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April 07, 1965 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1965-04-07

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See Editorial Page

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Continued mild
through Thursday

Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom



Protest Group

To Lobby

Advocates SACUA



j Highlighting the trend towards
greater support of the Faculty-
Student Committee to End the
War in Viet Nam, the longer es-
tablished University Committee on
Problems of War and Peace has
joined forces, and will co-sponsor
a faculty delegation to Washing-
ton to join in a nationwide "Aca-
demic Lobby"
Six University professors com-
prising the delegation will join

approximately 50 other professors
from universities and colleges all
over the nation in a massive lob-
bying endeavor, the purpose of
which is to convince their re-
spective Congressmen of the il-
legality of the war in Viet Nam.
They are protesting the escala-
tion of a war that has not been
legally declared the group said. We
are protesting against Johnson's
policy of "No expression of policy,"
declared Prof. Marshall Sahlins

of the anthropology department. "
member of the delegation.
"We six are going in cooperation
with the University Committee in
urging our opposition to the war By LAURENCE MEDOW
to our representatives," Sahlins B UE
continued. The main issue is the The concept of fraternities and
breakdown in representative pro- sororities must be modified and
cesses." put back in context with the Uni-
The group feels that the Gal- versity, James W. Shaw ,assistant
lop Polls, in addition to other to Associate Dean James H. Rob-
mass communication surveys have ertson of the literary college, said
well demonstrated the country's last night in a speech at the an-


Re structure

Group Votes
Six to Five


Action Project Instituted

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- Judiciary Committee Fals
To Act on State Board Bill
The Senate Judiciary Committee failed to act yesterday on a
proposed constitutional amendment that would give the State Board
of Education authority to make decisions binding on individual state
colleges and universities.
Sen. Basil Brown (D-Detroit), the committee's chairman, had
stated Saturday that he expected to bring the proposed amendment
out of committee to the Senate floor with a favorable recommenda-
tion at yesterday's meeting.
However, almost the entire meeting was devoted to hearings on
a bill to bring the administration of trust funds at state instituions,
- - - - -'-- - -'"including colleges and universities,
APU~A G t sunder the supervision of the State
APA Cites Attorney General.

Record Sale
In the first week of sales for the
)1965 Fall Festival of the Associa-
tion of Producing Artists a record
1,000 subscriptions were sold.
l Prof. Robert Schnitzer, execu-
tive director of the Professional
Theatre Program, advises students
to buy their season tickets before
school is over in April
Despite the fact that the an-
nouncement of plays will not be
made until later this month,
A lecture demonstration on
"Japanese Music: Nagauta and
Matsuri Bayashi" by William
P. Malam of the University
Japanese Study Group will be
held today at 8:30 p.m. in
Rackham Lecture Hall. Yester-
day's Daily was in error as to
the date of the talk.
Schnitzer said that the large num-
bers of subscribers reflect the
community's admiration of the
The repertory troupe is current-
ly appearing at the Phoenix The-
atre in New York City in "War
and Peace," "Judith," and "Man
and Superman."

"It is likely that hearings on
the trust funds bill will take up
most of our time for the next two
weeks," Sen. John McCauley (D-
Wyandotte), a member of the
committee, reported yesterday.
"We probably won't vote on the
state board amendment until this
matter is taken care of."
The state board presently is
empowered only to give advisory
opinions on matters concerning
schools offering baccalaureate de-
gree programs.
Its powers are not specifically
enumerated in the new state con-
stitution and are quite contro-
The amendment, proposed by
Sen. Edward Robinson (D-Dear-
born), would increase the new
board's authority, putting it above
the governing boards of the indi-
vidual schools.
While it would have the power
to decide on any matter of inter-
nal school policy, Brown indicated
that the board would probably be
most active in financing, long-
range policy decisions and matters
affecting the entire state.
The University and other major
state-supported schools have tra-
ditionally opposed limitations on
their autonomous status such as
those included in the Robinson

