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August 28, 1964 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1964-08-28

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Johnson's Acceptance,

Viet Crisis--

For Regent Post
'U' Sources Name White, Lindemer;
Lansing Aides Cite Briggs, Bentley
University sources rate a pair of once-powerful state Republicans
as leading contenders to fill the Regental seat make vacant by the
death of William McInally, Aug. 22. Lansing sources scent the political
winds differently, however.
. The two Republicans mentioned by University insiders are Ink
White of St. John's and Lawrence Lindemer of Stockbridge.
But sources close to Gov. Romney are playing up the .name
Robert Briggs of Jackson, a former vice-president for business and
finance from 1945-51 here. Also in contention are Alvin Bentley of
Owosso and Frederick Vogt of Grand Rapids.
Romney is expected to announce the appointment within several
White, the editor and publisher of the Clinton County News,
placed fourth in the 1963 election for two Regental seats. The elec-
tion was won by incumbent Regent Eugene Power of Ann Arbor,'a


Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom

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AAUP Group




Sends Report










Another Year

University President Harlan'
Hatcher delivered his annual
Hill Aud. welcome to the
freshman class last night. The
President told them that in an
age of "scientific miracles"
the problems of "man's in-
terrelationships with his fel-
low man" remain the central'
challenge for education.
The Congress of Racial Equal-
ity charged recently that two fam-
ilies, living in the Parkhurst-Ar-
bordale apartments will not be al-
lowed to renew their leases this
fall because they supported CORE
demonstrations at the apartment.
F C. Frank Hubble of Detroit,
landlord, denied the charges.
According to Nancy Berla, chair-
man of CORE's housing commit-
tee, the two tenants-Allen Jones
and Daniel Qrey-were approach-
ed by Hubble five days after par-
ticipating in a CORE demonstra-
tion and told that their leases
,ould not be renewed.
lubble contended that Jones
and Grey had simply found other
places to live.
Jones and Grey had taken part,
on Aug. 10, in a CORE-sponsored
protest over another incident at
CORE has held numerous dem-
onstrations there since Hubble'
See CORE, Page 2

Democrat,and Regent William
Cudlip of Detroit, a Republican.
Donald M.D. Thurber of Detroit,
a Democratic incumbent finished
third in the balloting.
Lindemer is a former Repubi-=
can state chairman; who worked
this past year as midwest co-
ordinator for the Rockefeller
presidential drive.
Bentley is a former state con-
gressman and major author of the
"blue ribbon" interlin report on
higher education which recom-
mended large increases in state
support for higher education.,
Lansing spokesmen close to
Gov. George Romney, who will
appoint McInally's successor, ,hint
that White and Lindemer will be
dropped from speculation shortly.
Express Interest"
White and Lindemer have ex-
pressed interest in filling the
Regental vacancy which runs
through 1966. White recalled his
unsuccessful 1963 bid and said,
"I am still interested." Lindemer
echoed the sentiments: "I would
be definitely interested in the
But the final choice Will belong
to Romney. And he's not publicly
expressing interest in anybody.
The governor of Michigan is em-
powered by the constitution to
make interim elective appoint-
mepts. The death of McInally
temporarily reduces the Regents,
governing body of the University,
to seven men.
Why won't White or Lindemer
get the appointment? The gov-
ernor's aides point to recent po-
litical activities of both men which
have' taken them on courses in-
dependent of Romney Republi-
canism, itself a rather strange
position which never alligned with
either the Goldwater or Rocke-
feller wings.
Separate Tables
Lindemer. is characterized as "a
Rockefeller liberal all the way.",
White is viewed by the governor's
aides as a Goldwater Republican,
although he is supporting Rom-
ney's re-election.
Briggs would better fit a major
qualification that the governor is
reportedly favoring: he is an in-
habitant of Central Michigan, and
a resident of Jackson like Mc-
When McInally's seat is filled,
the Democrat-Republican ratio on
the Regents will level off at 4-4..
Before the March, 1963 election,
the Democrats commanded a 6-2

