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September 09, 1964 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1964-09-09

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E=rrnzAND MANAGED TSru miwrs ofTimHUxrvERsrry MICHImGAN
e o 420 MAYA D ST., Arn AiBo , Mzcz. NEWS Pxo : 744-0552
Truth Will mreatt
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

eachTChanced To eeFranklin D..
The Unseen Excitement Only 10 Minutes Away
by 1H. Neil Berkson



The 1964 Presidential Election:

'A Dee ly
IF THE UPCOMING presidentia
paign promises to bey one waged
historically low level of argument,
bodes to be a very dangerous one.
For the first time in 28 years, ti
lic will have a choice between t
preciably different philosophies of
ment. Though the, public has th
right to make that choice, it is pi
not qualified to do it.
For example, it is generally co
that if the 1960 election was not
by ballot-stuffing in Illinois and
the single most important factor-
suring John Kennedy's victory w
series of debates between Kenne
Richard Nixon. ;
vehemently disagree as to wh
those debates on pure debating p
I think Nixon, an excellent debat
three out of the fout by small m
But this did not matter. For the
of the debates was principally d
to what the candidates said, but
they looked. Kennedy looked bet
TV than Nixon. Perhaps he had a
makeup man.
That the election; of four yea
may have been swayed by such far-
ing, issues as TV makeup men
overly. shocking, when one conside
then there were no major differen
tween the parties. Both approved
existence" foreign policy as oriE
by Dwight Eisenhower and Nikita K
Had Nixon been elected, he woul
pushed for increases in Social S
coverage, as did Kennedy; he woul
tried to maintain our foreign, al
gram, as Kennedy did; and he pr
would have been forced, as was Ke
into championing a minimal civil

Dan erouGae
l cam- BUT THIS YEAR the major parties dif-
on an fer greatly on many subjects. The 1964
it also Republican platform has discarded the
"co-existence" of Eisenhower and Khrush-
ie pub- chev for the "total victory": concept of
wo ap- Stalin and Mao Tse-tung. Goldwater, who
govern- has said, "One. of the most imperative
.e legal decisions that could be made would be fort
robably Congress to stop foreign economic aid,"
would, if elected, probably cut off foreign
nceded aid at least to all socialist, let alone Com..
decided munist, countries..
in as- Goldwater is vehemently against medi-
vas the care, which the Johnson administration
dy and is getting closer and closer to pushing
through Congress. It is unthinkable that
Goldwater will ever push for extensions to
often the Civil Rights Act now in effect. A
to .won Johnson administration might. Those
rowess. with their ears to the ground know that
er, won Negroes will make clamorous demands
Margins. in the next few years for further federal
effect assurance of rights being denied to many.
lue not 'of them.
to how The latest news is 'that the jut-jawed,,
tter on silver-haired, dashing Goldwater is going
better .to wage a major part of his campaign on
,the TV screen.- He still could induce the
trs ago less than dynamic-looking Johnson to do
-reach- the same.
is not
rs that THE PUBLIC which will decide between
ices be-
of b- significantly different programs this
ofn"co- year is "substantially, the -same group
ginated which chose between essentially identi-
arush- cal programs in. 1960. But many voters
could use the same flimsy bases for de-
ed have cision they used in evaluating Kennedy
and Nixon in 1960. If this happens, the
d have campaign. and election could, to use a
.d pro- phrase bandied about by the incumbent
robably candidate, turn out to be "a deeply dan-
rights gerous game."

OME TEN MINUTES from Angell Hall lies a rolling,
sprawling complex-the University's North Campus.
Since the Regents made their original purchase-267'
acres of fields and woods-in 1951, the area has nearly
tripled in size until it now contains over 800 acres of
developed and undeyeloped land. Regardless of the pros
and cons of the growth issue, North Campus gives the
University a space flexibility that is the envy of most
similar institutions in the country.
North Campus' working population-students and
,faculty-plus its resident population-married students
in Northwoods Apartments-totals over 4000. It works
in facilities currently valued somewhere around $25
million. Since the opening of the music building this
year, it is no longer correct to say +that all the effort f
out there is in the sciences and engineering.
Nevertheless, North Campus and research have been
synonymous since the opening of Cooley Memorial
Laboratory in the early fifties. Nuclear research, medical
research, space 'research, industrial research, social re-:
search-the list is endless.
THE INSTITUTE of Science and Technology, opened
last year, houses one of the unique operations of its
kind anywhere. The Space Research Bldg., currently.
going up, will be the first and only college structure to!

