Victory, Detroit Paper Strike
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Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom
m all-Y1eld Blast
Said No Surprise
Following Soviet Power Shift,
Test Enhances Mao's Stature
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON - Communist China exploded its first
atomic bomb early yesterday morning. The detonation did not
surprise United States officials.
Describing the device as "low-yield," President Lyndon B.
Johnson said the significance of the test "should not be over-
Nevertheless, the explosion, following directly on the heels
of Soviet Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev's ouster from the
Kremlin, raised Chinese Premier Mao Tze-tung's stature in
the Communist world and in the areas of Communist pressure.
And while U.S. experts estimated it will take from four
to 10 years for China to build as many as 30 atomic bombs-
Motivated b
L Money Needed To Ads
100 Teachers, Educal
35,000 There in Fal
Struck by what was describe
yesterday as a "shocking" enrol:
ment surge, Michigan State 'Un
versity is appealing to the sta
Legislature for financial unde:
If the Legislature is unsympa
tJhetic, a key MSU official la
night predicted serious conse
quences for the institution, alread
reportedly faced with inadequai
staff, dormitory overcrowding ar
a "totally unexpected" resident er.
rollment surpassing 30,000.
MSU Trustee Warren Huff t
Plymouth said last night the true
tees, in a highly unusual mov
voted Thursday to ask the Legis
lature for an additional $1 millio
in state funds for 1965-66.
The request will be tacked a
to MSU's record $48.3 million bi
for state operations funds; sub
mitted to the governer in Sep
The supplemental funds woul
specifically be applied to addir
100 faculty members to the MS
staff next fall. They will be neede
to help educate an anticipate
35,000 students who will be enrol
ed there, Huff said.
The initial request, if passec
would include modest staff add:
tions and a 10 per cent across
the-board salary hike for facult:
but Huff said the trustees fel
Thursday this sum would still b
He cited these specifics as spur
for the supplementary request:
-The teacher-student ratio ha
"deteriorated" in the past fey
See MSU, Page 3
* *
Ousted f or
Professors View Effects Of
By HAROLD WOLMAN litical science department com- statement most frequently heard
mented that any of the three among those politicians still in the
The effect of the disclosure of events taken by itself could have capital was that the three news
Walter Jenkins' arrest on the pres- had a major impact on the elec- stories, coming practically within
idential race will likely be can- tion. The net effect of all three the same day, would neutralize
celled by the news of China's nu- of them occurring at the same each other.
clear explosion and the leadership time, however, might be zero, he Corruption, Immorality
shake-up in the Soviet Union, ob- said. Thomas commented that the1
servers of the political scene cau- This prediction was echoed by news of Jenkins' arrest on a mor-t
tiously predicted yesterday. a congressional staff assistant in als charge Wednesday would defi-
Prof. Norman Thomas of the po- Washington who noted that the nitely help Sen. Barry Goldwater's
presidential campaign since itt
seemed to add some validity to
13erke leyJ1y Decthe Republican candidate's charges
Y that corruption and immorality
are associated with high figures inf
the Johnson administration.
F in o Professor Thomas added that, by itself,I
the Jenkins affair might easily
encourage wavering Republicana
By ROGER RAPOPORT moderates to vote for their tradi-
The faculty senate of the University of California-Berkeley asked tional party, despite Goldwater's F
unattractiveness to them.
Nepotism aRed China
Newspaper Editors Out; Gromyko,
Malinovsky Absent from Meeting
By The Associated Press.
MOSCOW-The Soviet Communist leadership voted Premier-
Nikita S. Khrushchev out of his top jobs in the Kremlin on charges
that included nepotism and bad tactics in the dispute with Red
China, usually reliable sources revealed yesterday.
Khrushchev fought. the charges, brought in a secret meeting of
the Communist Party Central Committee, but lost the informants
said. He is still reported to be in Moscow.
Six of his personal underlings were also reported to have been
fired or transferred-one of them his son-in-law Alexei Adzhu-
bei, editor of the government newspaper Izvestia.
There were further speculations in Moscow that two other
Khrushchev proteges-Defense Minister Marshall Rodio Malinovsky
and Foreign Minister Andrei
and as many years before de-
livery systems are developed-
there were fears in Washing-
ton that China would use its
new power to intimidate
smaller Southeast Asian na-
U.S. Readiness
Thus Johnson asserted U.S.
readiness to respond to any calls
from the non-Communist Asian
countries for help against threats
of aggression.
He said, however, there was "no
reason to 'fear that the explosion
could lead to immediate danger of
American scientists. rated the
bomb's yield at 19 kilotons --
about the:power of the U.S.'s first
detonation in 1945. They empha-
sized that a country cannot be
considered a nuclear power un,
til it has the capacity to deliver
its weapons at enemy targets.