ToChapters Fe ha
For Opinionjlr sma

Sees Group As More
Powerful Than Now
An influential group of the
state's college professors has rec-
ommended that the administra-
tion and planning of Michigan
higher education be placed undei
general control of a powerful "Co-
ordinating Board of Higher Educa-
The five-member "Committee on
Organization of Higher Education
in Michigan" was appointed last
year by the Michigan Conference
of the American Association of
University Professors. Prof. Wil-
fred Kaplan of the mathematics
department is the chairman.
In a report entitled "The Fu-
ture of Higher Education in Mich-
igan," the group outlines meth-
ods of planning and control it
views as beit for higher education
in the state. The report is being
sent to all Michigan chapters of
the association. The chapters wil'
e polled for their opinions on the
report and for suggestions.
The coordinating board it rec-
ommends would differ in several
ways from the State Board of Ed-
ucation, which is embodied in the
state constitution of 1962 and slat-
ed to go into effect in 1965.
The state board .is expected to
be in effect a continuation of Gov.
George Romney's "Blue Ribbon"
Citizen's Committee for Higher
Education, and to serve like the
committee, in an advisory ca-I
The proposed board would not
act merely in advisory capacity,
but would control much of the ad-
ministrative and planning power
of Michigan's higher education. Or
two major points it would be more
powerful than the state board is
expected to be:
First, it would establish budget
requests and optimum enrollment
standards for all 'state institu-
tions, and plan new institutions
The state board will not do these
things except possibly as an ad-
See GROUP, Page 7

Norman Forecasts
Research Leveling

Cast Bla
On Sum

s~ U'



Research at the University probably won't-expand in the future. . . . .
as rapidly as it has since the end of World War II, A. Geoffrey
Norman, newly-appointed vice-president for research, said yesterday.
Since the war the dollar volume of research had doubled about }," I .,, .'
every four years at the University, but "the faculty have only a h
certain amount of time they can spend on research," and these limitst
are being reached in some cases, Norman said.
"Space is also becoming a critically limiting factor for many
groups. A substantial building program is needed immediately or the
expansion of research programs will have to be slowed down."
Time Problems APPEARANCES NOTWITHSTANDING, this is a library in
Norman added that the time lag between the realization of the Couzens Hall. Dorm residents have been moved in here-
need for a building and the date of its final completion creates addi- temporarily-for want of space.
tional problems. Commenting ono . ._
the role of a huge volume of re- ,R OE
search at the University, Norman SUMMER CONGRESS:
said, "Research isn't a discreet I --
package standing apart from other "i
intellectual activities. Research is Ut t e 'Lg t 'y t '
people, professional people, and is USNSA Finishes Legislation
part of their careers.
"These people have inquiring
"dThe peopld have inquing By CARROLL CAGLE anJ policy declarations. Total de- , seating of the Mississippi Free
minds in their fields of knowledge - -- - - I. _. - _..4 -A.--AL%-T-

Unexpected S
Fill Dormitori
Close Courses



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'54 Stafl
(First of a series)
Ten years ago this month, as
the nation was just beginning
\to react to the McCarthy era,
the University fired two profes-
sors for refusing to answer
questions before the House Un-
American Activities Committee.
The dismissals raised a storm
of controversy whose reverbera-
tions were felt for years. Even
today, critics occasionally cite
the dismissals as a black mark
on the University's record.
The heated debate of those
years centered on the issues of
academic freedom and freedom
of belief and association. It
came at a time when defend-
ing anything relating to Com-
munism or socialism was im-
prudent at best, dangerous at
And the debate necessarily
placed the whole University in
.the most delicate and embar-
rassing of positions, a position
where anything said-or not
said-was sure to have unfavor-
able repercussions from one
side or the other.
Obligation To Testify
Officially, the University held
that faculty members had an
obligation to tell an investigat-
ing committee about their al-
leged membership in the Com-
munist Party and about their'
political beliefs. Whether this
stand was a sincere belief of
the administrators who pro-
pounded it or an expedient re-
action to the political pressures
of the times will probably never
be determined for certain.