be financed by the National Aeronautics and Space
Administration. NASA is footing the bill because of the
University's heavy involvement in the space program.
Other standouts among millions of dollars of equip-
ment and laboratories include a nuclear reactor, a
cyclotron and a wind tunnel.
Most students on the central campus have just
barely heard of 'North Campus-. Few of them ever get
out to see any of the fantastic research development'that
is taking place. Yet . here is one of the most exciting
parts of the University.
Only ten minutes from Angell Hall./
TODAY'S LEtTERS COLUMN contains a letter I wish,
I had written myself. Previous columns simply haven't
had the space to go into the situation, but, in my opinion,
the "loyalty oaths" concerning driving regulations which
were pas'sed out'during registration constitute one of the
most insulting, disgusting actions the University has.
taken toward students in my four years here.
In case anyone doesn't remember, a Sanford Se-
curity officer stood at the door 'of registration passing
out a three-by-five card headed: "Your registration
will not be complete until this form has been turnpd In
at the appropriate station." The card went on to state
Regents Bylaw 8.06, which establishes driving regulations.,

It concluded: "Before being permitted to complete your
academic registration you must sign the following state-
ment: I hereby acknowledge my complete understanding
of and willingness to abide by all provisions of the
University bylaw 8.06 and the Administrative Code."
THE PLEDGE is a complete sham, and the. Office
of Student Affairs is quite willing to admit it. "We just
wanted to make the rules known," one OSA official'
declared to a Daily reporter. Actually, when a student
enters the University he- is legally bound to accept its
rules and is open to ,prosecution for breaking them. The
signed card does not add one bit to his potential offense.
Bftt most important, forced oaths-sham or not-
have no place in society, less place in a university com-
Oh yes, the cards wete maize with blue lettering.
* * * . *


HE HOUSING PROBLEM has taken some hopeful
turns, particularly with the attempt by Assembly
Association to see how it can help out and the proposal
by IFC to take uppercliass pledges into the houses imi-
At the same time, Director of Housing Eugene Haun
has decided to keep his remarks on the situation out
df the newspaper. As if it will go away. Or something.

."Yo'U Be Glad To Know That We reseriT eHis
Complete Initiative To The V ery End"

Th~e University and tie
,,Parking Situation


Sororities: It Pays To Belong

THE WOMEN'S RUSH which starts to-
night will involve less fanfare and few-i
er girls than past spring rushes. But it'
should be more serious and for many'
women more significant than previous
rushes because it involves only upper-
classmen-women who have had time to
establish independent lives at the Univer-
The adjustments for an upperclassman
who pledges may 'be manifold. A woman
joining a sorority does not leave one kind,
of life for another, but she must re-shape
and expand her previous activities to in-.
corporate new obligations and opportuni-
ties into them.
THE 'TIME INVOLVED in pledging and
living in a sorority is perhaps the most
difficult adjustment for an upperclass-
man. A woman who has been developed by
one or two years at the University is
more serious and involved than she prob-
ably was as a freshman. The time and.
spirit for pledge pranks no longer exist.
And it is hard at this point to sacrifice
academic pursuits in order to learn the
Greek alphabet.
Even taking time for the sorority's so-
cial program or the long hours of serious
and non-serious discussion necessary to
becoming a part of the house may seem
unnecessary to a woman who has already
established another "world of her own" at
the University.
Managing Editor Editorial Director
ANN GWIRTZMAN .............. Personnel Director
MICI;AEL SATTINGER .... Associate Managing Editor
JOHN KENNY .......Assistant Managing, Editor
DEBORAH BEATTIE. Associate Editorial Director
LOUISE LIND ........ Assistant Editorial Director in'
Charge of the Magazine
BILL BIULLARD ..................... sports Editor
TOM ROWLAND ............Associate Sports Editor
GARN' WINER .............. Associate Sports Editor
CHARLES TOWLE ........ Contributing Sports Editor
Business Staff
JONATHON R. WHITE, Business Manager
JAY GAMPEL ............ Associate Business Manager
JUDY GOLDSTEIN .............. Finance Manager
BARFARA JOHNSTON ......... Personnel Manager'
SYDNEY PAUKER.......... Advertising Manager
RUTH SCHEMNIT .............. Sytems Manager
.VTNIOR MANAGERS: Bonnie Cowan, Sue Crawford,
Joyce Feinberg, Judy Fields, Judy Grohne, Sue
Sucher, Pat Termini, by Wellman.

