igon enses as
up Rumors Fly
et Nam Lashes 'at Cambodia;
hanouk Rejects UN Surveillance
ON (AP)-Coup talk boiled up in Saigon last night and, as
ver, unusual numbers of government troops and armored
d up on the streets. The atmosphere tensed.
y circulated reports, none confirmed, dealt with a sup-
ending effort to unseat Maj. Gen. Nguyen Khanh's United
sked government or some other political upheaval of, un-
n is a city of rumors and its gossip often can be quickly
1, but there was a general official impression that there may
.:Yl t e
Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom
VOL. LXXV, No. 12
Students To
Copfer with
University students selected.
through interviews with members
of the Office of Religious Affairs
will be able to participate on a
panel with noted theologian Prof.
Will Herberg of Drew University
Ahen he visits here next month.
Herberg will lecture here Oct.
8 and 9 in a series sponsored by
the ORA which will bring five
other prominent speakers to the
Prof. Herberg, a sociologist and
theologian, is currently a profes-
sor of culture and philosophy. He
has written "Judaism and Modern
Man: An Interpretation of the
Jewish Religion"; "Protestant-
CathG : E inAgge-
" can giou's So gy";The
Writings of Martin Buber"; "Four
Existentialist Theologians," and
"Community, State and 'Church'
Three Essays by Karl Barth."
"What we are interested in is*
what students can bring to the dis-
cussion. We will want to know
such things as why they want., to
be on the panel and a.little bit
about their background," Mrs. Eliz-
abeth Sumner, program assistant
direc;or of the ORA, commented.
"One reason we want t 'pick
panelists early is so that they will
have an opportunity to read some
of Prof. Herberg's books. So that
they can prepare informed ques-
tions and ideas to discuss with
Prof. Herberg. The discussion will
be held Oct. 8 at 7:30 p.m. in the
South Quad Lounge.
The student panelists will have
the opportunity to decide the topic
of the panel discussion.
After panelists have finished
their discussion, members of the
audience will raise questions.
Also on Herberg's schedule are
two lectures here: "Existentialism:
Religious and Atheistic," on Oct
8, and "Biblical Faith and Man-
Made Religions in Contemporary
America" on Oct. 9. Both will
be made in Rackham iAud. at 4:10
The OI A also hopes to; sponsor
a similar panel discussion around
Prof. Tillich's speech, "The Image
of Man and the Identity Crisis,"
when he is here Oct. 21. Prof. Til-
lich is a theologian at the Univer-
sity of Chicago.
Interviews will be held Wednes-
day, Sept. 16, from 9:30 a.m.-11:3C
a.m. and 2 p.m.-5 p.m.; Thursday
Sept. 17. from 9:30 a.m.-12 noon
Sand 1 p.m.-3 p.m. Those interest-
be serious trouble over the week-
end. Sunday was mentioned as a
likely day.
By coincidence, the .talk arose
as South Viet Ntam formally
charged that neighboring Cam-
bodia is fighting Vietnamese bor-
der forces in open support of the
Communist Viet Cong.
Accuse Cambodia
The foreign ministry accused
Cambodian troops of making four
attacks since July 19 to help the
guerrillas and announced four
Vietnamese were killed. Cambodia
was warned that Viet Nam holds
it responsible "for the grave con-
sequences that may follow."
Coupled with that were these
developments elsewhere:
-Though it has repeatedly
complained to the United Nations
Security Council about alleged
raids of the American-backed
Vietnamese forces on Cambodian
border communities, Prince Nor-
odom Sihanouk's government re-
jected the recommendation of a
council mission ,that an observer
group'be sent to guard against
such incursions.
-In Phnom Penh, the Cambo-
dian high command said the
United States and South Viet.
Nam are reinforcing their units
in a Mekong River area that was:
the scene of frontier incidents
Sept. 5. Heavy armament of near-
l y 1000 men posted there was re-
ported to include 105mm and
155mm guns. The area is one over
which U.S. Air Force F102 Delta
Daggers patrolled uneventfully
during a strike by Vietnamese
ground forces Thursday against
Viet Cong units three miles from
the border.t
I Support
-From Peking the, chairman of
Red China's parliament, Marshal
Chu Teh, cabled an expression ;of
support .to Phnom Penh, con-
demning "U.S. imperialismpand
the South Vietnamese ;puppet
troops for the monstrous crimes
they have recently committed
against the Cambodian people."
In, little more than nine months
coups have overthrown the gov-'
ernments of President Ngo Dinh
Diem and Maj. Gen. Duong Van
Minh and Khanh has had a close
The current rumors started as
U.S. Ambassador Maxwell D. Tay-
lor was on his way back from con-
sultations in Washington about
the political and military situa-
tion, shaken in August by wide-
spread antigovernment riots.
