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September 02, 1964 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1964-09-02

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VOL. LXXV, No. 4



Berkson To Ask
To Leave Council
Sees Seat as Conflict of Interest;
Say SGC May Review Policy
A motion to abolish the Daily editor's ex-officio position on
Student Government Council comes before that body tonight.
Daily editor H. Neil Berkson, '65, plans to present a motion
to amend the Council Plan to exclude the editor's ex-officio seat.
Passage of the motion would reduce the number of ex-officios-the
non-elected council members-from eight to seven. '
f It might also be the first step toward a re-examination of the
purpose and usefulness of SGC's ex-officio positions several Council
members said. Since the motion is an amendment to Council Plan
"it requires a two-thirds majority.

Seek Remedy

New Study of












To Longtime

Berkson is not sure of' his votes
because of the mixed reactionto
his motion. He has indicated that
he expects and will support a
move to postpone the motion one
"Structuring the Daily Editor
into' SOC' creates an 'irrevocable
conflict," Berkson said. On one
band, he must participate in events
and functions; on the other hand,
he; must criticize and analyze
them. What the editor writes about
SGC cannot help but be colored
by the fact that he is a member
of it."
SGC President Tom! Smithson,
'65, said that historically the
creation of ex-officio positions was
justified on the grounds that they
contributed to SGC campus leader-
ship and knowledge of the Univer-
sity. "The Daily Editor's knowl-
edge' of the University is very
valuable," he commented.
Berkson argued that the value
of the Daily Editor as a source of
information is not worth the sac-
rifice of objectivity which ac-
companies it. He said that as a
non-member, he would be willing
to address the Council whenever
it requested it.
Several SGC members favor the
motion. League President Nancy
Freitag, '65, mentioned that it is.
important for all ex-officio mem-
bers, but especially for the Daily,
to keep lines of communication
with the administration open.
Membership on a critical body
such as SOC inhibits this, she said.
Those opposed to the move said
that the Daily Editor is valuable
as one of the most informed of
the Council members.

'U' Officials Said Wary
Of MSU's Influence
A group of out-of-state educa-
tors has joined a growing list of
study committees probing higher
education issues in Michigan.
The new group will investigate
the feasibility of public universi-
ties establishing branch institu-
tions. This issue has given rise
to many controversies in the past
few years- particularly between
the University and Michigan State
With the University on the brink.
of establishing its first full-fledg-
ed branch school at Flint, the
group's progress will be watched
with special interest here. The
group is expected to report to its
creator, the Coordinating Coun-
cil for Public Higher Education,
late in the year.
As a voluntary association of the
state's public four-year institu-
tions, the coordinating council
has no binding power on its mem-
bers. But once a position on
branches is established, any vio-
lation of that position will arouse
unfavorable publicity.
Harvey H. Davis, provost emer-
itus of Iowa State University, will
chair the study group. It will se-
cure information from statistics
and first-hand iinterviews with
leading Michigan educators.
Specifically,'its purpose is to ex-
plore "the best methods for han-
dling the youngsters who will be
inundating state campuses in the
next decade," Huff said. He outlin-
d three basic solutions which the
five-man group can study:
-The establishment of branch
schools by public universities; t
-An increase in community col-
leges, both public and private;
-The addition of four-year col-
leges. There are currently 10 state-
supported schools, the most re-
cent being Grand Valley State
See GROUP, Page 2



