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September 09, 1964 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1964-09-09

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WEDNESD&Y, SEPTEMBER 9, 196~ THE MICHIGAN DAILY U~ £ ~ m, .wiwm q~,,






Fuibright Blasts Goldwater Policies'

New Force Aids Integration

WASHINGTON () - Sen., J.
William Fulbright (D-Ark) said
yesterday there is "little possibility
the nation could escape disaster"
under foreign policies proposed by
GOP presidential nominee Sen
Goldwater (R-Ariz).
R e b e l
nist-backed rebels driving to cut
the Congo in two are bidding for.
diplomatic recognition for the
Congolese People's Republic they
rproclaimed Sunday.
News of the bid was learned yes-
terday from rebel radio messages
p intercepted in Leopoldville.
Other messages from the rebel
zone said the Congolese army still
held most of the key town of
Boende, about~ 200 miles east of
Coquilhatville, capital of Cuvette
Centrale Province in northwestern
Boende is one of the last bar-
riers between the rebels and Co-
quilhatville and the possibility of
their cutting the Congo in two.
In Johannesburg, meanwhile, 10C
white South African, mercenaries
recruited to fight in the Congo
were left stranded when their
flight to the Congo was cancelled.
Reliable sources said another
group of white mercenary soldiers
was on its way to the' northern
Congolese town of Gemena, in
Ubangi Province. Rebel warriors
moving down the Congo River,
from Stanleyville are threatening
On the eastern side of the Con-
go, government troops have occu-
pied the village of Bendera, about
80 miles north of Albertville.
Christopher Gbenye; a former
interior minister and vice premier
of the central government, pro-
claimed the rebel republic, with
himself as president, in a speech
Gbenye warned the people of
Stanleyville against anarchy, the
radio reported. Anarchy in the
rebel zone would mean that other
countries would not recognize the
Stanleyville government, he said.

In a. double-barrelled blast in
the Senate against the.Republican
ticket, Fulbright said Rep. William
E. Miller was chosen as the GOP
vice-presidential nominee as a
"hatchet man . . . because he is
capable of the most foul-mouthed
vituperation and'unrestrained mis-
representation of any man in pub-
lic life."'

one set of beliefs about man's na-
ture and about the organization
of human societies.
Fulbright said it is goldwater's
assumption that the Russians "can
be counted on to accept huniilia-
tion rather than war." He, called
that assumption dangerous delu-
Modffnn Pa.R nn adA.t n.

CHICAGO (P)-Moving into an been on the upswing in Chicago,
all-white neighborhood no longer 1n the past 10 or 12 years."
is a fearful event for Chicago's Last summer dozens of Negroes
Negro families, say city leaders, and whites, some of them heavily
thanks to a new integration force armed, were arrested during three
in the city--community organiza- nights of disturbances after three
baons. Negro couples moved into a prev-
At least 100 Negro families have iously all-white block on South
made the move since the first of Morgan Street in the predoinin-
the year. antly Irish' Catholic southwest
In previous years, such moves 41de
were marked by rock-throwing, Avert Incident
insults and sometimes riots. That Marciniak.=edits the*Police- and
he i he exception rather than community organizations, w h o
held a series of meetings in the
Create Climate area, with averting a major racial
"They (the community groups) incident.

With a half dozen colleagues r a b re Ue 'Jane
listening in the chamber, Ful- Fulbright said .developments
bright, who heads thje Senate For- have indicated Soviet Premier Ni-
eign Relations Committee, said he kita S. Khrushchev is increasing-
thinks a Goldwater administration ly preoccupied "with better housef
might "provoke or stumble into" s and better goulash at the expense
nuclear' conflict that would de- of orthodox Communist dogma.",
stroy the world. This, he said, has been accompan-
There was no immediate answer ied by some modest advances to-
from Republicans among these ward peace.

present.' £
Coexistence Impossible
Fulbright said Goldwater is call-,
ing for "an aggressive new Ameri-
can foreign policy" built around
the assumption that Communism
and freedom cannot continue to
existsin the same world.
"There is a kind of romantic
mysticism in the Goldwater view
of the world, not unlike that of
the Communists themselves," he
said. .'Both he and they seem to
believe that there is something un-
natural and immoral _about the
survival in the world of more than

"At precisely this moment of in-
creased hope for peace - perhaps
even because of it-those elements
in America which, have remained
wedded to primitiVe ideas of re-
lentless ideological conflict have
seized control of one of our two
great political parties," Fulbrighi
said. He added:
''Goldwater Republicanism is the
closest thing in American politics
to an equivalent of Russian Stal-
inism. Each makes a religion of its
ideology-the Stalinists of Com-
munism, the Goldwaterites of their
own special concept of 'freedom'."

