Muggers Mug Daily L
ents To Hear Arena Proposal
H people. Crisler said that the plans presentation completed in time float a bond issue for this amount, pose of the structure would be
for the building may be adjusted for the next meeting of the Re- If the Regents do approve the basketpall games, it was also stip-
of Inter- to seat a little fewer or greater gens, Oct. 23. board's new proposal, it will mark ulated by the Regents that the
oved the number of people, depending on Crisler disclosed last week that the end of the planning stages for building be capable of housing
And cost the actions of the Regents. he would present two proposals to a new arena that date back to commencement, large convocations
rd ven "The board reviewed the draw- the Athletic Board. One would call the 1950s. and student entertainment.
(rdigto) "Tgadsreviete"draw-erfor a building seating 12,000 people In 1962, the first major step At the Regents' meeting last
said,z and was satisfied tilat the and the other 14,000. Crisler said was taken toward the construction Feb. 27, University President Har-
Sprojected building would satisfy at that time that both plans sub- of the building whenithe Regents lan Hatcher presented a prelimin-
must be projenteresuildng u d ssfy stantially exceeded $3.5 million. informed the Athletic Board that ary report of the athletic com-
St entthe inverst and purposesoftheThe Regents had previously voted it could appoint a plant expansion mittee. At that meeting the Re-
g which eto allow the Athletic Board to of building would be most ap- gents authorized the planning, de-
y 14,000 The board hopes to have its committee to determine what type propriate. Although the main pur- sign and construction of a Uni-
versity Events Building, costing
about $3.5 million and seating
12,000 to 15,000 spectators.
Kenneth Black and Associates
of Lansing and Dan Dworsky of
' Los Angeles, former Michigan
football All-American, were select-
ed architects of the project, which
S * 1 was originally expected to be com-
pleted in time for the 1965-66
basketball season. That date ap-
" " pears impossible now, since Cris-
..:-..* j*ler points out that at least 15
''.* * e*!'"/months' construction time is nec-
Dworsky was the architect for
-- - the 15,0004seat Los Angeles Sports
Arena and the new UCLA field
house. It was suggested that the
S H A K Eplans of these arenas and those of
AND S AIIIOhio State and the University of
P SIRLOIN STEAK Kentucky be studied and incor-
$1.30 RESTAURANT porated in the University Events
State St. on Campus Phone NO 3-3441 Bldg.
th salad, ;potatoes and breadIn June, the architects present-
We don't have the fanciest restaurant in town. ed preliminary plans to Crisler
ROILED HAMBURGER Nor is it the largest. and the Athletic Board. The cost
35c of the structure was not revealed
Ours is not the most exotic food. at that time.
SOUTH UNIVERSITY The prices are not ridiculously low. Two weeks ago, the plans for the
All ewe do is take the best meats obtainable. arena were returned with cost
estimates in excess of $3.5 million.
And the freshest vegetables and the ripest fruits. Crisler informed the architects
And modestly prepare them to whet that the cost was too high and
the most unyielding appetite. suggested reduced cost estimates
CE be submitted.
(Incidently, we do make a good cup of fresh, hot coffee.) A week ago, two sets of al-
TRY S SON! e tink ou'l agee.ternative drawings and cost esti-
YUS SOONW mates were given to Crisler-one
calling for a 12,000-seat arena and
the other for 14,000. The 14,000-
- ih seat arena was approved by the,
" board' last night..
I S Crisler emphasized that every
iaspect of the proposal approved- by
I 0hW theboard can be altered or re-
Setedby the Riegents. He pointed
- out that every specific of the pro-
posal is tentative, pending ap-"
proval by the Regents. Crislerex-
Ann Ar bor's Ne est Restauran pressed hope that this consent
Newes would be granted at the meeting
~3 __ ____ _____ ____
LIBEL QUARTERBACK Lloyd (Lovable) Graff aims for one of his covered receivers as two vici
Mugger linemen converge upon him. Graff's amazed look is actually due to confusion as to why
Union is trying to prevent him from passing since the pass could never be completed anyway.
spite the unique headgear of The Daily "passer," the Libels were humbled 12-0.
Cardinals Lose But Still
ST. LOUIS--The last. place New
York Mets dealt St. Louis' Na-
tional League pennant hopes a
setback last night by blanking the
Cards 1-0 on left-hander Al Jack-
son's five-hitter and Ed Krane-
pool's run-scoring single in the
third inning.
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The loss, which ended an eight-
game St. Louis winninghstreak, left
the Cardinals one-half game
ahead of Cincinnati and one and
one-half games in front of Phila-
The Cardinals have two games
remaining, both with the Mets,
and the Reds have one left,
against the Phillies tomorrow..
