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October 20, 1964 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1964-10-20

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Phi lu: Its
The disbanding of one of the 23 sororities on campus has raised
questions regarding the financial solvency and membership sta-
bility of three other University sororities.
Since Phi Mu officially announced its withdrawal from the
campus last week, renewed rumors have equated its situation to
those of Alpha Omicron Pi, Zeta Tau Alpha and Kappa Delta.
The situation, particularly in the case of financing, is not
completely comparable to Phi Mu-at least for AOPi and ZTA, who
have released figures to illustrate the differences. The situation for
KD is not as clear, because the group has refused to release any
Sorority's Financial Framework
The general structure of any sorority's financing involves
three basic organs: a general fund, the corporation board and a
chapter fund.
-The money that each girl pays for room and board goes into
a general fund for running the house. This fund pays for rent (to
the corporation board), food, salaries and minor maintenance.
-The corporation board, composed of alumni, owns the house.
With the rent money it receives from the chapter, it pays what
might be called basic expenses-insurance, taxes and major main-
The amount paid to the corporation board each month is
established according to the number of girls actually living in. the
In most sororities, when the house is full the rent is paid to the
corporation board is above that needed to take care of basic
expenses. The surplus goes back into the house for purchasing
furniture, redecorating and any other changes the chapter might
like to make.

Because of this margin, a sorority need not have a full house i
to remain financially sound. However, when membership drops too t
low, so may the rent paid to the corporation board: the rent is not
enough to pay for the basic expenses.E
-The chapter fund provides for social activities and rush and
is paid, in addition to the room-and-board fees, by each girl.
Early Successes for Phi Mu .
Phi Mu was originally very successful on this campus. A few 1
years after it formed in the mid-fifties, the chapter bought a very
expensive house. Mrs. Elizabeth Leslie, an assistant in the Office
of Student Affairs who works with the sorority system, said yes-
terday her office encouraged Phi Mu to expand because of the
chapter's previous membership success.
The chapter had to take out two mortgages in order to accom-
modate the purchase of the house. This put the group on a very
tight budget.r
In 1961 Phi Mu had an active membership of 42, all living in
the house, which filled it to capacity. That year the chapter took 7
19 pledges in formal rush and picked up several others in informal s
rush, giving it an active membership of 44 in 1962.
At this point, the problems began.
Lost 21 Membersy
In the 1962 rush Phi Mu took no pledges; 21 seniors graduated
that year. In 1963 the group again took no pledges, putting the I
house in a situation where it couldn't continue.a
Its two mortgages constituted a stiff burden: to pay them
off the chapter needed a house filled to capacity. This it couldn't s
achieve, and so Phi Mu died.$
In the cases of AOPi and ZTA, at any rate, membership is c
a problem but finances are not.
AOPi has a mortgage of $50,000 on its house, which has an a

for Other
insurance appraisal of $250,000. Each girl pays $960 per year for
room and board and $80 in chapter fees. This money accounts
for the yearly sum paid for operating and house improvement
Seven Years Paid
The chapter has a regular 20-year mortgage, against which
seven years have already been paid. "In the past seven years the
house has never missed a payment," Mrs. Robert Lawson, financial
advisor to AOPi, said.
There are no other assessments on the house, and no financial
demands besides those stated above have been asked of the
girls, Mrs. Lawson explained.
ZTA now has a mortgage of $62,000 on' its $120,000 house.
$20,000 -redecorating costs this year led to a refinancing of the
mortgage, bringing it up to the figure above.
"Our bank encouraged us to go ahead with the redecorating.
There was no hesitancy at all," ZTA President Carolyn Utter, '65,
Each girl in the house pays $7.50 a month dues and $920 per
year for room and board.
"Every year since 1957, our first year at the University, we
have had a substantial balance left in the house checking account
at the end of the academic year," Miss Utter reported.
By way of comparison, Collegiate Sorosis, one of the stronger
sororities at the University, is carrying a 15-year mortgage of
$105,000. The chapter's new house has an assessed valuation, ex-
cluding personal property, of $48,000.
,The girls in Sorosis pay $370 rent, $638 board and $80 dues-
a total of $1088 per year.

