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October 15, 1964 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1964-10-15

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Seventy-Fifth Year
Where Opinions Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MicH. Naws PHONE: 764-0552
TIruth Willz Prevail
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

Laudable Student Performance at Rockwell Speech



Residential College Planners
Find a Workable Solution

planners have found what is probably
the best solution to the inconveniences
they will have to face when the new liv-
ing and learning operation opens.
Their plan calls for opening half the
college's residences and classrooms in the
fall of 1966 and the other half a year or
two later. It still must be discussed with
a parallel student committee and its fi-
nancial feasibility explored. Then it will
have to go to the administration.
N ANY. CASE, it is superior to a num-
ber of other alternatives which have
faced the two committees:
1) The college might build, for 1966,
only residences for the 1200 students it
will eventually contain. With no class-
rooms, library space or faculty offices, the
300-odd students comprising the college's
first class would either travel to the cen-
tral campus for instruction or receive it
in makeshift facilities in the residences.
The main disadvantage of this plan-
and of all other plans-is that students
who had not begun their University years
in the residential college would have to
be housed in some of its facilities. With
Ann Arbor's burgeoning student popula-
tion, present dormitory overcrowding and
the inadequacy of additional housing
units currently being planned, empty
residence rooms would be unconscionable.
Nevertheless, the presence of "outsid-
ers" during the first few years of the col-
lege is considered by many of the plan-
ning committee as a definite detriment
to the separate culture and self-suffi-
ciency which are basic foundations of
the residential college idea.
FURTHERMORE this first proposal
maximizes the number of outsiders,
since its 1966 time tag makes it extreme-
ly difficult for the college to begin with
more than one class of students.
2) Only if the residential college be-
gins in 1965, with a pilot operation in
existing central campus quarters, could it
start with two classes of its own-those
who had enrolled in 1965 and those en-
tering in 1966. If some of the empty liv-
ing units were then used temporarily as
classrooms and faculty offices, it is con-
ceivable that as few as 200-300 extra
spaces would have to be filled by out-
But the difficulties of beginning even
pilot operations next fall are just too
great. The proponent of this alternative
feels the extra effort required by the
planners would be well worth the bene-
fits of minimizing the number of out-
siders. Yet most other committee mem-
bers feel the tasks of picking a faculty and
a curriculum, setting admissions policy
and student regulations and arranging
for temporary quarters are too great.
IF A 1965 DATE were imposed, they ar-
gue, most of the value of the leisure
now enjoyed in the planning process
would be lost.
3) If the residential college does not
open until 1967-when both housing and
classrooms should be completed -R the
University will most likely just appro-

priate the dorms as "overflow housing"
during 1966-67.
The faculty committee has strong ob-
jections to this prospect: they feel they
could not stomach prostituting their
bright child to the enrollments crisis.
While this is essentially a selfish objec-
tion, the only choice is using some of the
dorms for residential college students in
1967-essentially what the first alterna-
tive offers.
1N ANY CASE, there is probably good
reason for not wanting to take the
shine off the college-especially in its
first days-by turning it over completely
to the University for a year. A sense of
pioneering, of high hopes, even, to a
certain extent, of being very special is
crucial to the residential college's poten-
4) One other way of enhancing the
pioneer spirit would be building the whole
college step-wise-dorms and classrooms
for one class at a time. Some contend
that, while this alternative would vir-
tually eliminate the necessity of includ-
ing outsiders, the confusion created by
noisy construction on the campus would
be too detrimental.
Most, however, view this confusion as
only a minor evil and possibly an advan-
tage-not only would it lend the whole
place an exciting atmosphere, but it would
allow student and faculty planners more
chance to correct mistakes they find in
the first structures before all are built.
The plan accepted Tuesday night is
a modification of this last alternative,
proposing construction in two instead of
four steps. Its time tag is not too early
for thorough planning before construc-
tion. It avoids temporary classes or busing
to the central campus. It avoids the nec-
essity of pilot operations in present fa-
cilities, a necessity which is expedient but
has little or no educational value.
It provides the University some over-
flow capacity without relinquishing the
whole project for a year or allowing
two-thirds to three-fourths of the college
to be outsiders. It minimizes construc-
tion distractions without eliminating their
pioneer-spirit contribution.
THE PROPOSAL still involves outsiders,
of course, but there are mitigating
considerations. None of the residential
college planners wants the unit to be to-
tally isolated from the rest of the cam-
pus: certainly the outsiders would en-
sure some contacts. The outsiders - all
who would be above the freshman level-
could be chosen very carefully to include
only those willing and able to adapt to
the new "culture," only those who would
not disrupt the intellectual and experi-
mental atmosphere of the college.
Given the whole range of priorities
which the residential college planners
must consider, their plan seems unques-
tionably the best. There is not too much
question that the student committee will
It is now up to the administration to
recognize a good thing when it is pro-

