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September 15, 1964 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1964-09-15

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E1jr Atd$igaut Batty
Seventy-Fifth Year

Concentration of Higher Education


NEWs PHONE: 764-0552


itorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

Political Doctors Need Exam
Before They Tackle Society

OCTOR was recently accused of
cticing medicine without having-
to medical school. Horrified citi-'
are now investigating to find out
iany other fake doctors and nurses
.dangering human lives.
tors and nurses have to be care-
licensed before they are permitted
actice on people, -but a1iyone is
) try. to cure the ills of society.
fact, some interesting comparisons
en the practice of medicine and the
ce of government can be made.
EXAMPLE, few people claim that
& understand how to use powerful
n drugs, but H-bombs are freely
to -the hands of anyone who gets
h votes to be elected president.
octor who practiced medicine the
George Washington's doctors did
soon lose his practice, as well as,
of his patients. A politician whoa
ses a government like George;
ngton's can win elections, the lives
citizens apparently being expend-

The problem is that so little is known
about the causes, much less the cures,
of political, economic, and social prob-
lems. Since there is no complex body of
social science to learn, because social sci-
ence is still in a rudimentary form, every-,
one considers himself .an expert on the
AS A RESULT of this ignorance, some
leaders are guided by the false light
of old myths. Others, realizing that these
myths are not true, tend not to be guided
by anything but their own impulses.
Solutions will not come easily -- if
they come at all. But the problem is
aggravated by the over-simplifiers on
both the political left and the right, who
claim they do have all the answers.
While causes and cures are being
sought, we should be cautious. Doctors
are licensed only after longs tudy and
careful examination. Maybe we should
consider doing the same thing with our

IN 1955, the Michigan State Leg-
islature created a joint com-
mittee of members of the Senate
and :House of Representatives to
"study and recommend-ways and
means whereby the increasing
needs of the State for higher edu-
cation may be met in the most
effective and economical man-
ner." As a result, the Survey of
Higher Education in Michigan,
known as the John Dale Russell
Report, was released in Septem-
ber 1958..
The report has been favorably,
received in general as an accurate
delineation of the nature of our
existing facilities and of the scope
of needs for the future. Although
some specific recommendations
are made for the type, location,'
and nature of future facilities,
the report is not a Master Plan
for the future development of
higher education in Michigan.
In recognition of tthe need for
coordinated planning, the Legis-
lative Committee was charged to
give attention to "the most de-
sirable means for achieving ef-
fective and coordinated effort on
the part of institutions in meet-
ing present and future needs" in
higher education. Further em-
phasizing the need for planning,
the Russell Report states, "...
The conclusion must be drawn
from the search of the literature
. ,that relatively little has
heretofore been done to investi-
gate the problems of higher edu-
cation in Michigan by research
methods. The present. Survey of
Higher Education in Michigan is
apparently the first such state-
wide study that has ever been
made in this State. This situa-
tion contrasts with that in many
other states, in which one or
more surveys of higher education
have been carried on during the
past four or five decades."
* * *
THE REPORT further com-
ments on "the present lack of co-

ordination" as follows: "The du-
ties and responsibilities (of the
state-supported institutions). in
each case perftain to the individ-
ual institution... On none of'
the boards is any responsibility
laid for the general development
of higher education in the State
as a whole .. . arrangements for
informal coordination have not
been developed 'to any effective
degree. Anyone who has observed
the relations between the Michi-
gan institutions of higher educa-
tion and the Legislature . . . can-
not fail to be -impressed by the
need for such coordination. In
actual practice the final deter-
mination of the appropriations is
the result of an extensive and in-
tensive lobbying activity by the
individual institutions, each on
its own behalf. Each of the state-
controlled institutions attempts
to protect its own interests in ob-
taining funds from the Legisla-
ture ... In summary, it must be
concluded that coordination of
institutional programs of higher
education in Michigan is almost
non-existent. Each of the pub-
licly controlled institutions oper-
ates completely independently of
all the others' ..."
Regarding branch colleges, one
of the areas most urgently in
need of coordinated planning,,
the report 'has this to say: "In
recent years some branch institu-
tions have been established, not
in general as a result of any de-
liberate planning or firm policy
consciously adopted by the Legis-
lature or the educational leader,
of the State, but rather as an
expedient in response to local
conditions and resources that be-
came available."
Consideration of the need for
a Master Plan for the develop-
ment of higher education in
Michigan brings to mind for
many the situation in California
where the Master Plan for High-
er Education in California was in
fact established four years ago tc
define and coordinate the func-

