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January 07, 1965 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1965-01-07

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Liberal Strength Blossoms
Jontinued from Page 1) tion to control the Democratic Ind-SC) and John Bell Williams
the two houses is called caucus as they convincingly show- (D-Miss) of their seniority thus
new rule specifies that ed last Saturday. placing them at the bottom of the
conference can now be ap- DSG strategy was hammered list of all Democratic congress-
by a majority vote of the out at a special DSG caucus held men.
without first having to run last Saturdaymorning,uattended It is widely rumored that Wat-
ntlet of the Rules Commit- by most of the 170 members which son may challenge the liberal Olin
)rmerly was the case. that organization claims. At that Johnston for his Senate seat in
per important change with meeting, a series of rules changes, 1966, and if so, the onus of chang-
portance for future legis- largely the work of John Blatnik ing parties will be placed on Wat-
vas the altering of the ra-(D-Minn), Frank Thompson (D- son and not on the Democratic'
Democrats to Republicans NJ), and James Roosevelt (D- Party. Williams has also been
louse's two most important Cal), were proposed and agreed mentioned as a possible successor
tees, Ways and Means and upon for presentation at the cau- to Paul Johnson as governor of
riations. cus of the entire party later that Mississippi.
afternoon. It was these proposals, Obvious Attack
ddition of several Demo- largely forced upon Speaker John The success of the purge is all
these committees which, McCormack (D-Mass), by the the more amazing, for it is an
past had, by gentleman's DSG, which to the letter were obvious attack against the senior-
nt, included a greater adopted by the entire House last ity system, one of Congress's most
of Republicans than would Monday. cherished institutions.
afied by their percentage The DSG was most impressive, At the same time, the purge
total House membership, however, in its successful effort serves as warning to southerners
increases the chances for to punish two southern Democrats that they can no longer flaunt the
legislation, such as Medi- for their support of Sen. Gold- national party with as much ease
water's presidential candidacy last as they formerly were able to. A
accomplishment of these fall. DSG staff member said that there
reflects the increasingly The purge was a result of a was significant support for the
nt role the liberal Demo- careful effort begun last fall when purge among loyalist southern
"tudy Group is playing in DSG Democrats issued a state- Democratwho resente eingern
Democratic affairs. Buoyed ment warning party members that plcdonte spote teingl
large increase in member- any defectors from their party's lege h stoo, therfelth
e byrtec ongress me presidential candidate would no easy way out by supporting Gold-
Demorati conressen-longer be considered, in their eyes, water.
all of whom are DSG mem, members of the Democratic Party. Another surprising example of
he DSG is now in a posi- This statement was issued because liberal strength in the House was
previous attempts to purge party the 149 votes polled in opposition
defectors in 1960 failed when the to the seating of the regular Mis-
H I L L E L turncoats argued they had not sissippi delegation. Here DSG lib-
been aware that they would be erals were joined by a small con-
SupperCsubject to disciplinary action. tingent of Republicans of similar
starts this Sunday This time, however, the liberals persuasion in an effort to chal-
at 5:30 p.m. had the votes as well as the argu- lenge the legality of the Missis-
ments to work their will. A near- sippi's Democrats election. Ann
osher Delicatessen ly solid DSG contingent proved to Arbor's Congressman Weston Vi-
be the dominant element in a 157- vian was one of 19 House Demo-
See P. 3 115 caucus vote stripping the two crats who formally sponsored the
southerners, Albert Watson (now, challenge.

(Continued from Page 1)
the University and Ann Arbor
Chamber of Commerce.
"If private developers don't
build the necessary units to care
for incoming population, the Uni-
versity certainly will and the pro-
perty will not be taxable. We
should keep private developers in-
terested to gain taxes 'to keep the
city running," Creal added.
Result in Loss
Gunn estimated the community
will lose between $45,000 and $55,-
000 a year in taxes as a result
of cancellation of the 24-story
It was also estimated by Gunn
that the downtown will lose be-
tween 400 to 450 permanent resi-
dents-persons who would shop
at downtown stores and use down-
town services.
Gunn declared that out-state
City Votes For
Junior College
Plan Jan.15
An election on the establish-
ment of the proposed community
college for Washtenaw County
will be held Jan. 15.
The voters will also provide
authorization of millage to oper-
ate the institution and will select
a six-member board of trustees.
Most of the 38 candidates for
trustee will appear at Candidates
Night at 7:30 p.m. today at the
Arborland Assembly Hall. The
sponsoring group is the Ann Arbor
Citizens Council, a nonpartisan
organization to encourage partici-
pation in governmental affairs.

