an education; to
cull the catalog for courses which spe-
cialize in diagnosing twentieth century
headaches is to throw away our brief
Such courses may inform but cannot
It would be hard to find many people
who openly profess opposition to the ideal
of a liberal education, but the student
who is exclusively preoccupied with "use-
ful" knowledge of current problems has
utterly forsaken that ideal.
THIS IS NOT WRITTEN to plead the
case of liberal education, but simply
to point out that the economics major
and his kin are not getting one. The
country no doubt needs these social tech-
nicians, with the same undeniable urgen-
cy it needs a reliable supply of garbage
collectors, but from the point of view of
a student confronted with a pearl-packed

an increasing degree of national
independence from Moscow. There
is also every reason to think that
the Southeast Asian Communist
nations, like North Viet Nam and
Laos, would prefer to avoid dom-
ination from Peking.
* * * .
A SOUND and successful Ameri-
can policy demands that within
the framework of nuclear deter-
rence there should be extensive
and diverse Western diplomatic
explorations inside the Communist
world, a continual search for the
agreements which are based on
mutual self-interest in keeping
the peace.
It is, plainly enough, a vital in-
terest of the Soviet Union that
Red China should evolve out of its
revolutionary militancy and, con-
centrate on internal development.
This is also our interest, and we
must not shut our minds to, or
exclude from the consideration of
our policies, the possibility that
within the coming generation
China will wish to make peace
with all her neighbors, on the land
and on the sea.
(c) 1964, The Washington Post Co.
New Film
At the Cinema Guild
As do dancing, painting, sculp-
ture and obviously, writing, the
motion picture has its predeter-
minmate vocabulary. It is up to the
experimenting artist to discover
its particular phrases and sylla-
bles. The Cinema Guild today and
tomorrow is showing eight (pos-
sibly nine) short films, four of
which could be called experi-
They are dangling participles,
with little relationship to reality
(or even fantasy which is derived
from reality), and the parts have
little relationship to the whole.
They are attempts to expand the
film-maker's vocabulary. Works of
art they are not because they fail
to communicate.
To be more specific, Stanley
Brakhage's "Cat's Cradle" . and
"Dog Star Man: Prelude" are ex-
periments in color, immediate
sensory perception and simultan-
eous montage. Brakhage is seek-
ing to expand cinematic vocabu-
lary, but he has wasted time in
doing so.
OTHER experimental works are
"Hallucinations," a gallery of sev-
eral hallucinatory scenes that take
no advantage of the camera's
unique properties and could just
as well be performed on the stage;
insignificant contortions; "Cine -
sumac," a colorful and funny
three minutes, playing with the
peculiar and unique sounds created
by a singer called, I think, Eva
Sumac; "Geography of the Body,"
a humorous and serious blend of
poetry and images of the human
body, with a half-garbled sound-
track and several grotesque, but

To the Editor:I
solution to the block tickets
problem. Why not divide thet
tickets into packets of 50, withE
a limit of two or 3 packets per
If a group needs 65 tickets, they
can buy two packets and then re-
sell the remaining 35 seats back to
the ticket window. These tickets
could be sold either as a partial
packet or as individual orders.
If such a packet system is1
handled properly, block tickets
might even be sold by mail order,
eliminating the ridiculous all night
-David Polaesek, '66E
To the Editor:
WHERE HAS good old-fashioned
college morality gone? The1
scalping of tickets for the Chad
Mitchell Trio concert is matched
only by the scalping of tickets for1
the football game between Michi-
gan and Michigan State.
Theirepresentative of the block
in which I had ordered tickets
was seventh in line for those
tickets Monday morning. When1
he reached the window, there were
enough tickets to fill about one-
third the orders in the block. No
later block got anything, nor did
I. Tuesday evening, however, I
found tickets readily available .. .
at over twice the list price.
When I refused to partake of
this generous and illegal offer, I
was referred to a representative of
the first block in line, "who might
know of some tickets still lying
THERE ARE two solutions to'
this travesty. The most sensible
would be to make these scalpers
pay by turning them over to the
proper authorities. The most de-
lectible would be to refuse pur-
chase en masse, thus denying any
profit and hopefully leaving the'
culprits with a large investment
in unsold tickets.
If we as college students cannot
effect one of these two solutions,
then I guess we'll just have to'
let God back into the public
Thomas Levy, '64
To the Editor:
THE "SYMPOSIUM" presented
on behalf of the University's
Professional Theatre Program and
the Union Tuesday night was, un-
fortunately, less than what the
term "symposium" might suggest.
The panelists chosen were of
emminent ability, but somehow
the discussion never got very far
or deep. We suspect that part of
the problem was the moderator's
too strong fear of criticism stand-
ing as just that; although we
thought that was the very purpose
of such a gathering of University
and theatre people.
* * *
IF THE ACTOR feels-and he
should know (or at least be al-
lowed to say)-that the audiences
are "too good" in Ann Arbor,
meaning that their critical re-
sponse is too smothered under
their temerity, or politeness, if
you will, why shouldn't he say
that? And why can't the state-
ment be left there, for us to
think about, or for the other
panelists to comment upon? But
barely were the words out of Mr.
Walker's mouth before apologies,
were expressed to the students in
the room and those of the steady
Ann Arbor population present that
this wasn't meant to be offensive.
I think we all (if we are as
"good" a dramatic audience as
the moderator in his defense was
telling us we were) have some
inkling of the real interest of
Besides, Dr. Burgwin's eloquent
appreciation of the unique cul-
tural opportunities to be found in
Ann Arbor was a worthy restate-
ment of an established, and I

sincerely believe, appreciated fact.
(As he himself stated, the
audiences have consistently grown
with the' growing opportunities
presented to them.) But we can
hardly see this as in any way miti-
gating the observation that these
audiences are still far less than
participants, in any meaningful
sense, in the theatrical experience
that can be shared by actor and
auditor during a performance.
AND WE need not shrink from
striving towards this goal for fear
-as Mr. Schnitzer would have us
fear-of burdening the mainten-
ance staff of the theatre with
orange peels and rotten tomato
seeds left behind after a per-
One was tempted to know how
the discussion went at dinner time
before the audience was so cau-
tiously allowed to share in the con-
versation of these perceptive men
-through a Gardol "protective
shield" as it were.
-Paul M. Bernstein, Grad.
To the Editor:
DeBerry and Shaw, realizing