tions of the three public seg
ments of higher education in the-
QUOTING FROM the Califor-
nia Master Plan, "The state col-
leges (including 16 campuses un-
der the administration of the
Trustees) shall have as their pri-
mary' function the provision of
instruction in the liberal arts and
sciences and in professions and
applied fields which require more
than two years of collegiate edu-
cation . . . The University of
California (including 10 cam-
puses governed by the Regents)
shall provide instruction in liberal
arts and sciences, and in the pro-
fessions . . . The University shall
have the sole authority in public
higher education to award the
doctor's degree in all fields of
learning except that it may agree
with the state colleges to award
joint doctor's degrees in selected
fields. The University shall be
the primary state-supported aca-
demic agency for research . ."
The California Master Plan al-
so provides for the Coordinating
Council for Higher Education
whose functions, described as
"advisory to the g ovn e r n i n g
boards," are set forth as follows:
"(1) Review of the annual
budget and capital outlay re-
quests of the University and
the State College System and
presentation to the governor.-°,
(2) Interpretation of the
f u n c t i o n a 1 differentiation
among the publicly supported
institutions . . . advise the Re-
gents and the Trustees on pro-
programs appropriate to each
(3) Development of plans for
the orderly growth of higher
education and making recom-
mendations to the governing
Boards on the need for and lo-
cation of new facilities and
Board members and administra-
tors from each of the three seg-.
ments of public higher education

is well. as representatives of the
independent colleges and univer"
sities comprise the Council.
* * * \
a background of considerations
for planning for higher education
in Michigan. Two additional fac-
tors must be mentioned to bring
us to the present situation and to
the new State Board of Educa-
tion, which is my principal point
of consideration, and which of-
fers a potential for development
of higher education in Michigan
unsurpassed by that of any other
state. These two factors are the
Michigan Coordinating Council
for State-Supported Higher Edu-
cation, and the Governor's "Blue
Ribbon" Education Study Com-
The Coordinating Council has
served well a referee function
among the state-supported insti-
tutions in three areas recently:
(1) a coordinated speakers' pol-
icy, - (2) a rational program for
expanding medical education, anc
(3) improved consistency and
uniformity in definition of terms
used in budget requests to the
legislature. In the area of branch
campuses, however, the action;
taken have been negative and in-
dicative of individual self-in-
terest. No positive policy has been
formulated for the establishment
of branch or new independent
cam ruses, nor for the expansior
of programs within the existing
The inherent weakness of the
Michigan Coordinating Council,
as well as the California Coordin-
ating Council upon which it wa.
patterned, is the existence on the
Council of the representatives pf
all the individual special interests
whose needs must be coordinated
Planning for the future in educa-
tion as' in any other social area
ziiust certainly be based on a
thorough knowledge of existing
and historical organization. How-
ever, planning, to be effective
and objective must also be unfet-'
tered by forces which have selfish
reasons to protect and proliferate
the existing system.
* * *


