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January 13, 1965 - Image 9

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1965-01-13

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1 ........... ...............................

For Direct Classified Ad Service, Phone 764-0557
from 1:00 to 3:00 P.M. Monday through Friday, and Saturday 9:30 'til 11:30 A.M.


...... .............. ..:::F::.. . . . . .:..... ... . ...:": ::,..}..".,1.......... r..L... t....... ... ... ..:'.

I -- - .. ..... -

DO YOU LONG for the better things 1 OR 2 GIRLS to share 4-person apt.
in life? Something creative? Some- $150/mo. Close to campus. Immediate
thing spectacular? Those who care, occupancy. 662-9894 or 662-8151. C8
write "Bud & Dula," care of The
Daily. V22 EXCITING, provocative living. Beauti-
ELL FIZGEALD& OCARPETR- ful new fraternity house has opening
ELLA FITZGERALD & OSCAR PETER- for boarder. Hurry. 663-6459. C5
SON are coining to Hill Auditorium for boarder. Hurry. 663-6459. C5
on Jan. 23. Ticket Sales Begin Jan. NEED FOURTH man in clean quiet,
18 8-5:30 Daily. Hill Aud. ticket off. and inexpensive apt, one block from
P20 campus corners. Study room. Call
LEWEILAD iR t 4t.. 23 665-8435. C9

WANTED NOW-Spinal Fluid Volun-
teers. Will pay $25, must be 21. Con-
tact Dr. Tourtellotte, 764-0298. H21

MEAL JOBS, lunch and dinner, dish-
washers and waiters. 2nd sem. Ask
for the steward, 663-3393. H22
WANTED-Spanish speaking girl to
babysit 3 evenings a week. Call NO
8-7544. H15
WOMEN with good speaking voice
needed for evening work from 5 to 9
p.m. Good salary. 761-0811. H23


E4.is, wiiLlis great ,too. rz
ANYONE knowing the whereabouts of
the Greek of the Year Trophy, please
call NO 3-4814. F3
...What's that ? ? F15
PERSONAL ADS must be prepaid.

Come to 306 Burton Tower, Tues. &
Thurs. 4-5:30, or call Warren Shear,
668-6284. Optional-1 hr. credit. Fl
W. W.' I reserved a space in the Daily.
John: But Why ? ?
W.W.: Wait 'til Wed. and find out!

GARAGE with doors which may be
locked for rent. 723 Packard. C7
SINGLE ROOM for male grad. Call 662-
1326, Cl0
APARTMENT for three, furnished, near
campus. 662-6342. C39
SAVE OVER $60 per month. Sub-lease
for the summer now. Call 668-6658.
MAN TO SHARE modern, furnished
apt. $60/mo. 761-2687. C6
WANTED - Male graduate or profes-
sional student to share new 2-man
luxury apartment near campus and
hospitals. Approx. $70/mo. Call Joe
Hripko, 665 4141, ext. 238 between
8 a.m. and 5 p.m. C2
MALE ROOMMATE wanted to share
modern ant Cam us location $A50/mo.

sity division, age 22 to 30 and mar-
ried. One degree required. Phone
453-4030. Ask for Mr. Lukui. H16
COLLEGE MEN with car needed for
part-time delivery work. Phone 761-
0811. H24
porters, either sex, pref. expd. in 35-
mm photography. Good pay, pleasant
surroundings, advancement opportun-
ities. Airmail resume to Box 3090,j
Lexington, Ohio 44904. H18
MORTON CHEMICAL needs typist-tech-
nician weekday afternoons. Experience1
not necessary. Must have transporta-
tion. Call 663-3939. H114,
MEAL JOB waiting table lunches and
dinner at Sigma Alpha Mu 800 Lin-
coln. Call Arnie eve 663-0163. H13j

