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October 11, 1964 - Image 15

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The Michigan Daily, 1964-10-11
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Football Season Produces Its Own Fashions

Sweatshirts Worn

By ROBERT SALTZSTEIN ered a conspicuous odd ball by worn. What people wear in Octo-
100,000 other screaming fans at ber naturally will be lighter than
Trying to forecast what people the game. what they wear in November.
games is almost as hopeless as at- Iht mrla o hs h r wae as
tempting to predict what the next No one, it should be assumed, this year's most popular color and
"fad" in the quadrangles will be. for example, wants the distinction style is the long-sleeved burgundy
There seems to be an art in of sitting under a white umbrella IV neck pullover. It ranges in
choice of apparel for a gridiron when all those about him are pro. price from $10.95 to $25.95.
contest. Let's face it, there are tected from the elements by a As it gets colder perhaps the
some occasions people take pride bkeck one. To prevent this Ca- "Monkey Parka" could be added.
in dressing for. tastrophe from occurring it would This is a hooded garment that
be a good thing to take a look is water repellent, can be used as
A football game, being one of at what is considered "in style" a windbreaker, and may be worn
the highlights of the social sea- at the various clothing stores over a sweater.. It costs $11.95 and
son, is bound to produce certain around campus. is very popular in brown this year.
"dress fads" which are not to be Football is a game which i' The word out on this style is that
ignored by those who take their played from warmer to colder people will be going ape over It.
football seriously. In other words, weather and this has a direct in- If something heavier is desired
one does not want to be consid- fluence upon the type of clothing perhaps a duffel coat is desirable.

This coat costs from $37 to $55~-
and is a heavy outer garment with
an attachable hood. It is very
popular in gray and a sport coat
can easily be worn underneath it.
Wool Hats
Hats anyone? This year a wool
sport hat is quite popular. This hat
has a band around it in whic
various souvenirs or decorationfs
may be placed depending upon the
person's fqncy. The hat is most
commonly decorated with an as-
sortment of feathers and starts at
For radicals, nonconformists and
other young-at-hearts, nothi-ng
surpasses a Persian lamb's wool ~''
hat. Reminiscent of something out
of "Taras Bulba," what it lacks
in style it makes up for in func-
tionability; its wearers will nev-
er suffer from sold heads. FOOTWARMER
If you are tryi-ng to decide w hat
kind of shoes to wear to the game two may be just what you need.
the "stadium boot" might be it is ideal for those chilly days
worthwhile looking at. This is which are bound to come and for
sheep-skin lined for extra warmth those people who just like it hot.
and has a no-skid sole. It comes The cost of this footwarmer is ap-
in black or midnight brown and proximately $25.
costs $16.95.
In the final analysis, however.
Socks, of course, are to be
found in every color but the fav-amrerdtinlwyokep
orite for football games seems to warm at the game i-s to take along
be whi-te. This is not to be un- an "M" wool blanket. These blank-
expected for white usually goes ets cost anywhere from $11.95 to
well in any casual dress style. $24.95 and are great for protecting
If you are taking a date to the your date from the cold, harsh
game a shear lined footwarmer for winds of November.
Rainy Weather Demands
Poncho, Black Umbrella

A local merchant explained the fThe average number of sweat-
popularity of sweatshirts by not- shirts owned by a typical student
ing that they are worn like sweat- is three. Everyone has at least
ers yet are much less expensive, one, and extremes run up to eight.
much easier to care for, and more When asked to comment on the
When 1sweatshirts first appear- said they wor the ecase teyt
ed 10 or 15 years ago, they came were comforfable ("The casual
only in three or four dark, dreary Ilook is in!"), easy to care for, ac-
colors. Today they come in 15 dif- cepted ("You're not a slob when
ferent colors ranging from bright you wear one anymore"), warm
pink to mossy green. Almost any and cheap.
design can appear on a sweatshirt Go Anywhere-Almost
although the most popular one is holseshrsae"h
BudscholetemPrice most" because in addition to the
above they proudly proclaim "I'm
Aoly $ each, i ah setshir from Michigan." Many are also
coul fi eailyintoalmst ny-sold as souvenirs, for after all,
-what better way can a girl un-
pretentiously announce she's been
NU~flhI2OW fl dating a Yale man?
Sweatshirts seem to be in to.
and versatility. About the only
thi-ng you can't do in a sweatshirt
is be served dinner in a girl's
A few girls have allowed some dorm.
new styles to replace that soft,
cozy nightgown
The long nightgown and the
long robe, when worn separately
slippers a certain indescribable
er a pair of baby's sleepers, have

