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October 11, 1964 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1964-10-11

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Gli 1 dilian Baly
Seventy-Fifth Year
Where Opinions Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. NEws PHONE: 764-0552
Truth Will Prevail
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
Women's Sign-Out Policy
Unfair to Upperclassmen
UNNOTICED in last year's arrangements FOR JUNIORS, the ALP system holds
for junior and senior women's hours some advantages over the present sys-
was a combination of rules which have tem even for those women who do re-
turned out to be downright unfair to a ceive approval from their parents to stay
certain minority of women. As a result of out on weekends. Whereas now juniors
present rules, some junior and senior can stay out late only on the weekend,
women are put in the preposterous sit- the previous system allowed them to stay
uation of having worse hours than last out late on weekdays if they wished, giv-
year's juniors and seniors had. ing them more freedom of choice.
Junior women need parental approval H
to have all-night permission on weekends, WSthat arental aporoal should not be
and seniors also need approval to avoid a t paeteappra sldntbe
hours. But lacking parental approval, jun- allowed to cause these disparities. If the
ior and senior women are given the hours University has set policy for junior and
of freshmen women-hardly an equitable senior women's hours, there is no reason
situation. to require parental approval. Such policy
is solely in the jurisdiction of the Univer-
LAST YEAR, on the other hand, jun- sity. Uniform treatment in the area of
iors were given automatic late permis- women's hours is essential to avoid uii-
sions (ALP's), which did not require par- necessary instances of women who live
ental approval. Eight times during the under different regulations than their
semester, they were allowed to stay out classmates.
two hours past the usual deadline. The immediate solution is clear-jun-
ior and senior women who do not re-
This privilege was removed with the ceive parental approval should be given
advent of the new hours for juniors and automatic late permissions. And eventu-
seniors--it was thought that hours were ally, approval of parents should not be
late enough so that ALP's were not need- required for women to live under what is
ed. It follows that last year's leap forward standard University policy.
was a step back for those women who did --MICHAEL SATTINGER
not receive parental approval. Associate Managing Editor
Reaction to the Warren Report

Each Time I Chanced To See Franklin D.
The Bad and the Futile in University Protests
by H. Neil Berkson
r HE UNIVERSITY HOLDS 29,103 students. 28,900 of , villians out of the administrators is both senseless and operation, no one has yet discovered it. If students and
us had an average week; we continued the meaning- harmful. Senseless, because while one or two middle faculty were to "run" the University, they would become
less ritual of preparation for the middle-class orgy to level administrators do a poor job, they do not have administrators. As long as each group has channels
come. any class characteristics which make them inherently for both expression and action an atmosphere of con-
The other 200 set out on an intellectual panty raid. bad. To the contrary, most of the men who run the frontation is sheer myth.
Deploring the "sorry conditions" at the University, they University are acutely aware of the shortcomings of the
decided the time had come to take dramatic and radical institution. Not only do they live in realities, like a THE OTHER POINT concerns one philosophy behind
action. University budget which has fallen millions of dollars last week's action. There are those who believerthat
They want a better University, and suddenly, short of needs over the past eight years, they actually disruption of order is good in and of itself. The Univer-
through riots in California over a situation which doesn't get things done. sits is a bad mstitution i a bad society; only by under-
begin to have a parallel on this campus, they have I know of no instance when the administration has mi g it can a better institution in a better society
discovered their enemy: the administration. So they refused to listen to faculty or student ideas. I know Their analysis of both the University and society is
grieve on the Diag, march on the President, set up a of many instances when the administration has respond- essentially correct. Mediocrity, materialism, lack of values
committee (and, dammit, they could have at least used ed, willingly or unwillingly, to such ideas. Trimester, -all reign. But, as one of the more profound professors
some imagination in titling the group. Something like the elimination of paternalism in the Office of Student on campus would say, "So what else is new?"
Committee to Halt University Growth, for instance.) Affairs, the residential college and the President's con- s , * s
fluster SGC and scare the Young Republicans. One vocation are four recent major examples of the above. SUPPORTERS OF the Student Non-Violent Coordinat-
letter writer sees a direct parallel between the situation Harmful, because it establishes a simplistic view of omtee are onductingna bucket r day
in M issippi andn t "tuaton" hee Another sees the administration which has no basis in reality: i.e., to collect funds for SNCC workers still in Mississippi,
momentous meaning" in last week's events, gif only students and faculty could run the University, where protest is not as painless as it is here
Meanwhile, at least 28,900 of us are preparing for all problems would disappear. Temnyi eprtl edd
another seven-day ritual. The money is desperately needed.
The administration doesn't need much justification * * * *
ONLY TWO POINTS remain about last week which for its existence. Not only does it do a good job, it works AND, MY GOD, we just beat State.
haven't been made by others. The attempt to make full-time. If there's any other way to run a $147 million




