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September 05, 1964 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1964-09-05

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Togliatti' s
Calls fo'r






} Aheson Says Cyprus Battle Russia.Tries
May Come to Full ar To Suppress


WASHINGTON (P)-Dean Acheson said yesterday the Cyprus sit-
uation is "very critical, indeed," and added "war could break in 25
Acheson, former secretary of state, told newsmen on returning
from the stalled talks in Geneva that the situation in Cyprus is verg-
ing on war. He said Archbishop Makarios "threw monkey wrenches"

Document To Rock
Communist Nations

into effortt to negotiate a settlemen
Acheson was picked by Presid
work out with the Greeks, the Tu
tions representastive s some formu

nt. ROME MP)-The Italian Com-
ent Lyndon B. Johnson to try to munist Party published yesterday
arks, the British and United Na- what amounted to the last will
Ia for ending the Greek-Turkish and testament of its long-time
communal fighting on the island leader, Palmiro Togliatti. In it, he
in the eastern Mediterraneaniacalled for an independent Italian
Red policy free of both Moscow
Solution Close and Peking control.
The negotiations deadlocked The document sure to rock the
earlier thsi week, and Acheson Red world, gained added impact
has returned to report to John- from the fact that Togliatti wrote
son. He said he would do so early it in the Soviet Union hours be-
next week, probably after Labor fore he died at Yalta two weeks
Day. ago.

Viet Nam
Will Stay
I SAIGON (P)--All army officers
in key jobs of South Viet Nam's
caretaker government have handed
in their resignations, but will stay
on through a two-month transi-
tional phase, Maj. Gen. Nguyen
Khan announced yesterday.
Rule by resignees may put off
the political showdown in Saigon
until the Nov. 3 presidential elec-
tion in the United States, where
conduct of the American-support-
ed war on Communist Viet Cong
guerrillas is a campaign issue.
The administration of South
Viet Nam was left in a situation
as confused as at any point in this
Southeast Asian nation's history.
Meanwhile, a U.S. Army heli-
copter crewman was killed by
Communist guerrilla fire 34 miles
southeast of Saigon.
Back in the premiership after
a five-day absence, Khanh told a
news conference that resignations
are in hand from all cabinet min-
isters and state secretaries who
are army officers, including him-
Steering Committee
The 37-year-old soldier-politi-
cian said that, for the time being,
the three-general triumvirate or-'
ganized in the riotous crisis last
week will stay in operation as a
steering committee.
Serving on this committee with
Khanh are Maj. Gen. Duoung Van
(big) Minh, the chief of state he
twice deposed, and Lt. Gen. Tran
Thien Khiem,. defense minister
and chief of the armed forces.
Khanh and Minh are Buddhists,
the religion of most South Viet-
namese. Khiem is a member of the
Roman Catholic minority.
A government spokesman an-
nounced earlier in the day that
Khiem had resigned. Buddhist
spokesmen had called for him and
some other top Vietnamese mili-
tary men to quit their political
posts. Khiem was quoted as say-
ing he had "had enough of Budd-
hists running' the country."

Southern Democrats Optimistic

EDITOR'S NOTE: Southern Dem-
ocrats have been at the political
listening posts since returning from
the national convention. Reaction to
the convention and the Southern
outlook for the Democrats are ex-
plored in this report.
Associated Press Staff Writer
ATLANTA, Ga. - Recovering
rapidly from the strenuous busi-
ness of convention-going, South-
ern Democratic leaders are try-
ing to pull their ranks back to-
gether on a mild civil rights plank
and a vice-presidential nominee
with a voting record unpopular in
the South.
Most state leaders take the view
that the South came out of the
convention rather well.
The prevailing attitude remains,
"Platform, si-Humphrey, no."
Winning Ticket
Despite the distaste for Sen. Hu-
bert H. Humphrey (D-Minn), the
vice-presidential nominee, Demo-
cratic spokesmen in eight of 11
Southern states have said they
can win with the ticket.

