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September 02, 1964 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1964-09-02

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Trainer Hunt:

Therapist with

If all the tape he's placed on
contorted tissue was placed end to
end it would stretch around Michi-
gan Stadium a thousand times,
timates at its monthly meeting d he would still have enough
nounced yesterday, the Board left over to hold a hundred knees
-Decided that freshmen num- together for a month.
eral winners on Wolverine ath- Jim Hunt, Michigan's magician
letic squads will henceforth re- of methiolate and administrator of
ceive a lapel numeral instead of adhesive for 18 years, is a com-
the traditional numeral sweater. pact, soft-spoken man with four
Those numeral winners earning assistants. Officially, his title is
a place on a varsity traveling head trainer, but for the men who
squad as sophomores will be lie on the training table with
awarded a special blazer. . damaged flesh and mangled mus-
cle he's much more. He's the. one
-Agreed to limit group or who can calm them down of buoy
league play on the University them up, listen to complaints, dis-
golf course to those groups or cuss philosophy, and give advice.
organizations affiliated with the Most Valuable
University. The action, effectiveM Football Coach Bump Elliott
immediately, became necessary be- says he "is as important or more
cause of the change in the tri-
term calendar and the early in-
flux of students for the fall term, a
-Announced that the Big TenE
Conference has granted permis-I d wr
sion to allow Wolverine spring n N w 1 r
sports teams to carry over to
completion their 1965 schedules
despite the early end of classes in Tournament
the spring caused by the new tri-
term program. The spring term
will be ended well before the The Michigan basketball team,
regular Conference seasons in after finishing third in last year's
track, golf, baseball, and tennis are NCAA basketball tournament with
finished but Wolverine squads will a 23-5 record, faces an interesting
be kept intact through the Big 1964-65 schedule.
Ten championship meets. Coach Dave Strack's Wolverine,
will journey to New York's Madi-
son Square Garden for the arena's
annual Holiday Festival tourna-
ment. Last year Michigan played
11 in Los Angeles during the semes-
ter break and received its first
It setback from UCLA's NCAA cham-
pionship team.
Michigan will again face high-
N T EST ly regarded Duke and will appear
in Detroit's Cobo Hall to .face
Wichita, a powerhouse of the Mis-
souri Valley Conference. Three tel-
I zes to evised games are scheduled for the.
Wolverines-Purdue, Illinois, Min-
0 0 value) nesota.
24 Freshmen-Varsity 8:00 Home
f1CCI Ball State 8:00 Home
ess " ;Duke Away
7 Missouri 8:00 Home
9 Indiana State 8:00 Home
12 Nebraska Away
14 Wichita Detroit (Cobo Hall)
23 Butler 8:00 Home
e 2-29-30-Jan. 1965 Holiday Festival
3 games Madison Sq. Garden
Cincinnati, lXa Salle, Manhataan,
Princeton, St. Johns, Syracuse,
Temple, Michigan.
ore 0JANUARY--1965

so than any single player or even chance to go to medical school During a game a tough and teams. Shoulders, hips, thighs
the coaching staff." while at Minnesota. strong Michigan lineman was fell- calfs, ankles, were all coated with
Hunt loves his job in the anti- Dangerous Protection ed with foot injury. The trusty layers of tape. "He really resem-
The rayig Hut sas heha~trainer sprinted onto the field to
septic surroundings of the locker The graying Hunt says he ha inehat te lm thafed al- bled a mummy," says Hunt with
seen a lot of changes' m football :Idthtth ,,mnha l
room. As a physical therapist he equipment and believes some ar eady taken off his shoe and sock a chuckle. The "mummy" went
s 'ready to let the master apply out and played for the Wolver-
could easily go into private prac- for the worse. "Some equipment ad ape.unt tookmterpl nes, and played well.
tice and make considerably more causes more injuries than it de-thtaeHutokteplyrsisndlydwl.
mey hand he doesdray Mhig fends agarin. Hardhnflexibl word for the pain, quickly put So the next time you see a Mich-
shoyulderedadsaonyiaprhmoded n'' on the adhesive, and the lineman, igan football player trot into the
but the job holds him in Ann Ar- ps only promote trotted off to the huddle.
bor. "The position is for a dedi- jury, for instance. We try to make -t
:ated person who wants to do serv- every piece of equipment soft and Hunt came back to the side- Girl Watchers
Sspliable." cnfident thattherbler., ,

Knee and ankle inju
"The great thing about it is probably the most come
that we deal with essentially football players becauset
Healthy people with minor ail- practically no possible pr
nents and limited pain. They re- against them. But name :a
cover so quickly, it makes the job and Jim Hunt's seen it
very pleasant," he remarked as he bleeding, and bandaged,
deftly taped Rich Rindfuss' tender time or another.

ries arc
mon in

*&S1ub UU11 1umiflA toU Ui%4V t r LIt. .p
was taken care of adequately. Aft-
er the very next play, that rough


But it is not only the allevia-
tion of pain that Hunt finds sat-
isfactory. "I love the conversations
Attention Wrestlers
All men interested in being
members of the freshman or
varsity wrestling teams must at-
tend an organizational meeting
Thursday at 4 p.m. in the wres-
tling room of the IM Bldg.