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Rosemary' Lacks Life
Despite Fresh Direction


Report was meant to be a final ver-
dict on the Kennedy assassination. It
took every possible step to eliminate any
doubts that might still be lingering about.
By carefully working out hypothesis for
hypothesis, the commission has attempt-
ed to close the books over the case as
firmly as modern technology and FBI
techniques permit.
Newspapers in Europe reacted in vari-
ous ways to the report. A United States
Information Service study, showed that
most big newspapers in Northern Euro-
pean countries reacted favorably; they,
praised the report as a testimony to the
honest and thorough investigation into
the case by its authors. Many West Ger-
man newspapers reflected the relief of
the country's population at the evidence
that there was no conspiracy or plot
involved. "American society is at the same
time acquitted of the suspicion of being
the playground for underworld powers,"
editorialized the newspaper Die Welt of
carried one step too far. For if there is
one thing which merits genuine concern,
it is the shameful security gap left by the
Secret Service and FBI preceding and
.,during the critical minutes in Dallas.
And some. British newspapers justly
expressed their astonishment at the care-
lessness prevailing in the Secret Service
team at the time of the assassination.
*It is a widely held opinion here that the
four-to-five second interval between the
first and second bullet might have been
enough to save the President's life, had
the Secret Service men reacted with "pro-
fessional" speed.
Theinsufficient exchange of files be-
tween the FBI, the Secret Service and the

State Department concerning the person
and whereabouts of Oswald was also cri-
ticized. In general, the old and persistent
myth about the toughness and pertinence
of both the FBI and the Secret Service
were shattered here by the report's open
attack on their effectiveness.
THESE AND OTHER mystifying as-
pects of the assassination make most
people still wonder what really happened
nearly one year ago in Dallas. But built-
in French mistrust was needed to boost,
criticism and disbelief to a maximum (ac-
cording to the USIA study) in France's
newspapers. Practically all of them con-
cluded that the Warren Report was either
partially or totally an attempt to white-
wash the crime or to cover up evidence
'which might eventually uncover "the
whole truth."
Some of the disbeliefs Were based on
the individual "research" by the papers'
U.S.-based correspondents. Le Figaro, for
example, ran a story from its New York
correspondent who clearly stated that he
would not be "gulled by the abundance of
material presented by the Warren com-
mission." He went on to list six specula-
tions not covered by the report.
Self-appointed skeptics will never die.
Despite modern technology, rumors and
wild stories will continue to make the
rounds--just as those revolving around
the assassination did one hundred years
ago. But for the greater part of the Eu-
ropean population and for its posterity,
the story is closed.
THE HOPE has been expressed by many
Europeans, however, that the Secret
Service, FBI and U.S. Presidents, present
and future, will have learned a lesson.

At Cinema Guild
ADAPTED FORM a novel by
Erich Kuby, Rolf Thiele's film
"Rosemary" depicts the conform-
ist and money-grabbing society of
prosperous, post-war Germany.
The directing is daring, often ex-
citing, and Nadja Tiller turns in
an adequate performance as Rose-
mary. Nonetheless, the film leaves
one with the disturbing impression
that something is missing.
Thiele uses repetition to suggest
the boredom of life; each of the
big capitalists is a repetition of the
one that came before him. He
also uses the symbol of the circle
to portray an inevitable continua-
tion of the present boredom and
to suggest activity that gains no-
thing. For example, Rosemary
whirls and whirls in her durnken
state, going nowhere and learning
MUSIC BY Norbert Schultz pro-
vides a delightful commentary on
the action. The songs work sur-
prisingly well, maintaining, rather
than interrupting the development
of the film. For example, as Rose-
mary is running down the stu-
dent in her new auto, her former
companions sing of the sacrifice
of human activitiy to mechanical
activity in modern society.
Yet all the while we view this
mechanized, conformist society,
we remain unconcerned with its
members. Miss Tiller acts com-
petently, but then the role of a
dehumanized prostitute does not
present many difficulties. Only in
the close-up scene of her face,
with the voices of her customers
speaking on the tape recorder in
the background, do we feel a
slight hint of human sympathy.
But Thiele and Miss Tiller seem to
fall over themselves in keeping