the problems which is indicative
of a long and intense interest in
education. In addition, the board
members must be of a nature to
communicate effectively with the
legislature, for perhaps more
than any other factor, in deter-
mining the effectiveness of the
board, and therein the success of
planning for the future, is the
ability to establish with the legis-
lature a confidence which will
lead'to adequate support of the
board's activities and a reliance
on the advice which the board
gives to the legislature.
Much of the success of the
State Board of Education for
many years will depend on the
patterns established in the first
few years. The patterns of effec-
tive leadership and planning es-
tablished in the first few years
will in turn depend on the calibre.
of board members elected and the
adequacy of financial support, tr
the board which will determine
the calibre of permanent staff
which can be provided. This
brings us to a consideration of
the method of selection of the
board members - eight nominee
by each political party conven-
tion and eight members elected
therefrom at large in the state
But here, in my opinion, arises
the greatest obstacle in the
otherwise clear road ahead I re-
fer to the special provincial inter-
ests which have to date been un-
challenged in the development of
our existing institutions.
* * *
member of The University of
Michigan Board of .Regents, I
have already heard the frantic
warning, endorsed by board mem-
bers of both political parties, that
we must not tolerate any Vin-
fringement whatsoever on durs
constitutional autonomy, that we
must remain independent in :the
planning and expansion of our
own programs. This same atti-
tude,' I feel sure, is dominant in
the boards and administrations of
all our publicly supported institu-
tions of higher education. The
words cannot. be challenged, for
certainly the greatness of our in-
stitutions is in large measure due
to their autonomy in the execu-
tion of their internal affairs -
their freedom from legislative in-
vestigations. But the meaning is
quite clear, ,spoken as it is in an
atmosphere of speculation about
the role of the new State Board
of Education. The meaning is
ghat we' wish to continue to go
:ur several separate, random, un-
coordinated ways.
Since the board members of the

Russians Shouldn't Complainr

NOTHING COULD BE more surprising
than a recent claim by a Soviet youth
newspaper that the Russian textbook the
University uses distorts Soviet life.
As a second-semester Russian student,
I saw. nothing approaching deprivation.
in the idyllic episodes pictured in the
Russian textbook. And then along comes
the Komsomolskaya Pravda (the Com-'
munist Youth Truth) to complain about
misrepresentation of conditions in Rus-:
sia which I had thought were the usual
stajte of affairs the world over.
IN ONE TEXTBOOK conversation at-
tacked by the newspaper, the students
complain that although there had been.
Not a Chance
ternational Communist Conspiracy
have come up with another argument to
advance their wicked cause.
The monsters of the Kremlin have
until now used one argument to justify
their refusal to pay United Nations as-
sessments for the Congo operation: they
have claimed that the makeshift peace-
keeing force is illegal under the United
Nations charter.
As everyone knows, the Soviets tried to
escape the burdens of international
peacekeeping a month ago when they
proposed that the UN establish a perma-
nent peacekeeping force-with no con-
tributions from Security Council nations.
Their perverse reasoning was that such
a permanent arrangement would be le-
gal under the UN charter. They have'
made no progress with the proposal, so
yesterday they sneakily introduced an
extraneous argument. Izvestia, that para-
gon of Communist morality, ran a page
one picture of United Nations troops look-
ing over a belly dancer at a lurid night-
club in an exotic foreign capital. The
caption (loosely translated): "You think
we're going to pay for this? Not a