The U.S. has expected the det-
onation ever since a Sept. 29 an-
nouncement by Secretary of State
Dean Rusk that the Chinese would
soon reach the nuclear stage.
Scarcity of Resources
Outlining the obstacles to
China's possessing quantities of
even, ordinary atomic fission ma-
terial and of thermonuclear weap-
ons, officials pointed to the scarc-
ity of resources on the Chinese
mainland. They said the charge
for yesterday's device probably.
came from the three or four nu-
clear reactors China now has.
The first of these reactors was
a gift from Russia, along with
training of Chinese nuclear scien-
tists, before the two nations came
to odds over ideology.
The big question now is whether
the new Soviet regime might re-
sume helping China in building
nuclear equipment and delivery
A Peking announcement said the
development of the bomb was a
defensive move. It proposed a
"summit conference" of all the
countries of the world to be con-
vened to discuss the question of
the complete prohibition and
thorough destruction of nuclear
Major Achievement
Nevertheless, the statement said,
the test was "a major achieve-
ment of the Chinese people to
increase their national defense
capability and oppose U.S. im-
Disputing; the judgment of
Western observers, Indian Prime
Minister Lal Bahadur Shastri said
this policy "is a danger to the
maintenance of peace." .
A somewhat similar reaction
was expressed by Prof. Hans Mor-
genthau of the University of Chi-
cago, noted authority on inter-
national relations. Morgenthau
said the explosion "will increase
our incentive to come closer to
the Soviet Union, since both of us
are threatened by China as an
atomic power."
Stirs Little
Alarm at 'U
The detonation by Red China
of a "low yield atomic bomb" has
caused little consternation among
University professors.
The prevalent attitude was. best
summed up by Prof. Anatol Rapo-
port of the mathematics depart-
ment and member of' the Center
for Conflict Resolution. He said,
"This event is- of no particular
consequence, nor is it particulat ly
.surprising. we-have been expet-
ing the Red Chinese to develop
some nuclear device."
Rapoport said he doubts the
United States will recognize Red
China despite the latter's en-
trance into the circle of nuclear
powers. "This country is too -hem-
med in by public opinion and
pressure groups," he explained.
Prof. Harold Jacobson of the
political science department :indi-
cated that Red China's successful
detonation "underlines the fact
that the Chinese- will have to be
included in disarmament talks."
He added that "it is difficult
enough to try to reach agreements
with Russia. The addition of Red
China will probably cause further
complications, although no dis-
armament commission has really
excluded the probability of Red
China's nuclear development."
Prof. Alexander Eckstein of the
economics department surmised
that the Red Chinese move is more
"for political status than for miIl-
itary development. I doubt they
will begin an arms program that
will cause a serious diversion of
economic resources from internal
improvements to armaments."
Eckstein said the detonation
would, though, have an effect on
Southeast Asia. "It will strength-
en the Chinese hand in Southeast
Asia and probably cause close'r re-
lationships with the North Viet-
namese, the Viet Cong and Jap-
anese elements who are advocat-
ing closer Chinese-Japanese rela-
All three professors agreed it
was highly unlikely a realignment
of the Communist countries would
occur. "Any realignment would be
due to the change of regime and
not the nuclear weapon," Jacob-
son said.
Rapoport speculated that now
Red Chinese admission to the
United Nations and to the Secur-
ity Council could be "the begin-
ning of concord between the per-
manent members of the Security
Council. It would be a wonderful
opportunity if the permanent
members of the council included
all the nuclear powers."
Thursday Liat their administration rehire Prot. Eli Katz, ousted
last spring when he refused to answer questions about his alleged'
1957 attendance at two Communist Party meetings.
Berkeley Chancellor Edward 'Strong was sharply criticized by
senate members for his handling of the case. The report, issued
by the Committee on Privilege and Tenure, urged that the admin-
istration review its policy on such matters.
Katz had signed a state loyalty oath and.assured the administra-
However, most analysts expect
the fall of Soviet Premier Nikita
Khrushchev and the Chinese nu-
clear explosion will help Presi-
dent Lyndon B. Johnson, since
these changes in the international
situation underline the importance
of foreign affairs in the campaign,
tion he was not a Communist.
Grillet Explains New Form
In Conter orar Literature
Associate Editorial Director
"The nouveau roman (new novel) is not a formal school with
conventions established in advance; it reserves the right to invent,"
Alain Robbe-Grillet, a primary exponent of this literary form, said
yesterday at a romance language department lecture.
Grillet is author of "The Voyeur," "Jealousy" and "In the
Labyrinth" and creator of the scenario for the film "Last Year at
,Marienbad." His literary form,
; which departs from all preceding
French literary tradition, emp-
phasizes objects and sense per-
ception and is unconcerned with
the usual components of a novel.