{.. 'Rural


List of Poor
Cit Housing
City Administrator Guy Larcom '
Monday questioned the existence
of a list of 500 homes in Ann. Ar-
bor which are "unfit for human
His remarks came in answer to a
question from Fourth Ward;
Councilman Edward C. Pierce whoj
had asked that a report on the
matter be placed on next week's
City Council agenda. Fifth Ward
Councilman Leroy A. Cappaert-
last week asked that Larcom an-
swer certain questions, prompted
by the purported list, regarding
multiple housing in the city.
The questions included:
What is the current status of
4 multiple housing inspections? Are
the current budget and staff ade-'
quate to enforce the existing
code? Is there any need to change
existing administrative procedures
in dealing with code violations?
If through code enforcement, a
dswelling is condemned, what cur-
rently exists in procedures for as-
sisting the families displaced to
find suitable housing? Mrs. R. F.
Kraker, a member of the Human.
Relations Commission and super-
visor of off-campus housing in the
Office of Student Affairs, at the
Aug. 18 HRC meeting made the
claim that there are 500 homes
unfit for human, habitation.
Larcom said he had asked for
the list of 500 homes to be placed
on his desk but said "there is no
list." He observed that "some-
times very exaggerated things are
He reported that "the Univer-
sity people called me and said this
wasn't intended . . . as an official
position of the University.",
Mrs. Kraker said yesterday that
her estimate of 500 Ann Arbor'
dwellings being unfit for human
habitation" was made on the basis
of inspection 'reports from the
city's Department of Building and
Safety, statements from students
who have obtained housing through
the University's office of off-
campus housing and her own ob-
City Files Final
Briefs on Housing
The city of Ann Arbor has filed

U.S. Senate
Contest Won
By Peterson
Early Returns Show
'Backlash' Vote High
Gov. George Romney yesterday
overwhelmingly defeated his only
rival for the Republican guberna-
torial nomination. As of 1 a.m.,
he was holding an 8-1 lead over
Ferndale auto dealer George Hig-
The totals were: Romney, 275,-
327; Higgins, 35,588. About 40 per
cent of the ballots had been
In the race for the Republican
nomination for the U.S. Senate,
Mrs. Elly Peterson picked up a
close victory over her two closest
opponents. The winner will face
Democratic Sen. Philip Hart in
November. The totals: Peterson,
100,482; Jim O'Neil, 87,406; Ed-
ward Meany, 71,786. O'Niel con-
ceeded at 1 a.m.
Hart was unopposed in his bid
for the Democratic nomination.
Reps. John Lesinski and John
Dingell meanwhile were fighting
a neck-and-neck battle for the
Democratic nomination in the 16th
Congressional district. The count-
ing had yet to reach the halfway
point. As of 1 a.m., Lesinski held
about a 9-8 lead.
Lesinski built the lead in his
home town, Dearborn, seen by
some as a potential testing ground
of the so-called white backlash
Detroit voters showed a slight
preference for another measure
seen as a barometer of the "back-
lash," the Detroit "homeowner's
ordinance." With only slim returns
-150 of 1099 precincts-counted
at 1 a.m., the ordinance had gar-
nered 10,399 yes votes and 9024
no votes.
The ordinance was written "to
define certain rights of Detroit
residents and residential property
owners." It declares it "the public
policy of the city of Detroit to
recognize, respect and protect"
certain property, privacy and as-
sociation rights.

May Return
To Give Vote
LOS ANGELES (P)-Sen. Barry
Goldwater recorded campaign tele-
vision appearances yesterday -
and stood ready to speed back to
Washington if Senate Republican
leaders decide they need his vote
against President Lyndon B.
Johnson's program of medical
care for the aged.
For the first time, the Repub-
lican presidential nominee was to
travel aboard an airkiner char-
tered for the campaign, flying
home to Phoenix late yesterday
and then on to the capital if he
decides to go.
Senate Republican Leader Ev-
erett M. Dirksen (R-Ill) was to
relay word to Goldwater late last
night on the medical care outlook.
A vote may come today.
A compromise version of the
medical care program is before
the Senate now as an amendment
to a bill boosting Social Security
benefits by five per cent.
Goldwater has declared his
support of the bill and his oppo-
sition to the medical care plan.
The scaled-down version would
provide Social Security recipients
over the age of 65 with hospi-
talization and nursing care bene-
fits, plus a $7 monthly increase
in basic payments.

