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September 03, 1964 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1964-09-03

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do n tso SA'A



The literary college has made numerous adjustments to accommo-
date its unexpectedly large fall enrollment. But there is still some
disagreement on whether the quality of education will be affected.
According to college Dean William Haber, adjustments in addi-
tional and enlarged recitation sections have "perhaps involved some
strains, but without any adverse effect on the educational objectives
of the college and without too much distortion in students' programs."
Some' department chairmen and professors, however, claimed
yesterday that sections of introductory courses have grown too large
for effective discussion. While this contention was not universal,
most, of these men agreed that pressures from this semester would
OSA Shuttles, i Them'
Into New Quarters
Administration sources promised yesterday that all students in
temporary housing will be placed into residence hall rooms by
Friday, Sept. 11.
The solution to the housing shortage will be the addition of
a second student to many single roonis and a third to some double
r Of the 469 students in temporary housing, about 300 are being
moved into these already occupied rooms. The remainder will take
the rooms left empty by students who did not show up this fall.
"Every residence hall, with the*
exception of Markley, is affected,"
Director -of Housing Eugene Haun
commented. Most affected will be
South Quad, where students yes -
terday began' moving from tem- u u
porary housing into rooms.
Bunk Beds
Haun added that bunk beds and
additional chests of drawers are an
being installed in the rooms in- IEaW 1 an
volved. As of yet no desks have
been added."
Haun said that double and 0 P 'Oyide
single room fees will be lowered to
hetriple or double rate respec- 01e
tively for rooms thus converted. M illion
The first sign of the housing
shortage was an increase in ad-
missiins last spring. Foreseeing To Finance Addition
:the possibility of overcrowding,
administration officials imple- To General Library,
mented emergency housing plans. Pollution Laboratory
Haun said the "doubling up"
plans were established during the By JUDITH WARREN
50s when the University faced a
similar crisis. At that time the A House - Senate conference
larger singles and doubles were committee yesterday released a
designated as those which could bill that will give the University
receive extra occupants. more than $4 million for construc-
Later, the construction of new tion of campus buildings - in-
dormitory facilities, notably Mary eluding the propgsed addition to
Markley, alleviated the overflow. the General Library.
Serve Notice The bill' also released funds fo
After selecting possible over- the construction of a laboratory
flow rooms, the University sent a for the prevention and control of
notice in August to all students water pollution.
scheduled to occupy these rooms. Under title I of the act, sup-
The notice stated the possibility ported by the Department of
that an. extra student would be Health, Education and Welfare
added. $46, million will be available for
All students affected were given the construction of college facili-
final notice of the "doubling up" ties. Of this amount $10 million
decision Tuesday evening. will be available to the state of
The housing crisis is due to Michigan for the constrution of
several factors. First, the Regents' undergraduate buildings.
blwstate that all freshmen jA state commission will divideI
men and all women with less than the $10 million among private,
84 semester hours or under 21 public and junior colleges.
years of age must live in dormi- "The University will not file a
tories. specific application, but will file it
Second, the admissions office, capital outlay projections, which
adhering to its policy of admitting will serve as the application," John
,all in-state students seen as cap- G. McKevitt, assistant to the vice-
able of succeeding in University president for business and finance.
studies, increased enrollment by said yesterday.
about 500 over last year. 'fnder title II of, the bill, $60
Third, there has been no new million in grants will be avail-
dormitory construction since the able for the construction of grad-
completion of Markley in 1958. uate school buildings. This money
Present Plans will be distributed directly by the
Plans now call for the opening federal government. However, the
of a residence hall on North Cam- regulations concerning its distri-.
pus next fall, and the construe- Ibution have not yet been drawr
tion of at least one other dormi- up.
tory there to open in 1966. In "I presume that the regulations
addition, living facilities are now concerning the grant application,
in the planning stage for' the will be drawn up-by the end of the
residential college, slated to open fiscal year 1965. If so, the funds'
in 1968. will be available during fiscal year
The biggest blow dealt in 'the 1966," McKevitt said.
administrative decision was to . a
South Quad residents. There 18 h niversity illthnpl
g otafr~a Livrnment fr i