some fish, it was all gone. "Cabbage soup
and porridge is our fare," the students
say, using an old Russian proverb.
It follows that we are being led to be-
lieve that Russian food is poor and
Perhaps the English textbook writers
in Russia would be interested in the Col-
lected Menus of East Quad, 1964-65. How
could mulligatawny possibly compare to
cabbage soup? And the perennial pota-
toes? I'll take porridge any day. And
whenever there was anything good, it
was usually gone by the time I got
when we are led to think that there
are card-playing Soviet kids, as opposed
to the card-carrying variety. I see noth-
ing wrong with playing cards. Why, we
even institutionalize it in . the Union du-
plicate bridge games every week.
It seems we have even accused them
of buying American records on the black
market. Shocking! We're so brash we do
it right out on the open market. No guilt
feelings can force us into under-the-
counter deals.
One of their most outrageous com-
plaints, though, is about a reference to
long lines before movies. Has anybody
been to the Cinema Guild Pn a busy
night lately? Or worse yet, did they see
the,300-400 teenagers line up hours early
to get tickets ahead of time to see the
Beatles?' Speaking of lines, there is a
special irony in the growing lines of stu-
dents 'waiting to get into the dorm dining
THEN THERE WAS the protested refer-
ence to long waiting lists for new
housing projects. Need I mention the
460x freshmen crammed into temporary
housing as a result of the exigencies of
our unplanned economy?'
Perhaps mosct indicative of the Rus-
sian psychology is the fact that they were
hurt by our reference to their use of
passes to enter university dormitories and
libraries. What about us? Women aren't
allowed in men's dorm rooms nor men in
As for libraries, our record is worse.
Harvard, that great symbol of learning
and knowledge, denies the use of Widener
Library to those who are not of the
breed. Closer to home, the University will
not let high school students into some
libraries without making them go through
red tape.
IT'S THE SAME all over.
Associate Managing'Editor
Not Even Mona
BEARDED MEN and pregnant women
of Ann Arbor unite!


The Daily Editor on SGC

To the Editor:,
U PON READING his letter in
Friday's Daily I must conclude
that Thomas Copi_ did not under-
stand the main issue of the debate
in favor of rerfmoving the Daily
Editor from Student Government
Council. Nor, it seems, did he lis-
ten to all of Editor Berkson's re-
marks or he would haves.deleted
certain portions of his letter.
Editor Berkson does have a
basis for saying that past Editors
have felt as he does regarding the
conflict of roles involved when
the Daily Editor must sit on SGC.
Berkson read to the Council a
letter from former Editor .Tom
Hayden to his successor John
Roberts in which it is stated quite
clearly that even in 1960 the Daily
Edit o yfelt that an essential con-
flict was involved. There are, I am
sure, many more examples of this
feeling among Daily Editors.
Copi also refuses to acknowledge
the argument that the Editor,
through the Daily, has consider-
ably more power of persuasion
than other Council' members. I
submit one of many examples..
$erkson, himself, was able to in-
fluence the Council, through 13is
column last spring, to secure
enough votes for reconsideration
and passage of a motion adopt-
ing all-campus officer elections.
This argument can also be - sup-
ported by many other examples.
* * *
these two points, Mr. Copi does
not see the real issue at stake. This
issue is that the Daily Editor has,
by virtue of his position, an in-
evitable and irrevocable role con-
flict. On the one hand it is his
responsibility as Daily Editor to
be the commentator and critic of
SGC. On the other hand he is
required to be a member of SGC.
This conflict cannot be.resolved
without sacrificing one of these
Thus, in order to get along he
must either diminish his activity
on SGC or ignore his responsibility
to the campus and to the Daily. It
is because of this constant and ir-
revocable conflict that the Daily
Editor is unique among ex-officios.
And it is because- of this unique
position that Editor Berkson, to
his credit, initiated the action
which other Editors only talked
about, and that SGC voted 15 to
2 to support this move.
-Douglas Brook, '65
Executive Vice-President.
Student Government Council
Rockwell Speech
To the Editor:
AS A RESIDENT of Arlington,
Virginia, home of the Ameri-
can Nazi Party, I am disturbed
and surprised at the invitation to
speak that has been extended to