Keithen who has refused to en-
dorse either party's nominee.
Liberal Turn
Lt. Gov. C. C. Aycock of Loui-
diana, a Goldwater Democrat, said
the nomination of Humphrey
'spotlighted the liberal turn of the
Democratic party." He said he had
no intention of voting for Johnson
in any event but Humphrey's nom-
ination "made my decision very
J. Marshall Brown of New Or-
leans, the state's national com-
mitteeman, said the South got
a better reception this year than
in the past 50 years from the ad-
A North Carolina party official,
State Chairman W. Lunsford
Crew, said the South got good
treatment, particularly on the civil
rights issue.
Satisfied South
"As for Sen. Humphrey, I feel
that most of the South is pretty
well satisfied and will be more
satisfied when it is pointed out
that he has been a friend of ag-
riculture," said Crew.
State Chairman Yancey McLeod
of South Carolina said Humphrey
would gain votes for the party if
he campaigns in the state.
But South Carolina's problem
was emphasized last week when a
county chairman quit to work for
Goldwater and another ex-Demo-
crat was nominated to run for
the legislature as a Republican.
Fared Well
Gov. Carl E. Sanders of Georgia.
leader in pushing for the moder-
ate civil rights plank, said the
South fared well except for the
seating disputes over Alabama and
He fought against the seating of
two Freedom party members from
Mississippi, but Sanders said the
South won the platform and could
accept Humphrey as President
Lyndon B. Johnson's choice.
In Florida, Secretary of State
Tom Adams said he would stump
the state for Johnson and Hum-
phrey. The South, he said, came
out all right at the convention.
Adams said the Mississippi seat-
ing fight was a "fiasco that never
should have begun."

Virginia party leaders said the
convention had adopted a morn
conciliatory view toward the South
than in recent conventions. A key
voice, that of Sen. Harry F. Byrd
has not spoken out yet on the
presidential race.
The majority attitude of South-
ern Democrats on the credentials
fight was expressed by Leon Cat-
lett, Arkansas party chairman. He
said loyalty oaths should not hav 1
been required of Alabama and Mis-
sissippi delegates.
But he added: "I have no sym-
pathy for delegates who would nol
support the nominees."
Texas party leaders also gener-
ally were pleased. Gov. John B
Connally said the burden of car-
rying Texas was on Johnson, re-
gardless of the vice-presidential
Connally said Humphrey was
not well known in Texas and "will
have to come down here and ex-
pose himself."

Alabama's unpledged electors,
rankled by the loyalty pledge most
refused to sign, said their treat-
ment at the convention was dis-
graceful. Neither party can take
the South for granted, they said.
Loyalist delegates, who took the
pledge and were seated, said they
believed the Democrats could car-
ry the state.
'Good Ticket'
A Mississippi loyalist, Doug
Wynn, said the Johnson-Hum-
phrey ticket was a good one. "We
accept it," he said.
Most other Democratic leader,
in Mississippi-except for Wynn
and two other loyalist delegates-
have voiced disapproval of the del-
egation's treatment at the con-
v ention,
'The convention action "burieC
the Democratic party in Mississip-
pi for the next 100 years," sai(
delegate Jimmy Morrow. Gov. Pau
Johnson said that under no con-
ditions could he support Presiden
Johnson now.


"...Asked whether it was true that
Turkey and Greece were near
agreement but that Makarios, the
Gieek Cypriot leader and presi-
dent of Cyprus, intervened, Ache-
son replied:
'Monkey Wrenches'
The Archbishop didn't go out
of his way to be helpful . . . He
threw monkey wrenches into the
Acheson protested against the
idea that the two months of talk:
in Geneva had failed. "Wholly
wrong," he said of thsi, and con-
DEAN ACHESON tended the conversations had
"achieved a great deal."
New Zealand dAccomplishments
"We came a long way and cov-
. 1red a vast territory, and have
British Troo S greatly removed the differences
between Greece and Turkey," he
M a s said.
J li M ala sia "Now we have come to a point
where it is necessary to see where
KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia ,p) we are and where we are going
-British and New Zealand bat- from here."

Communist sources said Soviet
ex-President Leonid Brezhnev
generally regarded as Premier Ni-
kita Khrushchev's political heir
tried, during a visit here, to have
the explosive document suppress-
ed. New Italian Red chief Luigi
Longo refused and, instead, de-
cided to give it maximum publicity
through simultaneous publication
in Italian, English, French and
Communist Congress
The Italians agreed to attend a
preliminary session in Moscow in
December to draw up plans for a
world Communist congress. They
expressed a doubtful view of the
projected congress itself.
The publication of the 3000-
word document represented the es-
tablishment of an open, firm
stand by the Italian Communist
party, the biggest in the Western
Longo said in a preface that
directors of the party had adopt-
ed Togliatti's views as their own
and were publishing the document
"as a precise expression of the po-
sition of the party on the prob-