The Daily Official Bulletin is an uate Library. The application procedure be used by a University of Michigan esp. Poll. Sci. & Foreign Languages. Age
FOR SALE official publication of The Univer- for summer positions will be explained graduate at any college or university, 24-42, completed military service, pro-
-- _sity of Michigan, for which The at this meeting. Students unable to but a graduate of any other univer- ficient in one foreign language, U.S.
SINGLE TICKET, Row S (Section 4) Michigan Daily assumes no editor- attend should contact the Summer In- sity will be required to study on the citizen at least 5 yrs. Positions as civil-
PTP Plays. Call 663-0610, evenings. ial responsibility. Notices should be tern Counsellor in Room 1516 Rackham Michigan campus, Academic achieve- ian intelligence specialists to augment
B13 sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to on Thursdays from 3 to 5, or phone ment, creativity and leadership will be Army Intelligence units thruout U.S. &
Room 3654 Administration Bldg. be- 764-3490. considered in granting the award. The overseas.
GOYA GUITAR, $75. 663-4438. B14 fore 2 p.m. of the day preceding - stipend is $1,100. Tennessee Valley Authority - Degrees
publication, and by 2 p.m. Friday Special Education Colloquium Series The Alice Crocker Lloyd Fellowship is in Arch, Econ, Geog, Law, Math, Fores-
1960 CUSHMAN EAGLE, like new, wint- for Saturday and Sunday. General -Dr. Barbara Bateman, Assistant Re- open to women graduates of any ac- try, etc., for various positions includ-
Notices may be published a maxi- search Professor, Institute for Research ing art & des.. elec. computing, mgmt.
Bl mum of two times on request; Day On Exceptional Children, University of be used by a University of Michigan trng., personnel, prod., pub. admin.,
Calendar items appear once only. Illinois. Thurs., Jan. 14, 7 to 9 p.m. graduate at any college or university title examiner, land appraiser trainee.
FOR SALE-Brand new portable tape Student organization notices are not in the Rackham Amphitheater. "Learn- but a graduate of any other school will Located in Ala and Tenn. Men and
rORdSAE rand se portable teroe accepted for publication. ing Disabilities and Diagnostic Teach- berqieIosud nteMci women.
recorder and used portable stereo set. ing AprahswtExptnaCh- be required to study on the Michi- Ntoa atnsC ekn a
ng pproaches with Exceptional Chil-gan campus Academic achievement, ational Castings Co. - Seeking a-
WEDNESDAY, JAN. 13 den."personality and ledaership will be con- jors in Econ., & Gen. Lib. Arts for
STEREOPHONIC portable tape recorder sidered in granting the award. The mgmt. trng,, prod., & territ. sales. Lo-
RCA cartridge. Was $325 sell for $125 tLaw School Admission Test: Applica- stipend is $1,100. cations include Ohio, Pa., & Ill. (P.M.
Dial 4-0129 after 6 p.m. B5 Ds f 2i on blanks for the Law School Admis- only.)
Dia4019ate6pmB D y alendar sion Test are available in 122 Rackham Former Woodrow Wilson Fellows, in- Kemper Insurance Co., Chicago-B.A,
Bldg. The next administration of the eluding Honorary Fellows in Hunani- In Lib. Arts, bkgd in Econ, Engl. &
1964 DKW. Here is real economy, 35 Training and Development, Personnel t'est will will be on Sat., Feb. 13. ties and Social Sciences, who expect to Math. Positions in elec. computing,
mpg/4 speed trans. Must sell. No rea- Office, University Management Seminar , Applications must be received in Prince- complete all Ph.D. requirements no home office & claims insurance.
-William P. Lemmer, University Attor- ton, N.J., by Jan. 30, 1965. later than four and one-quarter years WED., JAN. 20
DIM~ ney; Gerard P. Carvalho, Research As- after b-eginuing graduate study, and S. S. Kresge Co. - B.A. in Lib, Arts
band 9ING. - $ an's sociate B..R., "The Disciplinary Process Admission Test for Graduate Study who will begin full-time dissertation for Mgmt. Trng. positions located thru-
band, size 9s. Value $120. Woman's and Grievance Handling": Michigan in Business: Application blanks for the preparation between May and Decem- out U.S.
wedding set, size 512, value $28. All Union, 8:30 a.m. Admission Test for Graduate Study in ber, 1965, may be nominated for Wood- Detroit Country Day School, Birming-
far $100. Coil 665-2549. B6 Business are now available in 122 Rack- row Wilson Dissertation Fellowships. ham, Mich. - Internshihp-Scholarship
Center for Programmed Learning for ham Bldg. The next administration of Eligible students should report to As- Program for grads with major in Bio-
AT OLD ELM, antiques for the dis- Business Workshop - Geary A. Rum- the test will be on Sat., Feb. 6. Ap- sociate Dean Freeman D. Miller, Room chem. Chem, Engl., Math & Physics.
criminating collector. 723 Packard, mler, director, "Use, Selection, Evalua- lications must be received in Prince- 118 Rackham Bldg., not later than Two-year grant for single men with
near State. B3 tion and Writing of Programmed Mate- ton, N.J., by Jan. 23, 1965. Jan. 25. duties as intern teacher & funds to
--- ____ _----_-~- -~rials": Michigan Union, 8:30 a.m. _ _complete M.A. at Univ. of Mich. or
ELECTRIC PIANO. $200 or best offer. j Faculty Research Grant applications Wayne State Univ. Interest in boys of
2 yrs. Old 7610149. B4 Ror seiarD.Cedric Daerdidates taking the Graduate Record must be filed in Room 118 Rackham jr. & sr. high school age with interest
- ___ __ -- "'5-Flouroracil Sensitivity and Muta- ExmntonStJn 6 r e Bldg. no later than Feb. 1. in spongy,
AA SAAB INC.genesis in RNA Bacteriophage," 1139 quested to report to 130 Business R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co.-Inter-
A S B Nat. Sci. Bldg., 4:15 p.m h Administration Bldg. at 8:30 a.m.Sate Student Government Council approval viewing at Engrg. School. Seeking Lib.
317 W. Huron i ,.i nt mof the following student-sponsored Arts mejors and MBA's for mgmt trng,
___________________ev ntsocmesn eniiewve4 nours atter. n. res.,}pro.4r & 1c sal.,Ala


