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(Z r
:43 a t ly
Chance of snow in morning
turning to rain in afternoon
Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom
VOL. LXXV, No. 155
To Appeal
Prefer No Second
Guess on Grades
"Freedom to teach and freedom
to learn are indivisible. Freedom
to learn depends upon appropriate
conditions and opportunities in
the classroom, as well as oppor-
;unities to exercise the rights of
citizenship on and off the cam-
pus." This is the opening of the
American Association of Univer-
sity Professors' policy draft on
student academic freedom.
Review of Grade Disputes
The first specific point of thej
draft under discussion at theUni-
versity chapter meeting-last nightI
n ra
Strike Paralyzes
'orm of Pan Am Airlines
RNA Acid
Research Yields
New Techniques
Pilots' Decision To Walkout Based
On Fewer Work Hours Demands
NEW YORK (/P)-Pan American Airways pilots struck last night
in a work contract dispute, crippling all but government-leased
operations of America's largest overseas air carrier.
was the statement "The faculty
should establish an orderly pro- From left to right are shown Rudolph Serkin, pianist; Jean Martinon, conductor of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra; Phyllis Curtin,E
cedure whereby student allega- soprano of the Metropolitan Opera; and George Saell, condictor of the Cleveland Symphony Orchestra, who will all be part of the
tions of prejudice or error in the 1965-66 Choral Union Series, Extra Series and Chamber Arts Series. The three series, under the sponsorship of the University Musical
awarding of grades or the evalua- Society, will feature six major symphony orchestras, piano, violin and operatic recitals, two classical ballet and one ethnic dance pro-
ion of progress toward a degree gram, a chorus, three operas, and a variety of instrumental ensembels from six countries. Season ticket orders or single concert
academic authority." requests may be made at the Musical Society offices in Burton Memorial Tower.
Panelist John J. ManningJr
administrative assistant in the FREE SPEECH MOVEMENT:
literary college Junior - Senior
Counselling Office, explained that'
"the general position of the col-Aai atA B Df n e®
lee is that the professor runs
his awn ship" and that those who;.
have any contact with students in
an administrative way are relu - By DICK WINGFIELD organization will work toward free ,versity. At present the organiza- the content of the publication was
aant to get involved in grading speech and due process of law Ition can only express its wishes unbecoming of students and that
disputes. The Free Speech Movement at when students face violations of by defending particular cases. he was arbitrarily exercising his.
There was a great deal of ar- Berkeley has been informally dis- these rights," Miss Goldberg said. j power as chancellor.
gument over the "implication" of solved as an activist organization, The "Spider" case, an outstand-
the draft statement that a legal according to a prominent mem- One reason for the dissolving of ing example of the new organiza- The revised organization is now
tribunal be established. Faculty ber of the organization. Suzanne the FSM, and for the group as- tion's defense efforts, resulted in working to preclude arbitrary
members concurred with the view Goldberg said that the movement suming a defense function was a joint conference including Act- power of the administration by
exits n deene cpaity (the December 8th resolution by1 ing Chancellor Meyerson, the pub-! including in the new universityI
of Prof. John H. Romani of the now exists in a defense capacity. the the Academic Senate which fully lish f th "Spider," rules provisions for free speech
public health school who said that The function of the movement supported the Free Speech Move- Professors Stampp and Searle and and due process of law.
