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Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom
Scattered showers
ending tonight
VOL. LXXV, No. 6
Ca lifo rn ia Expels Affilha tes for Ref using
Statement Would Ban.
Race Discruumation
Most of State's Chapters Comply;
UCLA Locals Lead Those Declining
SUCLA Bnuin Political Writer
LOS ANGELES-Fifteen University of California affiliated or-
ganizations were kicked off campus. last week after failing to meet
a Sept. 1 deadline for signing a non-discrimination pledge.
Twelve sorority and three fraternity chapters at three of the
university's campuses no longer will be allowed to use the University,
of California nam'e or facilities. In addition, they have been barred
from entering many student-sponsored events on their campuses.
The pledge, which chapter presidents must sign annually, reads
r Se, Tirouble
To Caliornia
The controversy over anti-dis-'
crimination oaths for affiliates at
the University of California Is
purely a local matter: Policies of
the national organizations are not
at issue.
This is the opinion of several
University of Michigan affiliate
officers whose national organiza-
tions have Califoria chapters re-
using to sign the pledge.
,en of California's chapters
haverefused to sign anti-discrim-'
Ination, oaths and because of it
have lost their status as official
student organizations. Almost all
other chapters in the state of
California have signed the state-
Am o n g University chapters
which hair conterparts St S'X
fornia, the comments of' officers
range as follows:
Would Consult
John Morrisson, '65, vice-presi-
dent of Acacia frateknity, which
has three brother chapters which
are disciplined at California for
refusing to sign the pledge,, com-
mented:Our fraternity has no
national policy t know of against
signing such statements." How-
ever, he indicated that were his
chapter presented with such a
statement to sign, "we would con-
sult wth the national over the
legality of requiring chapters to
sign it."
The president of Phi Mu sor r-
ity, which has a California chap-
ter refusing to sign, also com-
mented that her national has no
p o 11 c y against signing such
pledges. Phyllis Hart, '64, added
she felt that from all indications,
'the trouble on the California
,campuses is a local matter."
Connie Cathcart, '65, president
of Sigma Kapipa sorority, agreed
that the California controversy
apparently involves only the local
chapters there. She added that
she had no personal knowledge of
any national policy of her sorority
against signing anti-discrimina-
tion pledges.
Edward Petrick, '65, president
of Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity,
commented that the Lambda Chi
national has no policy against
such pledges.
Atkinson Agrees
The fact that the overwhelming
majority of chapters refusing to
sign the pledge are on California's
Ls Angeles campus has led the
California dean of students, Byron
H. Atkinson, to agree with the
University's affiliate officers in
believing that national affilia-
tions are not involved.
The University has never asked
campus affiliates to sign any anti-
discrimination oath. In the past,
a committee of Student Govern-
ment Council has checked state-
ments on membership selection
submitted by affiliates for any
clauses giving discrimination sole-
ly on the basis of race as a cri-
teria for selection.
If discriminatory clauses are
discovered, the policy is to ask
SGC to recommend disciplinary
action against t h e affiliates
The SOC committee on mem-
bership for affiliates last spring
asked all chapters to re-file their
Individual statements on member-
ship selection. It requested this
as follows:'
"I hereby certify that members'
(of my fraternity) are free to,
choose and accept new members
without discrimination as to race,
religion or national origin."
Dean of Students Byron H. At-
kinson of the University of Cali-
fornia at Los Angeles has express-
ed the belief that many houses
will sign the pledge even though
the deadline has passed. Any house
that does sign will regain its lost
privileges, he said.
Twelve of the disciplined chap-
ters were at California's Los An-
geles campus. Ipvolved were two
UCLA fraternity chapters: Acacia
and Lambda Chi Alpha; and ten
UCLA sorority locals: Alpha Delta
Pi, Alpha Gamma Delta, Delta
Delta Delta, Delta Zeta, Gamma
Phi Beta, Kappa Delta, Phi Mu,
Pi Beta Phi, Sigmo Kappa and
Zeta Tau Alpha.
The other three of the. fifteen,
chapters involved were Acacia- at
California's Berkeley campus and
Sigma Kappa and Pi Beta Phi at
the Davis branch.
Aside from the 15 houses which
were disciplined, only five of the
state's 151 affiliate chapters fail-
ed to sign the plIedge. Among the'
five were the Phi Gamma Delta
chapters at Berkeley and UCLA.
and the Phi Delta Theta locals
at Berkeley and Davis.
