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September 02, 1964 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1964-09-02

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Calls Primaries

urce of Bitter Politics
)odiest wars in politics are 9000 votes in an Oregon prix
aries, according to public in 1948."


eesearciier Louis Harris. C
says it is no secret that pres

lent Lyndon B. Johnson and
ney-General Robert Kenne-
e not good friends, and that
.tuation stems back to 1960.
ay people don't quite under-
,that primaries are played
eps, Harris writes in "Politi-
sues and Business in 1964," a
publication by the Founda-'
or Research on Human Be-'
. "People chop each other up
lood flows and the scars are
ris recalls the Dewey-Stas-
ebate of 1948 as an indica-
f the long-range effects pos-
n primary contests.
two Republican candidates
neck-and-neck for the nom-
n coming down to the Ore-
rimary. With the outlawing'
e Communist party one of
sues, Dewey won by a mere
votes, and with it won the"


Slept, Lost
wey then went to sleep and sta
he election," Harris charges.
en might have beaten Tru- peoj
o become president. If that sens
iappened Eisenhower mighi prec
have been president, and tive
dy might never have come not
the way he did. The whole in t
y of the world would have
different if, it were not for Mr
ACTOss You
Cam sps "r

oncerning the approaching
zidential election, analyst Har-
points out that Johnson really
had the best of two worlds-
Kennedy support in the big.
ustrial states and popularity inI
south, plus much of the Harry1
man rural and small town
t-of -the-Mississippi appeal.
n paper it might appear that
nson would beat any Republi-
. worse than Roosevelt beat
idon. Harris doesn't think it
Trouble Ahead?
If I had to guess now, I think
inson is going to ride into trou-
before he is over. There is a 1
ng possibility of civil rights
miness, and the great impond-
ble of foreign affairs. Also pos-
y troublesome is the fact that
is looked on as a politician-
oil-on-troubled-waters man.
s can react to hurt him hard,
ause while Americans may ad-
e a manipulator, they also, for
er or worse, want more sub-
nce in their president.
Kennedy, was hated by some
31e, but he gave the people a
Be of substance which they ap-
ciated. Johnson's style, effec-
enough in the interregnum, is
necessarily terribly appealing
;he longer haul.
No Exec
Further, Johnson still seems
re a legislator than an execu-
he has the mark of the ma-
ty leader of the Senate. Once!
passed legislation, you have;
Bed it. The bill goes up to the-
te House for signature and
xresponsibilities are done. But
President of the United States,
precisely the opposite. Once
'ye signed the bill, the legal
daches begin. And they don't1
Problems don't go away for
President, particularly foreign
cy issues; they remain with
2 all his official life.
I think Johnson learned this
t-hand in the Panama situa-
i, which he seemed to think he
d somehow solve with dis-
ch. But it didn't go away.$$
f- t

'U' To Pay Higher Rates
For City Polce Protection
University payments to the city Larcom said the agreement
for police protection have been in- eliminates some smaller payments
creased for this fiscal year by for special services but the total
$50,000. would not be more than $1000.
City Administrator Guy C. Lar- The agreement is effective as of
com, Jr. said this amount had last July .
been arrived at after months o In answer to a question, Lar-
negotiation with University off;- com said the University is not le-
cials. He said the city's contin- gally obligated to pay the city
gencies fund, increasing it from anything for protection but "we're
$20,000 to $70,000. obligated to give them services."
The University will continue t One of the possible projects to
pay 18 per cent of theFire De- be accomplished with money from
partment budget but agreed tc ° this contingency fund is an un-
change its policy on payments derpass on Washtenaw Ave. for
for police protection by increas- Tappan Junior High School stu-
ing its allotted sum from one-z dents.
seventh of the police payroll to _--s
18 per cent of its entire budget.
This means the University wil
pay about $135,000 'for fire pro-
tection and about $145,000 for law
enforcement services.
Larcom said the agreement is
beneficial not only in terms of
dollars, to the city but from the
legal standpoint because it re-
places earlier documents and is
easier to compute. He also pointec
out that the University pays sep-
arately for police service on thy
campus such as checking meterer
lots and said the new agreemen
will not affect the University's"
payment of one-seventh overtim.
for police on football Saturdays.


