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October 04, 1964 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1964-10-04

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3jjg Aidjiijau &itg
Seventy-Fifth Year

Evaluate New Charges
Against Student Union

The Week in Review
Turning to the Outside World

is Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH.

NEws PHONE: 764-0552

ditorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
Mas's Educational Philosophy
Threatens Residential College

THE WORST THING about stagnant
ideas is that they stand in the way of
implementing novel ones. The hesitancy
of faculty and administrators here to
shrug off obsolete techniques of mass ed-
ucation is understandable amidst the
student boom.
But when resignation to the enrollment
situation jeopardizes innovation, a dan-
ger point is reached.
One unique concept-the idea of a resi-
dential college-has been aired for sev-
eral years. Yet, its recent history sug-
gests that despite a sound basis and care-
ful planning, the innovation is to be
snagged in practicalities and damaged
by concession to "reality."
veloped in the early sixties as a joint
concept in living and learning. The old
school of thought had viewed housing as
a big pot. You threw all the students in,
let boil for a year in the dormitory system,
simmer in fraternities for the next two,
and cool off in an isolated sub-standard'
apartment as a senior. There were minor
variations, depending upon the student's
inclination and his check book. But the
basic concept was rigid: living was a
physical process quite distinct from the
academic life.
From this pot, the students emerged
five times a week to crowd into a sec-
ond vat. This one was labelled learning.
Here the student was blasted with knowl-
edge, sprinkled with term papers and then
baked to facilitate smooth digestion by
This philosophy of mass education held
that the faculty member was too busy
doing research and serving on commit-
tees to relate to the student. His only
interaction was the "office hour," a time
all too often given to administrating
courses and defending term paper grades.
In the residence college, planners see an
educational device for integrating the
student's non-academic and academic
life. Belonging to a self-contained aca-
demic and residence college on a separate
campus, students can develop close ties
among themselves and with their pro-
fessors. Education is thus no longer a
scheduled process; it can occur in a lec-
ture or a lunchroom.
That is the concept. But its develop-
ment has been stunted at every turn by
the practitioners of mass education.
AS EARLY as the late fifties, some
members of the literary college fac-
ulty were intrigued with the possibilities
of a residence college. The procession
of committee reports and discussions
which set the basic guidelines for the
college during the next five years was
geared to reassuring dissident faculty
members that the new unit wouldn't
hurt-them-or their departments.

ditions of the existing literary college.
Couldn't the same courses be taught in
the literary college? Would funds for it
rob the literary college budget? Would
there be unnecessary duplication of fa-
The stream of reports strove to allay,
these fears. The college concept was fin-
ally accepted last spring and a planning
faculty committee appointed to trans-
form the idea into brick and mortar.
IT WAS HERE that the obsolete concept
of mass education won a final-and
ironic - victory. When an unexpected
flock of several hundred students entered
the literary college this fall, a small crisis
of crowded classrooms and dormitories
The administration, concerned with
student discontent, began to look for
housing. The literary college faculty,
complaining about crowded classes and
lack of office space, began to seek un-
tapped buildings for its own use.
The search ended at the residential
The dormitories there are slated for
completion by 1966, the academic struc-
tures by 1967. Since the college will only
take a freshman class in the first year,
that will leave hundreds of empty spaces.
In addition, the discrepancy in comple-
tion dates could force residential college
students to take their first year of classes
on the Central Campus.
TE MAJOR QUESTION will be what
to do with the extra spaces. But it is
obvious that a practical-minded Univer-
sity cannot explain 900 empty beds to an
equally practical-minded Legislature. The
answer is to dilute the institution: ad-
mitting non-residential college students
and thereby handling the overflow from
North and Central Campus.
The effects are equally uncertain. Rob-
bed of its self-enclosed status, the resi-
dential college may seem like an incon-
venient South Quadrangle to the fresh-.
men who are its future upperclassmen.
There is little that can be done until
the college can fill up its 1200 spaces with
four classes. At the very least, the dormi-
tory construction might be pushed back
until the academic structures are com-
pleted, permitting students to attend the
college on their own campus.
Or perhaps, a more controlled student
body could be admitted to the extra
spaces to avoid the prospects of a Mary
Markley or a South Quadrangle where
the big boiling pot concept is so vividly
But most importantly, the faculty and
policy makers must be aware that they
are damaging a valid innovation with
their belief that the University can han-
dle unlimited growth.
The residential college now faces fail-
ure from the very mass educational
philosophy it seeks to reject.