FOR THE FINEST in Dance Music-
Johnny Harberd
Art Bartner
Ray Louis
Peter Clements
Wadye Gallant
Contact The Bud-Mor Agency
1103 S. University
NO 2-6362


phone ring at any designated time-
day or night--LOW RATES, DON'T
SERVICE, 665-8871 (24 hours). F42
THERE are several of us looking for
rides to Chicago this Friday, prefer-
ably leaving sometime early in the
afternoon. If you are heading to-
wards the windy city and want to
gain a few extra dollars and some
pleasant company, call 764-2662 and
ask for Rick. F19
AUSTIN DIAMOND - "Where marginal
prices buy quality diamonds!" 1209
S. University. 663-7151. F
ARE YOU a Hockey Player? (That DID
NOT! make the team)? If you would
like to play in the Michigan Hockey
Rink for $2.50/hr., sometime in the
late evening, call 665-7561, ask for
Tom. I'm trying to organize a pickup
game. . . F16
Your favorite program on a NEJAC
TV set. Rent a 19 in. GE Portable
for only $10.00 a month, Call NEJAC
TV Rentals, 662-5671. X
Favors for the most unusual line of
party favors ever assembled by one
company. Office and Show Room at
1103 S. University. NO 2-6362. F
ARTIST WANTED to design and co-
ordinate special promotions for the
Daily. Call Alan Glueckman, Supple-
ment Manager, 764 -0554 between 1
and 2 p.m., 665-8124 between 6:30 and
7:30 p.m. F6
Meet the Right Person1
The .purpose of our organization, using
established techniques of personality
appraisal and an IBM system, is to
introduce unmarried persons to others
with compatible backgrounds, inter-
ests and ideals. Interviews by ap-
pointment. Phone 662-4867.
SMART STUDENTS get the most out
of your college education. Marry a
wealthy eighty-year old. Read our
Bulletin on the three basic points.
The catch, the will, and the kill.
Send 50c for handling costs to Share
the Wealth, P.O. Box 9343, Lansing,
Mich. F1
When Rush gets you down, spark ups
with some delicious snacks at - . -