These fraternities were given
extensions of th deadline in
which to await action byntheir
nationals. The fifth chapterkwas
an independent group at Berkeley,
Alpha Delta Chi. According t'o
the university's public relations of-
fice at Berkeley, this group "is
racially integrated"' but admits
only Christians. Its status vis-a-vis
the university currently is in-
Included among the Berkeley
signers was Pi Beta Phi sorority,
which, along with Its sister chap-
ter on the UCLA campus, attempt-
ed to have the California courts
preliminarily enjoin the California
Regents from enforcing the dead-
The fact that the overwhelming
number of non-signing organiza-
tions came from the UCLA cam.-
pus led-Atkinson to observe: "This
makes it perfectly clear that it is
local influence in the Los Angeles
sorority system, rather than na-
tional affiliations, that have caus-
ed this invidious comparison."
The university must now bend
its head to the problem of en-
forcement. In order to enter tra-
ditional campus events, some
sororities have indicated that they
might attempt to skirt the uni-
versity policy by posing as ad hoc
student groups.. Traditionally, UC-
LA has encouraged ad hoc groups
to enter campus activities.,
A small bomb exploded in
front of the eastern front en-
trance of South Quadrangle at
approximately 12:30 this, morn-
ing. The blast shattered several
of the quad's dining room win-
dows and left a black sar on
the sidewalk.
Two students who had been
standing on the sidewalk said
they saw the bomb falling from
a quad window. They fled to
The apparently homemade
package of explosives reported-
ly was dropped from a bathroom
window on the 5700 corridor of
Gomberg House. A fuse and a
loosened screen were discovered
A night watchman said heal-
so found pieces of the explosives
easing on the sidewalk below.
One quadrangle official, asked'
what action would be taken,
would say only "we'll take care
of it"
The incident occurred after
some 300 men had headed for
the hill in the semester's first
panty raid, which climaxed as
the men returned to raid the
women's half of co-educational
South Quad.
A picture of the damage ap-
pears below.
Mfalay sianrs
Request UN
sia yesterday formally asked for
a meeting of 'the United Nations.
Security Council to 'consider what
it called "blatant and inexcusable
aggression" by Indoneia.
The "request was mad to Soviet
Ambassador Platn D Morzov,
Sep tber,-President of the 11-
nation council shortly after in-
structions were received by the
Malaysian United Nations mission.
While the Malaysians asked for
an urgent meeting, informed quar-
ters said they wanted to wait un-
til the arrival of a high-level dele-
gation sent from Kuala .Lumper
by President Tunku Abdal Rah-
man of Malaysia. This will prob-
ably delay a' session until early
next week.
The Malaysian complaint was
based on a reported landingWed-
nesday of uniformed Indonesian
paratroopers, in Johore State, 100
miles southeast of the Malaysian
Malaysian ambassadors Dato'-
ong Yok Lin and Radha Krishna
Ramani called at the Soviet mis-
sion and handed Morozov the let-
ter requesting the meeting.
The letter did not go into de-
tail but said the Malaysian gov-
ernment regarded the reported
landing as a breach of peace and
a threat to international peace.
Morozov was expected to fix
the date for the council meeting
'after consultations with member
nations. yn t
, , ,
To Announce
Within a week to ten days the
Michigan Higher Education Assist-
ance Authority will announce the
winners in a $500,000' competitive
scholarship program initiated last
May by the Legislature.
The awards, not exceeding $800
each, are limited to Michigan resi-
dents who will attend Michigan
colleges or universities. The schol-
arships cover tuition and fees only.
Of the 1500 anticipated recip-
ieits approximately 100 are ex-
pected to attend the University.
Rep. Gilbert Bursley (R-Ann Ar-
bor) indicated last night that
primarily entering, freshmen will
receive the scholarships this year.
Remove Pressures
When the appropriation was in-
troduced into the Legislature last
springthe,' legslative intent was
that the scholarship program
would take some of the enrollment
pressures off the state-supported
The office of the Michigan
Higher Education Assistance Au-
thority reported yesterday that no
preferencial considerations were
given to students who planned to
attend private colleges. They felt,
however, students would be en-
couraged to attend private schools,
since the program reduces the
great differences in tuition rates
between private and public col-
leges or universities.
Prior to the appropriation made
last May, the Authority had no
scholarship program. Their prin-
cipal task was guaranteeing loans
made by students from banks. Be-
sides its scholarship appropria-
tion last spring the Authority re-
ceived $300,000 to guarantee stu-
dent loans.
Activated Itself
The semi-autonomous authority,
established by legislative action in
1960, activated itself in 1962 prior
to any legislative appropriation
by virtue of a $1000 grant. Since
that time several universities have
given the Authority . funds to
guarantee loans for its students.
Previous to the $300,000 loan
guarantee appropriation in May,
the Authority had only $3000 in
un-restrictive loan funds.