To the Editor:
MR. CUMMINGS errs in arguing
that the creation of a stu-
dent employes' union will result
in a cutback of student employ-
ment opportunities.
The job pool to which students
now have access is not largely ar-
tificially created, as he assumes.
If his assumption were correct,
why would the University present-
ly try so hard to entice more stu-
dents to work in the residence
halls? If these student jobs were
not filling a specific need, why
would the University assign jani-
tors and maids to kitchen posi-
tions, when these people have
other duties?
The same situation applies to
off-campus employment: books
must be sold, dishes washed, pizzas
delivered. The fact is that these
jobs exist because a need exists,
not because the University or an
off-campus employer out of the
bigness of its heart creates them.
* * *
FURTHER, the allegation that
employers will switch from stu-
dents to the regular labor force
to fill these positions is unfounded.
First, it would be virtually im-
possible to find a largebenough
labor pool in the Ann Arbor area
to fill these job opportunities.
Second, the Student Employes'
Union is not pressing for equal
status - with the regular labor
unions, and thus we would not
give the employers cause to dis-
charge their student employes.
We demand the correction of an
unjust wage situation, not the
creation of special privileges for
student employes.
Third, a change in the source of
employes would not benefit the
employers, because by and large
the regular labor force would de-
mand considerably higher wages
than we now advocate.
And fourth, the union has strong
reason, based on private talks with
employers, to believe that the em-
ployers wish to resolve our dif-
ferences through negotiation, not
by such drastic and negative ac-
THE UNION believes that the
present discriminatory wage levels
cannot be allowed to continue.
Student wages are far lower than
at other campuses; student ex-
penses are higher.
Mr. Cummings may receive
many "spiritual" rewards from
the status quo, but we do not. Mr.
Cummings certainly receives no
financial rewards, since he is not
Miss Kenah's fears of inactivity
due to our application for SGC
recognition notwithstanding, we
have already. begun to work, and
will continue. We held exploratory
talks with University officials Fri-
day; we will spell out our demands
in our meeting today; we will be-
gin active negotiations early this
We again invite all those that
agree with out position to attend
our meeting this Sunday, and to
join and support our union.
-David Salmon, '66
Vice-President UMSEU
'A More Perfect Uniohn
To the Editor:
IT SEEMS from the letter print-
ed in Friday's Daily that Wil-
liam Cummings does not under-
stand the student employment
situation in Ann Arbor. The jobs
available may be classified as em-
ployment in residence halls, li-
braries, other University establish-
ments and non-University busi-
nesses. Students employed by these
institutions are generally receiv-
ing salaries far below what would
be exigected by a full-time em-
ploye. The approximately 1200 jobs

in the residence halls could not be
filled by a full-time staff. Much
of the work is done in short spurts
around meal time. Student desk
jobs could not be performed by the
regular full-time staff since much
of the work is done on weekends
and in the evening.
Library jobs are also much more
suited to students. Nonstudents,
who must support themselves by
their wages, find the pay too small
to make the job worthwhile. Other'
students working for the Univer-
sity are generally better paid with
salaries ranging upwards from
$1.50. They, however, comprise a
small percentage of the total stu-
dent labor force. The last portion
of the student working force-the
one employed by non-University
businesses-is also safe from being
replaced by full-time people, since
these employes would demand
much higher salaries. Thus ex-
ternal competition is not a prob-
MR. CUMMINGS also writes
"Maintenance of the status quo
has its rewards, both spiritual and
financial." Not being an expert
on spiritual rewards I will refrain
from commenting; but it is obvious
that the only person or group that