Pitcher's Duel
Kranepool's two-out hit decided
a brilliant duel between Jackson,
11-16, and right-hander Bob Gib-
son, 18-12, as the Mets snapped
an eight-game losing string and
set a club record of 52 season
With one out in the third, ex-
Cardinal George Altman stroked
his second straight single, stole
second and went to third on Joe
Christopher's ground out. Krane-
pool then lashed a single to left,
scoring Altman with the run.
Jackson checked the Cardinals
on two hits until the eighth when
they bunched three singles but
failed to score.
With two out, Ed Spiezio bat-
ted for Gibson and singled to left.
An amazing twist then devel-
oped when Lou Brock, lined what
appeared to be a sure-out drive
at short, but the ball hit Umpire
Ed Vargo and bounced away.
Brock was credited with a hit,
but the run did not score because
the umpires ruled a run can score
in such 'a situation only if the ball
reaches the outfield. Dick Groat
then flied out, retiring the side.
The Mets, aided by three Card-
inal errors in the first four in-
nings, appeared to have Gibson
on the ropes early.
Jackson, however, retired thel
Cardinals in order over the first
three innings. Curt Flood led off
with a double in the fourth but
Jackson got out of the jam.-
CINCINNATI-The once-potent
Philadelphia Phillies came alive
last night and handed Cincin-
nati's National League pennant
chances a severe blow, edging the
Reds 4-3 on a four-run rally in
the eighth inning.
In order for Cincinnati to win
the pennant, the Reds must defeat{
the Phillies in their last game to-
morrow while the Cardinals must'
drop their last two contests with
the Mets. The Reds and Phillies
do not play today.
A Cincinnati victory and a Car-
dinal split would end the regular
season in a tie for the top. '
'The Phillies appeared headed
for their 11th straight defeat, los-
ing 3-0 with the help of their
sloppy defense.
Strike in Eighth
But then they struck in the
eighth against Jim O'Toole, who
had limited them to three hits.
Pinch hitter Frank Thomas beat
out a one-hit back of second.!
Johnny Briggs ran for Thomas
and moved to second as O'Toole
walked Cookie Rojas. Tony Tay-
lor then singled, scoring Briggs
and sending Rojas to third.
Acting Cincinnati Manager Dick
Sisler actnd quickly, bringing in
Billy McCool for O'Toole. Mc-
Cool fanned Johnny Callison for,
the second out, but Richie Allen
followed with a triple to, the right
field corner, scoring Rojas and
Taylor with the tying runs.
Johnson Wins It
Alex Johnson, whose outstand-
ing catch in the fourth inning
started a triple play, stroked a
single to center field, and Allen
scampered across with the win-
ning run.
Sammy Ellis relieved McCool
and got Vic Power on an inning-
ending grounder.
Jack Baldschun pitched the last
two innings for the Phillies, retir-
ing all six Reds he faced.
The Reds scored first in the
first inning when Pete Rose walk-
ed, advanced two bases on a sac-
rifice.and an infield out and scor-
ed as Frank Robinson doubled.
Three Philadelphia errors. gave
the Reds their other two runs in
the sixth inning.
Triple Killing
The Phillies' third triple play
of the season dramatically snuff-
ed out a Cincinnati threat in -the
Pinson led off with a walk and
advanced to second on Robin-
son's single. Deron Johnson fol-
lowed with a drive to left that
looked as if it had a chance to
go for a home run.
But Alex Johnson grabbed the
ball to the left of the scoreboard
and quickly threw it to shortstop
Wine, who relayed to. Taylor for
the second out. Taylor turned and
fired to Vic Power, getting Rob-
inson at first.
Major League
W L Pct. ,GB
New York 98 62 .613 -
Chicago 96 64 .600 2
Baltirrore 96 65 .596 2y
Detroit 85 76 .528 13y2
Los Angeles 81 79 .506 17
Cleveland 78 82 .488/20
Minnesota 78 82 .488 20
Boston - 70 90 .438 28
Washington 62 98 .388 36
Kansas City 57 103 .356 41
Chicago 3-5, Kansas City 2-4
New York 5, Cleveland 2
Baltimore 10, Detroit 4
Los Angeles 5, Minnesota 4
Only games scheduled
Cleveland at New York
Kansas City at Chicago
Detroit at Baltimore
Washington at-Boston
Los Angeles at Minnesota
W L Pet. GB
St. Louis 92 68 .575 -
Cincinnati 92 69 .571 3
Philadelphia' 91 70 .565 1%
x-San Francisco 89 70 .560 22
x-Milwaukee 86 73 .541 2y2
x-Pittsburgh 79 80 .497 12y2
x-Los Angeles 78 81 .491 132
Chicago 74 85 .465 171,
x-Houston 65 94 .409 26y2
New York 52 108 .325 40
x--Played night game.
The Game...
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