Vietnamese General Resigns
When NI
' Dips into Special Func
Student Loa:
SAIGON (P)-One of Viet Nam's
top military leaders resigned this
morning only a day' after the
regime reverted to Maj. Gen.
Nguyen Khanh's control.
A government spokesman said
that Defense Minister Tran Thien
Khiem, one of three generals in
the triumverate that ruled for the
past week, had quit because he
"had enough of the Buddhists run-
ning the-country."'
It was not clear whether Khiem,
a Roman Catholic, was resigning
only as defense minister or as,
both defense minister and member
of the triumverate.
Out for Sure
But it appeared that Khiem
would be out completely. He has
been the highest ranking active
officer in the nation.
Khiem's resignation came after
ftop Buddhist, leaders demanded
the ouster of seven top officers of
the Vietnamese army, including
Students continued their daily
meetings, issuing manifestos and
warning of dire things to come.
The general's political opponentsm
apparently ~cowed. for the time
being, lurked in the shadows.
Khanh Wins Votes
But in six hours of top level
conferences at the premier's office
Khanh apparently won the votes
of confidence of all four corpse
commanders, the Vietnamese air
force, the navy and the command-
ers of crucial divisions in the Sai.-
gon area-which would be .key
units in any attempt to overthrow
his government.
Khanh appears to have the job
of forming a unified government
and rallied splintered elements be-
hind his efforts to win a vicious
civil war that cannot be won with-
out stability in Saigon.
Congress To F
It Soon; Real
More Aid Apj
The University has
to dip into emergenc
provide student loan i
ently stalled in Congre
. This unprecedented
quiring more than
emergency reserves, w:
eral hundred students
first dormitory pay
other immediate expo
will repay the Univers
interest, when federa
made available. The :
tory installment, rot
was due Aug. 31, althc
Await Head
Selection of a new director of'
the International Center awaits
the appointment of a replacement
for Vice-President for Student Af-
fairs James A. Lewis, Acting Di-
rector M. Robert Klinger said
Former Director James M. Davis
vacated the position March 14 to
become vice-president for foreign
student programs of the Institute
of International Education in New
York. Davis thus ended 10 years
at the University. Klinger im-
mediately became acting director.
j.The director of the International
Center is responsible to the head
of the OSA. Because of Lewis' late
summer resignation, no word of
candidates for the directorship has
yet been received, Klinger said.
"It has not event reached the
'rumor' stage," he added.'. '
Klinger himself has been called
a possible candidate for director.
He has been with the International
Center since it was established at
its present location in 1938. Before
Davis' appointment in 1954, Klin-
ger served a term as unofficial
acting director.'
Particular Buddhist anger has!
been aimed at Maj. Gen. Do Cau'
Tri because of alleged responsibil-"
ity in the razing of a number of
Buddhist houses in central Viet
Nam last' month.1
Khanh, who said he had a heart
condition and high blood pres-
sure, won a fresh mandate to run
this Communistjthreatened, fac.
tion-plagued nation on his return
from a five-day retirement at the
mountain resort of Dalat.
Money Isn't Everything
The Buddhists, to whom he,
granted major concessions which
reportedly include a large mone-
tary donation after the rioting of
the last two weeks, still were not
satisfied. They talked of prayer
meetings, fasts and possible dem-
onstrations in the future.
Roman Catholics watched war-
ily from the sidelines, ready to
take to the streets if they con-
sider Khanh mollifying the Bud-
dhists too much at their expense.
He has two major factors work- day leews
ing for him. He has proved he The Ur
has more support than any other federal ft
potential leader, and he obviously a Jam-up
has the full backing of the United in Congre
States.Aids Wal
Dal Viet Society
He has identified one of his
main sources of political opposi-
tion, the Dai Viet Secret Societ'
He has managed to get some of
their key men out of the govern-
ment and probably will crack
down on a few more.
Khanh weathered the two weeks
of street rioting and mob rule
without ordering bloody reprisals.
This may have frightened some
of his other opponents enough to
back him, at least for now.
With Khanh's return, Harvard-
educated Nguyen Xuan Oanh
dropped the acting premiership
he had held since last Saturday
and resumed his regular job as
a deputy premier.
Registration in SAB Opens
First .Fall Rush for' Girls-
funds. The money is offere
the National Defense E
Act loan program.
The bill has been clea
minor variations by both
A conference committee
compromise Tuesday , a
measure only needs re-
by both Houses. The Pi
signature in an election
a foregone conclusion.,
But the bill has run1
the basis of federal assura
spring, the University
$700,000 in NDEA funds
1964-65 school year, half
by June.