To the Editor:
WOULD first like to commend
the performance of the students
attending George Lincoln Rock-
well's appearance in Ijili Auditor-
ium Tuesday night. Although
Rockwell always seems to find a
few that will play into his hands
by hissing and booing, most stu-
dents remained silent.
This performance was quite dif-
ferent than the one where I first.
saw Rockwell, at San Diego State
College. I didn't know he was
$peaking that day, and while I was
walking to one of the parking lts
I heard loud booing and shouting
from the outdoor theater. As I
walked in, the speaker was shout-
ing: "You asked, so I'll tell you.
It's an international Jewish Com-
munist conspiracy. If we threw all
the Jews and niggers out of the
country . . ." One of the students,
Ed Cherry, jumped onto the stage
and approached Rockwell, offer-
ing to speak. Rockwell shoved
Cherry, and Cherry retaliated with
a lunge, although I don't think he
actually hit Rockwell. As Rock-
well walked away, students fol-
lowed him, jeering and throwing
things at him.
SINCE THEN Rockwell has
changed markedly. He has learn-
ed to delve out his hate and racism
in a smoother manner. Also, we
were prepared fr him here, and
protest was much more dignified.
Now that the big event has
passed, tht loud protests and at-
tempts to keep Rockwell from
speaking seem to have been rather
amusing, for they were fought to
prevent a quite incoherent and
certainly unpersuasive talk. The
educational benefit of this exper-
ience was not the content but
the form of the speech and the
methods used.
Denying him the right to speak
only furthers his cause as a poor,
misunderstood and persecuted
martyr; while letting him rant
and rave to an orderly audience
defeats him and his purpose of
emotional agitation. I am.glad I
went, and that the performance
wastas orderly as it was. He gain-
ed a victory at San Diego State,
while he lost decisively here.
-Tom Moore, Grad
To the Editor:
TONIGHT AT 7:30 in the Multi-
Purpose Room of the UGLI,
Student Government Council will
hold its first Constituents' Asse-
bly. It will primarily be directing
its attention to the vast and com-
plex area of grievances which
have been the subject of student
discussion since the beginning of
the semester. There have been
several organized attempts made
by the students directly concerned
with these problems to gain re-
dress through rallying and pro-
SGC's attempt tonight will be
to explain the developments of its
continual consultations with the
administration concerning such
student interests as economic wel-
fare, housing, academic reform,
and Ann Arbor community prob-
lems. As the main function of the
meeting, however, it will actively
solicit the opinions of its con-
stituents in these matters.
* * *
TO THOSE OF US who have
worked in SGC, there has long
been a realization of the need for
student opinion and student ac-
tion in areas of student concerns.
SGC members know that action is
being taken and that programs
have been and continue to be pre-

sented. But most students have
no such general perspective. They
do know, however, when the axe
has fallen on them. The purpose
of the Constituent Assembly then
is to combine all interested par-
ties, regardless of their level of
involvement, in a common effort
to promote student welfare.
The Regents, President Hatcher,
and Vice-Presidents Heyns and
Lewis have all had occasion to
deal with SGC, and all have ex-
pressed their approval of it as a
body for presenting the students'
opinions and representating the
students' interests. But an eight-
teen member Council is not big
enough to handle all its work
alone. SGC needs committee work-
ers-People whose interest will
lead them not into meaningless
rallies and tirades against the

has been dominated by students
who are part of the apathetic
mass. They are not interested in
doing anything which might "rock
the boat." They are satisfied with
the University as is, and are easily
intimidated by the administra-
tion whenever their minds begin
to stray too far from docile
thoughts. SGC is afraid to chal-
lenge the administration .because.
their commitment to improving
the lot of students and the Uni-
versity in general is at best luke-
warm-never sufficient to give
them the courage it takes to do
the job.
The administration has long
recognized the useful role SOC
plays on this campus. SGC exists
as a facade of student government
and University democracy. It is a
place where the administration