An upperclassman may easily find that
she wants very much to take part in a
sorority, but does not believe that she will
have time to give more than a very shnall
part of herself -- a dilemma for both
prospective pledges and sorority nmmbers.
HOWEVER, the upperclassmen who
seemingly can give the least time to
and need the least from a sorority are the
women who can give the most to a soror-,
ity and gain the most concrete benefits
from such participation.
Thoughtful, purposeful women are
needed in every sorority if such an orga-
nization is to have any relevance to Uni-
versity life. BAs the student's scope be-
comes increasingly limited due to- the
pressures of academic specialization, a
small, compatible unit such as a sorority'
facilitates communication among women
with diverse academic and extra-curricu-
lar interests. And, in the same way that
an active, communicative upperclassman
contributes to the scope of a sorority, her
affiliation gives her an opportunity to
express herself and substantiate or re-
vise hertphilosophy after an intimate ex-
posure to others' ideas.
JF WOMEN are willing to pledge and
-work for this kind of an academic
atmosphere within the already existing
and valuable social structure, the irrita-.
tion of time given to chapter tasks and
periodic meetings becomes meaningful as
a means of perpetuating a unique living
Associate Editorial Director
A Lot of Fun
THE PLOT OF LAND north of West
Quadrangle, formerly occupied by the
Jefferson Apartments, has been levelled
and is being transformed into a recrea-
tion area for the use of quad residents.
This is all very nice, but the adminis-
tration ought to consider satisfying cer-
tain University necessities before install,
ing localized luxuries,


To the Editor:
HAVE THOUGHT for the past
three years that I housed a
solitary objection to the Univer-
sity parking policy, ani I have
remained silent.
Ho vever the coercive instigation
by th University of a pledge of .
,affirmation to the policy has rais-
ed a. general spirit of disquiet. I
wish to suggest why the campus
is disturbed in hopes that the
University policy makers will read
me and reconsider their position.
Much. of the current discomfort
is caused by a basic dislike among
Americans to sign creeds stating
they aren't something or will not
do something. It is reasonable to.
demand that all citizens of a com-
munity be aware of the laws that
they are expected to abide by. If
the citizens have had: a part in
forming the laws, it is also reason-
able to insist that they affirm
their intention to abide by them
to the best of their ability. How-
ever if a citizen has had no part
in forming the laws, then can he
be expected to respect and obey
much when it asks the student
citizens to abide by laws they have
had no part in making. I know
some may recall that the Joint
Judiciary Council, a student ju-
diciary body, is seen every month
ruling on cases of violation of
these laws. These people may claim
that the students have thereby
chosen tIle laws.
To the contrary, the JJC, as
with all student governments, is
in a precarious position: If the
JJC does rule on the violations,-
the Office of Student Affairs has
a chance to observe responsible-
student decision-making; the per-
formance can be used to, press
claims for greater student power.
If the JJC refuses to rule on traf-
fic violations because it objects 'to
the rules defining violation, then
the OSA can charge non-coopera-
tion and reverse the whole pro-
cess toward increasing student
participation in. University , gov-
ernment. Thus the JJC's coopera-
tion can be understood as, one
small facet in a much larger
struggle for power.
PERHAPS, however, the OSA
doesn't consider the student to be
a citizen of the University com-
munity. After all each student is
'only a passing phenomenon to the
enduring faculty, administration
and physical plant. If this is the
University's assumption, it is per-
fectly reasonable for it to :de-
mand thaot we accept its lawsas
long as we are present on its
property. Students. would become
as tourists treading on foreign
ground 'with passport, visa and'
guidebook in hand.
However, if this is the Univer-
sity assumption, let it. be clearly
stated. I am tired of reading in
the Administrative Code that "the
basic premise on which this area
of regulation is enforced is the
assumption that students are re-
sponsible citizens in the Univer-
sity community (James A. Lewis."-
* * *
NEITHER the assumption Mr.
Lewis asserts nor the contrary
assumption which underlies past;
OSA behavior circumvents one
further difficulty. If an individual
parks or drives his car outside the
boundaries of "the University
community," he is not subject to
rules applicable to .either a for-
eigner or citizen of the University
community. The individual should
be legally treated as a citizen or,
foreigner of the city of Ann Arbor
subject to Ann Arbor rules--and

Goldwater: Question Begging

swered this, question 'for them-
selves: NO-RIGHT.
a mess. I plea that someone
straighten it out and put it on a
basis of sensibility.
-Williai K. Cummings, '65