Most of the coup rumors had to-
do with- a supposed "Catholc
backlash" to apparent concessions
by Khanh to Buddhist and stu-
dent critics.
Pans New Program s
Special To The Daily
NETCONG, N.J.-The United States Youth Council, representing
33 national student and youth organizations, convened here last night
for a three day- discussion of programs and prospects -for the coming
The first session was prhnarily devoted to the history andforgani-
zation of USYC, in a report on the Fifth World 'Assembly of Youth
held last year at Amherst, Mass.
USYC is the United States representative to WAY.
Today delegates will break into iational and international com-
missions to plan year long projects and to write potential resolutions.
for 1000
- . ," ~ - ending
.*.{::;: ::'..ul G
In the first area, USYC will
study the results of three civil
rights projects carried out under
its sponsorship last year: Books
for Equal Education, the Human
Rights Conference, and the Fast
for Freedom Food.
It will also consider resolutions
favoring elimination of the draft
and lowering of the voting age.
In conjunction with WAY,
USYC is further planning a North
American Workers' Conference
which may be held in Detroit next
The International Commission
will discuss the sending of four
observers tothe Moscow Inter-
national Youth Forum this month
axld is considering other possible
trips to Eastern Europe, East Af-
rica.. and Chile.
USYC's history dates back to
1947, when it was created to rep-
resent the U.S. in the newly.
formed WAY. It is considered the
fficial representative of student
and youth groups in this country.
Among the groups are the
YWCA and YMCA, the Young
People's Socialist League, the Na-
tional Newman Club Federation,
Campus Americans for Demorcratic
Action, the United States National'
Student Association, the 4-H
Clubs, the United World Federal-
ists and Students for a Democratic
President Lyndon B. Johnson
sent greetings to the opening
Say s .Laundry
date T o Dbro
Dormitory residents will soon be
able: to have 'clothes laundered
and cleaned at discount rates,
John Eadie, '65, Interquadrangle
Council president, announced - at
an IQC meeting Thursday night.
"Under a written .agreement
negotiated with local merchants,.
the residence hall laundry pick-up
and delivery service will offer 10
per cent off on regular laundry
and 15 per cent off on dry clean-
ing," Eadie said,
He added that an IQC commit-
tee had been set up last spring to
study laundry discounts.
MSU Gven
E !
M ed School
K. Kellogg Fundation has granted
Michigan State University $1.25
million to create the state's third
medical school.
The grant, announced py the
group yesterday, is to develop a
two-year College of Human Medi-
cine at MSU over the next five
The foundation said $625,000 of
the grant will be used to put a
program of pre-clinical medical
education into effect at MSU by
planning a curriculum, acquiring
a faculty and designing a medical
The remaining $625,000 is to be
used for construction of a medical
building. -
University officials have claimed
that a two-year medical program,
will be a prelude to a full four-
year medical school at MSU.
They have,argued that the Leg-
islature must meet its financial
commitments to the University
and Wayne State University. the
only existing medical units, before
promising new construction which
might eventually cost $75 million.
The fouZndation, in choosing
MSU for the grant, cited a report
by the Michigan Coordinatingt
Council for Public Higher Educa-'
tion. The report, Kellogg said,
"recommended that no later than
1971 a cooperative program in the
basic medical sciences should be
provided" at MSU.
The two-year school at. MSU
would be designed "with a view
toward . the transfer of students
to the third and fourth clin-
ical years at the University of
Michigan or Wayne State Univer-
sity or other medical schools," the
foundation said, in referring to
the report.r
MSU already has strong science
departments "to provide a setting
for the new College of Human
Medicine," the foundation said.
"The possibilities at Michigan
State University for promising ex-
perimentation in medical and bio-
logical education were of great in-
terest to th0 Foundation," it was
The MSU medical school would
have the opportunity, the founda-
tion said, "to integrate human
medicine with programs earlier
established on the campus."
Programs of the MSU College of
Veterinary Medicine could be in-
tegrated with human research to
mutual benefit "since much of the
medical research in the nation is
on animals and many diseases
affect both animals and humans."
$80 M
Passage Expecte
By Election To ]
Beneficiary Lim
An estimated 1000 stude
aged 18-22 will soon becon
ble for monthly cash
averaging $80. These will
lectible beginning one mon
the expanded social secw
gram, now pending befo
gress, is signed into law,
fice of Sen. Philip Hart (
reported yesterday.
In an election year, pass
signing are anticipated be
The eligible students w
a segment of the 20 mil
tired men, disabled worke
ows and .children who coll
eral insurance benefits ur
social security system.