will still be receiving only $1.15
an hour. This wage is ridiculous.
Students do not want the
equivalent of wages paid to semi-
skilled laborers, but neither do
they want the insultingly 107
wages being paid by the Univer-
sity and other Ann Arbor employ-
ers. An opportunity to change
this situation is being presented
by the formation of the University
of Michigan Student Employes'
Union (UMSEU). All students are
being encouraged to join UMSEU
simply to show support of a fair
wage scale.
* * *
IT HAS BEEN hinted that the
University will announce a raise
of the minimum wage to $1.10 per
hour sometime this month. This
move follows the creation of a
union and appears to be 'an at-
tempt to appease the student
working force. The apparent in-
tent is the destruction of the new
union by showing that it is not
necessary for achievement of high-
er wages. We hope that the stu-
dent body will not be satisfied
with this deceptive gesture and
will join the UMSEU in order to
work for the goal of $1.25 mini-
mum wage.
-George Steinitz,'66
Executive Committee,
More Sports
To the Editor:
certain amount of sectional
self-interest (I am from Washing-
ton State) ; prompts this letter,
there is also the slight scent of
roses. With the possibility of our
football team being engaged in
some post-season action, there is
bound to be an increased interest
in the outcomes of the games on
the West Coast. I would submit
that the sports page of the Sunday
Daily would be greatly enhanced
if you would at least publish the
Western scores. As it now stands
anyone interested in anything be-
sides the fortunes of such Eastern
powers as Slippery Rock or Vir-
ginia Tech has to wait either for
Sports Illustrated or a belated
letter from home.
I realize that the time difference
and the fact that it is, after all,
Saturday night make it hard for
any written commentary, but there
must be someone in the office that
could at least put these late-
arriving results in the scoring
Now that I've given vent to my
frustrations, I'd like to oompli-
ment' the Daily staff on their
over-all sports coverage (with ex-
ception in the above noted area).
It is as good or better than any
college paper I've ever seen.
-Ed Holpuch, '66
New Policy
To the Editor:
IWOULD LIKE to see a change
in your editorial policy. I am
tired of opening up your paper
everyday and seeing a derogatory
article on Barry Goldwater. The
purpose of a university is to pre-
sent many different points of
view to its students, and allow the
students to pass judgement on
these views.
The Daily does not seem to be
in accord with this policy-at
least in regard to the political
views of the Presidential candi-
dates. I am not a Goldwater sup-
porter, but since I will be voting
in this election, I would like to
see something less biased than
editorials by Walter Lippmann so
I can form my own opinions.
I hope that you will have a less
biased editorial page in the near
-Dennis P. Le Golvan, '65

Assistant Managing Editor
Associate Editorial Director
WITH a slowly surging
groundswell effect, University
happenings this week turned from
introspection to problems of its
relation with the "real," non-
academic world.
One of the most important of
these outward movements is the
formation of the University of
Michigan Student Employes Un-
ion (UMSEU). This group seeks
to replace the University's unjust
$1 minimum wage with a bottom
scale of $1.25.
Student Employes Union offi-
cers, headed by SGC member Bar-
ry Bluestone, feel the University:
must match the $1.25 minimum
offered at schools like the Uni-
versity of Wisconsin and Michi-
gan State.
t The group, further, hopes to
negotiate with University admin-
istrators and local businessmen
for better working conditions. Ac-
cording to Vice-President David
Salmon, UMSEU officers met with
University officials Friday and
they plan to set forth their de-
mands and course of action at a
meeting this afternoon. "Active
negotiations begin this week," Sal-
mon said.
*.* *
dents signed a petition support-
ing the formation of the organi-
zation, attendance at last week's
meeting was less than 50 persons.
Perhaps lack of publicity hamp-
ered student response. Perhaps,
also, this is a further indication