he would "bridle when someone now is to assure that due process ment and. seemed to indicate aP fese tornd Hoffman
hands down statements that my of law Is obtained by all students change in sentiment toward the When asked why the publication When Acting Chancellor Meyer-
judgment as a professor is to be accused of infractions of univer- objectives o i the movement, was baned Myerso saidat i son first reprimanded the people
second-guessed by someone else." sity rules. The revised organiza- However, the Academic Senate was banned, Meyerson said that selling "Snider" he ordered them
Grade-Consciousness tion will keep a particularly close has been frequently overruled by to cease and desist. He threaten-
Kenneth Winter, '66, ex-Daily vigil on cases involving free speech the Regents and rather than , +ed that if they didn't they would
managing editor, representing stu- and political activity, change in administrative policy, 33l1pp3ol 'LS be summarily suspended for 30
dent opinion on the panel, agreed The precise activities of the new the resolution actually constitutes days if they were students; if they
with the faculty position for oth- movement will not be defined un- a degree of faculty support for UE QI-tamr j1 were not students, Meyerson de-
er reasons. He felt that naccur- til the rules of the university are the ideals of the FSM, Miss Gold- 'dared that they were subject to
ate grading is a crisis of great released regarding freedom of berg said. arrest. It was at this juncture that
moment to a student, and that speech. However, the defense The resolution, a document de- Student Government Council, the members of the revised Free
such a tribunal would increase function of the group has been signed entirely by faculty mem- passed a motion last night sup- , Speech Movement stepped in to
grade-consciousness, expressed several times - notably bers, provides for: Porting the Univers'ty of Michi- appeal for the students' freedom
The next issue created somewhat in the Spider case, a litigation in- -The content of speech not be- gan Student Employees Union call of speech.1
inth Sidrcaea iigtin n Te onet f pec nt e-1for a University statement on Ia oti edta h e
of a controversy within the meet- volving individual students selling ing subject to regulation; mi ae It was to this end that the new
ing. This was the draft's state- a publication allegedly "obscene." -The time, place and manner movement questioned Meyerson'
ment on disclosure of the stu- Arbitrary Injunctions of political discussion being reg- They will send a letter to Uni- reasons for banning the publica-
dent's record. Prof. Marvm Fel "At the present it is still possi- ulated only to prevent interfer- versity President Harlan Hatcher tion.,
helm of the English denartkment ble for the administration's Stu-|ence with the normal functions of requesting a statement on the Ad- Public Courts
and another professor at the meet- dent Committee on Political Ac- ' the university. ministration's position. The motion Specifically, in this case, the or-
ing advocatedadlat'policy to tivity to continue injunction with- Joint Conference was presented by Rachel Amado,
release only the student s academ- out guaranteeing due process of The members of the old FSM '67, Stephen Daniels, '67, and ganization requested that hearings
is tanscipt Accrdig toonebe postponed until they could be
ic transcript. According to one law, as that committee did in the will work toward integrating these Mickey Eisenberg, '67. heard in public courts where citi-
professor, It is the responsibility Spider case recently. The revised provisions in the rules of the uni- SOC also passed a motion con-i zenship rights are effective. In
of an educational institution to ____ __--_enneeatso h ntd
safeguard the freedom of the stu- crigdelegatesotd the Uni- ersity fo ns
dent while he is here so that he 'I* . ttsNtoa tdnsAsca a person may be called to testify
m ctwihutrcarne'othe Phoen x Pro ect Plagued by in Congress. The selection of
may ac"ihu ocr oth n xjIeasmdagainst himself, while in public
effect on his future career." will be ernteadlegteswil courts the defendant may not be
Ra'sponibirity to Socoiety o rt by the Interviewing and Selection compelled to testify.
On the other hand, Romanifelt1 nn a Committee.g
that he was "not so sure that there tAll delegates to the 1965 con- In the "Spider" case the univer-
is riot also a responsibility of ther I ference will be required to submit sity contended that the students
instittiotsoeparbiularlyhea report concerning how the con- ' were guilty of poor conduct and
institution to society, particularly By LYNN METZGER gress recommendations might be ' social immorality. In this matter
where the student is being consid-
ered for a professional position. In One of the most productive centers for research in the peaceful plans for campus activities, speech organization argued not
this case, things beyond his aca- uses of nuclear energy, the University's Phoenix Project, may soon Additionally, the organization that the students were innocent
demic record are significant." be entering a period of financial problems. for Moral Rearmament presented j necessarily; rather, they contend-
The last issue that the meeting An original fund-raising drive for a nuclear research project, a film to Council. They will hold ed that the defendants should 'be
dealt with fully was the question to serve as a memorial for the University's war dead, collected a conference this summer on allowed to plead their case upon
of student freedoms of, "religion. $6 million, and in 1947 the Phoenix Project was created. In 1959 Mackinaw Island. the principle of freedom of speech.
spethe right to petition the authori- another fund-raising drive was
ties that citizens generally have," held which collected an additional INTEGRATIVE PRINCIPLE:
both on and off campus. $4 million but the Phoenix Project
Most faculty members felt that is now running into financial dif-
the University has no special jur- ficulties.
isdiction over student actions of Prof. William Kerr, acting head7gJlli# re S 1
campus. The issue of on campus of the Phoenix Project, explained
lem. Manning introduced the House Foundation, offering grants By JULIE W. FITZGERALD
problem of the Trigon fraternity and laboratory facilities to both
case, in which he noted the "sin- University and non-Universityad In order for the student to gayn an integrative principle of
gular disinvolvement" of faculty. researchers, experimenting in the himself in relation to his education, he must first take a long
Winter Dissents peaceful uses of nuclear energy. look at himself and then take the time to become acquainted with "
Winter disagreed with some fac- If a faculty researcher does not faculty members on a one-to-one basis.