one ins Dance, the New York City
newspapers headlined Rockwell's
name for two weeks' before city
officials finally denied him per-
mission to speak in Union Square.
The Rockwell problem is unusual
in that it will, unlike most nui-
sances, disappear if it is ignored.
The Union's apparent intention of
providing an opportunity for the
airing of unorthodox political be-
liefs is "commendale, but 'the
American Nazi Party deserves no
such recognition.
-Michael S. Nash, '68
To the Editor:
AM SURPRISED atihe gross
inaccuracies in yourteditorial of
Sept. 4, "Approval of Ordinance
Demonstrates Backlash."
For one thing, Thomas Poin-
dexter, sponsor of the "Home-
owner's Ordinance" was not "re-
turned "'to the Detroit Common
Council. He was merely nominat-
ed for the November run-off. His
opponent will be Jackie Vaughn
III, a young Negro leader (a for-
mer Fulbright scholar to Oxford)'
who has demonstrated his wide
appeal to the general community
by being elected twice to the presi-
dency of the Michigan Young
Democrats, an overwhelmingly,
white organization.
The passage of the basically
racist ordinance itself did not
demonstrate a "backlash" in De-
troit but merely showed the clever-
ness of its author, Poindexter, in
writing it in such a subtle man-
ner that bigoted character was
fairly-well concealed. Some Ne-
groes even voted for it and many
others did not 'bother voting .on
it at all.
* * *
THE CAMPAIGN against the
ordinance was limited in resources
and did not penetrate into the
heart of the grass-roots Negro
community with simple statements
and slogans about its reactionary
The anti-ordinance campaign
was led by a coalition of "white
'liberals" and "old guard" Negro
leadership who have lost their
contact with the rising militant
spirit of the Negro community
proper. This "coalition" was :also
busy trying unsuccessfully to ob-
tain the First Congressional Dis-
trict nomination for a "respect-
able" Negro, Richard Austin, (who
was defeated by another rising
young Negro leader, John Con-
yers, Jr.), and the Common Coun-
cil nomination for an "acceptable"
Negro, Rev. Nicholas Hood (who
lost out to Vaughn).
Many Negroes, disgusted with
this "coalition" that tried to im-
pose its will in the congressional
and council contests, didn't care
about the ordinance, one way or
4. . n ..

"white backlash") and to let the'
courts deal with it by eventually
declaring it unconstitutional.
--Sol Plafkin, Grad
To the Editor: '
Daily was in'error in listing my
name 'as "Assistant to the Vice-,
President for Financial Aids." The
compliment and position belong to
a man for whomI have great re-'
spect and admiration: Mr. Walter
B. Rea. Having had the privilege
of working for and with him, I
call your attention to the mis-
After eight happy years in the
Office of Student Affairs at the
University, I am now associated'
with the University of Massachu-
setts, Amherst.'{
-Mark 0. Noffsinger y
Coordinator, Studentr
Director, Student Union
University of Massachusetts
"NICE PEOPLE" need nostalgia,
and the Four Freshmen gave
the houseldad at Hill Auditorium
plently of memories from their 16
years of togetherness. ~
Many of the ,Freshmen's stan-
dards, "It's a Blue World," and
"Fools Rush In,"warmed Saturday
night couples. These mood melo-'
dies were mixed in much the same
formula as their Ann Arbor con-
cert three years ago.
In 1961, the Four Freshmen--
Bob Flanigan, Bill Comstock, Ross
Barbour and Ken Albers-sang
and played through "Route 66,"
"Day by Day," "I'm Gonna Go
Fishing," "Lulu's Back in Town,"
and several solo features that ap-'
peared again Saturday evening.
M *
stock, irritated the senses by dis-
joining the lyrics from the mel-,
ody in his bluesy tunes "Blues in
the Night" and ..a forgetable at-
tempt at the , unforgetable, "Act
Three." The brass instruments,
however, covered his feeble voice
with ensemble passages.
The personality man of the
group, trombonist - bassist Bob.
Flanigan, drew continuous ap-
plause for his humor as well as
for his musical skill. The out-
standing instrumentalist, trumpter
Kan Ales_ spnarled every tune

Govei'nor's Blue Ribbon Commit-
tee, in 'the subcommittee and
preliminary reports has revealed
an appreciation of the needs of
higher education, and an aware-
ness of the inadequacy of finan-
cial support by the Legislature in
recent years. The Blue Ribbon
Committee, however, is a tempor-
ary study committee which wil'
presumably cease 'to exist when it
has" completed its final report to