7612034. 1960 SAAB sunroofhusafter
C8 BABYSITTER wanted for congenial 1 eiAplictionfo General No cesndegrad the publication of this notice. All i
yr. old 'girl. MWF afternoons, M-F elPublicity for these events must be with- P
FEMALE ROOMMATE to live with 3 9-11. Call 665-3878 119 1960 SAAB sedan the Scholarship Office, 2011 SAB, be- held until the approval has become L
other girls. Near campus and St. only $600 Special Lecture-Prof. Max T. Rogers, ginning Mon., Jan. 11. Applications effective. u
Joseph's Hospital. Modern apt. Call A NEW DIVISION of Reader's Digest 1963 SAAB sedan MSU, will speak on "NMR Studies of must be completed by March 1. Un- Approval request forms for student- B
761-0922 or 761-2850. C10 Sales & Services Is seeking several only 10,000 miles Amides and beta-Diketones" on Thurs., dergraduate students who have com- sponsored events are available in Room a
------ -" students to work eves. & Sats. High- 1964 SAAB wagon Jan 14, 8 p.m. in 1300 Chemistry Bldg. pleted one or more full semesters with 1011 of the SAB. t
CAMPUS-HOSPITAL area - Rms. for est earnings possible. Contact Mr. onl , are eligible to co ete. Financi laid cEonomics Society - Speaker, Dr. T
man or woman. Newly-painted and Helmer at 668-6808. H8 only $1,500 Physical Chemistry Seminar - Air. are egltor m pthe FanalaiArthur Smithies, Jan. 13, 1965, 4:00,
oak paneled. Attractive small paneled d10 MERCEDES 220 Aaron Ribner, "Is It a Solid or Isn't is a factor in making these awards. MPR-UGLI. d
rm. with hide-a-bed, $9.00/wk. House DELIVERY BOY with car to deiver Real good buy. It a Solid . . . Only Her Chemist ULLR Ski Club-All Campus Ski Mix- B
refrigerator and phone. Leases thru N.Y. Times daily and,/or SundayCall 761 -0850 Knows-or, Phase Transitions in Plas- Engineers: "Negotiations for Employ- ier. Jan. 15, 8 p.m., Ski and Tee.
April 30. Kingsley near State St. Call Elliott Freedman, 5-8786. H480 tically Crystalline Substances," on ment" will be discussed by Prof. John The Muslim Students Association - L
6-- ---92 --. -- ATTIE or 3 days/wk.8:30 -~TR-S~O-TA~~~ Thurs.. Jan. 14, 5 p.m., 1200 Chemn. Bldg. G. Young, director, Engineering Place- Lecture, "Fundamentals of Islam," Jan.
65,PART-TIME, 2 or 3 days/wk. :TRANSPORTATION ,ment, Wed., Jan. 13, inRoom 311West 16, 7:30 p.m., Conference Room 3rd N
MALE ROOMMATE wanted for luxury P.M.-1 A.M., 10 P.M.-2 A.M., 10 A.M.- __-- Math Statistics Seminar - Mr. Paul Engineering Bldg. at 4 p.m. All inter- Floor, Michigan Union. P
FORUM APT. Many extras. 665-5731, 12. Apply in person at Drake's Sand- RIDE TO CHICAGO this weekend want- Boudreau, graduate student in Math, ested students are invited and engineers Bahai Student Group-Lecture-World B
C31 wich Shop after 1 P.M.H3( ed by grad student. Call Dave, 665- ill speak on "FPuntion of Finite who expect to graduate this year are Religion Day, Jan. 17, 3:30 p.m., Un-B
W -FeaeromaetosaeCHILDLESS COUPLE wanted. Live in, 4724. G2 'arkov Chains and Exponential-Type especially urged to attend this meet- ion 3D.
WATED-Female roommate sharercesses," Thurs., Jan. 14, 4 p.m. in University of Michigan Student Em- e
7roms apt, with 2 others. Will have cide.Fb 42.Robad ____
stipendCoil Dr Brookstein 662-1566.RIDERS WANTED to Washington, D.C. Room 3201 Angell Hall. ployee's Union - General Membership -
bdrm, and study. Only $33 per mo. st Leaving Monday, Jan. 12, returning Applications for the Following Schol- Meeting, 7:30 p.m., Sunday, Jan. 17,
Prefer someone with broad interests 14 Sunday, Jan 24. Call Roger, 662-8536. arships are available in office of Michigan Union.
and tolerant disposition. Not too G3 There will be a meeting of students alumnae secretary, Alumni Memorial Inter-Quadrangle Council and As-
neat, not too messy. 34834. C44 BROADCAST ENGINEER wanted. FCC interested in the Washington Summer Hall; they must be returned by Feb. 12; sembly Association - IQC - Assembly
first phone required. ParttIntern PrograJan 21 at 4 p.m in the 1965; recipients will be announced at Sh J 23830 Ella Fit