of a lack of any real commitment
to the non-academic by today's
student generation.
A wider interpretation of the
role of the University in the for-
mation of the total student in-
cludes more than the classroom
and social life. Students at the
University of California's Berkeley
campus are concerned enough to
force action in the face of in-'
justice-as they did in demon-
strations this week.x
The important point is not, for
example, whether student lead-
ers at Berkeley were completely
justified in their demands, but
that they acted against what they
considered to be an encroach-
ment on student freedoms.
The injustice of the University's
minimum wage scale has so far;
failed to arouse more than a few
* * *
A SECOND important "outside"
look occurred this week with the
release of an estimated student-
Editor 14, Neil Berkson's
column"Each Time I Chanced
To See Franklin D." will not
appear in the Daily this week.
It will reappear on the edi-
torial page beginning Sunday
of next week.

with non-residence college stu-
de.%Associate Dean Burton Thuma
of the literary college realizes this
request makes sense, in view of
the cramped housing situation the
University will face in the next
several years. But he also realizes
the presence of non-college resi-
dents might seriously hurt the
aims of the residence division.
* *
the inability of a House-Senate
conference committee to resolve
the dispute over including Health
Care to the Aged under the pro-
posed extension of the social se-
curity program indirectly hurt an
estimated 275,000 across the na-
A section of the proposed social
security extension would extend fi-
nancial aid to students between
the ages of 18 and 22 whose fath-
ers are deceased or disabled. The
estimated monthly stipend for 'be-
tween 800 and 1200 students at the
University is $80.
The extension measure is ap-
parently dead for this session, but
is sure to be introduced at Con-
gress' next session.
* * *
SGC THIS WEEK was another
part of the University community
to be presented with a broader
viewpoint-that of United States
National Student Association Pres-
ident Steve Robbins.
Robbins reported NSA plans for
including students in the academ-
ic decision-making process are as
yet unformulated. In the area of
international concerns, NSA hopes
to interest student government
groups in their foreign counter-
MEANWHILE, SGC invalidated
the petition of Sharon Manning,
'65Ed, for - the coming Council
election on a ridiculous techni-
cality. Now six students will seek
six seats. Miss Manning will run
a write-in campaign.
One note, however, of more in-
ternal consideration this week:
The Board in Control of Intercol-
legiate Athletics approved tenta-
tive plans for a 14,000-seat Uni-
versity Events building. Prelimi-
nary drawings and cost estimates
(about $3.5 million) are subject
to approval by the Regents.

At the Michigan Theatre
fred Hitchcock and the rest of
Hollywood's directors is that
Hitchcock knows how to state
something without overstating it:
the rest don't. If something is
incidental to the plot, it is there,
but it never dominates the picture
or the sound track or the dialogue.
Even the extreme situations don't
have this great thunder of cym-
bals and drums: they are just
"Marnie" is no exceptionsto the
rule : it technically surpasses al-
most anything put out by Holly-
wood. But Hitchcock always favors
melodrama in his selection of'
stories, and "Marnie" is no ex-
ception to this, either.
Sean Connery and Tippi Hedren
give professional actors' typically
competent performances in the
leads of this semi-mystery. The
only outstanding acting is Diane
Baker's interpretation of Lil.
THE PLOT concerns Marnie, a
successful kleptomaniac, and Mark,
who is in love with her. In ad-
dition to being a kleptomaniac, it
turns out, she can't stand being
touched by men. Well, this gives
Mark a job: his performance is
the story.
The best direction is probably
in the Baltimore street scene,
where girls at play are made into
an evocative children's chorus in
the background. And Hitchcock
continues to be fascinated with
female jealousy: there hasn't been
a film in which he hasn't found
something unusual to do with com-
peting women-something unusual'
but capital. It's one of the few
areas in which he departs entirely
from the standard Hollywood
-Robert Farrell