U' ororities
AOPi currently has an active membership of 44, with 36 mem-
bers living in the house. The house has a capacity of 57 and is now
full. The difference is made up of "Panhellenic girls"-transfers
from other schools who cannot be accommodated by their own
'Panhel Girls'
"Our present membership is enough to keep us solvent," AOPi
President Kay Farnell, '65, explained, "and the 'Panhel girls' in-
crease our revenue. Nevertheless, we would certainly rather have a
capacity membership."
Until 1959, the house had no problems. That year the chapter
took a pledge class of 10 girls. Twenty girls graduated, leaving a
deficit of 10. Every year since then the house has lost two or three
girls, increasing the deficit. However, "the six girls we have already
taken in fall upperclass rush, combined with a spring rush com-
parable to recent years, would eliminate our deficit," Miss Farnell

Good Size
She added that she and many of the girls like living in a small
house. "A small house provides a greater opportunity for sharing
responsibility, a larger opportunity to display leadership and a
chance to get to know the girls on an individual, personal basis."
ZTA has 43 active members at present. The house holds 40
girls. Thirty-nine girls now living in there: 32 members and seven
"Panhel girls."
Until 1960, the house was operating to full membership ca-
pacity. There was a small drop in 1961 and a sudden large drop in
1962 when its pledge class--previously averaging over 20 girls--
dropped to 14.
See PROBLEMS, Page 2


See Editorial Page

Str itarn
Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Fr ?edoma


Clearing with
possibility of showers



Faculty Raises Salary Issue


New Soviet Heads Pledge

The shift to year-round opera-
tions has led many faculty mem-
bers to call for a revised salary
An answer to this problem may,
be provided by an expected policy
statement on year-round opera-
tions from the Office of Academic
Affairs. Currently under discus-
sion, the policy statement will deal
with the pay scale question as well
as other issues raised by the tran-

sition to the trimester system. ,
Most faculty members agree
that the problem of pay scale is
twofold. First, two full terms now
last eight rather than nine
months, rendering the present
nine-month pay scale somewhat
obsolete. Secondly, the summer
term has been lengthened to equal
each of the other two terms, but
unless the present pay scale is re-
vised summer salaries will be
Paid for Nine
At present, faculty members at
the University are paid for nine-
months work. This is a remnant
of the University's old two-
semester calendar. Teachers who
worked during the two-month
summer session were paid an ad-
ditional two-ninths of their regu-
lar salary.
Under the new trimester system,
however, two terms are compressed
into eight rather than nine
months. Now, the faculty member'
who teaches for two months dur-
ing the summer-either of the two
half-terms-is increasing his basic
work load by two-eights. There-
fore, many faculty members argue,
he should be paid an extra two-
eighths of his basic salary. But
unless a revised pay scale is forth-
coming, he will be paid only two-
ninths of this amount.
Similarly, a teacher who works
the full summer term will receive
only four-ninths rather than one-
half of his regular salary.
Currently, faculty members are
speculating how the administra-
tion will resolve the pay scale
problem. Prof. Alan Gaylord of
the English department said he
thought the University might want
to keep the summer pay scale at
the four-ninths mark in order to'
discourage faculty members from
teaching all year.
He explained that the University
frowns on twelve-month teaching
loads because teachers need some
free time to catch up on reading,
relax and generally improve them-
selves as teachers.
But such a solution would have
to be unfair in individual cases,
Gaylord said. Some teachers like
to work for a full year before tak-
ing a twelve-month sabbatical, and
it would certainly be unfair to de-
prive these individuals of their

full pay for the summer term,


Another possibility, expressed by
Prof. Norman Thomas of the poli- C rw sn
tical science department, would
be for teachers to receive a full
50 per cent of their salary for BELGRADE OI)-Marshal Sergei
working the summer trimester, S. Biryuzov, the second man in
provided that they take time off the Soviet Defense Ministry, and
during one of the other two terms. five other Soviet general officers
died yesterday in the flaming





Cite Success
Of Seminar
The literary college steering
committee last night evaluated its
counseling seminar of Oct. 12 as
being successful, even though the
turn-out was small.
The committee sponsored the
seminar as a supplement to regu-
lar academic counseling. Upper-
class student counselors gave ad-
vice on specific courses and pro-
fessors within several areas of the
literary college curriculum.
Steering committe chairman Ed
Mehler, '65, described the seminar
as an "organized student grape-
100 Students Attend
According to Mehler, only about
100 students took advantage of the
counseling.seminar. About 50 stu-
dents filled out evaluation forms
and all but one of these students
were satisfied with the informa-
tion they received during the sem-
inar, Mehler said. One student
said that the seminar provided
him with "the best advice yet."