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Alabama and Mississippi appear
to be firmly in the grasp of Sen.
Barry Goldwater (R-Ariz). Loui-
siana seems doubtful for the Dem-
"Goldwater now is far in front
in Louisiana," said Gov. John Mc-

talions, acting ,under a Common-'
wealth defense treaty, moved onto'
Malaysia's m a inlIa nd fighting
front yesterday to join in the
battle against Indonesian in-
They replaced two Malaysian
battalions sped to Singapore to
help that island state in the
Malaysian Federation put down
new Malay-Chinese race conflicts.
The rioting there counted eight
dead and 60 injured since Wednes-
day before a rigid curfew and
tight roadblocks helped end the
All Malaysia was in a state of
emergency ordered by the cabinet
to meet what it called the threat
of aggression by Indonesia, fol-
lowing the reported landing of
about 30 Indonesian paratroopers
Wednesday in the Labis area of
In Jakarta, Indonesian Presi-
dent Sukarno, his foreign minis-
ter Subandrio and commanders
of the armed forces held a stra-
tegy meeting. Sukarno ordered
them to "deploy their strength
throughout Indonesia" to meet
any possible attack.
Throughout the year since Ma-
laysia was formed, Sukarno has
been threatening a "crush Ma-
laysia" drive.
The Indonesian landing and an
expressed fear of new ones
brought swift charges of "blatant
aggression" and threats to peace.
Malaysia asked for an urgent
meeting of the U.N. Security
Council and appointed a delega-
tion to leave here Saturday by
way of London to present the Ma-
laysian case.

Acheson restated the U .S. posi-
'tion that the original treaties that
established the island's independ-
ence four years ago remained le-
gal and binding, despite the uni-
lateral abrogation of these pactE-
by the Greek Cypriot government.
These treaties, Acheson said,
"had been negotiated freely anc
entered into freely. They cannot'
be overthrown by the UN General
Assembly, by Greece or Turkey, or
by anyone."
Greek, Cypriot
Chiefs Meet
ATHENS UP) -Premier George
Papandreou, faced with a threat
of war with Turkey on one hand
and sharpening differences with
the Greek Cypriot regime of Cy-
prus on the other, met with Cy-
prus Foreign Minister Spyros
Kyprianou yesterday.
Greek sources said Kyprianou
brought him a reply from Cyprus
President Archbishop Makarios to
a Papandreou note criticizing Ma-
karios' unilateral actions in the
Kyprianou denied to newsmen
that he carried a formal reply
from Makarios to Papandreou's
note delivered three days ago.
Costopoulos told newsmen that
views were exchanged on Cyprus'
refusal to permit Turkey to rotate
part of its 650-man military con-
tingent on the island. The Greeks.
are said to be perturbed by Ma-
karios' adamant stand on the ro-
tation question. Turkey's troops,
like a Greek contingent, are on
Cyprus by treaty right.

UAW Vetos Contract Extension

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By The Associated Press
DETROIT-With a strike dead-
line against Chrysler Corp. only
five days away, United Auto
Workers President Walter P.
Reuther says there will be no
further extension of the current
And Reuther also told newsmen
at the close of a bargaining round
Thursday night he doesn't expect,
nor does his union want any gov-
ernment intervention in new con-
tract negotiations.
LANSING-The Freedom Demo-
cratic Party is going ahead with
its plans to put candidates for
state office on the ballot, accord-
ing to Rev. Albert Cleage of De-
troit's C e n t r a1 Congregational
Church, who organized the ail-
Negro political party and secured
enough peition signatures to get
it on the ballot.

KARACHI, Pakistan - Thef
United States government yester-
day signed an agreement in Kara-
chi with the Pakistan government
granting a $3.8 million loan for
the construction of a third hydro-
electric generating plant in east
Pakistan. So far the U.S. has pro-
vided $40 million in loans for such
generators in east Pakistan. E

LANSING-Former Vice Presi-
dent Richard M. Nixon will key-
note the Republican State Con-
vention in Detroit Sept. 19, Gov.
George Romney and state GOP
Chairman Arthur Elliott an-
nounced Thursday.
*~ * *

. I

* * * WASHINGTON - President
WASHINGTON - President Lyndon B. Johnson signed a five-
Lyndon B. Johnson told retiring year $287.6 million bill yesterday,
Atty. Gen. Robert F. Kennedy he aimed at helping meet the short-
plans no changes, in the cabinet
if he is elected in November, an age of nurses by giving aid to
informed source said yesterday. nursing training.


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lems of the International Work-
ers' and Communist Movement
and its unity."
Communist sources said Togliat-I
ti had planned to give the mem-
orandum to Nikita Khrushchev be-
fore returning to Rome from a
Crimea vacation.
Togliatti again called Peking's
views "erroneous and ruinous," but
gave Khrushchev little other com-
fort. The Italian Communist ex-
pressed new opposition to the sum-
mit meeting itself, a.-
"Every (Communist) party must
know how to act in an autonomous

3 All-Camp'us Bowling Leaguej,
at the
See George

By appealing to Negroes as'
Negroes to vote for the Freedom
Democratic candidates, the . new
party could interfere with tradi-
tional Negro support for regular
Democrats in metropolitan areas
such as Detroit, Flint and Grand

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