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October 11, 1964 - Image 14

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1964-10-11
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Women Strive for Distinctiveness

Sophomore Showing Scheduled for Noven

fJ u s t

The new look for fall is femi-
nine, simple, and daring. Campus
coeds are striving for an individ-
ual and distinctive look within the
lines of. contemporary fashion
Masculine pin striped ivy league
shirts, v-necked . ysweaters,and
tweeds have taken on a new femi-
nine twist. The pin stripe ivy
league shirts have pleats and
round collars. V-neck sweaters are
of mohair and shetland, softened
by a cable knit. For the real
"Tom Jones" look in femininity,

v's are slashed to the navel.
The more modest femme fatals
adopt thet crew neck. Tweeds are
in, but now in new and different
colors and patterns. Tweeds for
dresses, coats, suits, skirts, and
slacks-all with the college girl in
The line is-simple. Feminine?
yes!, fussy? no! The skirt with
two pleats in front and two in
back is an innovation in, the
world of fashion. The A-line is
bigger than ever. Waists are em-
pire or about the hip line. An in-
dication of this is the popularity

of the madras high-waisted shift
and the jumper with the mohair
top to the hip and tweed skirt.
Sweaters hit the hip line, jumpers
are belted at the hip, and jersey
tops worn on the outside give the
lowered waist look.
Short Skirts-Wild Color
Skirts are shorter, mid knee to
above. Color's gone wild. Hot
pinks, bright blues, firey oranges,
vivid greens, a n d captivating
cranberries are foremost on the
fashion scene. Color combinations
are fantastic. Green and pink,
orange and black, pink and red,
cranberry and green, blue and
green, and many other flamboy-
ant combinations are worn by the
scintillating Miss Betty Coed.
The really fashion conscious U.
of M. woman will give the latest
New York Model's look a try.
Capes are a must. "No Eastern
school girl would be without one,"
testified one Mount Holyoke girl at
a Rutgers University squash tour-
nament in her mustard yellow
cape. Reversible black and white
check and plain black capes are
great for football games.

For evening wear, coats with a
cape-cut in pinks and whites are
big, especially in nappy wools.
Plaid over the knee socks are only
for the very bold. They are be-
ginning to be seen with plain wool
skirts and sweaters to give zip to
.a previously simple outfit.
Especially popular are the blue
and green; and the yellow, red,
and black socks. Shoes are in the
news. Suedes and leathers W1 all
colors are seen everywlhere. Coeds
wear low heels, stacked or shaped,
with squared toes.
Males Interviewed
After writing the above fashion
trends, we interviewed s o m e
Michigan males and they would
like to give valid suggestions to
the Michigan fashion minded wo-
men. Dress simply, don't go over-
board on any fashion trend, and
seek to distinguish yourself from
the masses. And always, always
dress with discretion. One acute
observer issued this statement
with aplomb, "Remember what's
good for the beach isn't good for
Sunday School."


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BUMP ELLIOTT for lending
us football players.
BOB SHEFFIELD for taking
all the photographs.
COLLI NS SHOP and Cynthia for
lending us dresses by Lanz.
for the cover.
ALL the Ann Arbor merchants
who were so kind.
duped into modeling.-
D U for lending us Brandy Ill.
KEN and the shop for putting
up with me.
MY ROOM-MATE-for still talking
to me.