! T

Most faculty members, accord- crash of a Russian airliner out-
ing to Gaylord and Thomas, feel side Belgrade in foul weather.
that a shift to an eight month
pay scale would effectively solve The Russians were en route to
the ioblm o equtabe sumerthe celebration today' of the 20th
the problem of equitable summer anie'lyo elrd' iea
pay rates. A teacher would thenEannversary of Belgrade's libera-
receive one-half of his regular Ition from Nazi occupation in World
salary for teaching the full sum- War II.
mer term, or one-fourth of this Biryuzov, 60, chief of staff of
amount for teaching one half- the Soviet armed. forces and first
Soviet deputy minister of defense,
was known as a supporter of de-
Study Hals posed Premier Nikita S. Khrush-
Study halls have been per- chev. He was leader of the So-
manently established for stu- viet delegation.
dents in Angell Hall. Tables Other Members
and chairs in Rooms 25 and 231 The Soviet news agency Tass
will be available 7-10 p.m. Mon- listed other members of the dele-
day through Friday. gation as:
Maj. Gen. Nikolai Mironov, head
term. The administration has of the Department of Administra-
promised to consider this proposal, tive Organs of the Central Com-
Gaylord added. mittee of the Soviet Communist
An eight-month pay scale would Party; Col. Gen. Vladimir Zhda-
have the added benefit of allow- nov, chief of the Soviet Armored
ing the two-term teacher an extra Forces Academy; Lt. Gen. Nikolai
month for outside employment, Shkodunovich and two retired of-
Thomas said. Under the present ficers, Lt. Gen. Ivan Kravtsov and
nine-month scale, teachers still Maj. Gen. Leonid Bocharov.
only work eight months, but owe A dispatch from Moscow said
the Universityhanextramonth of the death of Biryuzov settled a
their time. This extra month used touch of gloom on a Kremlin re-
to be squeezed into the year at ception for the Soviet Union's lat-
vacation periods, but now it falls est space heroes, the three-man
at the end of the term. crew of the Voskmod (Sunrise).
Obligation Biryuzov's rise in the Soviet
military hierarchy kept close pace
What then, if a teacher works with the political progress of Ni-
during the IlA half-term and kita Khrushchev, who fell from
leaves immediately afterwards on power last Wednesday.
his vacation, Prof. Marvin Fel- Followed Khrushchev
heim of the English department When Khrushchev moved up to
speculated. How does he fulfill his first secretary of the Soviet Com-
obligation? munist Party in 1953, Biryuzov
With a revised pay scale, was close behind.
Thomas indicated faculty members Biryuzov became a member of
would receive the same amount of the Communist Party's Central
money for teaching two terms as Committee in 1961. He was ap-
they do now, but they would also pointed chief of staff of the arm-
have an extra month in which ed forces in March 1963. His dec-
they would be free to accept re- orations included two orders of
earch grants and participate in Lenin and the medal hero of the


THE SOVIET UNION'S TWO NEW LEADERS, Leonid Brezhnev and Alexei Kosygin, are shown
with the three latest Russian cosmonauts in a welcoming ceremony yesterday at Moscow airport.
From left are Soviet President Anastas Mikoyan, cosmonauts Vladimir Komarov and Boris Yegorov,
Communist Party Boss Brezhnev, Premier Kosygin and cosmonaut Konstantin Feoktistov.
Ticket Sellout Yelds Policy, Evaluation

Follow Steps,
Outlined By
Hint Former Chief
. ,Boldly Cast Aside'
For Halting Progress
MOSCOW (P)-The Kremlin's
leaders pledged yesterday to push
on to Nikita Khrushchev's twin
goals of peace and prosperity but
suggested the former premier was
"boldly cast aside" because he
hampered progress.
In his first public speech since
he' took power, Communist Party
Secretary Leonid Brezhnev prom-
ised to follow policies of peace-
ful coexistence abroad and more
consumer goods at home. This
was Khrushchev's blueprint before
his downfall last week.
Premier Alexei Kosygin called
the Communist Party "a great
creative titanic force"' and assert-
ed "it has always inspired every-
thing new and progressive and
boldly cast aside whatever ham-
pers our progress." This was taken
as a veiled reference to Khrush-
chev's fate.
Homecoming Celebration
Brezhnev occupied the center
of the stage at gala homecoming
celebrations for the three newest
Soviet cosmonauts, first to orbit
in a multiseat space ship.
.Kosygin spoke later at a Krem-
in reception subdued by news of
the death of Marshal Sergei S.
Birytizov, chief of staff of the So-
viet armed forces, in a plane crash
in Yugoslavia
The new Soviet 'rulers claimed
Russia is ahead in the space race
but wants cooperation.
People's Trust
Confidently claiming that "the
Soviet people fully trust the par-
ty," Brezhnev made his first ma-
por policy speech from the top
of Lenin's mausoleum in Red
?Square before an audience of
cheering thousands.
He promised that the party's
new leadership would develop the
economy, raise living standards
and ensure "social democracy."
In foreign affairs, he said, ef-
forts toward peaceful coexistence
with the West would be continued
and adopted a strikingly milder
tone than his predecessor in in-
direct remarks about the Soviet-
Chinese dispute.
Western Anxiety
Brezhnev hailed the returned
cosmonauts, saying their flight
had caused anxiety in the West
over the Soviet Union's lead in
the space race.
"Of course, it is a pleasure for
us that our country is ahead in
the exploration of outer space,"

