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March 31, 1965 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1965-03-31

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Watery Diag Provides Spring Sport for the Advent


-Daily-Ronald Berman

Brinksmanship: The three types of students . . . The athletes who jump . . . The students who go around .

. and the

radicals who keep going straight.

See Editorial Page



&tiat I

Cloudy in morning;
sunny in afternoon

Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom


Acid Degrees in1
Resource School
Two new curriculum programs.
one leading to a degree in natural
history and the other leading to
a degree in forest recreation, will
begin next year in the natural re-
sources school, it was announced
The curriculum is the first one
of its kind offered in this coun-
try, Prof. Grant W. Sharpe of
the forestry department said. Its
uniqueness lies in its diverse study
program, as opposed to the pres-
ent naturalist who is usually a
specialist in only one field. A stu-
dent majoring in this program will
take courses in the natural re-
sources school, and the botany,
geology and zoology departments
of the literary college.
Plans for the extension of the
program to the graduate level are
The forest recreation curricu-
lum, now offered on the graduate
level, will be offered to under-
graduates and administered by
the forestry department. The only
other college that offers such a
degree is Colorado State Univer-
Unlike the naturalist curricu-
lum, the forest recreation curricu-
lum requires more "people orient-
ed" courses, Sharpe said. The re-
quirements include: 12 hours of
communications, 28 hours of so-
* cial sciences, 8 hours of mathe-
matics and engineering, 8 hours
of biological science, 16 hours of
physical science, 3 hours of land-
scape architecture, 36 hours in
the natural resources school and
22 hours of electives.
The curriculum is "manage-
ment-oriented," Sharpe explained.
Graduates will be qualified to
manage and plan for greater utili-
zation of state and national parks
and other areas used for outdoor
Established by the landscape
architecture and physical educa-
tion departments and the natural
resources school, the program is
instituted to meet the growing
need for recreational planning in
this country, Sharpe said.
Increased leisure time, more
money than "we need for bare es-
sentials," the increase in urban
populaton and better mobility
make it necessary for us to meet
the demands on recreational f a-
cilities, Sharpe said.
SGC To Make
Rule Changes
Student Government Council
will affect changes in the rules
regarding its membership com-
mittee tonight. The changes will
serve to "open up the procedures
of the membership committee,"
President Gryv Cnninghm '6


MEDICAL RESEARCH:,Surr Notes Shift in Admissions Poic
Murphy Searching Out S pn

-- t

Leukemia-Virus Link
"Leukemia in animals is caused by a virus, therefore it is not,
unreasonable to assume that viruses also may cause some forms I
of leukemia in man, particularly childhood leukemia."
This is the hypothesis stated by William H. Murphy of the
Cancer Research Institute which serves as a basis for studies con-
cerning the causes of leukemia.
In a recent article in the "Wall Street Journal," it was stated

that research, concerning the r
leukemia, had been under way R
Law School
To_0Hold- May
The Law School commencement
will be held May 1 along with
the general University exercises,
it was announced yesterday, de-
spite a petition of objection sign-
ed by some 200 Law School stu-
Dean Allan Smith of the Law
School said that after meeting
with a committee of the objectors
it was decided to still hold the
ceremony on the previously stat-
ed date.
The students who are objecting
to the May 1 date feel that the
ceremony, which precedes Law
School final examinations, will in-
terfere with studying.
The Law School at the present
time has no separate commence-
ment exercise of its own, but par-
ticipates within the framework
of the University-wide ceremony.,
Smith said that in the future
there may be a separate ceremony
involving only the Law School if
there is sufficient support for such
a program.
At yesterday's meeting, Smith
said, "it was decided to deter-
mine in the fall whether there is
enough enthusiasm within the col-
lege to warrant having separate
commencement ceremonies."

relationship between viruses and
or a period of 20 to 30 months.
",Murphy published his theory on
this subject in July, 1963.
Isolate Viruses
Currently Murphy is attempt-
ing to isolate specific viruses and'
test them individually. If his work
proves successful, his research in
the future will be directed towardl
cure and prevention of the dis-
One long-range possibility would
be to take the viruses, weaken orI
kill them so that they won't cause
leukemia and prepare a vacine
from them.
Other scientists have come up
with proposals for treating leuke-
mic cells. In April,. 1964 four
scientists suggested a new method.
In the course evaluation
booklet published by The Daily
last Sunday, Prof. Floyd C.
Mann was incorrectly listed un-
der Psychology 102. The cor-
rect listing for that course is
Prof. Richard Mann.