It's high time that University
students learned how to live in
line with the good conservative
tradition of the past: The past-
say, like the 1920's.
Fashions today can hardly be
comfipared with the high-level dress
of those days. Those flattering,
flattening, flappering lines; those
slouchy, sophisticated suave styles.
"Back to the '20's!" roar fashion
conscious students.
Ann Arbor stores are among
the first in the nation to get
wind of this developing trend. To
acquaint University students with
their large repertoire, they are
holding a spectacular show Nov.
12, 13 and 14 at Ann Arbor High
School which will feature fash-
ions of that fine era.
Flapper Ensemble
For instance, notice our flapper
ensemble, guaranteed to give you
that "reaction-air" so popular in
our republic.
It is also ideal for your grand
exit onto the golden-bandwagon;
don't be left-behind; be right-on
time. Be the first in your block
to purchase your ticket to class.
For that Live Ball just after
dinner, nothing could be more in
line than our next costume. Drap-
ed in your long skirt, cumberbund
and frilly blouse with your madras
hat to match, you can't fail to
attract attention. As you appear
on the social stage, you can be
sure that all eyes will be on your
every, movement. This stunning
outfit comes in a variety of col-
ors; cranberry, navy and lQden
green, with weejuns and knee socks
to match.
Next in every cool college coed's
closet is the lovely lounging robe,
perfect for relaxing in the arb
while doing some last-minute
cramming for your botany final.
Duly guaranteed wrinkle-proof
and dew-repellent.
Last we have Mr. and Mrs. de-
scending the steps of their Uni-
versity-sponsored bus and about
to ascend the marble staircase of
Ann Arbor High School. The gen-
tleman is dressed in a white,
shawl-collar evening jacket with
matching shoulder-holster. His
charming partner is suitably attir-
ed for this stunning social en-
gagement in a long pale evening
gown which charmingly contrasts
with her blue and gold Michigan
book bag. The bag plus the even-
ing gown make a charming com-
bination for snowing your Natural
Resources 101 recitation teacher.
You can almost sense their ex-
citement as they walk into Ann
Arbor's newest fashion show, just
because a show like this can't af-
ford to be blocked out of any-
one's calendar. Tickets will be on
sale soon, and the prices are amaz-
ingly Sopht.
Of 'Fiorell
Sophomores are currently in the
midst of plans and preparations
for the annual "Soph Show," to
be presented November 12, 13 and
14 in the Ann Arbor High School.
This year's production is "Flo-
rello!" a Pulitzer Prize-winning
Broadway muical by George Ab-
bot and Jerome Weidman, with
music by Jerry Bock and lyrics
by Sheldon Hamick.
The Play is- based on the poli-
tical career of New York's Fio-
rello. H. LaGuardia-his struggles
and eventual victory over Tam-
many Hall.
Block ticket sales will begin on
Octobser 23 and last until Oto-
ber '30. -General ticket sales last
from October 30 until the day of
the show.
Tickets for Friday and Satur-
day may be purchased for $1.75,
while Thursday's performance may

be seen for $1.25.
This is the first year Ani Arbor
High has been used. The Univer-
sity will provide free transporta-
tion to the high school, located
across from the football stadium.

Elegantly clothed in this ball gown,
blouse, this magnificent specimen of :
perfect 4:00 p.m. Friday t.g. outfit outd
pair of beer-stained white levis.

Enter the last of the big-time conservative dressers of the early
1900's. Behold the woman who epitomizes grand old Victorianism
at its high point, elegantly dressed in her Sunday best.

-J dy Fields, Promotions Manager


These clothes are geared for use and misuse.
r ..
O _ewef4 o Jai oni
To accentuate the basic shift,
The Crown House of Gifts
t b
T -"
Hoe, Whiting avis,
Napier and Art Originals
Necklaces Bracelets and Pinsw
307-309 South State StreetA
Open Mon. Eve. 'Ti 8:30

In her full-length white chemise this lady coquetishly plans her
evening at the fashion show. Her escort is naturally wearing his
white double-breasted suit, posing as the epitome of chivalry.

This model poses against an arborous se
and contemplates her Botany examina
expression. This particular style of rob
the Ugli when it is too cold to study in






For Gals and Guys
Levi's Corduroy SLIM FITS (all colors)
Levi's SLIM FITS(alcolors).$4.49-0QSt..

LeVI 5 HITE. ,W"IJT $.798UII
Levi's "WH ITE" JACKETS $5.98


Levi s S-T-R-E-T-C-H for Gals and Guy
For Gals and Guys ... 15 Most Wanted Colors . . .

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