" R""."" . r.RP(Ee-s.y



in Review

this scene as cold and uninvolving
as possible. It is as if neither
thought that there was anything
behind the beautiful, painted, ex-
pressionless face of Rosemary.
* * *
LACKING IN this film is any
hint that its creators see some-
thing beyond the society and the
people which they have presented.
Certainly we deplore the ugly fea-
tures of modern society: its pres-
sures toward conformity, its lust
for money, its boredom. But "Rose-
mary" seems to suggest that these
conditions are the totality of the
human condition. When Rosemary
is murdered, it is as if a cog has
fallen out of a machine. She has
not shown us anything human
that was worth the saving.
-Lee Carl Bromberg
All Points
Ex-el lent
THEONLY SIN the Folklore So-
ciety committed last night was
the insufficient announcement
which kept most University peo-
ple ignorant of the gems being
offered. The concert in the Un-
ion Ballroom covered folk music
from Blues to Ballads and Blue-
grass, in a rare feast for the ears
of aficionadoes and newcomers.
Two of the skilled players, Mike
McClatchy and Roger Leib, play-
ed songs of their own.- Mike's best
were "SAL," a very funny Dylan-
esque comment on the "interna-
national paternalistic conspiracy,"
"Barry's Boys" and the semi-topi-
cal "I Can't Stop Wondering
Why." Roger Leib's "Rye Whiskey
Blues" and "Modernism" were ou
standing, though other songs fe
into monotony of guitar-picking
and vocal treatment.
Allenare are two classical guitar-
ists who play popular-modern; but
Griffith is clearly the best jazz-
guitarist in Ann Arbor, while Mc-
Allen did much better on 12-
string (notably the powerful in-
strumental "Meadowlands"), and
the wild "If You Keep Eatin'
Crackers in Bed Yer Gonna Haf-
ta Sleep with the Crumbs."
Warren Kennison and George
Roberts together showed how Blue,
grass should be played: clear and
brilliant. Besides first-rate play-
ing on the unusual "Stony Creek,"
they added humor both planned
(like "Cocaine" with "oriental"
fooling around) and accidental
(like the mysterious noise which
turned out to be the tapping of
Warren's foot). But when Jack
Schuster joined them on the man-
dolin, his spectacular techniques
overshadowed even Warren's ban-
jo and George's, guitar- just as
Pete Caldwell's singing overshad-
owed Cory Mullen and Jack Schu-
ster on "Goofus."
Another fine instrumentalist,
Dennis Roseman, played an har-
monica imitation of "Locomotive
and the Model T" that had the
audience cheering. In fact, so did
his dry, swingy guitar-and-har-
monica "Worried Blues" and
"Want Some of It."
* s
handsome Detroiter Loring Janes.
His fine baritone voice and tem-
permental old guitar galloped
cheerfully through the riotuosly
bawdy "Handsome Cabin Boy" and
"Oo-Ah' Cha, Cha" with a wild
lampoon on "Gospel Radio" -
complete with "Plastic Jesus"


The Administration Proves its Prudence


A Christmas Carrel (of Sorts)

I know a 1.8 grade average for the six
weeks doesn't sound very good. But It
wasn't my fault.
Remember when they moved that third
guy into our double room? The Univer-
sity- gave us a third wastebasket for him
but not a third desk. So the three of us
drew straws for the two desks. I got the
Managing Editor Editorial Director
ANN GWIRTZMAN.............. Personnel Director
BILL BULLARD....................Sports Editor

HOW COULD I get any homework done?
I was about to jump off Burton Tow-
er when someone told me about study car-
rels in the General Library. The carrels
are reserved for graduate students, but
undergraduates can use them when they
are unoccupied.
So I started studying in a carrel. But
one day, just as I was catching up, the
administration decided to lock undergrad-
uates out of all 280 carrels.
Among other things they charged us
with stealing books from the carrels.
That seemed strange to me because most
of the carrel books were in Serbo-Croa-
tian or something like that. Too bad they
didn't think of locking the books in in-
stead of locking the students out.