ALLAN R. SORENSON is a Democrat
from Midland. After a campaign based
mainly on freedom in education, he took
over his regental post in January, 1962. A
graduate of the University's College of En-
.; gineering, he is a chemical engineer for
DowChemicalCompany. He. has served

as a trustee

of Michigan Technological In'-



the Governor. It is to be expect-
ed that such a report would, in a
manner similar to the Russell
Report of which its purpose in
many respects is a duplication, set
forth the present organization (or
disorganization) of higher edu-
cation, and emphasize those area:
which will require specific and
detailed, study in planning for the
The new constitution gives to
the State Board of Education the
responsibility for "leadership and
general supervisign over all pub-
lic education, including adult.
education and instructional pro-
grams in state institutions. ."
Exception to this board' power it
made in this statement: "The
power of the boards bf institu-
'tions of higher education provid-
ed in this constitution to super-
vise their respective institutions
and control and direct the expen-
diture of the institutions'' funds
shall not be limited by (provision
for theState Board of Educa-t
tion)." However, clearly describ-
ed apart from this autonomy of
individual institutions with re-
spect to their internal function, is
a responsibility of the State Board
of Education) shall serve as the
genaral planning and coordinat-
ing body for all public education,
including higher education, and
shall advise the legislature as to
the financial requirements in con-
nection therewith." .
To give further strength to the
State .Board of Eaducation in 'the
area of community colleges, the
new constitution requires the leg-
islature to provide for a state.
boaard for public community and
junior colleges.
With this excellent authoriza-
tion to plan for higher education
in Michigan, what progress can
we expect to see? What are the
alternatives and the conflicting
forces involved?
* * *
OF NUMBER ONE importance
is the selection of individuals of

existing institutions are a force
in the political conventions where
the candidates for State Board of
Education are nominated, it is
not surprising to find these pros-
pective nominees campaigning on
a wait-and-see basis. The most
common view expressed by the
candidates to whom I have spo-
ken is one of defensiveness, that
they will promise if .elected not
to rock the boat. This is most
unfortunate, since we are at a
time when rocking the boat -
when a change in our past system
of unrelated, separate institutions
- is our best hope ,for effectively
planning the future of higher ed-
acation in Michigan.
We must find the right people.
We must get them elected.
We must urge our legislature
to give them the necessary sup-
porting staff.
We must urge the members of
the boards of our present institu-
tions to be willing to relinquish
planning functions where the
rood of all the state must super-
sede the specific interests of a
single institution.
* * *
years, the effectiveness of the
State Board of Education 'as an
agency for long-range planning
and coordination of education
will become apparent. Within
ghat time, all of us who Have a
devoted interest in the future of
higher education in Michigan, and
all of us who can in any way in-
fluence the right kind of people
to make themselves available to
serve on the board must be doing
our utmost.
NEXT WEEK: Theodore New-

Managing Editor

Editorial Director

ANN GWIRTZMAN .............. Personnel Director
MICHAEL SATTINGiER ..,.. Associate Managing Editor
JOHN KENN ........... Assistant Manging Editor
DEBORAH BlJATTIE ...... Associate Editorli Director
LOUISE LIND ........ Assistant Editorial Director in
Charge of the Magazine
BILL BULLARD ..................... Sports Editor
TOM ROWLAND ........... .Associate Spo'rts Editor
GARY W YNER ............. Associate Sports Editor
CHARLES TOWLE ........ Contributing Sports Editor
Business Staff
JONATHON R. WHITE, Business Manager
JAY GAMPEL ...........Associate Business Manage=
JUDY GOLDSTEIN .. ........ .....Finance Manager
BARF1ARA JOHNSTON .......... Personnel Manager
SYDNEY PAUKER ........... Advertising Manager
RUTH SCHEMNITz ............ Systems Manager
.-VTNIOR MANAGERS: Bonnie Cowan, Sue Crawford,
Joyce >ieinger,' Judi Fields. Judy Grohne. Sue


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