ROOMMATE WANTED to share large 663-6565. Evenings 663-3672. H6 RIDE WANTED to Chicago leaving Fri. multipurpose room of the Undergrad- e g65 recenptil be anuc at Sho, an. 23, 8:30 pm. Ella Tit.
___ ___- -- Jan. 15, returning Sun., Jan. 17. Will mutproerojfteUdrrd League Recognition Night, March 1, gerald and the Oscar Peterson Trio.
furnished apartment. Low rent, close WANTED: Trained nursery school share expenses. Call Laurie at 764- 1965The University of Michigan Union-
to campus and Med center. 761-0886. 64-1226. The Lucile B. Conger Scholarship is "In the Midst of Plenty," Feb. 15-
C41 t rF op t .2o na r6 2_offered to in-state, undergraduate wom- March 3, Rackham Auditorium.
--v ' " -WAITRESS WANTED. Part-time. Omega BIKES AND SCOOTERS RG N LAT I en on the basis of academic perform-
IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY, modern Restaurant. 105 N. Forest. NO 3-7859. ance, contribution to University life
split-level apts. for 2 or 3, on cam- H Af , oY ES O nand financial need; the stipend is Plae men t
pus. Call 663-8866. C43 HELP WANTED: female, full or part YOU MEET THE NICEST PEOPLE onNOTICES variable.
FEMALE-ROO -MATE wanted for mod- time. Brown Jug, S. Univ. H11 a HONDA! Join the fun at HONDA The Margaret L. Waterman Scholar- PLACEMENT INTERVIEWS: B
FEMALE ROOMMATE wanted for mod- - -- -- -- - -_of Ann Arbor, 1906 Packard Rd. 665- sh ffed t d duatIrits
ern apt. for 4. 665-5405. C32 9281. Z2 ip is ofered o unergradi ewom- of Appointments-Seniors & grad stu-
DRen on the basis f academic perform- dents, please call 764-7460 for appoint-
SALINE, 1 ibedroom, modern ranch, BLOOD DONORS Yamaha with Use of This Column for Announce- ance, contribution to University life, ment with the following
natural fireplace, pets allowed, se-RG SEE IT NOW - The '64 Ymhw ith Ueo hsClm o none and financial need; the stipend is var-} TUES., JAN. 19
luded area. 429-7819. 33 URGENTLY NEEDED the revolutionary new oil injection ments is available to officially recog- iale
__d_____2- __. _3system, No more fuss or muss. nized and registered student organiza- The Luan Peckinpaugh Scholarship is (din stative SuB.An Liachment,
MALE ROOMMATE wanted to share $6 for Rh positive: $7 and $10 for R NICHOLSON MOTOR SALES tions only. Forms are available in Room offered to out-of-state undergraduate
modern apt. Located a few blocks negative. Hours: Mon., 9-4; Fri., 1-7. 223 S. First 1011 SAB. women who have successfully completed
from campus. Call 663-3164. C45 182 yrs.olod need parent's permis- --t Le Cercee Francais, Le Baratin, Ic 14 tir freshman year and have a dem
--- -- - - -~- sion Detroit Blood Service, 5 North WANTED TO BUY eCrl Ercts eBrtn e1 onstrated financial need; the stipend
BE THE FIRST ON YOUR BLOCK to Hamilton, Ypsilanti. Mich. H29 - _ Janvier, le jeudi, 3-5 p.m., 3050 Frieze is variable.
fidbauiu smeivn____Hmitn pslniMc -H9(Bldg.
find beautiful summer living quar- ------ 4x5 PHOTO Enlarger (Solar EnlargerBd The Mary Louise Hinsdale Scholar-
ters-3 man apt,-air conditioner, LOST A FOUND preferred). Call 663-6975. K3 ship, amounting to approximately $180
dishwasher, garbage disposal, Forum I LSTANDFN D pefrrd) Cll66 -695 K Lutheran Student Chapel (National' (interest n the endowment fund) is
S C LOSTA madras walle in Watmraan BUSINESS SERVICES utheran Council), Vespers, Jan. 13, available to undergraduate single om-
C________ 10 p.m., Lutheran Student Chapel, Hill en who are wholly or partially self-
3RD MALE roommate wanted for apt. gyMna afeon.G eru - - ----- _-- -" - - and South Forest. supporting and who do not live in
$40/mo. 665-0726. C34 reward. Call Mike, NO 3-0118. A2 SPECIAL COURSES FOR GRADUATES University residence halls or sorority
TO '63 OLDSMOBILE Starfire Owner- Screening and reading exams in Frene k . Newman Student Association, Open houses. Girls with better than aver-
4TH GIRL wanted to share Modern The hitchhiker from Sat night left and German by a native language meeting of Faculty and Graduate stu- ge scholarship and need will be
Apt. $50 mo. Call NO 5-4736 after 5 2 music books in your car. Please instructor. Graduated rates by group dents, Jan, 13, 8 p.m.; Thursday, Jan. considered.