news media which have contacted
him are "amazed" that the coun-
cil would turn down the 24-story
building after "nearly every city
official" worked over a year with
Gunn and Carver.
Verbal Blast
Gunn accused council of not
working in the best interests of
Ann Arbor and unleashed a ver-
bal blast at three Democratic
members-Mrs. Burns, Dr. Edward
P. Weeks of the ThirdWard, and
Dr. Edward C. Pierce of the
Fourth Ward.
In effect Gunn charged the
three with taking a stand Lgainst
high-rise buildings to create a
spring election issue.
The charge came as Gunn an-
nounced he and Carver had with-
drawn from the city's Housing
Board of Appeals a petition re-
questing variance on the prospec-
tive 24-story building's backyard
Grist Mill
"We don't want to give the
Democrats any ammunition for
the political grist mill this spring,"
Gunn said.
The three Democrats singled
out in Gunn's attack later issued
a statement defending themselves
against Gunn's charges that they
weren't acting in the best interests
of the city.
Weeks, Pierce and Mrs. Burns
said they understood Gunn's frus-
tration and chagrin but they did
not understand his apparent fail-
ure to grasp the rationale behind
the council's action.
Too Late
They said the spirit of the or-
dinance was not "stop all high-
rise construction," but was de-
signed to "work out solutions to
problems created by high-rise
buildings before the buildings are
up and it's too late."
"Action by the council was
neither ill-advised nor hasty.
Three nationally known consul-
tants on planning, zoning and as-
sociated problems held an all-
day conference with various city
officials and said a height limita-
tion would be reasonable , and
would not hinder investment in
the lively Ann Arbor housing mar-
ket," the statement said.
The three Democrats went on
to say that Gunn "conveniently"
forgot that of the nine votes for
the ordinance, four were cast by

~__ - - -


"He also accused the Democraits
of taking a stand against nigh-
rise buildings to create a spring
election issue. If the Democrats on
council sought to conjure up a
partisan election issue, would four'
Republicans have pitched :n to
help? We respect these Republi-
cans too much to believe they
could be as handily bamboozled as
Gunn seems to believe they have
been," the Democrats said.
The ordinance is the outcome of
feeling among council membersI


that the high-rise buildings, if not
properly planned could astheti-
cally ruin the horizon of Ann
Discussion centering on legis-
lative action to halt construction
until some plan could be devised
was first discussed at the coun-
cil's November work session.
City, Attorney told council that
no building permit could be issued
if it conflicts with pending legis-
lation. This legislation will be
pending at least until Monday's
public hearing.


Council, Realtors Clash on Building Ruling

State Board Will Combine
College Budget Applications


yt K

(Continued from Page 1)
"certain that this would not be
necessary." He said he felt in-
terpretations of the state consti-
tution requested from the attor-
ney general would be enough to
define the Board's authority if any
conflicts should arise.
Reaction to Fill's proposals have
received little opposition from the
state's college administrators as
yet. University Executive Vice-
President Marvin L. Niehuss said
he felt there was no limit to the
advice the Board could give the
governor and that they certainly
have the right to recommend in-
dividual institutions' budgets.
Model System
Michigan State University's
Vice-President for Business and
Finance Philip J. May agreed, not-
ing that perhaps the voluntary
coordination plan being developed
by the coordinating council could
be used as a model for the system
to be set up by the Board.
Fill's statements capped specu-
lation begun in mid-December
when Warren Huff, Michigan
State University trustee and chair-
man of of the Michigan Coordi-
nating Council for Public High-
er Education, said that he had in-
formally contacted several of the
Board's members about a coordi-
nating council request that "they
consider the policy of dealing with
appropriations for the 10 state-
supported colleges as a group,"
even though up to this time the
coordinating council has strongly

espoused its own plan of voluntary
coordination as opposed to the
Board's enforced coordination. -
At that time, Huff said that
the coordinating council, made up
of high administrators from the
10 schools, was "in effect, asking
the new state board to tell us to
integrate our budget requests."
No Aid
There are indications that the
Board will be making up its con-
solidation procedures without ef-
fective aidpfrom the state's col-
leges. The colleges have so far
been relying on the coordinating
council's report on voluntary co-
ordination to express their feelings
on what a coordination proposal
should contain.
Possibilities of using the co-
ordinating council's voluntary
plan for budget unification as a
model for the Board of Educa-
tion's mandatory plan were en-
couraged by Board member Don-
ald M. D. Thurber, a former Re-
gent of the University. Thurber
said that he was "very encourag-
ed by the coordinating council's
progress in this area" and that he
expected the Board would take a
"very interested look" at the co-
ordinating council's results.
These possibilities were denied,
however, by Central Michigan
University President Judson Faust
a member of the coordinating
council. Faust said he felt the
coordinating council has "quite a
way to go yet" before it will have
an acceptable plan for a unified
budget request.


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