Army Officials Conf er oan'U' Radar Research,
Members of the U.S. Army General Staff and Major Army Commands visited the Institute of Science and Technology Monday to
discuss some recent developments in the radar research program of "Project Michigan." The project is a classified, large scale research
program dealing with scientific and technical problems in surveillance and target acquisition. University officials greeted the
visitors yesterday when they arrived at Willow Run. Shown (left to right) are Lt. Gen. Ben Harrell, Gen. Frank S. Besson Jr.,
Executive Vice-President Marvin L. Niehuss, Lt. Gen. Dwight E. Beach, Vice-President for Research A. Geoffrey Norman, Lt. Gen.
Williams W. Dick, Maj. Gen. Frank W. Moorman, Brig. Gen. Charles J. Denholm, Vice-President for Academic Affairs Roger W.
Heyns and IST Director James T. Wilson.


- ----- ----
Present Trends May Help Republicans in South

EDITOR'S NOTE: Beginning this
week, The Daily is adding brief 10-
cal news items to its Across Cam-
pus column,cwhich formerly carried
only advance notices of coming
events. Any departments, organiza-
tions or individuals with such items
are invited to mail or bring them
to The Daily.
Louis R. Clark and Robert G.'
Cope have been appointed to the
University Extension Service to
fill two vacancies left in the de-
partment more than a year ago by
the resignation of Clyde V. House
and the transfer of Mrs. Louise G.
A group calling itself "Room-
mates Limited" has distributed in-
formation and, a phone number'
to call to apply for a roommate.'
This phone number is incorrect.
and apparently the group is no
longer in business, Mrs. Norma
Kraker, supervisor of off-campus
dousing in the Office of Student
Affairs, reported yesterday.
* * *
7:30 p.m.-Mass meeting will be
:eld for MUSKET's production of
Leonard Bernstein's "Wonderful,
Town" in Union Ballroom. Audi-
tions will be held Thursday, 7-10
p.m., Friday 7-11 p.m., 'Saturday.
9 a.m.-noon at MUSKET office,
second floor Michigan Union.
8 p.m.-The Young Democrat,
will hold an organizational meet-
ing in Rm. 3MN of the Michigan
Union. The discussion will focus
on the plans for the fall elec-
I -


The Democratic "solid" South-
anchored by the strange political
"marriage" of white segregation-
ists and Negro voters - shows
short-term strength but long-term
weakness, a southern observer re-
Prof. James W. Prothro of the
University of North Carolina poli-
tical science department explains
Group Starts
Studies of
(Continued from Page 1)
College founded last year;
The only present branch college
is Oakland University at Roches-
ter, Mich. It belongs to MSU.
The University directs two-year
'senior" colleges at Flint and
Dearborn, with the former pegged
for full-fledged four-year status
next fall.

why long-term history may be on
the southern Republicans' side in
"Political Issues and Business in
1964," a new publication by the
i University's Foundation for Re-
search on Human Behavior.
Prof. Prothro says surveys have
revealed that a little over 60 per
cent of southern white respond-
ents think of themselves as Demo-
crats, compared to about 14 per
cent who think of themselves as
Southern Negroes show equal
disdain for the party of Lincoln
and Earl Warren, he adds. Only
about 10 per cent of voting age
Negroes call themselves strong or
weak Republicans, while 51 per
cent consider themselves to be
Almost Identical
Among persons who have some
interest in politics, Prof. Prothro
says, "The distribution of party
identification within the two races
is virtually identical; 73 per cent
of the whites and" 75 per cent of
the Negroes aligning themselves
somewhere on the Democratic side
of the spectrum.
"This consensus is amazing, even
to those hardened to the incon-
sictencies of American politics. The
sharpest and most divisive conflict
in American politics exists between
these same southern Negroes and
whites. Seventy-three per cent of
the white 'strong' Democrats say
they believe in the strict segre-
gation of the races, while 77 per
cent of the Negro strong Demo-
crats favor integration."
This "massive political misce-
genation" cannot be accounted for
entirely on the basis of "bread-
and-butter" social welfare issues,
Prof. Prothro says.,
Dems Are Conservative
"Among southern whites, there
is a slight tendency for Demo-
crats to be more conservative on
questions of social welfare and
government activities than those
who identify with the Republican
party," he explains.
The author points out that both
races have essentially favorable at-
titudes toward the Democratic par-
ty. Its partisans believe the party
is better for the working man and
that "conditions are good" un-