head count for this summer's first
full term. Of the almost 10,000
students who responded to a lit-
erary college survey, 30 per cent
indicated they would enroll in
either the first or second half-
term or the full term.
Unfortunately the results won't
give tri-term planners any real
indication of how many students
to expect this summer.
Any sort of near-capacity en-
rollment is at least several years
off. With only a handful of
schools finishing their winter term,
as early as the University does,
the possibility of increasing the
percentage of summer "guest" stu-
dents is slim.
In a broader perspective, this
means fall enrollment pressures
will again increase next fall-and
probably for several following au-
tumns. Unless more schools adopt
the trimester system, the Univer-
sity will be trapped between the
Scylla of legislative pressure and
the Charybdis of unfilled summer
s* *
EXPANSION of the University
by adding the first two years to
its Flint branch and establishing
a construction schedule for the
residence college should also be
considered in an extra-University
The transition of the Univer-
sity's Flint branch from a jun-
ior-senior college to a full four-
year institution is scheduled to be-
gin next fall. A tentative plan of
expansion, approved by the Re-
gents last April, was drawn up by
a team of University and Flint
,The advisability of establish-
ing University branches through-
out the state and the possibility
of expanding these branches to
relieve some of the enrollment'
pressures here comes into ques-
The success of the Flint expan-
sion venture could mean an ex-
pansion of the Dearborn Cam.s
pus and new investigations into
further expansion across the state.
* * *
A BUILDING schedule for the
residence college, to be located
near North Campus with an en-
rollment of about 1200, is also
directly related to the Univer-
sity's attempt to cope with legis-
lative pressure to admit qualified
in-state students.
The question is whether to plan
residence college facilities to open
in the fall of 1966 or the follow-
ing year. If the school would open
in 1966, University officials want
the housing facilities to be shared

The key issues
tional possibilities
lege was advisable

were not the educa-
but whether the col-
under the given con-

A P recise
THE LONDON Symphony Or-
chestra, under the leadership
George Solti, showed itself to bo
a solid, well-trained ensemble
Friday evening in Hill Aud.
Britten's "Sinfonia da Requiem"
began the nineteenth annual Ex-
tra Series. This three-part work
was commissioned in 1940 by the
Japanese government as a jubilee
piece to commemorate the 2600th
anniversary of the Japanese M-
kado dynasty, but was rejected by
the Japanese as being too Chris-
tian in spirit.
In their performance of this
work-which manifests a variety
of moods from celestial to almost
rhythmically barbaric - the or-
chestra revealed a fine sense of
phrasing. With only a small
stretch of the imagination, Solti
could be seen as a sculpture shap-
ing the music. His gestures were
dramaticaly vivid.
gree of control necessary to
achieve the maximum emotional
impact. The efforts of the low
brass, especially, should be noted.
The Symphony No. 104- was
written in 1798 during Haydn's
second and last trip to London.
Haydn's widespread popularity
there and the technical excellence
of the orchestra at his disposal
spurred him to produce some of
his best music for his English
In his 12 "London" symphonies
Haydn is still a classic composer.
Even in his early sixties, he show-
ed himself to be still interested in
musical, experimentation. Expres-
siveness and passion break through
the classic facade.
* * *
THE LONDON Symphony per-
formance was a warm one, with
special emphasis on clarity of
line. Although the playing seemed
too mechanical in places-perhaps
the result of over-training-the
performance was solid and in a
fine tradition.
The strings did not strive for
brilliance-the usual twentieth
century goal in performing Hay-
dn's musicLbut played with a
covered tone which' sounded in-
terestingly fresh.
The Hungarian Solti gave a
sparkling impetus to the "Concer-
to for Orchestra" by the Hungar-
ian Bela Bartok. This work is
so titled because, as Bartok said,
its aim is "to treat the single in-
struments in a concertante or solo-