widespread dissatisfaction with nual Fraternity and Sorority Pres-!
the Viet Nam situation. idents' Banquet. Shaw spoke on
By meeting with members of "The Role of Fraternities and
5 Congress, the "lobbyists" intend to Sororities and the Intellectual
"discuss alternatives in hope that Life."
their representatives will raise de- "A fraternity is a social orga-
bate on the issue," Sahlins dis- nization but it must be kept in
closed. "We are against escalation perspective," Shaw said ."The sys-
and for negotiation." tem exists in an academic set-,
In addition to the Washington ting."
Lobby, the University Faculty . The issue faced by the system:
Committee to End the War in Viet is survival in the face of in-
Nam has other plans in the off- creased academic pressure, accord-
ing, all of which will be discussed ing to Shaw. It is often said that
at an open meeting to be held to- at least half of what is learned
day at 4 p.m. in Aud. A. of Angell is learned outside the classroom,
Hall. Shaw commented, "but you must
Under discussion will be plans remember the other 50 per cent."
for a Nationwide Teach-in tenta- Academic Difficulties
Lively scheduled for early May. Academic difficulty is both a
Already, over 48 universities and I cause and effect in fraternity liv-
colleges have announced plans to ing, Shaw said. He suggests a;
hold Teach-Ins patterned after merging of the functions of the
the one held at the University on University and the Greek system,
March 24. Sites being considered as a remedy.j
for the proposed National Teach- "Does the goof-off come to thej
In include the United Nations in system or does the system do
New York, Washington, or.nation- something to its members?" Shaw
ally televised closed circuit tele- asked. To get the right people in
vision. the system fraternities and sorori-
Today's meeting will also in- ties must take on a new attitude
lude on its "open agenda," de- toward rush, emphasizing aca-
finitive plans for the support of demics and intellectualism as well
the Student March on Washing- as social life, he said.
ton to protest the War in Viet If the fraternity is the cause
Nam on April 17, which is being of declining grade points, the
sponsored ley the Students for a causes must be removed, Shaw
Democratic Society. Buses are remarked. Fraternities should get
scheduled to leave from the Uni- away from fining members for
versity to Washington on Friday, not attending functions, let them
April 16 and will return Sunday, study and eliminate the false com-
April 18. radery of sharing notes, papers
Prof. William Gamson of theI and research.
sociology department has received Exam Files
the pledge of "individual faculty Exam files are a compromise
assistance on a tutorial basis or and do more harm than good by{
otherwise to those students who showing people that tests can be
participate in the march on passed this way, Shaw added.
Washington." This intellectual attitude should
Letters have been sent to all carry over into pledge programs,
members of the faculty, asking making them more challenging,
for a pledge of one day's salary he said. Shaw suggests self-eval-
for the support of continued pro- uation programs of activities and,
test activities. This first all-cam- goals for both pledges and theI
pus "pay-in," which sets its sights whole house. In addition, projects!
on obtaining contributions from should be undertaken to get books
10 per cent of the faculty, will for house libraries and to expand
enable "greater participation" and the reading material available to
"help the academic community members beyond Life and Play-
rise above its own impotence in boy.
matters of organized criticism of Fraternities must also learn to
unjust policies," the committee use the faculty in the right way.I
reported. "Most of the faculty does not


"The problem of poor rural
standards of living cannot be solv-
ed by moving the local inhabitants
to an urban society," Burt Phil-
lips, Dean of Students at Tuskegee
College said yesterday in a col-
loquim on rural life in the South.
He emphasized the fact that he
was speaking "as an involved per-
son," because of the location of
Tuskegee and because of the pro-
grams toward rural redevelop-
ment the college was undertaking.
In line with the belief that mov-
ing the poor residents of the rural
South to an urban area would not
solve any of their problems Tuske-
gee is instituting a massive com-
munity action program, Phillips
The project entails the estab-
lishment of 60 centers in the heart
of the Alabama "black belt," he
said. These centers will be stuffed
by 600 volunteer workers, from
,the college.
Purpose of Centers
The purpose of these centers1
would be to help educate the pop-
ulation and raise its present living
"If something isn't done now a!
whole generation of children will
be lost," Phillips said. The results
could go in two directions. Either,
today's youngsters will follow their
parent's footsteps of waiting, or
they will move to the 'left. "A
move to the left would mean re-'
moving the non-violent element'
of the Student Nonviolent Coor-{
dinating Committee platform!
causing an all out shooting war,"
Phillips explained.
'On the whole the' leaders and
strongest participants of the ra-
cial movements have been white,"!
Phillips said. He cited several
reasons for this.
First, the middle class Negroes
who would have the means and
the knowledge to move toward
action are too concerned with
maintaining their status quo. "He
is afraid that if he acts it would
jepordize the position he has ob-
tained," he explained.
Second, those in the lower class
bracket have become accustomed