To the Editor:
IT MAY WELL be, commendable
of your staff to expose the con-
tradictions and incongruities in
the views expressed by candidate
Goldwater iconcerning the Unted
Commendable, indeed! -
Not so commendable, however,
is ybur interesting editorial policy
of not crediting the sources, such
as, the New Republic, July 25,
1964,hfrom which you rifle your
material. .
-Murray Ernpreis, '68
-Johm Lottier, '68
Daily editorial policy calls for
attribution of all articles appearing
on the page. The material on Gold-
water Tuesday was ireprinteq. with
perission from the New Republic
and should have been so noted.
Blue grass
TE KENTUCKY Colonels have
invaded and conquered the
Bluegrass field and now are com-
minding the scene at the Golden
Vanity. And with good -reason:
they are one, of the finest Blue-
grass groups ever to appear in
Ann Arbor.
Consisting of an ethnic Everly-
like duo, Clarence and Roland
White (on guitar and mandolin),
Billy; Ray on} banjo" and Roger
Bush on bass (and spokesman for
the group), the Kentucky Colonels
offer some of the most fantastic
instrumental talent this town has
ever seen. Roland White's'-an-
dolin is as fast as John Duffey%'
(of the Country'Gentleman) and
perhaps more accurate. Ray's ban-
jo seems to have a life of its own.
But the real magic is in Clarence
White's guitar. The "in-folksters"
sat in awe of this twenty-year-old
talent who Doc Watson remarked
was even better than he.
* * '
THE GROUP is at home with
such. variety as Bill . Monroe's
"Sitting Alone in the Moonlight,"
the standard "Good Old Mountan
bew," and the rousing . "Julius
Finkbine's Rag", the name of'
which alone gives a good hint of
its originality.
From a record-paced "Blue-
grass Breakdown" to "Fire on the
Banjo" to the sweetest gospel
sound of "Path of Sin," the Ken-
tucky Colonels provided the most
exciting evening of pure folk
music that anyone could ask for.
IF x OU'RE ONE of those un-
initiated who, still confuse Blue-
grass with Hillbilly and haven't
discovered one of the liveliest and
most truly derivitive American
folk music forms, you have areal
treat ahead of you. The Kentucky
Colonels are booked for two weeks
at the Golden Vanity, more than,
enough time for you to go twice.
And if you go once you will def-
initely want to go again; the
, Kentucky Colonels are that good.
-Hugh Holland







been saying since San Fran-
Cisco, Sen. Barry Goldwater has
realized that he must tidy up and
moderate his public' image. At
the convention he rode roughshod
over the moderates, giving them
no quarter, and he frightened the
-'country, as well as the rest of the
world, with his extremism.
The, experience shocked the Re-
publican' Party, and ,since San
Francisco, Senator Goldwater has
had to try to put the pieces to-
gether' by rewriting his words; by
reinterpreting his meaning, by
pleading that he is misunderstood
and by cooing like a dove.
A- * 4-
ONE OF THE great virtues of
the American political system is
that as an election approaches
there is a strong pull on the can-
didates to move away from the
extremes and toward the center.
As a candidate for office it is
not practical politics to insist that
the voters make clear choices in
such matters as war and peace,
racial justice, economic progress
and human welfare. A practical
politician has to echo the feelings
and wishes of the preponderant
mass of the voters in the center.
The senator, however, has a
special problem, which is how to
sound very different from Presi-

of government from counties to
the nation; the third was the
condition of our national defense;
the fourth was the war in Viet,
As for the integrityof the press,
the senator sideswiped the sub-
ject by saying thathe' sometimes
wonders "where Christianity would
be today if some of these report-,
ers (that is, the American news-
papermen) had been Matthew,
Mark, Luke and John." The sen-
ator might remember that the
evangelists had a more inspiring
After this jocose introduction,
the senator took up the platform
of the Association of Counties,
and here we can hear him using
his campaign formula.
The principles, of the platform
are: "Leave to private initiative-
all the functions that citizens can
perform privately; use the level
of government closest to the com-
munity for all public functions it
can handle; utilize cooperative in-
tergovernmeotal agreemeihits where
appropriate to attain economical
performance and popular ap-
proval; reserve national action' for
residual participation where state
and local governments are not
fully adequate, and for the con-
tinuing. responsibilities that only
the national government can un-
Senator Goldwater endor'sed this
t alstn 5.,-a n r ns nre .sns

For example, we must "reserve
national action for residual par-
ticipation where state and local
governments are not fully ade-
quate." But the real question is,
how do we determine whether or
hot they are fully adequate? Sen-
ator Goldwater sponsors a billion-
dollar, Arizona water and power
project and has therefore deter-
mined that Arizona's state and
local governments are not fully
adequate and that national action
is n~cessary, Presumably, he is
right about Arizona. But how does
he know what he thinks he knows,
about the Tennessee Valley?
I am omitting what he - said
about national defense because
there he raised issues of fact that
he must debate with the'Pentagon.
Let us look now at how he has
started to campaign about the war'
in Viet Nam.
The point here Was that while,
he supports the President's action.
in the Gulf of Tonkin, itWas "a
tactical reaction and 'not a win-
ning strategy." This is quite true.
But what is the winning strategy
that President Johnson has fail-
ed to apply? The senator did not
say, hoping no doubt that his
audience would think he had the
answer because he had charged
the President with not having the
THIS IS an old unda whinh



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