Iqbal Geoffrey Exhibition
HE PRESENT EXHIBITION at the Forsythe Gallery of paintings
by Iqbal Geoffrey leaves one feeling rather disturbed and un-
settled about his aesthetic critical abilities. The Pakistani artist, who
left Pakistan because "art is not considered respectable there,"
presents works which include use of both Indian and English
writing, Johnson and Humphrey buttons, and the words "great"
and "truth" placed intermittently throughout the paintings.
The paint itself is applied with seemingly almost utter abandon,
sometimes with a brush, more frequently in drops or splashes in
the "turn-table" technique. Geoffrey's colors are chiefly blacks.
browns, chartreuses, and pink-reds. Their effect is a generally
subdued one, nevertheless, but the effect of his ungoverned shapes
is that of chaos-at least on first examination.
GEOFFREY'S WORKS have been shown in London and New
York, and have been highly praised by many critics. There is no
easily aparent merit to the paintings, however. They are un-
distinguished compositionally and, at first, coloristically. The viewer
is disturbed by a work in which he feels he can become involved,
in which a bright pink arrow pointing to nothing appears from
nowhere, and hovers on the surface of the painting, having no
relation to the rest of the painting. At first glance the paintings
appear classifiable as merely another variant of the already un-
popular dada art of post World War I, because of the incongrou
nature of the materials and styles which Geoffrey employs. But
the paintings exert a hold over the viewer which leads to eventual
doubt of any valid classification.
The paintings balance precariously between the blasphemously
superficial and the impressively aesthetic. They present a good
deal of challenge to the viewer.
-Frances Hynes

bureaucrats get upset by these "in-
cidents" but, honestly, it seems
this is the only way to get things
I think SGC signed its own
death warrant by calling off this
week's scheduled Diag protest
rally. It would be so much easier
to change things on this campus
if President Hatcher had to think
of more imaginitive ways to side-
track movements for change than
turning them over to SGC,
-David C. Aroner, Grad
To the Editor:
cently called off a protest march
or rally in protest to overcrowd-
ing want to be patted on the back
for their respect for the Univer-
sity image they ought to think
May I suggest, to those in the
dorms that have a new roommate
(and those on the Daly that have
not been in a dorm since their
freshman years) to check the
figures, or better yet, ask their
parents what the dorm and Uni-
versity conditions were like at the
end of the war. If they think that
a few converted doubles look bad
now, they'll stop fast when they
see -what the War Vets had to live
and study with.
I WASN'T a veteran, and I can't
say that the crowding didn't
bother them, but I do know that
they made the best of the situa-
tion that they were in and got
the education they came to school
to get. May I take the liberty to
suggest to these overcrowded,
locked out students that they stop
feeling sorry for themselves and
start doing what their parents did
20 years ago, i.e., work for an
education and be glad that the
chance is there to obtain it.
There is still a happy note
left for those still not satisfied
with my suggestions. Fear not
overcrowded Quaddie. In only one
and one half semesters you will
be able to move out f the dorm
into that nice new, ultra-modern
apartment you've wanted. Just
think how nice it will be to pay
only $50 per month for all this
(provided of course that you can
find that fourth man to go in with
you and your friends).
-J. Downs Herold, Grad
To the Editor:
I FIND IT an amazing and dis-
couraging phenomenon that a
University of the size and stature
of the University of Michigan must
rely on a theater as inadequte
as the Hill Auditorium for its
major theatrical and artistic per-
This problem is particularly
evident in dancer stage presen-
tations. The make-shift stage is
far too small and too slippery for
any respectable dance presenta-
tion. The result is that only com-
panies of relatively minor artistic
merit are shown, and even these
companies cannot make use of
their scenery and other theatrical
effects. Major dance companies,
like the. Leningrad Kirov Ballet
currently touring the country, can-
not appear at all. The inadequate
stage is less of a problem with
dramatic pre:,entations, but here
the barn-like atmosphere of the
auditorium is a distinct disad-
S* 4
ASIDE FROM the inadequate
stage and backstage facilities, the
other side of the footlights (fig-
uratively speaking, since there are
none) offers just as little. Leg-
room is virtually nonexistent, while
the sight lines are generally poor
at best. It has to be an exceptional
performance that can make a
spectator forget his sheer physical
discomfort, while one either misses