ulty members when he said that have sufficient funds to pay for Speaking yesterday in the Michigan League, John J. Manning,
the University should close its eyes the use of the Project's equipment administrative assistant in the Literary College Junior-Senior Coun-
to what goes on within organiza- they may use it free of charge. selling Office, gave the first in a series of "Last Chance Speeches"
tions as far as the use of Univer- For this reason and also because sponsored by the University's Activities Center.
sity facilities to advocate civil dis- independent grants are given by
obedience. the Phoenix Project the $10 mil- The speeches are an opportunity for faculty members to lecture
lion has dwindled to $500,000." as if it were the last time they could have a public forum for their
This is posing several problems opinions. Manning is also an instructor in the English dept.
Aid to Aged for the project and Kerr has es- Manning noted that the University is fragmentized and there-
timated that present operations fore has no integrating force to pull it together. The same applies
Three years of research into the Shortly after the line's 1528 members of the Air Line Pilots
nature of a substance essential to Association called the strike at 7 p.m., a union spokesman said Pan
cell metabolism ended recently Am planes chartered for government flights to Viet Nam, the Far
when a team of Cornell research- East and Germany and for other vital military movements would take
ers announced the discovery of off as scheduled.
the chemical structure of one Leverett Edwards, a member of the National Mediation Board
form of riboneucleic acid. which had figured in the months of negotiations, said no further
More than the elucidation of talks were scheduled bewteen ---_
the structure of the specific RNA I company and union negotiators. I
is of importance to biochemistry, The airline employs some 26,500 Co ntinue
for the team developed a new persons throughout the world-
technique which may be a valu- wide system
able aid in further investigations Pan Am issued a statement asy- 0 Fli t
The team, headed by Prof. caused the public by the failure to
Robert W. Holley of Cornell's bio- reach an agreement with the
chemistry department, was work- pilots' negotiating committee." By JOHN MEREDITH
ing to discover the structure of a The line said it had agreed to "The Advisory Committee on
form of RNA called alanine accept a formula suggested by a University Branches reiterated its
transfer RNA. The transfer ribo- federal mediator, and the Pilots position against the University's
acids from intracellular fluids to Association turned it down. proposed development of a four
the ribosomes, the seat of protein The mediator's plan, Pan Am year program at its Flint branch
synthesis. said, called for a five per cent this fall at a meeting with the
On the ribosomes, with infor- boost in salaries and other bene- StateaBoard of Education yester
maton arred romthenuceusfits which the carrier estimated day, according to board chairman
motion carried from the nucleus sol otPnA 1 ilo Thomas Brennan.
by messenger RNA and the ribo- would cost Pan Am $14.4 million
some RNA, proteins are synthe- over the next two years. The group, commonly called the
sized. Proteins are the mechanism In Chicago, a spokesman for Davis committee, issued an ad-
of cellular metabolism, the pilots said "the company made visory opinion to the Michigan
First Problem no satisfactory proposals during Coordinating Council for Public
The first problem the research- these negotiations to solve the Higher Education last December
ers had to solve was that of iso- problems of our workers." which criticized the value of
lating the alanine transfer RNA. The spokesman said the stale- branches as a means of expanding
There are approximately 60 trans- mate occurred over consecutive educational facilities in Michi-
fer ribonucleic acids, and years of working hours, and that wages gan and specifically recommended
research into the isolation process were not a stumbling block. that the University postpone its
preceded the investigations into He said pilots now can be re- plans to expand Flint until a
the structure of the molecule. quired to fly as many as 16 con- master plan for education in
Out of 300 pounds of baker's secutive hours, and that the pilots' Michigan is developed.
yeast. Holley's team was able to association had been seeking "Board members had little
claim about a gram of the nucleic shorter consecutive working hours. chance to discuss the Davis com-
acid for study purposes. Although the current three- mittee's comments among them-
The new technique they used year contract will not expire until selves," Brennan commented. "The
was that of splitting the molecule July 1, it was reopened forbnego- board will begin seriously con-
at known places by digesting it tiation in December, 1963, by the sidering the Flint question next
Cwith diferent enzymes. The frag- pilots group to voice their de- Tuesday or Wednesday."