N Carolina
Patrol man,
Found Dead
RAEFORD, N.C. (P)-A North
Carolina Highway Patrol trooper
was found slain in a cornfield off
U.S. 401 near the Hoke-Cumber-
land County line last night and
all off-duty patrolmen were press-
ed into a search for the killer.
The body of Trooper W. T.
Herbin, 32, was found in a rain-
soaked cornfield about 20 feet
from his patrol car. Coroner Frank
Frank Crumpler said Herbin had
"more than one" bullet hole in
the forehead and bruises from a
beating on the head.
Officers said there were signs of
a struggle. Herbin's nameplate and
badge had been torn from his uni-
form. There was also evidence that
he had been beaten with his own
blackjack and shot with his own
service revolver.
Col. David T. Lambert, chief of
the patrol, ordered a statewide
alert and went to the scene to
personally conduct the investiga-
,Maj. C. Raymond Williams, on E
of Lambert's top aides, asked news
media to request that all service
stations, bus stations and other
transportation facilities notify the
patrol if they saw anyone behav-
ing suspiciously.
Evidence on the scene indicat-
ed that Herbin had stopped a
motorist and the motorist killed,
him. Officers surmised that the
trooper was making a routine,
check of the stopped vehicle, since
there was no communication be-
tween him and his dispatcher.
There was also evidence that the
motorist fled into the cornfield
with Herbin in pursuit afoot. The
condition of the cornfield near
the body indicated- that Herbin
and his assailant had a violent
The fact that the trooper's
badge and nameplate were ripped
off his body while his uniform
was otherwise unmolester indi-
cated that his killer took these
items to prevent immediate iden-
tity. A number of other personal
items were missing also. 1


f fResidence CleeGroup
To Hold InitialMeetn
The faculty committee working, on the residential college will
hold its first meeting next Tuesday.
The meeting, the first this year for the committee, has been
called by Burton D. Thuma, associate dean of the literary college
and director for the residential college.
The group was named' last spring to work with Thuma in
planning the integrated living-eating-classroom unit. Hopes are
that the college will open by the fall of 1966.
Emphasizing increased teacher-student contact and a liberal
arts orientation, the residential college will place a small number of
students, some faculty and certaint

Pit Co'udron
A gainst Eseh
After 52 of the 76 precinct totals
in yesterday's primary were re-
ported, it was apparent that Re-
publican Marvin Esch will battle
Albert Coudron for the 53rd Dis-
trict State House' seat in Novem-
Esch edged out two opponents,
Mrs. Carolyn Lewis, by 2369 votes,
and John Rae by 1453. Coudron
led Russel Vial by a 1030 vote
Coudron has served six years on
the Ann Arbor School Board, one
year as its president. Esch is a
University of Michigan Institute
Labor and Management consul-
In the race for the 18th District
State Senate Democratic nomina-
tion, William Dannemiller upset
Elwyn R. Fatchett 3258 to 1035
votes at the 52 precinct count. He
will face Republican Gilbert Bur-
sley who was unopposed in the.
Incumbent George A. Peterson
won over George Stauch in the
race for the Republican nomina-
tion for sheriff.
City turnout for the ,election=
bordered on "excellent."

Lenawee, if
Lead to C(
Sen. Stanley
ceded the Rep
nation for Con
2nd DistrictA
Rep. George
a.m.' this mor
headquarters r
With over 50
precincts. reporte
Meader of Ann A&
be win ng thefi
Republican nom
Congressional se
challenge of Sta
A 1 a.m. Daily
county' Second
Meader leading h
votes out of over
Meader, rolling
Livingston, Lena
counties, apparen
overcome Thaye
Washtenaw Coun
The contest, bi
as a struggle bets
vative and moder
GOP, had centere
er's conservative v
Thayer's experiez
the Republican
the State Senate
Of special con
naw County wa;
against the federa
a move whic}hah
to solidify oppos
However, local
ponents had b
whether to sup:
Democratic can
Vivian and Prof.
the political scien
Both campaign
in the weeks imr
ing the campaig:
that Meader was
the hospital last
infection in his le
The Faye-Vivia
Democratic congr
tion remained in
count went to the
Both voting a
were slowed thro
by the large ballo
familiar names c
Early returns i
Congressional p
the following res
-In the 10th
precincts out o
Evans (D, 1,521
-In the 5th I
precincts out o
Reaan (D), 8
-In the 6th
precincts out o
Benedict (D), 6
(R), 1,958.
As of midnigh
returns were in,
Congressional raE
-In the 3rd