The civil rights bill filibt
the national conventions
consideration of many ai
tion bills financing thi
The University, aloi
other institutions on s
which began in August,'
to scrap for loan funds
school's don't have to wol
said. "They'll probably ha
funds by the time they'v
in late September."
Due to a deferred tuiti
tice, borrowers don't hav
until Sept. 30. This eases
for money since Rea see
certain passage by then.
The University is comi
NDEA student loan pays
over $400,000.for the fa
requested and received a
ary tie-over sum of $226,(
the Office of Education,
amount it received there
That office administers N
University matching i
a 9-1 ratio and previous
repayments will swell t]
to' over $300,000. The r
will come from the emerg
serves which the Univers
ed tapping Tuesday.
See 'U', Page 2
Registration for fall upperclass sorority rush is scheduled for
today from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. in the SAB. -
This is the first time that a fall rush program is being tried
at the University. It was designed last year in order to aid the
sororities in adjusting to increased enrollment and the trimester
program, according to Panhellenic President Ann Wickins, '65. Fall
- ,. 4
i will be a more informal, un-
Sell Urges End of
Dirty War' in Asia
Evelyn Sell, the Socialist Work-
ers Party candidate for the United
States Senate, said that this coun-
try should withdraw its troops
from Vietnam and end its "dirty
war" in Southeast Asia.
Mrs. Sell, addressing the Youth
Committee for Deberry and Shaw,
launched her discussion with the
statistics that every day the U.S.
spends $1.5 million in defense of
the Vietnamese government, and
that every three days an Ameri
can is killed fighting in South
She contended that America's
present "dirty war" was inherited
from France'over a period of times
spanning from 1950, when the
U.S. financed 15 per cent of the
French war in Indochina, until
1954 when the U.S. was paying for
80 per cent of the costs of that
She emphasized that, according
and, South Vietnam) could select
their own government and offi-
She added that this part of the,
agreement was not carried out.
According to Mrs. Sell the sig-
nificance of this is that the U.S.
has not allowed the democratic
process to take place-a process
which would clearly demonstrate
that the U.S. is no longer wanted
in South Vietnam.
Mrs. Sell cited the testimony of
a South Vietnamese student who
confirmed that the elections had
not been held, but who allegedly
could not offer an explanation.
During the question and answer
period, another South Vietnamese
student said, that the elections
had not been held because the
Communists have such anreffec-
tive machine in that country and
that the outcome of the elections
would not be .indicative of an in-
formed, free populace.
Mrs. Sell quoted Henry Cabot
Lndg as saving that the war in
She said that the National Libera-
tion Front which our government
calls the Viet Cong or guerrilla
force is actually the overwhelm-.
ing majority of the South Viet-
namese people. On this basis she
urged that the U.S. withdraw from
South Vietnam.,
This contention was vehemently
denied by a South Vietnamese stu-
dent who said, "I have lived in
Vietnam and I know the Com-
munists. My family has lived- and
suffered under their regime. If
the. U.S. believes that this is a
dirty war, then let them leave.'
The Communists will then come
and we will die. But we will fight
the Communists, because to us
this is not a dirty war. It is a war
for what we believe."
Mrs. Sell said that "one basic,
unalterable feature of guerrilla'
warfare is that it cannot exist for
long without popular support."
She believed, therefore, that the
guerrilla warfare is indicative of
a strong sentiment among the"
South Vietnamese against the!
structured rush for women on
campus except first semester:
Mixers the Same
M ixers are essentially the sameas b f r x e t lh t t e e wl
be seven rush groups rather than
the usual 22. Mixers begin Sep-
tember 9 and continue through
September 11, with each group
visiting 7 houses each day. Each
house will only have to rush one
The second and third sets of
parties are the informal sets. After
receiving invitations, each girl will
mark down the day, but not the
time that she will visit each house.
The house will be open from 7:30-
10:30 p.m. Sept. 13 and 14 for
second set and the same hours
Sept. 17 and 18 for third set.
The girls are free to arrive at
and leave each house as they wish..
The parties will be unstructured;
each house may decide individual-
ly what it wishes to do. "A lot
more is left up to the individual
houses with the idea that they
should show what distinguishes
them from other houses," Miss
Wickins explained.
Final Dinners
The last set of parties will be
final dinners rather than final
City Appr
Job Progr
The Ann Arbor Ci
gave its tentative app'
plan to use state and fe
to combat youth une
problems at its work:
Wednesday night.
State funds would 1
through a Michigan E
Security Commission i
Federal money would 1
under the recently-pa
poverty bill.
The MESC work-tra
gram nnvides state and