C46 contact at HU 2-7053 A3 or individual. Mme. Kerr 663-2108. 14; 7 p.m, Meeting for those interested The Laurel Harper Seeley Scho
J3 in being hosts and hostesses at New-Trae andhlarship
SUMMER SUBLET-Four man apt., du- -.-n-----m ntn--dt-w isopen to both graduate and under-
------- ---- -- ---- --------- man Center, coffee and dessert will be
plex. Fully air-cond., dishwasher, and NEW CARS ALTERATIONS and REPAIRS. Call 663- served, Newman Center, 331 Thompson graduate women, The award is made
covered front porch, only 1 block 8253. J2 St.U on basis of scholarship, contribution
from campus. Call 662-9885. C35 - _-.v.eto University life and financial need, ' s
- -- -------------- EUROPEAN CARS, INC. TYPING-Offset and wake-up service. Tutorial and Cultural Relations Pro- the stipend is variable.
ONE FEMALE roommate wanted to HU 2-0191 J5 ject, Orientational Meeting, Jan. 14, The Lucy E. Elliott Fellowship is
mshare luxury apartment for second I NE CR A S V E91. -- 7:15 p.m. Third, Union. open to women graduates of any
50446 E. MhiAND Ysi TUTORING IN FRENCH & GERMAN * * * accredited college or university. It may
2 GIRLS wanted to share.Mimodern Yaptntby native instructor. Graduated rates. IUniversity Lutheran Chapel, Midweek
with grad stud. $58.33/mo. Call 663- nMme. Kerr, 663-2108. J4 Devotion: Pastor Alfred Scheips, Jan.
2993 after 6 p.m. C17 H U 2-2175_ _-__ --113, 10 p.m., 1511 Washtenaw Ave. EEK-END PACKAGE: W
TREAT - -- i-c- d Washtenaw County's only ROOM AND BOARD___ of 8:00-TONIGHT 2 ski days at Sugar Lcwf to
authorized V.W Dealer-- U of M Tang Soo Do Club, First, o
luxury this summer at the Forum utV BOARD FOR MEN at Nelson Interna- meeting of semester, an. 14, 7:30 .m., es; Lodging; and o
Don't pass it up. Call 665-5731 now tional House. Near campus, good food, I.M. Bldg. Gym. Special Partis
C_- CAR SERVICE, ACCESSORIES ce-ed. Cal 665-5703. ES * * * dec
3RD MALE GRAD, needed to share- - - - Young Republican Club, Membership Socialist Science $25 Complete sur
house at 1342 N. Univ. Call 668-8692, FOURTH MAN needed for apt. Junior meeting, Jan. 13, 8 p.m., 3R, Michigan
evenings. 029 RENT A TRUCK or senior. Five month lease. $40 plus Union. Room C-205, Ann Arbor Write:
evenngs. telephone a month. 1129 White St. * CarBber, Mr. Box 727, t. R
RM. WITH garage and kitchen facilities, k (around Yost F.H.). Call 665-8435. E4 Young Socialist Alliance, Speech by High School
all linen furnished, 430 S. 8th. St. $50 Pickups, panels, stakes, and vans.----------------- participant in Berkeley demonstrations,
me. 668-8092. C42 59 Ecorse Rd., Ypsilanti, Mich. ROOM AND BOARD at Nelson Interna- Thurs., Jan. 14, 8 p.m., Room 3C, Socialist Labor Party
-------- ---------- --- 665-0875 or HU 2-4434 51 tional House. Congenial atmosphere, Michigan Union.
109 N. THAYER and other large modern co-ed dining, near campus. Call Pat, -------'- - -
apartments near campus and hospi- USED CARS 665-5703. 6
tals need 1, 2, or 3 roommates. Cam- _-SED_ CARS_65-5703.E6
pus Management NO 2-7787. C20 1962 MONZA, excellent condition, 3500 MEN-Room and board, $17/wk., at
-~-~-._ _~~-miles, new tires, exhaust system, tune co-ops. Call Bob Enszer, 2-4559, or
LUXURY FURNISHED duplex apt, suit- up. Many extras. Best offer over 8-6872. E3
able for 4. 2 blocks to Univ., 2 baths, wholesale value NO 5-6719 after 6
sun-terrace. Call 668-6167. 012 p.m. N4 GRADUATE WOMEN-Room and board,
---------------.- $17.wk. at Mark VIII Co-op, 917 5. -___
3 GRAD. DESIRE 4th girl to share PORSCHE, 1961 Superroadsaft. Excel- Forest. Call Nancy Linn, 2-3121, or
modern, deluxe apt. Call after 6 lent cond. Must sell. NO 2-3777. N 8-6872. E2
p.m. 663-5252. C36N
WANTED-Female grad student, 2ndE3
semester to share comfortable 2-man
apt, near campus. Call 665-2565. C30
3rd RMMT. wanted for apt. 4 roomsAstudentsinterested in knowng
plus baths. Rent $50 a month. Call
Carrel Miller or Dave Garelick at NO
8-6284. C47a-
3RD ROOMMATE wanted for 5 room
apt. Close to campus. Call 663-1659 STUDENT GOVERNMENT COUNCIL
New furn. one and two bdrm. apts. for.I