The students are prima
grown-up children who c
ceived benefits as higha
month until they reached
Current law cuts off the
-Associated Press
Indian President Visit S ovlet Union
PROF. -SARVEPALLI RADHAKRISHNAN, Indian president, is flanked by Soviet Premier Nikita S.
Khrushchev (right) and Anastas A. Mikoyan (left), chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme
Soviet, as they ride in a car from Moscow airport following theme Indian president's arrival yester-
day for a visit in Russia.
Name Aide
For Radoek
A Detroit radio newsman, Jack
H. Hamilton, has been appointed
assistant to Vice-President for
University R e 1 a t i o n s Michael
Hamilton, who was the winner
oV the 1963 Michigan Associated
Press Award for radio commen-
tary, will be Radock's top assist-
ant. He will help in the adminis-
tration of the Office of University
Relations, which Radock heads,
and inthe writing of speeches and
Hamilton was a 1949 graduate
of Northwestern Universityr's Me-
dill School of journalism. He was
director of .news and commentary
for Detroit radio station WDTM-
FM prior to accepting the post
.Must Remain in Cyprus
UNITED NATIONS (AP)-Secretary-General U Thant said yester-
day there was general agreement than the United Nations peacekeeping
force must be kept oha Cyprus for another three months in order to,
avoid "utter disaster."
He warned that if this is done "the bills will have to be paid"}
even if he has to dip into regular U.N. sources of revenue for the
The secretary-general made the statement in a .detailed report
on Cyprus submitted to the 11-nation Security Council. It was issued
__ _ _ __ 'as the Council heard Greek and
Turkish delegates exchange bitter
M ay r C' real charges over actions taken in
Athens and Istanbul as a result of
T1-. I P-u. the Cyprus crisis.
r. .
1 U LCd.YC .l V
kPro o sal
18-Story Apartment Bldg.
To BeRad n S etember
Ann Arbor's tallest structure, an 18-story apartment building, is
now being constructed on South University Street, on the old site of
Miller's Ice Cream Parlor. _
. Towne Realty Inc., a Milwaukee construction firm, and the R. E.
Weaver Co. Inc., of Ann Arbor, are cooperating in the construction
of the $4 million building.
Scheduled to be ready for occupancy by next September, it will
house approximately 800 residents in one- and two-bedroom
efficiency apartments. t
The appointment of Hamilton
marks another phase in Radock's
work to revitalize the University
relations office. Two years ago
he instituted "Operation Mich-
igan," a program which sends
University .officials to m a k e
speeches around the state. It also
brings distinguished citizens and
alumni to'the campus here to get
a first-hand impression of the
University's facilities, teaching
and research.
Radock made a major staff and
structural re-organization 1 a s t
May when he promoted Cleland
B. Wyllie to the post of "assistant
director of University relations for
mass media."
Miss Alice Beeman then took.
over Wyllie's former duties as in-
formation services director.
Ann Arbor Mayor Cecil 0. Creal
announced yesterday that'he will
not seek reelection following his
current term of office, which ends.
April 8, 1965..
Creal is now in his third two-
year term as mayor. He has pre-
viously served as City Council.
head for eight'years and as an
alderman for six years.
Creal first announced his in-
tention to retire several weeks
ago at a working session of the
City Council. At the. time, he said
that he was doing it now so that
his votes on council could not
have any political inferences.
Programs c o m p I.e t e d under
Creal's administration include the.
new city hall, a research park, a
new senior citizen's home, a new
fire station, several long-range
city development plans, and tkg
nation's first self-supporting park-
ing system.
5 }
ed in
an app
ert, pr
or Mr
K e
ipating should
ent with Robert
director of the
ier, at 764-7442.
)s Position
ER, Ohio (P) - Making
alled "the most difficult
f my life," Ohio Stage
President Novice G.
ecided yesterday to pass
tive job with the Ameri-
iobile Association.
ision came in a brief-
issued shortly before
sity's board of trustees
at the Ohio Agricultural
t Stati'on here at its
While all upper floors in the
building are reserved for apart-
ments; the two lower floors are
being planned for commercial
space, to be available in Decem-
ber, 1965. Robert Weaver, owner
of the R. E. Weaver Co., said that
space is being reserved for a res-
taurant as well as for Miller's new
ice cream parlor.
Parking problems associated
with the' building ,have .caused a
great deal of concern among stu-
dents and administrators alike
since no provisions have been
made for occupant parking. At the
last meeting of Student Govern-
ment Council, Barry Bluestone,.
'66, brought the matter before the
group. Chris Cohen, '65,,said that
the matter will be dealt with after
the first meeting of SGC's Consti-
tuent Assembly. The meeting is
scheduled for Sept. 21.
The building will be built in
the shape of a horseshoe with the
open side facing South University.