who failed to
ears. A new
during the
ble delivery.
ed by
Thayer con-
ublican nomi-
gress from the
to incumbent
Meader at' 2
ning, Meader
per cent of the
r appe
ti fr his
at against the
te Sen. Stanley
poll of the five-
District showed
us rival by 1500
25,000 counted.
ui votes in rural'
mee, and Monroe
tly was able to
~r's margin in
Iled by observers
gressnrOthe ne-
ate wings of the
d around Mead-
ioting record and
ce as leader of'
"moderates In

cern in Washte-
s Meader's vote
al civil rights bill,
id been expected
ition to his re-
civil rights pro-
een split over
port Thayer' or
didates Weston
Gerald Faye of
ce department.
s had stepped up
nediately preced-
n, to the extent
forced to enter
night with an
Ln contest for the
essional nomina-
doubt as the vote
nd vote-counting
ughout the state
t and sea of un-
aused by grecent
from other state
rimaries showed
District with 30
f 395 reported:
District with 101
f 244 reported:
,425; Ford (R),
District with 20
f 252 reported:
31; Chamberlain
t, the following
from other 'state
District with 26


class and study facilities under
one roof. This arrangement, com-
bined with new curriculum or-
ganization and various experimen-
tal educational techniques, is ex-
pected to enhance the learning
process for the unit's 1200 stu-
Thuma said the faculty com-
mittee will begin its discussion
with topics such as curriculum,
building design and the adminis-
trative relationship of the resi-
dential college to the literary col-
lege. The group will meet periodic-
ally throughout the year.
Thuma will also be meeting with
a student committee set up to
advise him in planning the new
The faculty and student groups
will eventually consider a wide
variety of matters connected with
the college, including student or-
ganizations, classroom facilities,
size of the student body and fac-
ulty, curriculum, libraries, location
and selection standards for stu-
dents and faculty.
,-n laarc of 41 a n,, 11y_ nmm't.

Life Needling

i -i
You? Join the Daily
Good ol' Throckmorton was a pre-med student who enjoyed
y giving people the needle. Days when everything seemed to be going
wrong just brightened up when there was a jaundiced junior , or
a flu-ridden freshman to be saved by good ol' Throckie's hypodermic.
Tbrockmorton saw his future laid before him-his whole career
blossoming forth like a sulphur flower,
Fate, however, had reserved another end for Throckie's talents.,
Upon hearing that the folks in his home town of Medicine Hat,
Alberta had raised 4.5 million dollars for a Center for Acetylsalicylic
Research and Hotel Management, Throckmorton went into a late
season slump. The sight of a plump tricep filled him with trepidation.
Wandering woefully down Maynard Street, he stumbled over a
Coke bottle. He suddenly became depressed in the area of his
medula oblongata. When he came to, he was in a clean, well-lighted
place.. "Where am I?" he cried, involuntarily smiling at' the friendly.
faces peering curiously over tops of the typewriters around him.
"Why, the Michigan Daily," answered an intense young man with
a Chicago accent.
Thus' began Throckmorton's 'new life.
Throckmorton laughed when he sat down to write his brilliant
series on the pulse of the University's cordiality toward freshmen;
t-., L;.«+l.A .L..., n .,+1 f n~ . _ho + lif ir _ __sr _ ssr -'h :c a

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