ments of the molecule were an- mands fsr hour cuts and wage Nothing New
alyzed and the order in which the increases. nBoard member Edwin Novak
77 sub-units of the RNA chain are i The reopening of neogitations cnimdta h or rb
ara"ng""ed o were read, hia was allowed under a special clause confirmed that the board prob-
The discery erevea s .ein the current contract. ably will issue an advisory opinio
The discovery of the structure The National Mediation Board on Flint next week, adding that
of this substance is essential to + nothing new came up at today's
entered the dispute last year, baut
understanding of the function of closed its file on the matter last
RNA. It is also an important step Feb. 23. A 30-day cooling off per-
in the development of ways to iod followed automatically under
synthesize the nucleic acid in the provisions of the National Railway
laboratory.posnotNt aRi Act.
' u rrooAems
In addition, although there are
still fundamental problems to be
overcome, the technique thetCor-
nell team developed has been call-
ed an important first step in the
search to fully understand DNA.
Urres Boycott
For Alabama
BALTIMORE (P)-Rev. Martin
Luther King gave further Indica-
tions last night that he intends
to press for an economic boycott
of Alabama.
"Something must be done to
prod the business community and
the good people of Alabama. If it
takes economic pressure to do this,
we have a moral obligation to do
it in Alabama," King said.
The pilots, who earlier had
authorized a strike, were free to
leave their jobs last Friday but
they pushed the deadline to last
night in order to give Pan Am
and the public what they con-
sidered adequate notification
In those parts of the nation and
the world serviced by Pan Am,
the paralysis began to take its
toll of operations, with flights de-
layed or canceled outright within
minutes after the strike order
Some Pan Am operational
points, such as Miami, saw no im-
mediate effects of the strike since
no flights were scheduled until
this morning.
In San Francisco, pilots refused
to take off a Pan Am plane bound
for Panama while they awaited
last minute word on the negotia-
tions underway right up to the
7 p.m. deadline in New York.
Brennan explained that the
board discussed many issues with
the Davis committee, giving spe-
cial emphasis to community col-
"The board will probably begin
screening candidates for a com-
mittee to advise it on community
colleges next week, and members
were interested in the Davis com-
mittee's opinions on the general
functioning of such a committee,"
Brennan said.
He added that an advisory board
to deal with the development of a
master plan for higher education
in Michigan will also be named
Diversification Sought
"The board will aim for a di-
versified membership on this
committee," Brennan said. "It will
not be dominated by educators,
although representatives from the
educational community, the com-
munity college committee and pri-
vate colleges will probably be in-
tudent-Faculty Contact
y"The only place the integrating force can come from is from
yourselves," Manning noted, and "most students don't have it.
"The administration takes an institutional view of students and
the students take an institutional view of the University," he added.
The "quintessence of education" is a dialogue between student and
faculty member on a one-to-one basis.
"We are confronted with cure-alls that don't zero in on anything
that is a solid basis for education," Manning said. The suggestions
are institutional and say nothing about the issue of education.
Manning cited suggestions such as students signing their own
election cards and dividing the Literary College into three parts-
the humanities, social sciences and sciences-as examples of in-
stitutional solutions to an educational problem.
Manning's idea is to have students and faculty join in a
"gigantic conspiracy" to change the institutional nature of the
University to a system predicated on educational values, avoiding
the superfluities of the "institutional" University.
If education were practiced on a one-to-one relationship
between students and professors, many professors would welcome
the greater opportunity to get to know their students, he said.
"Some faculty members are committed to teaching but get
discouraged when the learning never goes beyond the classroom,"
he added.
Passes Senate
can only be contnued for another
two or three years.
Kerr sees three possible solu-
to the literary college.
The ieason for this is-that beliefs are private now when once
th d,~ t bhP social- Manning said. Sx hundred years ago the
The Michigan Senate carved tions to the financial problems: "L' ra "' U' 'I "'i' "---------- - - --
almost $10 million off a House- -The Phoenix Project might informing principle for society was the common bond of Christianity.
approved property tax relief plan benefit from some of the dona- But in Ann Arbor, 1965, there is no common frame of reference.
for homeowners Tuesday night tions collected as part of the Uni- Manning said the students that come into the counselling
and started their $12.3 million versity's sesquicentennial anniver- Man't said the sds that co to-the cnelling
package on its way to Gov. George saryefund drive to set up an en- office don't seem to have a spark going forthemr-the integrating
Romney's desk. dowment fund to cover continuing Hdforce.
House concurrence is required operational costs. He commented that where students are looking for this irte