der its leadership. The most' com-
mon negative element in the Dem-
ocratic image held by white south-
erners is that it is "too good to
Negroes," a view held by nearly
one white voter in ten
The party of Lincoln is com-
monly seen as the party of de-
pression, big business favoritism,
and mistreatment of workers, Prof.
Prothro writes.;
The party identification of
southernors has changed little re-
cently, he explains, and the short-!
range trend seems to favor the
Democratic party:
"Hhe Democratic bias of Ne-
groes is overwhelming, and it,
seems unlikely that many of them
can be shifted permanently to the,
Republican column. As more
southern Negroes vote in the fu-
ture, they can be expected to swell7
the Democratic ranks under all but,
the most unusual circumstances.
"But it is also a fact that the
Negroes are leaving the South . . .

and it is still generally true that
when a Negro leaves the South, a
Democrat leaves the South."
Furthermore, Prof. Prothro adds
urbanization and suburbanization
will continue along with whitb em-
igration; factors which will tend
to equalize the strongly Demo-
cratic rural areas.
Collegians Republican? I
"A-college education is associat-
ed with relatively pro-Republican
images, and the proportion of
southern whites attending college
is on the increase," the southern
analyst points out. "Southerners
who think of themselves as be-
longing to the middle class are
much less Democratic in their
sentiments than those who think
of themselves as belonging to the
working class; it is fairly safe to
assume that an increasing propor-
tion of southerners, as well'as oth-
er Americans, will think of them-
selves as middle class in the future.
"All things considered, then, the
thrust of history seems to be on

the Republicans' side," Prof. Pro-
thro declares.
This can be a very slow proc-
ess, and if party realignmentis to
come to the Soulth more suddenly
the Negro problem will probably
serve as the catalyst, he concludes.
DIAL 662-6264
Shows at 1:00-3 00
5:00-7:00 &905




!IL 3

University officials are reported-
ly disturbed by the nature of the
study which will produce specific
recommendations for the Flint and
Delta areas. The officials are par-
' }yticularly wary of MSU's influence
I in the study. The University and
rf:;>> V MSU have vied to establish branch
institutions in the Grand Rapids
Stars in G and Delta areas during the past
few years. The establishment of
Grand Valley ended the Grand
Rosemary Harris will star in Rapids contest, while the Delta
the American Producing Artists' expansion question was postponeC
fourth production," Judith," by by the governor.
Jean Giraudoux. "Judith" is the He sought a reprieve while his
only major Giraudoux work not "blue ribbon" citizen's committee
yet seen in America. studying higher education could
::vprepare a blueprint for Michigan.
The report, expected in November
DIAL ior December, may not issue de-
668-8480 tailed recommendations on the,
EVME branch issue. This would increase
the significance of the coordinat-
ing council study.
_ The council's out-of-state ex-
jperts are the second such team
within recent months to explore
controversial education topics.
I G-A seven-man group chaired by'
N G iHerman Wells, Iidiana University
chancellor, made a comprehensive
HE IG ANA medical school study which did not
recommend a four-year medica
school for MSU.

Interested in working on
the Michiganensian?


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7:30 P.M.
Publications Building !
) Maynard Street



I 1


Use of This Column for Announce-
ments is available to officially recog-
nized and fegistered student organiza-
tions only. Organizations Who are plan-
nign to be active for the fall term must
be registered by Sept. 18, 1964. Forms
are available in Room 1011 Student Ac-
tivities Bldg.
University of Michigan Young Re-
publican Club, Organizational meeting,
Thurs., Sept. 3, 7:30 p.m., Michigan
Union, Room 3S. All welcome.
* *. *
Youth Committee for DeBerry &
Shaw, Organizational meeting with
speech by Evelyn Sell, SWP candidate
for Michigan senator, Multipurpose Rm.;
Undergrad Library, Thurs., Sept. 3, at
7:30 p.m.
University of Michigan Physical Ther-
apy Club,'Mass meeting, tour'of depart-
ment, refreshments, Sept. 4, 7:15 p.m.,
University Hospital Conference Rm.

665-8120 (

EN" i









I '



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Prices: 2.00, 1.50, 1.00

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Sept. 3: 7-10 P.M.-Sept. 4: 7-11 P.M.-Sept. 5: 9A.M.-Noon




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