One of the strangest
he has come across is as
thumb that a crazy-legge
back inflicted on himself
tried to turn a corner. Wi
and legs flailing he smas]
own hand with the heel
Although the pain bus
not noted for its humor, Hi
recall an incident that b
wide grin to his face.

there is and ready lineman was limping,
otection over to the sidelines laughing like
muscle a little boy who had just heard
bruised his first elephant joke. Hunt, puz-'
at one zled by this behavior, ran over
to see what was coming off. The
injuries' lineman ripped off his cleats, gave
sprained his trainer a wide sheepish smile.
ed half- and said, "Gee, Jim, I'm sorry, but
f as he I gave you the wrong foot to tape."
th arhs Mummy Plays
of his Hunt has taped athletes literal-
ly from forehead to toenail. The
dness ii most extensive taping job he ever.
unt does did was on a famous Michigan,
rings a lineman, Roger Zatkoff, who play-
ed on three of Fritz Crisler's great

It you want to snow your
girl, make fabulous amounts of
money, or get a four point then
the sports staff of the Michigan
Daily is not for you.
. If, however, you want some-
where to spend your lonely
weekends while everyone else is
partying, then come to the
second floor of the Student
Publications Building today at
4 p.m. and contact Gary Winer.
stadium, it's a good bet that un-
der that flashy maize and blue
uniform there is at least one
bruised bone or lacerated muscle
secured in a semi-comfortable po-
sition by one Jim Hunt, specialist
par excellence with a spool of


,., ..

USSR Tracks ters Prime; for Tokyo.

we get into, everything from the-
ology to cooking," says the grad-
uate of Minnesota.
Ready for Emergency
Hunt stands by at every prac-
tice and every game to adminis-
ter first aid and diagnose injur-
ies when the need may arrive. In
the case of serious injuries, such
as a broken leg, he will imme-
diately call the team physician,
Dr. Burke. When sophomore quar-
terback Dick Vidmer broke his leg
la: t Thursday, Hunt quickly look-'
ed over the limb, saw it was clear-
ly a break, and called for the doc-
He realizes his limitations as a
trainer, but does not regret the
fact that he turned down the

By The AssociatedPiess
KIEV, Russia-Russian women
set three world records in the
USSR National Track and Field
Championships, the men, showed
good strength and Tass, the offi-
cial Soviet news agency proclaim-
"Hardly anybody can hope that
the Los Angeles story will be re-
peated in Tokyo."
In Los Angeles, the United
States shocked the Russians in
their annual dual meet by win-
ning Uhe combined men's-women's
standings for the first time. A
surprisingly strong showing by
the U. S. women was a key.

Tass, however, quoted Soviet.
senior track and field Coach Gay-
ril Korobkov as saying he is
"sure that this time the Soviet
Union will field the strongest
women's team in the history of the
Olympic Games."
He pointed to world record hold-
ing sisters Tamara and Irina
Press, and Marina Itkina and El-
vira Ozolina as the leaders. Tam-
ara holds world records in both
the shot put and discus. Her dis-
cus mark of 188-%/2 Sunday was
more than six feet short of her

own pentathlon mark to 5,194
points. Miss Ozolina got off a
world record throw of 201 feet,
4% inches in the javelin and Miss
Itkina had a time of 53 seconds
flat in the 400 meters.
Tass said Korobkov regards Vik-
tor Kravchenko, winner of the
triple jump at 54-2, "as the prob-
able prize :winner in Tokyo," and
also expects medal performances
from high jumpers Robert Shav-
lakadze and Valery Brumel and
broad jumper Igor Ter-Ovanesyan.
Shavlakadze, the 1960 gold
medal winner, and Brumel each
went 7-1/, in the high jump
while Ter-Ovanesyan went 26-9%/
in the broad jump.

world standard.
Her sister, Irina, equalled
world record at 10.5 in the
meter hurdlers and improved



Winners (more than X5C

m . __ _.. _. _ .. .. _ ._ __ _

State in 20 words or I
"Why it is a MICHIGA
Entry bldnks available at our-st

Prizes for Winners
1 4-pc. combo suit, 2 $35 sport coats, 10 pr. slacks,
1 $45 car coat, 3 pair shoes, 4 sweaters, 1 ski jacket
$19.95, shirts, ties, socks, neckties, gloves, T-shirts,
pajamas, belts, cuff link sets, shine kit, brief case.
FREE, until supply runs out, a yellow and blue
ballpoint pen guaranteed (if properly used)
to raise your grades.


9 Illinois 2:00 Home
16 Northwestern Away
23 Purdue-TV 4:30 Home
26 Michigan' State Away
30 Purdue Away
8 Iowa 8:30 Home
13 Michigan State 2:00 Home
I1 Indiana Away
20 Ohio State 2:00 Home
23 Minnesota Away
27 Illinois-TV (Tent.) Away
2 Wisconsin 8:00 Home
6 Minnesota-TV (Tent) 4:30 Home
8 Ohio State Away
(Eastern Standard Time)

'Outs-ide Phone, Users
Now Dial
All Seven Numeral


service fraternity
Sept. 2.. 8 p.m.



Near the

Rm 3-C





r "

'V. .

Now you must dial the complete telephone
number (seven numerals) to call from "outside"
phones into the University's new Centrex tele-
phone system. All the Centrex telephones have
new numbers that start with 764, followed by
four numerals.
Calls dialed to those "764" numbers will go

directly to the people
University switchboard.





', -

' -rr- 1
- _=
- " Y
-. .--
- __.
I =-
_ _
! , .

Michigan Daily
Business Staff
is the
biggest blast
in town!
Get in the Swing of Things!
Wed., Sept. 2 at 7:15 p.m.



So please remember, when you are phoning-
FROM-Fraternities and sororities
-Homes and apartments
-Housing for married students
-Any other telephone not part of the
University Centrex
TO-Faculty, staff, Medical Center, and
administrative offices
-All residence halls except Martha Cook
please dial the complete number or the call
won't go through.
In addition, some students are getting new
(non-Centrex) numbers beginning with "761." It's
alsonecessary to dial the complete number




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