have -created a climate in which
people are willing to discuss in-
tegration," Ed Marciniak, head of
the Chicago Commission on Hu-
man Relations, said yesterday.
Marciniak, who made the esti-
mate of the number of Negro
move-ins, said "the figure has


'Now, a year later, a few more
Negro families live on South Mor-
gan Street--and police report no
significant incidents. "Nobody's
running away, either," said cne
officer, referring to the, whites in
the area.
Meetings between community
groups and the police--aimed at
avoiding possible trouble-now are
commonplace .throughout the city.
.Introduce Negroes i

Buddhists Urge Moderation


By U. S, Viet Cong War Halt !In almost every community
there is an organization that be-
lieves that Negroes can be intro-
SAIGON OP)--The Buddhists' main Saigon publication, Hai Trieu duced into the community," Meyer
Am, urged the Communist Viet Cong guerrillas yesterday to lay down Singerman, another spokesman
for the human relations commis-
their arms, and called for moderation by American and govern- Sion, said.

"Another problem, however, is
that there are 150 more neighbor-
hood groups or more that don't
have professional staffs. These are
predominantly status quo - but
less effective."
It is the professional groups, he
said, which have emerged only in
the last decade, that are taking
the- lead in the drive for stable
Go .on iStrike
EAST ST. LOUIS, Ill. (P)--About
two-thirds of East St. Louis' 728
teachers went on strike against
the 35 public schools on opening
day yesterday, and only 10,000 of
the 22,500 students enrolled arriv-
ed for classes.
The strike, over a 10 per cent
salary increase, climaxed protests
by members of Local 1220 of the
American Federation of Teachers.
AFL-CIO. Most of the teachers
had struck last May, aver higher
pay and other benefits.
Union President Clyde Reynolds
reported about'450 of the school
system's teachers were picketing.
He said 503 were on strike and
estimated that at least five schools
were without teachers.
However, a spokesman for the
school board said 260 teachers
crossed picket lines and reported
for work, The spokesman declined
'comment on whether any schools
were without teachers, but said
that all schools were-open.
will reopen due to
We attribute the
demand to:
1. Better Freshmen seats


Defeat Shastir Backer
In Kerala State Ballot

1 ment orces pursuing the war.
The newspaper editorial was apparently, a concession to Pre-
mier Nguyen Khanhos regime by the Buddhists, whose riotous dem-
onstrations last month contributed ttih nvis fhat is. i

NEW DELHI °P(-Communist-
led opposition legislators yesterday
wrested Kerala' State from the
control of Prime Minister Lal Ba-
hadur Shastri's ruling Congress
A motion of no confidence fellec
the government of the state's Chief
Minister (Governor) Raman San-
kar. The motion was approved 72-
50 in the one-house legislature in
Trivandrum,. the capital *of that
turbulent southwest coast state.
This blow to Shastri's prestige
fell at a time when he 'is under
attack by a united front of Com-
munists, socialists and right-wing
Hindus in the National Parliament,
in New Delhi. Criticizing him for
food shortages and spiraling
prices, they-have sponsored a mo-
tion on non-confidence to be vot-
ed on Thursday or Friday.
However, Shastri has a com-
manding majority of Congress
Party followers in parliament and
expects to win the test easily.
He -now must decide whether to
turn over the state's administra-
tion to the Communists, mostly.
pro-Peking, or run its affairF
from New Delhi under a rarely
used device called president's rules
A - presidential takeover, now,
however, probably would set off
further demonstrations and riot-
ing such as have erupted across
India for the past two months.
Floods, food shortages and rising
prices have contributed to general

South Viet Nam from military-
toward civilian rule.
The editorial also denounced
neutralism, a suggestion from
President Charles de Gaulle of
France which is opposed in offi-
cial circles in both Saigon and
Washington as a solution of the
Asian nation's troubles.
The publisher is Thich Ho Giac,
one of the top circles of monks.
"For the love of one another,"
the editorial said, "Buddhists
wholeheartedly call on the (Viet
Cong) Liberation Front to realize
the unlimited suffering of the na-
tion, to consider those dying every
day on the battlefield and to stop
the war that is shameful and
painful to the holy soul of the
nation ...
"For the sake of humanity, we
Buddhists call on the Vietnamese
armed forces and our American
friends to be very economical in
the shedding of blood in the nec-
assary operations. Buddhists are
still very confident in the force of
love and sympathy. Do not make
us obliged to doubt this."
On the political scene, the gov-
ernment announced that former
figurehead chief of state Maj. Gen.
Duong Van Minh has been named
chairman of the three-man "Pro-
visional Steering Committee of the
National State."
The title presumably will make
Minh chief of state when Khanh
steps down from the premiership
in two months. Khanh agreed that
Minh will draft plans for a coun-
cil that will create a new civilian