students are being added to each 'n 61 r ltuu ub i 1,
hous-a ttal f 14 refgeesfunds for the construction of the
house-a total of 144 refugees addition to the General Library
from makeshift quarters. This will amount to about $1.5
Some students in the quad met m ill.
the decision with anger. .rilion.
South Quadrangle President The $463 million of title I war
James Sheridan said yesterday in to be allocated during the fiscal
a letter to all residents, "Last year 1964, which ended last June
spring when the first word got However, the appropriations bill
out about the possibilities of trip- was not passed in time. Thus
ling some of the rooms of South HEW asked Congress to double
Quad, a tremendous wave of pro- the money for the fiscal year 1965
test developed from both the quad Congress refused to pass this mo-J
oouncil anad staff. The administra- tion. r
tion met these complaints by com- Also in the bill released by the
forting us that there was only a House-Senate conference commit-
chance in a million that even a tee was a measure allocating $2.5
few South Quad rooms would be billion for the construction of the
converted." Midwest Water Pollution Control
Laboratory in Ann Arbor.
The federal Water Pollutior
K hanh B aek, Control Act states that the lab-
tr+r nill ha dr "~fn the nI

continue to be felt as the new students crowd higher-level courses.
Haber noted that 17 or 18 new sections have been added to pro-
vide space for the college's 2760 freshmen-about 250 more than had
been expected last spring.
"We are prepared The students are in class," he emphasized.
While a large number of students still have program difficulties-
because many courses were closed early-Haber said "it has never
been our intention to accommodate every freshman in the exact
courses he desires during the first semester..
"The impositions we must impose aren't so much asking someone
to do some ungodly thing as asking him, perhaps, to take a class at
eight in the morning. We are utilizing our available space and faculty
to the fullest," he said.
Haber expressed considerable concern over the fact that many
faculty have had to double up in office space. He felt space problems
in general were a limiting factor on the college's ability to adjust to
According to Need
The precise situation in number and size of classes, nevertheless,'
differed from department to department. While the distribution of
17-18 new sections went roughly -according to need for the nine
departments involved, some sections are reported manageable and
others too large.
Most faculty and chairmen contacted, however, seemed to share
Haber's confidence that education will not necessarily be diluted.
Perhaps the largest freshman course, English 123, has been
relatively unaffected by the enrollments, Prof. Hubert M. English,
in charge of the freshman courses, said last night.
Because English 124 is no longer required in the second semester,
"a good fraction of the freshmen will be able to take 123 at that
time," he explained. The department did not add new sections, but
instead closed 123 early last week.

English noted, however, that a large number of students had
been turned away and that it is difficult to tell if the department
will be able to handle all of them in the spring.
In mathematics, Prof. George Hay, department chairman, re-
ported an addition of five sections for Math 115, with about four
more students per section than last year. But he felt this semester's
enrollments would not seriously affect the value of class time.
Sitting in Aisles
E. Thomas Chapman, instructor for Political Science 100, indi-
cated that an enrollment of 850 in his course has students sitting, in
the aisles of one of the two lectures. Sections have risen to 28 or 30,
but the department plans to add no new sections-for lack of funds.'
Chapman felt, however, that 30 students in one section could
still be handled adequately.
Prof. J. David Birch, who lectures in Psychology 100, said that
the course has around 100 more students than can be seated in the
lecture hall and that sections have risen as high as 30.
"These sections are intended as discussion groups. Ideally they
should have about 15 students," he said.
Just Enough
The zoology department will face its greatest difficulties in the
future, Prof. Dugald Brown, chairman of the department, said.
Though the present 100-student increase in Zoology 101 is what the
department had expected, three years from now, the laboratory space
has been just sufficient.
But this means that zoology is expanding much faster than it
had planned, and the squeeze will come when the extra 100 students
go on to the second semester, Brown explained.
Two additional sections have been added to the history depart-
ment's introductory European history courses. Average section size
has thus been held to about the same level-25-as last year, Prof.
John Bowditch, department chairman, said.

Extra funds from the dean's office have financed an ex
sections in Sociology 100, Prof. Robert Blood reported, but the
"is in a very tight situation." This is primarily because of a
seating for -the lecture, though section sizes have also been i
from 20 to 23 students.
Nevertheless, Blood felt the section sizes in the course w
While other regular courses in other departments faced r
the same problems, most honors courses have experienced oni
,increases per section. r
"We have not turned people away from honors, but w
made our selection standards more severe. Thus we have a
about as many students to honors this year as last," Prof. Oti
director of the honors council, said.
'U'e Lars EXpaii
How They. ot Her
The fall semester will be remembered as the point in histor
population simply overwhelmed the computer.
Admissions officials, usually accurate forecasters of enro
have watched the increases exceed all expectations-computer
Last spring officials had predicted 28,600 students. The Un
schools and colleges today hold more than 29,000. The center
'increase, the literary colle
year projected an enrolln
9,250. Its classes now
Snearly 9500.