f Firings: a Review

and must keep abreast of new de-
velopments and be able to bring
them to their students, even in
elementary courses."
'Hidden Instruction'
Norman added, "A lot of hidden
instruction takes place in research
projects. There are 700 students
here doing thesis studies involving
sponsored research projects."
He gave the Phoenix Project as
an example of the "catalytic" in-
terplay between research and
teaching. "I came here 12 years
ago to do research in isotope trac-
ing at the Phoenix Project. Since
then many agencies have begun
to upod this type of research
and work is going on now all over
the University in this field, all as
a result of the Phoenix Project's
(Isotope tracing involves tre in-
jection of radioactive substances
into living animals or plant and
u s i n g radioactivity detection
equipment to follow the path of
the particles through the life proc-
Norman also discussed some of
the problems involved in support-
ing research. "The many individ-
ual project requests are reviewed
and approved by the scientific and
professional peers of the person
making the proposal. The money
goes where they think it will do
the most good, and it is no acci-
dent that a few institutions get a
large proportion of the grants."
He added that the University's
most important asset by far re-
garding the direction of research
funds is its faculty.
Norman noted that "within the
University there is a conscious at-
tempt to treat all areas of re-
search equally. Large salary in-
creases have been granted the
entire faculty over the last 10
years, and the graduate school
has a store of funds that it feeds
into the more neglected fields,"
he said.
Indirect Costs
Another p r o b 1 e m frequently
mentioned in connection with re-
search is that of indirect costs;
who pays for the buildings, the
salaries, the equipment and ad-
ministration of research.
"Indirect costs involve a part-
nership and community of interest
between universities and federal
governments," Norman explained.
"It is the government's stated
policy to enlarge the nation's tech-
nical and scientific facilities and
add to the number of people cap-
able of attacking and working
with these problems. Lately there

Collegiate Press Service
' Special To The Daily
MINNEAPOLIS - Just before
dawn yesterday morning, weary
delegates to the 17th National
Student Congress of the United
States National Student Associa-
tion finished action on legisla-
tion, leaving the daytime for re-
gional caucuses and elections,
The nearly 1000 delegates, al-
ternates and obseivers had con-
sidered over 100 bills, amendments
Ele t Robbins
To Presidency
Of Association
Collegiate Press Service
Special To The Daily
bins of UCLA was elected presi-
dent of the National Student As-
sociation last night by acclama-
tion, after the surprise withdrawal
of his opponent, Edward Schwartz
of Oberlin College.
After Robbins had been nom-
inated and had spoken, Schwartz
spoke of the importance of a
dialogue within the Association
and of the need for a unified lead-
ership in the coming year. He then
said he felt he lacked the admin-
istrative ability and training for
the office of president and moved
the election of Robbins by ac-
Schwartz, who led the fight for
a liberal substitute to the so-
called Columbia resolution at the
congress, was applauded for nearly
10 minutes by the body. In a simi-
lar move, Norman Uiphoff of
Princeton University was elected
international affairs vice-president
See ELECT, Page 7

bate time in legislative plenary
was in excess of 50 hours, spread{
over three and one-half days.
Passed were resolutions allowing;
NSA to join atnewly constituted
International Student Conference
(ISC) and supporting-by . impli-
cation-the Mississippi Freedom
Democratic Party in its drive to be
seated at the Democratic Conven-
tion at Atlantic City.
The first lengthy session of the
congress legislative plenary was
heC Sunday and was taken up
largely with proposed changes in
the USNSA constitution. Tabled
was a measure to eliminate the of-
fices of student government vice-
presidents - traveling vice-presi-
dencies of USNSA at present in-
volving two elected national offi-
cers. Defeated was an amendment
requiring, open election of dele-
gates to the National Student Con-
Passed at the Sunday ses-
sion was a resolution mandating
the national officers to urge the
,ip 140

dom Democratic Party at the Dem\-
ocratic National Convention. The
resolution called for the officers to
do everything within their power
according to the present USNSA
constitution to have the civil rights
group seated.
Article XI of the constitution
prohibits any "partisan political'
activities by NSA or its officers
and says there shall be no activi-
ty "which does not affect students
in their role as students."
Basic policy declarations of NSA
require passage two years in a
row before they become a per-
manent part-ofhthe codification
of policy.
Five BPD's were passed for the
second time and one was rejected.
The rejected legislation was en-
titlel "Goals and Practices in
Higher Education" and strove to
outline the principles of a free
university in a free society. Op-
ponents of the bill centered their
objections on whiat they called the
See USNSA, Page 9
I Out?