It isetimted that 90 s maper
cent of the students on campus
wear sweatshirts at one time or
another. They are seen everywhere
and worn to everything short of
formal functi-ons.

one's budget, as proven by the
on2 or two dozen sold on an aver-
age day at one local sports shop.
The shop also reported that up
to four or five dozen a day are
sol at the beginig of each se-

MIRROR, MIRROR on the wall . . .Here are the latest in dorm wea
ted nightshirt, both practical and pretty. Next a nylon shift and coat i
elegant look. Clothes courtesy of Jacobson's.
n 71

EVEN WHEN YOU'RE DOWN in the dumps, it doesn't matter if you have a good-lucking sweater.
Cabled sweater courtesy of Tice's Men's Shop and traditional tennis sweater courtesy of Wild's


Campus rainwear, as all Umn-
versity fashion, varies from ex-
teminant of drss is practiaity.
The classic outfit for damp
weather includes the long black
umbrella with slender handle and
pointed tip and the green rub-
ber poncho. These coats are both
water repellent and inexpensive.
Parka Length
They come in nearly every col-
or and in a parka length for men.
Hoods are attached and remove
the need for any form of head
covering. These raincoats may be
bought anywhere from the dime-
store to some of the more sophisti-

cated clothi-ng stores. .
Those who do not wish to con-
form to such a degree wear trnc
field styles. Plaids and solid blacks
and whites appear to be most
popular i-n such fabrics as den-
im, madras, cotton, and corduroy.
Slickers and Boots
Some of the more chic may
wear oilcloth or plastic slickers
with hat or high boots to match.
Opposi-ng this is the little-girl look
of the sailor trench coat.
Common accessories include tri-
angle scarves or rain hats, black
leather gloves, -and the usual dur-
able loafers or flats.

All Wool
Wool & Mohai r
\/ Neck & Cardigans

all the appropriate trimmings, in-
cluding flip-down seat and match-
i-ng nightcap.
dThe nightgown that looks like a
many new dresses look like night-
gowns), are especially convenient
for late-night fire drill.
There are minor variations on
these three styles, too, such as
the long hostess-gown nightgown,
or the pajamas with skin-tight
bottoms and feet and a long
loose top, or the little white
nightie that becomes a little
jumper-dress when you slip a
sleeveless' V-neck cotton robe over
No sleeping beauty will be with-
out such accessory items as night-
caps, rangi-ng from the granny
mop-cap style to the long stock-
ing, "Night Before Christmas"
style. The frilly roller bonnets-
those disguised hairnets-are get-
ting more elaborate all the time.
Only slippers do not seem to
be affected by the passing years.
Women still wear the same .old
scuffies, rubber thongs, and furry
Ties Reflect
Men's Styles
In Clothing
Necktie styles are really only
a reflection of changes in men's
clothing in general. As more and
more men turn to lighter colored
suits, interest increases in lighter
Ten years ago ties looked just
about the same as they do now-
brightly colored and about 2%M
inches wide. Then, widths decreas-
ed to 1%/ or 1%/ inches, with col-
ors becoming highly iridescent
and muted. Now necktie styles are
back where they started 10 years
Some predict that exactly the
same cycle will repeat itself dur-
ing the coming decade. Colors will
once again be highly muted - the
effect that is obtained when a
brightly colored tie is turned in-
side out (try it).
In the immediate f u t u r e,
though, ties may become even a
little wider than they are now.
This could come as a result of
influence from the East Coast,
where the trend is already pres-

a new campus
snappy, sports-mindec
for coeds o
warm and comfortable
check wool with lu
lining, attached hood and larg
pockets...smartly fastened with buc




But ton-down

and stripes

le ath er to gg le s. Be ig e/ gnr
or beige/red/greef
5 to 13 sizes.

in wh ite,



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