Frees Funds for

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Seventy-Four Years of Editorial -Freedom




InSocial Scurity Proposal


SGC Asks Bylaw Change,
On Eligibility in Elections
Student Government Council last night accepted Athletic Direc-
tor H. O. Crisler's version of a proposal to change the Regents' bylaw
on the election of student representatives to the Board in Control
of Intercollegiate Athletics.
The meeting, Council's first of the fall term, was held in the
Michigan League because the SAB, where the SGC meeting room
is located, was darkened by a power failure. Last spring Council
"approved a motion recommending
to the Regents certain changes in
A fla eIQ j the criteria by which students are
eligible to run for the athletic
File Statements board, and to vote for those who
Crisler agreed to the all the
On selection . SGC proposals but one. It recom-
mended that any student on cam-
A vast majority of fraternities pus be eligible to run for the
and sororities at the University board. Crisler contended that since
have failed thus far to re-file the student posts were i two-year
their individual statements on terms it was necessary, to en-
membership, according to William sure continuity, that the students
Burns, '65, chairman of Student eligible for election be in their
Government Council's Committee fourth term at the University.
on Membership. , Furthermore, because of the na-
ture of the position, Crisler sug-
He said yesterday that the new gested that only male students be
membership statements were re- eligible. Council agreed.
quired because many of the orig- In other action, a motion to al-
inal statements issued last year by ter the Council plan by eliminat-
the various houses were brief ing the ex-officio seat of The
vague and insufficient in content. Daily editor was postponed.
The committee made its most Council approved the presidei-
recent request May 11, 1964, and tial appointment of four of its
since that time only four of the members to the SGC study com-
fraternities, sororities and other mittee. They are: Carl Cohen, '66;
organizations under the jurisdic- Barry Bluestone, '66; Sherry Mil-
tion of the membership group have ler, '65, and Panhellenic Associa-
submitted their completed state- tion President Ann Wickins, '65.
ments. Burns noted that the four'
all fell within that group of orga-
nizations whose earlier statement
had been the most satisfactory. a r e,
FHe said that1- although the dead- $$$ ,v IU

,-Daily-James Keson
Powser, Line Break
Leaves U: in Dark,..
Assistant Managing Editor
A main campus power line broke yesterday afternoon, left ad-
ministrators without electricity and sent The Daily on a frantic
search for a way to publish this morning's edition.
The failure occurred when a concrete tube containing the major,
power lines for the southwest campus area broke and fell into a
20-foot excavation.
The excavation is part of a steam tunnel extension designed to
connect the Institute for Social Research, now under construction
on Thompson St., with the University's central heating system .
Universityplant department manager A. B. Ueker said the break
occurred about 1 p.m. when workers were removing concrete at
the southwest corner? of a parking lot at the former site of the
Jefferson Apartments.
Electricity was cut off to the Administration Bldg., the SAB,
Kelsey Museum, Student Publications Bldg., the Michigan Union
West and South Quadrangles and the athletic campus. Power was
restored to the Union, the quids and the athletic facilities an hour
after the break by re-routing the 2400-volt lines through an emer-
gency line.
A wooden trough was constructed to carry the power lines at,
ground level around the excavation area. Ueker said he expected
the temporary re-routing to be in effect for about two weeks until
the stam tinnelo nstrcItion is finished .- enrv de Konning Con-

Plan Tacked
To Expanded
Aged Fun'ds
Proposal a 'Must'
For Johnson Forces,
Passes in 49-44 Vote
ate gave President Lyndon B.
Johnson a dramatic legislative vic-
tory yesterday when it . added
health care for the aged to a
House bill expanding Social Se-
curity cash benefits.
The vote was 49-44 in a sus-
penseful "roll call.
Administration forces in the
Senate had fought long and hard
for the health care plan, high on
Johnson's 1i s t of legislative
"musts." His Republican opponent
for the presidency, Sen. Barry
Goldwater (R-Ariz), interrupted
his campaign planning in Cali-
fornia to fly back here and join
most Republicans in voting against
First Timer
IThis was the first time the
,health care proposal, the King-
A derson plan, had passed either
branch of Congress. It was the
third Senate vote on the question
in four years.
The health care plan faces pow-
erful opposition in the House and
it is ques ionable whether it can,
be enacte into law this year.
But Johnson described the Sen-
ate vote as "a victory not only for
older Americans but for all Amer-
"In a free and prosperous so-
ciety there is no need for any
person-especially the elderly-to
suffer personal economic disaster
and become a tragic burden upon
loved ones or the state through,
major illness when, by prudently
setting aside the employers' and
employe's contributions, this can
be avoided," Johnson said.
Three Hours
After a three-hour debate the
Senate adopted by voice vote a
second amendment that included
financing of the health plan, wrap-
ping up the administration's
health care package.