Entering freshmen here
spend their first college d
unusually crowded dormitoi
classroom' facilities. The cr(
is a result of a flurry of
summer admissions which i
the freshman class beyond
ticipated 4000-student leve
The freshman overflow
mated at several hundre,
dents, will not be counte(
early next week, Stephen
assistant to the vice-preside
'academic affairs, said yes
There remains a possibilit
the late-summer enrollmen
be offset by "no-show" st
who forfeit their enrollme
posits, Spurr said.
Freshman enrollment la
was 3500 and officials ha
dicted a 500-freshman ii
for this fall. Admissions
strong swelling effect on t
erary college.
Early signs of crowdin
week in dormitories and fre
humanities courses spurrei
cials to seek ways to hani
unexpected freshmen in 1
units and literary college E
Dormitory crowding ha;
the most noticeable. Housi
rector Eugene Haun report
students are housed as ten
occupants in the dor
twice last year's total. Hat
that the 216 boys and 24
will be kept in tempoirary
located in dormitory li
study halls and basement
new spaces can be createc
will come from converting
to doubles and doubles to
Another of the harbin
freshman .crowding was
surge in requests forsac
counselling. Assistant Dean
Anderson of the literary
in charge of freshnan-sop
counselling this week adde
members to his staff "in o
maintain the ratio of one
selor for every 150 studer
last year. "However," he coi
"I could use six more coun
Dean-Haber and literary
department chairmen di
ways to alleviate crowded
rooms at an organizational
tive meeting of the colle
He said that department
men are "concerned" abc
possibilities of overcrowd]
though no major problei
anticipated. He stressed tl
college. will move quickly
when classes are seen to be
ed "so that the quality of
tion will not be diluted."
Other colleges in the Un
seemed to have quelled
ment pressures.
The large freshman enr
increases were attributed
combination of the expect
boom and the unexpected
applications during the s
See LATE, Page 2
Varner Plans -I


./ .f (!L Lail.

Come o Te Daily
You say you're sleeping in your dormitory laundry room because
there are 18 other freshmen living in the room you were supposed
to occupy? And your dinner line stretches halfway to the diag? And
your'e only taking two credits this term because all the other courses
were closed?
Cheer up. All of you left home-, food- and/or class-less by this
fall's student population explosion will find one place on campus
that will welcome you with open arms: The Michigan Daily.
There you'll meet people with large apartments in which you
can store your luggage and yourself. And soon you'll be keeping
such absurd hours that you'll forget where you lived, anyway.
You'll also wind a nickel Coke machine-an economical, if not
exactly well-balanced, way to make up those meals you missed.
And you can go in and interview personally that professor whose
lecture-section was closed. And on The Daily's editorial page, open
to all staff members, you can berate the University for admitting
so many of your contemporaries in the first place.
If you're wandering around tomorrow, drop, in at the Student
Publications Bldg., 420 Maynard St., behind the Student Activities
Bldg., when all the student publications will be holding an open
house. The Daily editorial, business, photography and sports staffs
all make fine homes; if you're totally lost, just come in and ask'
In Depth
Then 'o Monday night at 7:30 or Wednesday afternoon at 4:15,
come back for a meeting at which you'll get a more detailed picture
of The Daily staff which interests you.

H. CHANDLER DAVIS reads a letter from University Presi-
dent Harlan Hatcher announcing that Hatcher will ask the
Regents to dismiss the mathematics instructor. It was sum-
mer, 1954. Davis' offense was refusing to divulge his political
beliefs to University or Congressional investigators.

HUAC nor the University had
a right to investigate personal
beliefs. Thus when the Univer-
sity initiated disciplinary pro-
ceedings against three profes-
sors who had refused to give
out information on such mat-
ters, it fell heir to bitter charges
of violating academic freedom.

ate two months after dismissing
two of the professors.
The two professors, of course,
strongly disagreed. As one of
them stated following his dis-
missal, the action "establishes
the administration's determina-
tion to dictate the political be-
liefs and associations of faculty

Word on Ce
wood B. Varner of Os
versity said yesterday
have no comment on

1 91

of ,,

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