nkt. res., prod., & territ. sales. Also
interviewing for Archer Alum. Div.
Please 1o to Engrg. Placement Office,
128-H W. Engrg. Bldg. and sign ached-
le. If you are registered with the
ureau let us know the time of your
ppointment so we can send credentials
o engrg. office.
HURS., JAN. 21
Montgomery Ward and Co.-Seeking
egrees in Econ, Lib. Arts, Chem., &
us. Admin. for positions in mgmt.
;rng., merchandising & personnel.
ocated throuout U.S. Men & women.
Chemical Bank New York Trust Co.,
.Y.C.-B.A. in Econ, Engl, Hist., Math,
oli Sci., Psych, etc. for positions in
anking-mgmt. trng.
General Foods Corp.-B.A. in Econ.
Gen. Lib. Arts for positions in sales,
con. & prod. Located thruout the U.S.

t aeflse

.. ... . ...
bring you great skiing at Sugar
af Mountain, where everything
new and fun. Glass-enclosedsun
ck at the summit, so bring your
n-tan lotion and your guitar!
Phone Area 616. . 228-5461.

709 Packard
open every night 'til 12
LOTS OF ROOM in The Daily
fieds for your ad.



Has Genuine LEVI's Galore!
"White," and 5 Colors
For "Guys and Gals"
Cord. SLIM-FITS-$5.98
Never Needs Ironing
Asst'd. Colors-$6.98


2, 3, or 4 near Hill St. $165, $195,
662-1784 or 663-2800.



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are invited to attend a meeting
at 4:00 Thurs., Jan. 14
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LEVI'S Dungarees-$4.49
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Deliveries Start Jan. 17 and continue through April 17
excluding University recess
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gan Daily Business Staff. Mass meet-
ings on Wed., January 13, at 4:15 p.m.,






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