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August 28, 1964 - Image 28

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1964-08-28

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Construetion, Des truetilon
e)rChangethe ''Campus iscount i
r rr KT r Y. JO A N B A EZ )v
q:,~~1 First album B
' > e,: ;,.... w : , &,b <s< za3'+ ,a~j .< .>. 5k.:> e , a .: i ;'' <.>.2. ,Second Se oalbumu
Y~... 3. In Concert Pt. 1.
4 In Concert Pt. 2
__ __ __ _ __ __ __ _ SALE PP
______________________________________ TO REPLACE the battered old
_____ dirt strips between tesidewalk MON
and State St., the Plant Depart-...............-
Satte.ment this summer added pave-r
trees lined up in front of Angell 3O
Year Off metadaoneahoth ...nmnm- nnnmim
with a K A Hirt, Peter Nero, ir
I ~~~~PAINTERS are doing what they . H lo DllOlvrH
~can (above) for the appearance Belfonte, Astronauts
fREDf HOT of the old Economis Bldg., *.......m m - u .mmw mummmm m
which was declared a-firetrap_____________
PIZZA way back in 1951. Tf:...~:LTS
at . TO THE NORTH of West Quad, .<Y
where the Jefferson apartment
/3Ibuilding recently stood, there re- 89
'mains nothing but a hole .(left)._ _ _ _ _ _
Ot4rr e~ tt Soon the wide-open spaces be-== ANN ARBORS MOST COMP
will also be level spaces. sE
Free fast Delivery)tA:<:,
663- 'l37Q iPhotographs by THE INSTITUTE for Social Research Bldg. begins to acquire a Hus o.Fi
J 77first story. View above is looking east; the building at the upper 300'$. STATE (cornerLi:
EsWila____JAMES KESON rgti the SAB.
Thisisthe sotfor
F ~
k §y
r "Ever y book for every course!"

1. Touchdown USA
2. Hail Sousa
3.' On Tour,
18% ' OF F
Lnry Mancin,;
and many others. .:
of LP's
'Bargain Records
49c to$19
)-,Sat. 9 to 6
mry ) 665-3679

.. .*J
§ Van Bov'en Clothing
§ rthe Colicge Man
W have comprehensive and distinctive selection of
cltigadfrihns7pcal designed for the
younger mian. Included among our vested suits are§
materials in tweeds, cheviots, worsteds and sharks/ins. These§
§§fine woolens are beautifully designed in herringbones, w
stripes, plaids and plains-allreflecting Va'n Boven§
styling and good taste. §n p
SUITS $75 to $1 50-SPORT COATS $50 to $90 , §
§ TOP COATS $75 to $125-BLAZERS $45 to $90§
' a 0 L A K $ 6 . 0 t4 $ 7 .0CO T T O N & D A C R O N S L A C K S $ 7 . 5 0 t o $ 1 2 .5 0
§ §'
., , '

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'{:vi:;i:i ;i:iii l}V:" 'i"+i94':: ": iij4": F"}:,':'hM1 :n i:;S::i;:

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