U.S. Prepares
To Start Tests'
If Treaty Fails
fense Department and Atomic
Energy Commission next month
will test their ability to get the
machinery for atmospheric nu-
clear testing back into operation
A joint announcement by the
two agencies yesterday said that
no nuclear explosives would be used
in the "dry run" operation, to be
,conducted near Johnston Island
about the middle of October.
The nuclear test ban treaty sign-
ed last year prohibits nuclear test-
ing in the atmosphere.
But the Senate, in ratifying the
treaty, called upon the two agen-
cies to set up provisions for swift
resumption of atmospheric testing
if Russia should abrogate the pact
by sneak tests.
The department and AEC there-
upon set up, a program under
which nuclear testing could be re-
sumed within two or three months
from the date of any abrogation
of the treaty.

"Not all of them are totally
committed," he said, "but there
is a great, deal more realism to-
ward Negro and white- relations."
Negro community leader Ed-
ward Chambers of the sometimes
militant Temporary Woodlawn
Organization voiced agreement.
"There's been a little trouble, but
nothing like it was in the past."
The Woodlawn group operates in
an area that is 95 per cent'
"Our job is not to promote in-
tegration as an end," Barry
Menuez, OSC executive director,
says, "but to promote stability- in
areas where racial transition is
taking place.
"The question is how to end up
with some sort of a stable com-
munity and avoid the flight, vio-,
lence, panic and exploitation that
usually goes along with the
change," Menuez, whose organiza-
tion is one of 24 professionalized
groups in the city, said.
Eliminate Combinations
"What we try to do is eliminate
combinations of white sellers and
Negro buyers - those speculators
who try to play race against race,"
Menuez added.
It is generally the professional-
ized community groups, with full
time directors, Menuez said, "that
are willing to deal realistically
with integration -and recognize
that problems can only be solved
by having Negroes and whites
working together.



More school spirit
Better Football team


WOrld News Roundup
By The Associated Press
MONTEVIDEO-Uruguay decided last night to break relations
with Castro Cuba, leaving Mexico as the only American republic
maintaining such relations.
The announcement said the break was in compliance with a
majority recommendation' of the Organization of American States
last July 26 that all American nations break with Cuba because of its
export of subversion to -other countries.
Previously, Uruguay had flaunted the OAS recommendation that
it break off relations with Cuba.,
Sen. Barry Goldwater spent the past two days verbally attacking
President Lyndon B. Johnson.
In Los Angeles, Goldwater accused Johnson of "impulsive, mas-
sive, politically-motivated tax etgimmipckry" and offered his own
plan for a 25 per cent income tax reduction spread over a five-year
period. ,
In San Diego Goldwater told his audience Johnson spoke too
much of prosperity and not at all of freedom i his Labor Day out-
line of the great society.
BERIIN-East German Community Party Boss Walter Ulbright
has told a high protestant church official that 'East Germans of
"pension age" will be allowed to visit relatives in West Germany and
West Berlin, the official news agency ADN said yesterday.
$ANTIAGO-A landslide of women's votes accounted for Christ
tian Democrat Eduardo Frei's sweeping victory in Chile's presidential
election, final official figures showed yesterday.
Frei, a reformist moderate leftist, barely beat Marxist Salvador
Allende in' me's votes in the election last Friday.
Women lean heavily toward the
Christian Democrat Party in pre-
dominantly Catholic Chile.
CAPE ]KENNEDY - Hurricane
Dora lashed 100 miles of Florida's
coastal midsection with gales last
night and bore down on Cape
Kennedy with peak winds of 125 N4
miles an hour. SIT EATERSJ Limit
NEW 'YORK-Dow-Jones aver-
ages rose yesterday. At closing
Sthey snowed 30 industrials, up 5.50, H. M I6
20 rails up .05, 15 utilities up .56
and 65 stocks up .03.

" Those who choose to
exchange regular tickets
and those wishing to join
BLOCK "M" may do so
Tues., Wed 3-5 P.M.
Office, 2nd floo r,SAB



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smashing plaid
shift with long
sleeves white dicky
and self belt. Blue
or brown. 9-15

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fall productions:
If interested, attend first rehearsal,
Wed., 7:30 p.m. in room 3-G, Michigan Union




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