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Johnson Labels Bombing
In Saigon as 'Wanton Act'
Court Dismisses Rights Suit
By The Associated Press
President Lyndon B. Johnson
assailed the Saigon Embassy
bombing as "a wanton act of
ruthlessness" t h a t will only
strengthen American determina-
tion to help South Viet Nam yes-
terday amid speculation that the
United States would retaliate.
Johnson issued a sharply word-
ed statement which stated that
"outrages like this will only rein-
force the determination of the
American people and government
to continue and to strengthen
their asistance and support for
the people and government of
Viet Nam.
"I shall request Congress for
authority and funds for the im-
mediate construction of a new
chancery for the American Em-
bassy in Saigon at once," John-
son declared.
Stirs Speculation
The terrorist bombing, which
killed 17 persons and wounded at
least 151, stirred speculation that
the U.S. may strike in reprisal at
Hanoi, the capital of Communist
North Viet Nam.
The British expected the U.S.
to retaliate by a massive air raid
last night.
Foreign office experts sought to
assess the implications of what
seemed to them the biggest and
most spectacular Viet Cong oper-
ation of the war in South Viet
Hard Blow
British authorities said they also
foresee a hard blow to hopes of
arranging early talks to end the
Former British Foreign Secre-
tary Patrick Gordon Walker is
preparing to fly to the area to
investigate prospects of a political
solution. His plan is to enter Pe-
king and Hanoi if Red Chinese
and North Vietnamese leaders
allow him in for peace talks.
The Viet Cong bombing well
may turn out to be only the pre-
lude to a wider and more inten-
sive campaign of terror against
the civil population of South Viet
Nam, officials said.
Civilian Morale
Lately South Vietnamese civil-
ian morale has been reported ris-
ing with the growing involvement
of U.S. forces in the fighting.
The British suspect that the
Viet Cong now may be starting.
an all-out attempt to destroy
civilian morale and so compel the
Americans to pull of a situation in
which they no longer could rely
on any sort of popular South
Vietnamese support.
Hours after official reports of
the bombing reached him, Prime
Minister Harold Wilson confessed
to the House of Commons that
the government is worried by the
perils of a runaway extension of
the Viet Nam fighting.
Escalation Danger
"We are, all of us, concerned
about the possible dangers of es-
calation," he told questioners.
The issue under discussion was
not the Saigon explosion itself. It
was whether a statement attri-
WASHINGTON-A federal dis- to conspire "to injure, oppress, cations. Neither he nor the lead-
trict judge dismissed a suit seek- threaten or intimidate any citi- ers indicated what might result
ing a reduction of congressional Zen in the free exercise or enjoy- from the meeting.
representation in states which nent of any right or privilege se-, Alabama's racial conflict con-
deny Negroes the right to vote cured to him by the Constitution tinued to stir other parts of the
yesterday while the Justic De- or laws of the United States, or nation. In Detroit, funeral serv-
partment sought legal weapons to because of his having exercised ices were held for Mrs. Viola
fight President Lyndon B. John- the same." Gregg Liuzzo, who was slain by
son's "war" on the Ku Klux Klan. In the civil rights arena, action night-riders on an Alabama high-
The House Committee on Un- also accurred in Montgomery, Ala., way last week.
American Activities also announc- where Gov. George C. Wallace list- "We are hopeful," said the Rev.
ed it would undertake an investi- ened to the grievances of civil Joseph E. Lowery of Birmingham,
gation of the Klan. rights leaders and assured them Ala., and spokesman for the dele-
District Judge William B. Jones, his office was always open. gation. "It is too early to say
who heard the suit far the reduc- Wallace received a petition from whether it was a fruitful meet-
tion two months ago, granted a the group which asked his leader- ing."
government motion for dismissal ship in opening biracial communi- Wallace has no statement.