By ALICEBLOCHI fund allocations for the entire
graduate school is too complicat-4
The graduate school is undergo- ed a job for the administration
ng a gradual process of decen- to-do.
ralization, Dean Stephen H. Spurr Student Assignment
f the graduate school said. For this reason, two years ago
Explaining the increased han- the graduate school assigned
dling by individual departments of graduate studentsgto the schools
graduate admissions andt fellow- and colleges in which their spe-
ships, Spurr said, "The graduate cialization were centered in and
school is decentralized by its very stopped considering them as Rack-
nature. It is a coordinating facul- ham students for enrollment pur-
ty rather than a school. poses.
"Thus, while the graduate school Since that time the graduate
processes records and makes basic school has been controlling admis-
policy decisions, we feel that the sions according to departmental
departments can better work out requests. The 78 admissions units
their own programs and handle make their own admission deci-
individual cases," he added. sions under the administration of
Main Reason the admissions office of the grad-
The main reason for the de- uate school.
centralized nature of the graduate Mis. Barbara D. Shafer of the
school is the diversity of degree graduate admissions office ex-
programs, Spurr explained. There plained that "We receive applica-
are 130 of these programs which tions and forward them to de-
turn out hundreds of MA's and partment committees, which make DEAN STEPHEN SPURR OF TH
PhD's every year, such as Eng- the decisions. The graduate school the decentralization of the sch
lish or psychology, to programs office keeps files, sends letters of departments. He viewed the de
which may teach only two stu- notification and may question the de departments could better
dents a year but "are neverthe- committee's decisions." sedetmnts culdabetter
dentsa yea butstudents than a more centralized
less important intellectually," like Parallel Development
museum practice. As a parallel development, the The Executive Board of the
The graduate school cannot graduate school has been hand- graduate school, which consists of
turn down students or limit fel- ing over fellowship funds to de- 10 faculty members, voted last
lowships in museum practice be- partments. In 1963-64 the grad- month to distribute most of these
cause of quotas in the English uate school recorded over $2.5 funds to individual departments
department. million in fellowship aid ,about this year.
Also, the departments know one-fourth of which was admin-
their own needs best, and han- istered by the graduate school it- Prof. Marvin Felheim of the
dling of individual admissions and self. English department, a member of
-- n
Committee on Institutional Cooperation


-Daily-Paul Josephson
HE GRADUATE .school discussed
ool's admission policy into the
centralization as necessary be-
decide on what basis to accept
admissions office could.
the Executive Board, said on this
subject,'"the board is simply be-
ing practical. The department is
the meaningful unit of the Uni-
versity, and the graduate school
has recognized this and rAlocated
funds and admissions wnere they.
Felheim emphasized that the
graduate school still has to ap-
prove allocations and make over-
all policies. Control by the grad-

Faculty To
Give One
Day'11s Pay
Funids Support
Continuiationi of
Protest Activties
The University's Faculty-Stu-
dent Committee to Stop the War
in Viet Nam announced yesterday
their plans for a first all-campus
"Pay-In" to be conducted April
8 to 15.
In a report by the Committee
it was explained the "Pay-In"
will give "added impetus and a
chance for greater participation"
in the drive to "help the academic
community rise above its own im-
potence in matters or organized
criticism of unjust policies."
It went on to say "other univer-
sities will be watching us in this
new testimony to our determina-
tion to continue fighting for a
cease-fire and negotiated settle-
ment in Viet Nam."
10 Per Cent
The funds will be used for sup-
port of continued protest activi-
ties. The goal set was one full
-day's pay from 10 per cent of the
University's faculty.
Prof. William A. Gamson of the
sociology department, a spokes-
man for the Committee, said "a
number of faculty have already
made the pledge of a day's pay
and there is a good chance for
success." "Many have been very
generous so far," he said, "and
these will form a good nucleus for
a beginning."
The funds will finance activities
such as sending Committee repre-
sentatives to other campuses that
requestadvice and assistancein
organizing similar activities as
the University's teach-in, Prof.
Julien Gendell of the chemistry
department pointed out.
Gamson added that the funds
would be used also for projects
such as the nation-wide teach-in,
speakers and publicity.
Original Purpose
"The original purposes of the
Committee were not to stop with
the teach-in," Gendell said. "No
one was deluded to think the Viet
Nam war would end by many
people attending an all night
teach-in." "Continued action is
of the greatest importance in such
a protest to emphasize the con-
tinued concern,' he said.
The Committee has to date:
-Organized a teach-in at the
University to protest .American
policy in Viet Nam;
-Helped' initiate similar. pro-
test activities on approximately 48
other campuses;
-Cooperated with civic and re-
ligious groups in the organization
of their own protest activities;
.-Organized a delegation to par-
ticipate in the nation-wide fac-
ulty Viet Nam lobby in Washing-
ton on April 8 and 9; and
-Helped popularize the nation-
al student march to Washington
April 17.
The Committee which met Mon-
day night divided itself into sub-


The stratedgy involved removing
part of the patient's bone marrow,
storing it at low temperature, and
reinjecting it back into the pa-
tient's body after treatment.
Cancer Institute
The Cancer Research Institute,
which carries on this work, does
not exist as a physical entity.
Rather, it consists of a committee
of men from related departments,
each using his own laboratory,
It was decided by this committee
that the Institute would perform
its role in the University better
if their research were done with-
in the departmental structure.