-Daily-Thomas R. copi

Mississippi, addressed an audience yesterday on rural poverty in
the South,
Urges Uniform Methods
Public acountants must give investors accurate reports on com-
panies, based on -standardized accounting methods, Leonard Spacek
said yesterday.
In a talk on "The Public Investor's Interest and the Public
Accountant's Responsibility" at the business school, Spacek attacked
inconsistencies in methods of accounting. He said public accountants
should work as "umpires" in disputes about accounting. He said
that because of different account-
ing methods clients say: "but that D
company uses -these methods, why Di11sc s se
can't we?" A recognized code of
practices is needed, Spacek said. Of Rackha
"There are no recognized prin-

ITA Trains New Ei

Since 1962, the engineering col-
lege has been cooperating with the
Agency for International Develop-
ment (AID) in an effort to im-
prove and expand the curriculum
of the- Aeronautical Institute of
Technology (ITA) in Brazil.
The aims of the engineering col-
lege in this project, as cited Dean
James C. Mouzen of the engineer-
ing college in a report given to
AID, have been "to analyze exist-
ing programs at ITA" and to
train Brazilian professors to carry
on the work of the Michigan group
after they complete their project.
When AID initiated this pro-
gram in 1962, the Institute had
already been in existence for about
twelve years. Formed by the Bra-!
zilian Air Ministry to deal with!
civil and military needs in aero-
nautics and electronics, it also
hoped to provide a model for other
existing Brazilian engineering
schools. It is still unique in Brazil
today, because of such features
as a full-time faculty, compulsory
class attendance and entrance
First Ten Years
In its first ten years ITA grad-
uated 128 electronics engineers
and 296 aeronautical engineers.
After receiving its , contract in
1962, the Michigan group has
switched the emphasis from aero-
nautical engineering to the more
presing field of mechanical en-
gineering. Next year it will grad-
uate its first forty mechanical
ITA hopes that it can institute
a master's degree program in me-

"making definite plans to term-
inate its formal contribution to
ITA by'1968 or 1969." Before that
time, "we hope to consolidate our
gains and get ITA well on its way
toward a master's degrees program
in mechanical engineering," he
pointed out.
Between now and the formal
termination of the project in 1968
or 1969, Mouzen said that they are
considering sending engineering
college faculty for shorter periods
of time in an attempt to allay the
scarcity of good teachers. Their

know what goes on in the houses, to the belief that nothing can be1
and fraternities should try to get done about the present situation
the faculty involved. This cannot and that their only hope is con-
be accomplished by invitations to tinuing to lead as good a life as
dinner alone," Shaw commented. possible. "Part of the reason this
In conclusion, Shaw asked the belief has been developed is be-
n igrneers 'fraternity and sorority presidents cause of the Negro church in the
to exercise their leadership in South. It strongly preaches the
"playing according to academic afterlife as the important thing
length of stay will be reduced to rules rather than social rules. and so one must not worry about
a semester, instead of the present Most University students care for the present life," Phillips said.
minimum of two years. academics but they must be free Phillips critized the present war
Mouzen asserts that the Univer- to express their concern in their on poverty program because it
sity is playing a sociological as houses," Shaw said. deals primarily with the urban
well as an educational role in Outstanding Greek Awards were areas and neglecting the rural
Brazil. He feels that the Univer- presented to Penny Ingram, '65, areas.
sity team has provided the neces- and Fred Lambert, '66, at the ban- "Most of the officials in charge
sary leadership, and he hopes quet for their contributions and I have no idea of the conditions and
that, "at the end of the program achievements in their houses, the needs of the people," he re-
the Brazilian administrators will Panhellenic Association and Inter- I marked. "They should have some-
have learned something from see- fraternity Council and the cam- one who has lived in the South
ing a group of people come to pus community. Past officers of and know what conditions are
their country and work together IFC and Panhel were also hon- really like" run the program, he
for a common goal." ored. asserted.