much of the performance or be-
comes tired and irritable from
constant straining to see.

Given the totally inadequate
facilities, it is a double insult to
be brazenly informed by the
University Musical Society that
one is seeing the best from the
four corners of the globe. This
simply is not the case, for a dance
or drama company of truly major
importance can not be accom-
modated (even the APA is not at
Hill, and their present home is not
too much better).
If the University public is satis-
fied with the relatively second
rate theatrical performances put
on at Hill Auditorium, I suppose
that the present situation is quite
adequate. However, if this is the
case, I think that we all better
recognize that we are settling for
second best, and plan to look for
genuine artistic greatness and in-
tegrity elsewhere-Detroit or East
Lansing seem to be the closest
alternatives. It seems to me that
in art, like so many other things,
we all settle for second best n
this campus.
-Ronald Federico, '66
Currently in the preliminary plan-
ning stages are a theatre, to be
located in the eich Park area of
central campus; and a concert hall,
to be built somewhere near the
new Music School Bldg. on North
Campus. Main problem, of course,
is money; these structures must
compete with the University's many
ed construction funds available.
other building needs for the limit-
-K. W.
An ORCHESTRA that chooses ..
program of Berlioz, Chpin,
and Beethoven is immediately re-
stricting its harmonic vocabulary.
Its task then is to emphasize the
differences, to play sparkling Ber-
lioz, introspective Chopin, and
solid Beethoven. But Stanislaw
Wislocki did not lead the Warsaw
Philharmonic with this much con-
viction last night.
Berlioz's overture "The Roman
Carnival" did not reveal the fire-
works that this orchestra is cap-
able of. From the English horn
solo that followed the introduction,
one became conscious of a thin
wind section that never did pro-
ject well. Only the instance of the
low flute sounding through the
strings gave a sense of balance.
Of course, Berlioz's music char-
acteristically "runs down", from
time to time, but the composer
always manages to save the situa-
tion by the injection of a surprise
effect. The orchestra responded
well to these kicks.
THE CHOPIN Concerto No. 2
for Piano and Orchestra is a
problem piece from a structural
standpoint. The piano entry into
the first movement is always ef-
fective, but when rhythmic in-
tensification of the solo part de-
mands orchestral support the
timid string chords are inadequate.
Likewise the material of the sec-
ond movement fails to span the
time it takes. (The resort to
operatic tremolo is as out of place
here as Chopin's piano would be
in the theatre.)
Pianist Wladyslaw . Kedra did
well within these limitations. His
sense of phrase was best heard in
the slow movement. The playing
was effective in the mazurka-like
finale, but the orchestra's catch-
ing up the last three chords is an
insufficient close to a work of
this length.
Beethoven's "Eroica" symphony
was a long haul. Wslocki's de-
tached notes in the woodwind
second subject typified his need
for continuity within the entire
The orchestra was at its best
in the gay scherzo. This program
would have gained much had

there been more opportunity for
this sort of playing.
-Barry Vercoe



University, but rather into posi-
tions of responsibility in an organ-
ization dedicated to their well-
being. Let all those who wish to
serve their best interests come
tonight to be heard and to join
SGC as workers on its commit-
--Sherry Miller
--Nancy Freitag
-Rachel Amado
-Maxine Loomis
--Scott Crooks
--Gary Cunningham
SGC Committee for the
Constituents' Assembly
To the Editor:
President Hatcher urge that
protesting students channel their
grievances through Student Gov-
ernment Council or other estab-
lished lines of communication.
President Hatcher must be given
credit for recognizing how to delay
facing the legitimate complaints
presented by the students. If the
President is lucky, the minority of
students who care about the Uni-
versity might become discouraged
by the Presidential "brush-off"
and allow the administration to
permanently turn their collective
backs on the students.
STUDENT Government Council