A Walkout on Rockwell

and pleading of sincere individuals
and groups, it now appears likely that
George Lincoln Rockwell will have the
Managing Editor Editorial Director
ANN GWIRTZMAN ................ Personnel Director
BILL BULLARD ..............Sports Editor
MICHAEL SATTINGER .... Associate Managing Editor
JOHN KENNY...........Assistant Managing Editor
DEBORAH BEATTIE......Associate Editorial Director
LOUISE LIND ........ Assistant Editorial Director in
Charge of the Magazine
TOM ROWLAND........... Associate Sports Editor
GARY WYNER...............Associate Sports Editor
STEVEN HALLER..............Contributing Editor
MARY LOU BUTCHER...........Contributing Editor
CHARLES TOWLE ........ Contributing Sports Editor
NIGHT EDITORS: David Block, John Bryant, Jeffrey
Goodman, Robert Hippler, Laurence Kirshbaunr.
ert Johnston, John Meredith, Leonard Pratt, Bar-
bara Seyfried, Karen Weinhouse.
Business Staff
JONATHON R. WHITE, Business Manager
JAY GAMPEL .......... Associate Business Manager
SYDNEY PAUKER ........Advertising Manager
JUDITH GOLDSTEIN...............Finance Manager
BARBARA JOHNSTON ..........Personnel Manager
RUTH SCHEMNITZ :........Systems Manager

opportunity to give his diatribe in Hill
Auditorium as planned.
The stupidity of the invitation and re-
calcitrance of the Union to withdraw it
have been discussed at length in previous
issues of The Daily.
Presuming Rockwell will appear, we
must ask what should be the proper re-
sponse of those of us who can see and
hear him spit his venom. Should we stare
mutely without show of emotion while he
has his hate tantrum? Should we heckle
and laugh at him persistently from the
floor? Should we boycott his appearance
and let him rant at the empty walls?
THESE ARE ALL VIABLE alternatives,
Iam boldenough to suggest an-
other: a walkout on Hill Auditorium. This
would give us a chance to observe the out-
cast, hear his diatribe and still slap his
After fifteen or twenty or thirty min-
utes of his outbursts, emptying the hall
in a solemn and dignified fashion would
humiliate the hatemonger, yet it would
keep the respect intact of those who came
to witness the ugly speech out of some

Color, Technique Enhance Exhibit

nical art of lithography has
been recently revived, as exempli-
fied here last spring with the
Tamarind Workshop show. Emil
Weddige, a professor in the school
of architecture and design and a
lithographer who was invited to
attend the workshop as a master
technician, is currently showing
at the Forsythe Gallery through
Oct. 23.
It is his tremendous knowledge
of techniques which -has merited
Weddige an international reputa-
tion, and, in the prints presently
on exhibit, it is technique above
all which demands attention.
A color lithograph represents an
enormous amount of work, since
each color is drawn on a separate
stone and goes through a separate
printing process, one over another,
until the desired effect is achiev-
ed. Thus the virtue and appeal
of color lithography lie in the
wide range of color effects made
possible by various overlays-the

times result; the black and white
"Knights" is powerful, but the
simpler, more open "Repose"
speaks esthetically for itself rather
than purely for the printer's vir-
"The Elders," in color, has a
hard, overly-graphic quality, while
the "Paysage des Fleurs" uses/ a
minimum of black so that the
color overlays alone build up a.
glowing, lyrical image. Enhancing
its richness, various techniques-
pen lines on the faces, a bubble
effect from a turpentine-water
mixture and tusche brushed free-
ly on-are used subtly and judi-,
ciously without overpowering the,
esthetic whole.
deal as his final accent in the
color works. In "Paysage," "Fish-
erman" and "Song of- the Mea-
dow," black works ma st success-
fully as a color in its own right.
The latter work, perhaps the best
in the show estthetical'y, is soft

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