ciples in accounting."
Spacek said the Accounting1
Principles Board has only issued
"contradictory statements of prin-
ciples." He noted that the prin-
ciples involved are similar to all
As an example of the harm done
by different methods, Spacek
pointed to recent news releases
that Bethlehem Steel Corporation
had increased in earnings 44 per
cent, while Inland Steel Corpora-
tion had increased 27 per cent.
Actually, both companies "had the
same increase in earnings," he
Different accounting methods
resulted in different reports, he
explained. Yet the investor does
not know this, he said. He is given
a false comparative picture, one
that will influence his decisions
in buying and selling stocks. It is
the responsibility of the profes-
sion of public accounting to give
investors accurate accounting bas-
ed on uniform methods, he con-

Having been approached by the
ad hoc Committee on Apartheid
about the possibility of delegat-
ing one of their members to sit
on the committee, Graduate Stu-
dent Council decided last night
not to send anyone formally, but
left the door open for anyone of
their members to sit informally
on the anti-apartheid group.
In further GSC action, Dean
Stephen Spurr of the graduate
school appeared before council to
discuss with, it the policies on
use of Rackham Building facili-
In the past, political functions
have not been allowed in Rack-
ham, Spurr noted. "However, I
am not sure this is a valid position
today," he said.
The consensus of the council
was that any function could be
held in Rackham if it were of a
sufficiently high intellectual level
to interest students at the grad-
uate level, but Spurr said that it
would be at least another year be-
fore any concrete policy could be

For Proposal
Plan Seeks To Give
Faculty More Power
To Act on 'U' Policy
The Senate Advisory Commit-
tee on University Affairs disclos-
ed yesterday that it will recom-
mend for approval the Senate re-
organization proposal.
After months of controversy,
SACUA voted by a margin of six
to five to approve the motion
which will be presented to the
Faculty Senate at its annual
spring meeting April 12.
Prof. Richard Wellman of the
Law School, chairman of SACUA,
although he did not vote, main-
tains the same position he held
last fall-that the proposed re-
organization of the Senate is es-
sentially unnecessary and possi-
bly detrimental to the Senate's
First Proposed
First proposed by the Subcom-
mittee on University Freedom and
Responsibility in the spring of
1964, the plan seeks to revise the
Senate organization so that fac-
ulty can "speak out forcefully and
promptly on University policy."
The new organization would
consist of the University Senate,
the University Assembly and the
Senate Advisory Committee for
University Affairs. The Senate,
composed of 1200 men, with pro-
fessorial rank, would continue
meeting once a semester. Any of
its members would be allowed to
speak at Assembly sessions. As-
sembly members would be elected
by the Senate.
The 65-man Assembly, the leg-
islative arm of the Senate, would
meet monthly and have authority
to represent the whole faculty.
Each school, college or recognized
unit will have at feast one mem-
ber in the Assembly.
Executive Arm
The Senate's executive arm, the
Advisory Committee on University
Affairs, would consist of nine
members and meet weekly instead
of monthly as is presently done.
In their March 15 report, the
Subcommittee on University Free-
dom and Responsibility main-
tains it found almost no one who
is satisfied with the present role
of the Senate.
One reason for discontent, the
report states ,is that Senate de-
cisions are discounted because so
few members attend meetings and
vote. The counsel of a rehabilitat-
ed Senate would not go unregard-
ed since the new Senate would be
"well-attended, alert and inform-
Reduce Membership
The subcommittee proposes to
make SACUA more effective by
reducing its members from 19 to
nine so that it could meet more
frequently and convene with ex-
ecutive members more easily.
The keystone in the proposed
organization is the Assembly ,the
legislative body of the Senate. De-
signed to make decisions without
delay, it would receive and act
upon reports from SACUA and all
other committees. It would be ob-
ligated to report to the Senate
and ask for major policy decisions
from that body.
To the argument that faculty
members are too much involved
in their own specialties to care
about University policy, the sub-
committee replies that faculty will
come to realize their freedom to
teach and study may be jeopardiz-
ed by the lack of involvement in
.iuestions of support and control.
'Advise and Consult'
To the contention that admin-
istration should be left to ad-
ministrators, the subcommittee

answers that Senate representa-
tives will not finally determine
or execute policies but will "advise
and consult."
The dissenters, in opposing the
proposals of the subcommittee,
replied they "do not mean to re-
ject the idea of encouraging more
involvement by faculty members

Students A bandon Hoops, Take Up Skateboards

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