As ;registration week ge
to the opening of classe,'ad
sions officers re-examined
calculations. The errors nur
only in the hundreds, but t
figures alarm officials who k
housing facilities are scarce
classes jammed.
They had foreseen increase
this fall. But these surplu
especially in the literary col
were increasing the institut
student body nearly twice as
in one year as it had ever I
before in the same period.
Long after the tide of applic
for next year comes in, offli
at all levels will still be won
ing: Where did the surPluses c
Byron Groesbeck, associate
rector of admissions, has a
tentative answers. He point
an increase in student aid fi
-an increase "which gave
dents who otherwise could
have afforded, to come -here
opportunity to do so."
2.2 Million
The funds were made avail
to help more of the 2.2 m
graduating high-school senior
the country get to college. On
national level, they came i
the signing of an expanded
tional Defense Education Act.
gram. On a state level, the fi
came from a newly-cre
$500,000 scholarship F4md tc
administered by the Higher E
cation Assistance Authority.
The availablity of these I
did not become kinon util
summer. That's what donfou2#
the projections. "LiteraryXco:
students who had been acce
here in the spring, submitted I
enrollment deposits during -
summer once these funds were
nounced," Groesbeck explains
until then, the Univerity di
know they were coming.
Nearly 100 students, mostly
staters, submitted their dep
inl July-a record quantity.
- This, plus other late sui
admittances, c on s t itu t ed
flurry of summer admissions"
closed recently by University
cials as explanations for c
Therewere also other facto
The number of "contnu
students, those passing routi
from one class-level to the
also 'showed +an unexpected
ward'trend.Estimates for'h
erary college show that per
100 less students than expe
are flunking out or leaving
The number of transfer ind
admission students in the co
-700-remained constant thi
compared with past totals.
The University's other sci
and colleges also advanced ,
enrollments on schedule, with
minor deviations from exp
Expected Base
' Under the unanticipated
creases was a base of expe
students, a record forecast in i
of 28,600. That was the fi
sent to the governor and leg
ture last year in a request for
year's University operating bu
The University wrote in
request: "Enrollment objec
have been established at a
which it is believed would
deny admission to any qual
Michigan resident" but woul
sufficiently restrictive to a
diluting education.
This philosophy "is the i
principle we have been follo
for years," reports Executive
President Marvin L. Niehuss.
Despite its poliy of ,accet
of all in-state students itt
can succeed, this institution
comes under fire from irate
zens for its admission policy.
complaints range, however,
'much over general policy asi
specific rejections.
Other state schools were flo
with -applications for this
Increases ranged from 55 per
mnr at Wavnp .tatP Tnivoi

Say Govern
SAIGON (P)-Vaj. Gen. Nguyen
Khanh returned to Saigon early
this morning forconferences that
may lead to resumption of his
duties as head of government.
Khanh made no comment on
his arrival at Saigon airport from
the mountain resort of Dalat
where he retired temporarily late
last week after violent antigov-
ernment demonstrations.
A government spokesman said
Khanh would resume his duties as

oratory wi oe usea or tri con-
duct of research, investigations.
experiments, field demonstrations
and studies and training relating
to the prevention and control of
water pollution."
According to the report issues'
by the House Appropriations Com-
mittee, "The proponents of this
laboratory sought to have funds
appropriated for 1964." This war
not done because the Public
Health Service reported that the
money would not come in time for
construction in 1964.
With the bill's release by the
House-Senate conference commit-


line is not until Oct. 30, he did
not expect many of the houses to j
submit their statements until the
last minute because of difficultie,
that local chapters often experi-;
ence with their national organiza-
tions concerning the topic of re-
leasing confidential information!
on membership.
Burns cautioned, however, that
"because of the long period of no-
tification, the committee will not
accept delays beyond the deadlin(
for any reason, and that any or-

MOBILE, Ala. (I)-The Unit-
ed States Justice Department sued
agroup of Dallas County, Ala.,
officials yesterday, charging them
with using their positions to main-
tain racial segregation in public
facilities and accommodations.
The government, in a separate
suit, also requested that the court
enjoin five restaurants and eight
cafe owners and operators in Sel-
ma, the Dallas County seat, from
refusing to serve Negroes.




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