Party candidates for president and
vice-president, will speak. At the
same rally, James Shabazz, na-
tional assistant to Malcolm X, will
address the audience, as will Rev.
Albert B. Cleague, the Freedom
Now Party candidate for Governor
of Michigan.
* * *
EARLIER that afternoon, at
Wayne State University, James
Shabazz will give a talk on "Twen-
tieth Century Slaves," and at
12:30, DeBerry, Milton Henry of
the Freedom Now Party, John
Conyers, Democratic congressional
candidate, and Jackie Vaughn,
candidate for Detroit Common
Council will debate, "The Negro
struggle and Political Action."
For those who do not wish to
go to Detroit to hear Socialist
ideas, there is an opportunity to
hear Peter Signorelli, Socialist
Workers' Party candidate for 2nd
Congressional District speak at a
Hyde Park in the clearing just
north of Angell Hall Thursday at
3:00. He will discuss the con
temptuous cynicism that the pro-
fessional capitalist politicians in
Congress displayed when they
killed the Medicare and Appa-
lachia Bills.
-Howard Salita,'64
To the Editor:
RECENTLY, the West Quad-
rangle dress regulations have
become a source of considerable
displeasure. The regulations have
been established because quad
leaders have wished (understand-
ably) to inject dignity into the
quad image. The result, however,
is gross incongruity-a drab,
noisome structure, overflowing
with males simply does not lend
itself to dignity.
The quad system is routine and
restricted; the ''quaddie" has his
sheets changed once a week, has
his meal tickets punched three
times a day, and brings up his
dates for periodic "open-opens."
The quad is convenient, but it
has no status,.no class. Thus, the
idea of a coat-and-tie affair in
a West Quad dining hall seems
ludicrously out of place.
THERE ARE no women to look
nice for, and the food certainly
does not rise to the occasion.
Nevertheless, the quad leaders
determinedly support the dress
regulations. They are complacent
because they have the power to
dictate social standards; they are
unconcerned that adamant sup-
port of dress regulations is no-
thing but an abortive attempt to,
give West Quadrangle a dignity
which it cannot have.
-Ron Evans,'67
To the Editor:
sent recently to L. A. Vogel,
manager of South Quadrangle:
Recently I received a notice
from you of the impoundment of
my iron. This, to say the least,
vexed me to no end. There are
close to 190 men in Gomberg
House, but only two house irons.
This averages out to 95 men per
iron or fourteen men per iron per
Of these fourteen men, at least
4-5 will only be able to use the
iron at a specific time because of
classes and activities. From this
we can conclude that 28-35 men
per iron per week' are unable to
iron their clothes. Do you realize
how messy everyone on this cam-
pus would look if 70 students from
every house in the residence halls
were unable to iron their clothes?
* * +
SECONDLY, no one with any
sense would conclude that a stu-
dent would use the iron in his
room because 1) outlets are so
situated as to be inconvenient for

any appliance, let alone an iron.
2) Students do not usually have
ironing boards in their rooms be-
cause they take up too much space
in the crowded rooms and anyway
many of the boards are chained to
the laundry room walls.
3) Students realize that using
the irons in their rooms allows the
fuses to blow, and it would be
like cutting their own throat since
it takes so long to have anything
repaired in the quadrangle any-
Thirdly, the contract states that
no electrical heating appliances
may be used in the rooms and I
can assure you that neither I nor
my two roommates have ever used
the iron in the room.
* *S *
BY THE WAY, since you seemed
to be basing your case on the
terms of the contract, let me point
out that the University has al-
ready violated the contract by
placing a third man in our room,
and this alone has caused undue
strainon studies and personal
Finally, I can promise you-that
neither my friends nor I have ever
or will ever use the iron in the
room. Therefore I beg of you to
please be considerate enough to
return my iron.
-James M. Gibbons, '68E







Controversial Novel
Makes Disturbing Film
At the State Theatre
ALTHOUGH THE IDEA that a thermonuclear war could be triggered
purely through mechanical malfunction did not originate with,
Eugene Burdick and John Harvey Wheeler Jr., their book, "Fail-
Safe," has stimulated much controversy as to whether such an
accidental "war to end all wars" could really happen.
Perhaps no less "inevitable" than the fact that such a war would
occur was the fact that this exciting and yet disturbing book would
be sought after by the movie companies.
AS COULD have been expected, the transition from book to movie
lost something in the translation--mainly in the realm of those
subtle points of background and character portrayal. Yet the written
description of the eleborate mechanisms and maneuvers with which the
novel abounds are much more awesome when they can be seen on
the screen. Here the movie scores over its predecessor.
Much space would be required to point out the numerous ways-
not all of them small points-in which the book and the movie
differ. Whether or not one has read the book, however, there can
be no denying the fact that the movie is, on its own merits, a

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