S Discussing the question of real-
ism in the nouveau roman, Grillet
suggested that the form has al-
r , ways been most important. It is
the form which expresses the con-
tent and represents the reality of
the book, he maintained. The
form is essential to realism be-
cause the author wishes to create
reality with precision.
Translate Reality
For a nineteenth century au-
thor such as Balzac, reality was
not a problem; the goal was to
translate the existing world as
realistically as possible.
.N -' To illustrate how the concep-
tion of reality has evolved in the
nouveau roman, Grillet recalled his experience when writing "The
"I was in Paris, where there are no seagulls, so I travelled to
However, he refused to answer an area in which most voters seem
'questions on his Communist af- to distrust Goldwater.
filiations put to him by Strong As another observer at the Uni-
thisJanury.Versity remarked, "Goldwater's in-
this January. temperate statements on foreign
HUAC affairs have gotten across to the
The questions were similar to electorate. They will want to stick
those which the H*3use Un- with someone they consider safe,
American Activities Committee ;such as Johnson."
had asked Katz in in 1958. At the Close Ranks
time, Katz pleaded the 5th Thomas remarked that any
Amendment. change in the international situ-
Hired in the fall of 1963 as ation this close to an election
an acting assistant professor of would cause American voters to
Ge, man, Katz was promised a close ranks behind the current
twa-year post as assistant profes- i President.
sor upon completion of his doc- Thomas also said that had the
torate. However, after he attained 'Republicans nominated a moderate
the degree, Strong refused to place candidate whose views on foreign
him on the payroll for the current affairs were not so distasteful to
year. the electorate, the disclosure of
The German department backed Jenkins' conduct and arrest could
Katz's appointment, at the time, have been the most important
by a vote of 12-3. At no time was event of the campaign. As it is,
his competency in question, Katz Thomas added, if Goldwater is
said. elected the Jenkins scandal would
Contacted in Cleveland, where have to be considered the major
-,+,~breakthrough of the campaign.
Gromyko - had fallen with
Khrushchev. The two, like their
comrade, were not present at a
Kremlin reception held last night
for the visiting president of Cuba.
The new account of what hap-
pened disputes the official expla-
nation that Khrushchev had ask-
ed to be relieved of his jobs be-
cause of his age, 70, and health.
Leonid B r e zsh n e v succeeded
Khrushchev as first secretary of
the Communist Party, the key
position in a Communist country,
md Alexei Kosygin became pre-
Soviet ambassadors around the
world carried the word that the.
departure of Khrushchev would
mean no change in Soviet foreign
policy. From Washington, Presi-
dent Lyndon B. Johnson sent back
word that the United States will
"persevere steadfastly" in the
search for peace.
He had received a peace mes-
sage from the new government
early in the afternoon.
Pravda, Khrushchev's former
mouthpiece, also threw the book
at him.
The organ of the Communist
Party accused its ousted chief, of
'hair-brained scheming, immature
conclusions and hasty decisions
and actions, individualistic brag-
ging and phrasemongering, com-
SGC R ejects
Request for
Hatcher Talk
Student Government Council
yesterday rejected a motion re-
questing that University President
Harlan Hatcher appear before the
body at next Wednesday's meet-
ing to clarify the administration's
position on student grievances and
the role of the University as a
community actor.
The SGC meeting was the tra-
ditional Friday afternoon gather-
ing following an election, called
primarily to seat newly-elected
members. Accepted into the body
were Rachel Amado, '67, Robert
Bodkin, '67E and Sharon Man-
ning, '65Ed, all voted into office
in Wednesday's balloting.
Speaking for his motion, SGC
member Barry Bluestone, '66, said
it was important for SGC to have
the opportunity to discuss with
President Hatcher the "apparent
differences in philosophy" be-
tween the administration and the
student body.
Speaking against the motion,
Eugene Won, '66, expressed con-
cern that Bluestone might end up
"raking President Hatcher over
the coals" rather than participat-
ing in meaningful discussion.
Bluestone said he considered
Won's statement a "personal af-
front" and that only through a
direct discussion of the adminis-
tra tion's position would the Presi-
dent's appearance be valuable.
Romney To Wait
To Name Regent
FLINT (A')-Gov. George Rom-
ney doesn't plan to fill a vacancy
on the University Board of Re-
gents until after the Nov. 3 elec-
The governor said Friday half
a dozen candidates, including at
he is now an assistant professor of
German at Western Reserve Uni-
versity, Katz said he was "deeply
gratified by the faculty support of
my position. It was a pretty lonely
year last year," he added.
In addition to urging that Katz
be rehired, the faculty committee
condemned Strong. Strong refus-
ed to testify during the review of
the matter.
Prof. Henry Henrydsovsky,
chairman of Berkeley's economics
department, said he was "shocked"
that Strong did not appear before
the committee in the Katz case.
Strong said, however, that the
matter was still being discussed by
the administration.
The academic senate also voted
-Associated PressI
IAmnatr -sta