Brings Pooled Ideas into National Fou
By NANCY SUNDHEIM with the founding of the CIC was single institution which are of us
the "seed grant" for cooperative to the entire region.
Since the founding of the Comin activities. Under this program, fi- One of these programs is th
mittee on Institutional Cooper a - anced by the Carnegie Corp. Water Pollution Research Labora
tion was founded, three basic of New York, five or six profes- tory that is to be built on Nort
ideas have come into national sors in one field can meet to dis- Campus. The federal governmen
recognition, Robert L. Williams, cuss ways of pooling their re- after passing an act agreeing b
administrative dean and CIC sources to the best advantage. locate a Water Pollution Researc
representative from the Univer- Laboratory at various placesh
sity, pointed out. Regional Utilization the Midwest, finally chose Mic
The CIC was founded on the "Another program that the igan for one location. It wa
realization that no one univer- 1 committee instituted was the re- agreed by the institute who r
sity could provide all the essen- gional utilization of facilities pro-, quested the WPRI that all wou
tial information necessary for re- vided by the federal government," support it, regardless of location.
search. Williams explained. Through this "When Michigan was chosen,
The first of the ideas to come program projects are set up in a immediat vakd c ft

tered in the area of the policies
and philosophies of graduate edu-
cation, he said.
"Where the departments have
se expert knowledge, we are giving
them power," Felheim explained.
he However, the process of decen-
a- tralization is in the initial stages
h and will take a couple of years,
t, he added.
to Another aspect of graduate
in school decentralization is the in-
in creasing involvement of faculty
h- members in decision - making.
as Spurr pointed out that by using
i- a more divisional faculty appara-
Ld tus, the graduate school is enlist-
ing the aid of more faculty com-
it mittees in deciding fellowships and
he admissions.
P- Decentralization Effect
at The effect of decentralization
nt on the individual applicant for
x- admittance or for fellowship aid
is to "reduce red tape and have
quicker decisions with a minimum
n of paper-work," Spurr explained.

To Present'Yeomenofthe Guard'
"I have a song to sing, o:
Sing mec your song o'."
Acting Magazine Editor ''''


her interested institutions to ap
pint a faculty member so tha
Board in Control of the plan
ould be formed," Williams ex
Meeting Here
Eleven professors have bee

It's the song of a merrymaid and a tearful jester, of a gallant;
yeoman and a winning flirt, of the tower of London and the lives
which pass in review before the "Yeomen of the Guard."
The Gilbert and Sullivan Society will present "The Yeomen of the
Guard" today thru Saturday in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, starring
3 Susan Morris, Grad, William Moore, '68, John Menkel, Stephen
Straight, '65, Dolores Martin, Nicholas Batch, '65, and Kathleen
Kimmel, Grad, and directed by Allan Schreiber of Eastern Michigan
Both W. S. Gilbert and Arthur Sullivan considered this operetta
their best, and with reason. No mere topsy-turvy comedy, or satire of
British institutions, "Yeoman of the Guard" is a human drama with

meeting with Prof: David C. Chan-
dler of the zoology department at "By giving responsible, quick an-
the University to decide on the swers on admissions and fellow-
research and projects.' ships, eliminating unnecessary
Another concept which the CIC standing in line and keeping the
also instituted was the Traveling administration in the background
Scholar program. This program except in cases of appeal of in-
offers the graduate student the justice, we hope to serve as a
opportunity to take advantage of forerunner to simplifying the Uni-
resources available on one cam- versity records system," he said.
pus but not his own.
There is a minimum amount
of red tape involved in the pro- A P ToH old
gram. "At the moment only doc-
toral candidates are eligible, but iD b t Session
we hope to broaden the accep- e ate

ance," Williams added. The grad-
uate pays tuition at his home
school tuition rate instead of at
the university he is visiting. Hej
r usuni v tavs lust ne semester.

The University chapter of the
American Association of Univer-
sity Professors will hold an open
mpttnn d i.ntne admir free-

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