can bury critical issues in a struc-
tured sea of apathy. Of course,
should SGC by some fluke do
something which offends the ad-
ministration, there is always the
veto power of the Vice-President
for Student Affairs. History has
shown that the veto need only be
an extraordinary measure.
* * *
THE LABOR and civil rights
movements have long recognized
the effective necessity of inde-
pendent political action. When
the "appropriate" channels are
structured so as to stifle change,
new channels must be established.
The Student Action League (SAL)
and the student employes union
(UMSEU) will be recognized by
the students as legitimate and
"appropriate" channels for nego-
tiating with the administration
because they have already con-
trasted so well with the stumbling,
bumbling, face-saving, image con-
scious, dead end that is SGC.
SGC has allowed the adminis-
tration to neglect the interests of
students in favor of the "property
rights" of rent-gouging landlords,
money grubbing local businessmen,
and other such petty tyrants. It
took a non-"appropriate way" to
get the administration to speak
out for the interests of its stu-
dents and employes in the city
fair housing debate last year. I
know President Hatcher and all
sorts of petty and not-so-petty

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Rockwell Can't Be Dismissed

coln Rockwell as a man who wants to
kill Jews is missing the boat.
Anyone who would stay away from
Rockwell on the grounds that "genocide is
not debatable" is making a mistake. There
is a lot more to Rockwell than this, and,
as a result, he is much more dangerous
than if he simply fit the popular stereo-
type of a two-bit Hitler.
ROCKWELL says he has nothing
against any Jew who is not a traitor.
Those who are should be gassed along
with other traitors, irrespective of race,
creed, or religion. He does, however, go so
far as to say that Communism is a Jew-
ish conspiracy.
He may be right in saying the Russian
Revolution was started by Jews. We could
even, for the moment, accept his assump-
tion that most present-day Communists
are Jews. It still doesn't seem terribly
important, because it does not follow that
most present-day Jews are Communists,

water, enough of his beliefs are suf-
ficiently similar to attract essentially
the same kind of people. To give but one
"There is no American nationalism any-
more, no uniting spirit that makes men
strong and dedicated. Our country is be-
ing insulted by men like Castro all over
the world. It's time we had some leaders
who aren't about to take any of this and
time we had some men who have enough
pride in themselves to die for their coun-
If Goldwater can come in reach of the
American Presidency, it is conceivable
that Rockwell might, because many of his
non-racial beliefs are only a step further
than Goldwater's. Even his racial beliefs
are shared by some of Goldwater's fol-
lowers,namely those bigoted individuals,
who have adopted the shibboleth of states'
rights as an excuse for perpetrating
hatred and inequity.


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A Moving Drama
THE APA'S OPENING NIGHT production of Jean GiraudouX's
"Judith" transformed a difficult piece of literature into compas-
sionately moving drama.
The play in its production builds steadily through an expository
first act to the impassioned second act which culminates in a some-
what shaky conclusion. This is not the fault of the production or of
the direction, rather it seems to be the playwright's own weakness.
Holofernes tells Judith that "woman is caught in a web and all a
man has to do is gently untangle her," and then the playwright
introduces a "fallen" angel to provide his conclusion by untangling
the web for Judith-the only discordant note struck in the production.
ROSEMARY HARRIS brought Judith through all of the difficult
transitions from young girl to physically passionate woman and
seemed more than capable of taking her on to sainthood or self-
destruction without the intervention of the deus ex machina.
A brilliant complement to the warmly feminine Judith was Paul
Sparer, a handsome, suavely sensual Holofernes-the man who
believed so completely in utter simplicity, calmness and the gentle
word of "pleasure."
These two were nobly and notably supported by Clayton Corzatte,
John; Carol Teitel, Susanna; and Paddy Croft, Sarah. All three
present counterpoint to Miss Harris' role. Judith's farewell to herself,

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