A swimming pool will be instaled
behind the building, itself. En-
trance to the commercial floors of
the building will be off South Un-
versity, while apartment residents
will enter through a separate en-
trance on Forest Street, Weaver
S. D. Tishberg, executive vice-
Viet Nam Needs Domestic Peace Corps
Turkish Ambassador 0 r h a n
Eralp proposed that the Council;
send a, fact-finding mission to
Cyprus, and Greek Ambassador
Dimitri Bltsios agreed-provided ,
the mission be permitted to in-'
spect what he described as war-
like 'preparations taking place on
Turkish territory.
In Nicosia the Greek Cypriot
government warned Turkey that;
convoying of supplies to Turkisha
Cypriots blockaded at Kokkina,
would be opposed as a 'kind of
invasion." Defense Minister Poly-;
carpos Georgadjus gave the reply
to Turkish Premier Ismet Inonu's
statement in Ankara that Turkish
naval units intended to deliver
food on Tuesday to the Turkish
The council is expected to meet
next week to act on extending the.
life of the 6,160-man U.N..peace-,
keeping force, whose expenses are'
met by voluntary financial con-
Thant laid down stipulations he
said must be met , f the council
takes such action.
He declared he considered it
unrealistic for .the council to ex
pect that the force can be main-
tained for another three-months
period on the "flimsy and uncer-
tain financial basis" of the past
six months.
He said.that if the council de-
cides on. extension beyond S$ept.
26, when the second three-months
term expires, 'I must insist that
at least pledges . for the total
amount necessary to sustain the
force for its third three-months
period ,must be in hand by that
Thant estimated the cos at
$7 million.-
He said if the pledges for that
amount are not received "I will
have no choice but to consider
any- expenses .exceeding the total
of the voluntary contributions re-
ceived as legitimate charge againt
U.N. revenues from whatever
source derived. The bills will have
to be paid."
He noted that pledges thus far
were insufficient tomeet a $2
million deficit for the' costs of
maintaining the force for the
second three-months period.
Thant nnintedlv v .lled to the
Expand Limit
The amended Social Sec
would expand the age lr
for students continuin
schooling past high school
Washington sources e
that 275,000 full-time stuc
tending, vocational, junior
or public colleges will be
in the first year followi
See related story, Pal
age. These students, whos
are retired, disabled or
are expected to collect $11
in that time.
On the basis of a 30,00
enrollment here, federal
predicted 800-1200 stud
become immediately .eligib
lect the benefits directly
Although the national
figures an average $60
dept monthly, indications
the University average '
closer to $80, a ref lectio:
higher wage level of the fi
An amended social sect
gram has cleared both Y
Congress in different fo;
center of controversy has
amendment on health car
aged, or Medicare, .whicl
ministration forces injec
the Senate version. Confe
both houses will try to re
differences beginning nex
The spokesman for I
phasized, in a phone
from Washington, that 1
sions have identical prov
increasing the student
This assures its inclusic
final bill.
Current practice allows
to receive monthly ber
herself up to $100, and
children up to $90 apiece
ily may receive a max
$254 each month. The
program would relax thes
By sending the money to
dent directly, the progra
not deprive the mother
is currently cut off, L
years old, when her clh
The benefits would all
tributed during vacationl
The Washington spoke
tributed the extension
benefits "to a growing r
here of the importance
tion." He said that cor
believe that a student ov
is attending school ful
equally dependent on fins
as the child under 18.
A House committee re
ed: "With many employe
ing more than a high sc
cation as a condition fo
ment, education beyond
school level has become
fnecessity in preparing for
The student benefits
been recently inserted int
They existed in the Hot
measure in late July.. BL
officials have expressed
Second of two articles'
Managing Editor
What Viet Nam needs is a domestic Peace Corps.
Such a project would be staffed and run entirely by Vietnamese
youth. They would "go into the Vietnamese villages, living and
working with the people and trying to explain what democracy is,
what the free world is and what Communism is," Dao Duy, president
of the Vietnamese Catholic. Students' Federation, explained Thurs-
Dao Duy, who left Ann Arbor yesterday to continue his state.
department-financed tour of the United States, feels that this may
.be the key to defeating the Communists and bringing peace to South
Viet Nam.
For the immediate problem, in Dao Duy's opinion, is that few,
rural Vietnamese are interested in resisting the Communist Viet
Cong insurgents-and many actually side with the rebels. Without.
the populace behind them, Western efforts to drive out the Viet
Cong are failing.
Broader Problems
But behind this problem, Dao Duy argues, is a broader one:
the political ignorance of the South Vietnamese. It permits the
Communists-under whose regime, Dao Duy is convinced, hopes of a'
better life for his people would be shattered-to win the allegiance
of the South Vietnamese.
f" a4