Associate Managing tditor
Confusion and frustration aris-
ing from block ticket sales for
Homecoming is leading to a re-
evaluation of ticket sale policy.
Block tickets were sold out yes-
terday morning to the first six
buyers, leaving many groups, who
had representatives standing in
line up to three or four days,
without any tickets.
The Homecoming Committee
had set the policy that no housing

unit or group could order more
than twice as many tickets as it
had members.
Combined Units
But when block tickets finally
went on sale, the ticket chairman
found that units had combined so
that each person in line repre-
sented more than one group.
The Homecoming Committee
felt that it would have been un-
fair to say arbitrarily which group
each person standing in line rep-
resented, Susan Sherwood, '65,
Homecoming co-chairman s a i d,

other outside endeavors.k

Soviet Union.

Hart Says Democratic Party Is One of Ideas

last night. So each person in line
was allowed to buy up to the ca-
pacity of the units he represented.
Miss Sherwood commented that
even if those in line had only
bought tickets for their own hous-
ing units, there still wouldn't have
been enough tickets.
No one in line for block tickets
bought more than about, 500
tickets, Miss Sherwood said.
General admission tickets for
Homecoming go on sale today.
Bedded Down
As of 11:45 p.m. last night, 25
students were bedded down for
"the long, cold wait until the ticket
office opened.
Miss Sherwood plans to apply
the lessons learned from Home-
coming ticket sales to future sales.
She will recommend that organi-
zations in the future eliminate
block ticket sales.
"All the value of block buying
is gone," Miss Sherwood said.
Blocks are too big, housing units
are mixed, and the only purpose
in getting block tickets is to get
good seats.
Perhaps the time wasted in lines
is the fault of organizations for
failing to set a fair ticket policy,
Miss Sherwood said. But perhaps
the campus has just grown too
large for block ticket sales, she
Refuse GOP
Newtwork Time


"The Democratic Party is the party of ideas while the Republican

Members of the steering com- Party is afraid of ideas," Sen. Philip A. Hart (D-Mich) said last night.
mittee expressed the hope that a Speaking to an enthusiastic crowd of 125 people on the League
greater number of studentsbwill be Mall, Hart refered to the Goldwater campaign slogan, "In your heart
attracted as the seminars becomeyoknwsh'rit.
more of a tradition. you now's he's righ-
The idea for counseling seminars "You realize that it isn't what's in your heart, it's what's up here
had been discussed by the steering (pointing to his head). It's the rationality of the human animal that
committee, for several years. Last matters," he said.
fall was the first time that the The United States has an obligation to the free world not to be
idea was actually implemented. afraid of ideas, Hart said. Man is constantly progressing. "When I
One seminar is held each semester.
Work toner echysems graduated from Michigan in 1937 anyone who thought of going to the
Work to Perfect System I
The steering committee mem- moon was considered immature, but now you leave this campus for a
bers decided to work on perfect- world that is very tiny," he explained.

Sen. Philip Hart (D-Mich) said yesterday in an interview that
the main issue in his campaign for re-election is Sen. Barry Gold-
"May opponent supports Goldwater with all that implies," Hart
declared. "I support President Johnson with all that implies."
Hart then added that support for Johnson's program included
support for the war on poverty which he termed "a worthwhile and
wise undertaking" and the medicare program.
Hart also emphasized the need for a broader contribution by
the federal government in the field of education. He advocated a
broadening of the National Defense Education Act program so that
it includes subjects such as history and English as well as science
and language.
Discussing his accomplishments in the Senate, Hart said "I
am proud to have helped increase across the country an awareness

ing the system of procuring and
orienting the student counselors.
They nroposed that before each

"This Nov. 3rd will see a verdict that is a commitment to this
changing world. Ours is the party that has the deepest concern for
rain nnA ind -,nvnr Ifll ar 11ha nca


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