on the grounds that the plaintiffs
-22 citizens of both northern and D et Eiillir 1 P op sa
southern states-had no standing
before the court to file such a
The National Association for the
Advancmn fClrdPol To Divide Foreign Aid Bill
Advancement of Colored People
had sought a court order requiring
enforcement of Section Two of the WASHINGTON (A)-The Senate Foreign Relations Committee
14th Amendment which provides rejected yesterday a move by chairman, Sen. J. W. Fulbright (D-Ark)
that a state's- delegation to the to split the $3.38-billion Foreign Aid bill into separate economic
House of Representatives shall be and military bills and tentatively approved sections of it.
reduced proportionately when it
denies the vote to eligible citi- Fubright reported that the committee voted 9 to 4 to override
zens. the proposal. He said a bipartisan majority felt the committee might
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-Associated Press
left 17 people killed .and at least 151 wounded. This action
brought an attack from President Lyndon B. Johnson as "a wan-
ton act" and speculation that the U.S. would retaliate by attack-
ing Hanoi.
buted to Gen. Maxwell D. Taylor,
U.Sj ambassador in South Viet
Nam, could be construed as offi-
cial American policy. Taylor was
purported to have remarked in
Saigon recently that Americans
were ready to wage "war without
Wilson reported Britain has
been assured by Johnson himself
that statement - if Taylor had
ever made it-was not U.S. policy.
Be Told
"If there should be any change
in American policy we would be
told about it and we would ex-
press any views we might have on
it," Wilson said.
No word was said directly on
the subject of the Saigon bomb-
ing. But legislators were left con-
vinced that a highly perilous
situation is shaping up.
Communist nations differed in
their view of the incident. Radio
stations and newspapers in Hanoi,
Peking and Moscow carried brief
reports on the bombing, with no
comment whatever.
Increased Security
Meanwhile, U.S. officials an-
nounced increased security meas-
ures would be going into effect
and more guards would be assign-
ed to American installations.'
Warnings to avoid crowds were
issued to the American com-
Virtually all U.S.. military and
civilian establishments are on
main streets. The streets are open.
Similar tightening of guard
lines has followed other attacks
on American installations.
In Washington, the Senate For-
eign Relations Committee arrang-
ed to get a report in closed ses-
sion from Ambassador Maxweil
D. Taylor on develo:-)ents in
South Viet Nam.
There was speculation Taylor
favors sending more U S. forces
into Viet Nam, but he had noth-
ing to say publicly on this.
Chairman J. W. Fulbright (D-
Ark) told a news conference he
regards the bombng of the U.S.
Embassy in Saigon as "a very
tragic and serious affair.'
"But I dun't thirk we should
jump to ahe conclusion that we
should expand the war to bomb
North Vict Nam or China becausa
of this," hf said.
Senate Democratic Leader Mike
Mansfield of Montana told re-
porters the Viet Nam develop-
ments were discussed at a White
House meeting of congressional
leaders with President Johnson.
With regard to the Ku Klux
Klan, Atty. Gen. Nicholas Katzen-
bach called on the top legal minds
in the department's civil rights,
criminal, internal security and civ-
il divisions for suggested legisla-
tion against the Klan.
But department sources empha-
sized that ideas still are being
sought, no decisions have been
made and the proposed legislation
ordered by Johnson is at least
three weeks off.'
The department's preliminary'
thinking, however, seems to be
focused on legislation that would
put sharper teeth into existing
law against conspiracies to de-
prive citizens of their civil rights.
One possibility that recurs is
the use of stiffer penalties in en-
forcing an 1870 law that was
specifically directed against Klan
activities in the Reconstruction
days after the Civil War.
That law makes it a federal
crime for two or more persons
lose- jurisdiction over military as-
sistance by putting it in a separate
Earlier this month, Fulbright in-
troduced a $2.2 billion economic
port on of the bill, leaving the
$1.17 billion part to someone else.
Fulbright has refused to manage
the aid program for the admin-
istration as a single package.
The administrations bill was in-
troduced by Sen. Wayne Morse
(D-Ore) who says he will oppose
it when it reaches the Senate
However, he conceded that from
the start that he was fighting an
uphill battle to revamp the aid
program. But he said he hoped a
start could be made this year by
splitting the authorization measure
into two bills and putting substan-
tially more of the development
lending under multination man-
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