Associate Managing Editor
Associate Editorial Director
CONTRARY to some claims made
by the current crop of student
protest groups, the University ad-
ministration often does move ac-
cording to a rational, clearly-
delineated plan formulated with
an eye to the long-range future.
Announcements coming from
the University this week-the re-
quest for a record $55.7 million
general operating budget for next
year, plans for a new administra-
tion building and the development
of a pre-registration system to
take effect next fall-spoke of an
administration making plans for
University expansion with exacti-
The process, conducted on a
day-to-day and often excruciat-
ingly slow basis, is one which stu-
dents, disillusioned by current ad-
ministration policies, often write-
off or forget.
PERHAPS the most significant
of this week's announcementsiwas
the release of figures in the Uni-
versity's budget request to the
state Legislature for next year.
Calling for a record $55.7 million
operating funds, the request ex-
ceeds by $11 million the current
state appropriation for general
Significantly, administrators ask-
for the additional $11 million to
meet the needs of the expanding
University. Based on an anticipat-
ed enrollment of 30,300 students
for 1965-66, the budget request

lators. Hopefully, they will be as
foresighted as University officials
in providing for the future.
A SECOND announcement from
the administration this week un-
veiled plans for the construction
of a new administration building
and the expansion of the presently
overcrowded literary college into
the old structure.
The move, which will give the
literary college an additional 65,-
000 square feet on the second,
third and fourth floors of the
present building for faculty offices,
research facilities and clas rooms,
will be completed by 1966. The new
administration building will be
located on Thompson St. between
the Student Activities Bldg and
West Quadrangle.
The announcement comes as no
surprise to anyone acquainted
with the Central Campus Flan.
Issued in 1963, the plan called
for locating academic facilitieson
central campus and shifting non-
academic facilities elsewhere.
Implementation of this concept
began some years back with the
development of the Hoover St.
area as the center for such non-
academic facilities as plant serv-
ices, transportation and data pro-
cessing activities.
Thus, relocation of administra-
tive functions slightly west of the
high-priority central campus area
does not represent an isolated ac-
tion by University policy makers.
for expansion at the University.
It is part of an integrated plan
a plan administrators had the
foresight to draw up several years

lege, President Hatcher told the
faculty the University will seek to
extract the benefits of bigness
while avoiding the hazards of
A third announcement from the
administration, this one from the
office of Registrar Edward Groes-
beck, detailed a plan for pre-
registration which would eliminate
the. use of Waterman Gym at
the beginning of the term. Start-
ing a trial run in February, the
new system, if successful, will be
initiated on a full-scale basis in
the fall when students select their
winter term classes.
The emphasis of this system is
on students-and many of them.
It was conceived as another step
in the transition to full-scale tri-
mester operations, but it will have
beneficial side effects as well:
saving students time and helping
them get the classes they want-
without the frustrations of the
Waterman maze. It is a forward-
looking system, and one adminis-
trators planned for the expanding
TO ALLEVIATE the present
over-crowding in the dorms, the
Office of Student Affairs this
week approved a plan to allow this
fall's fraternity and sorority
pledges above the freshman level
to move out of the residence halls
into their affiliate houses. The
pledges who wish to do so may
petition the OSA to release them
from their contracts.
However, the OSA did not ex-
tend this privilege to those stu-
dents who wish to leave the dorms
for apartments, as some students

M Allmand who made it clear
that the University is willing to
meet with the group but does not
consider wage policies open to
"bargaining." The group sought
a minimum $1.25 an hour wage
for students working in the resi-
dence halls, a proposal to which
the Residence Hall Board of Gov-
ernors gave unanimous support
AIRING student grievances at
a Diag demonstration and a
Hatcher open house, the newly-
formed SAL sustained rebuffs from
administrators for making "inap-
propriate" demands and holding
unregistered rallies.
The SAL, led by SGC member
Barry Bluestone, '65, and Voice
Chairman Richard Horevitz, '67,
contends that the administration
has placed the student too low on
its priority list.
The Student Government Coun-
cil Rally Committee, inspired by
current agitation among students,
was formed to channel that agita-
tion through SGC. It will meet
with President Hatcher next Tues-
day at four, following a Diag
demonstration at noon.
Ode to MSU
The Spartans have left the
world nothing in the way of
art or literature or science. Nev-
ertheless, the Spartan ideal has
remained persistent . . . It is
not an adult point of view.
Sparta looked at things the
way schoolboys do ... The ideal
Spartan was plucky, indifferent
to hardship and pain, a first-

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