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March 30, 1965 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1965-03-30

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Court Rules

Taylor To

Wallace To Meet with Rights

Review Viet Leaders in Face of Boycott.

Plant Lock-Outs Legal

WASHINGTON (A) -- A usuall
liberal Supreme Court reverse
expectations yesterday in rulin
that an employer may shut dow
his business completely for an
reason, but may not close part o
it, to avoid dealing with a labo
But, in announcing this 7-0 de
cision, the court did not rule om
way or another on whether th
Darlington Manufacturing Co
participant in the test case, ha
anti-union motives in closing it
Darlington, S.C., mill after its em
ployes had voted to be represente
by the AFL-CIO Textile Worker
Union of America.
One of Three
The Darlington decision was on
of three in the area of labor-man
agement relations. In the twi
others, the court ruled:
$5.38 BILLION:

y -Unanimously that when an
d impasse is reached in negotiation{
g for a new contract, it is entirely
n proper for an employer to tem-
y porarily lock out employes, in an
f effort to bring economic pressure
r to bear on the union.
-8 to 1 that it is not an unfair
s labor practice for all members of
e a multi - employer bargaining
e group to lock out their employes
., in response to a "whipsaw strike"
d against one member of the group.
ts Since 1956
- The Darlington dispute, smould-
d ering since the plant was, closed
rs in December 1956, was brought to
the court by the textile .workers
union and the NLRB. They ap-
e pealed a circuit court ruling that
- Darlington had the prerogative to
o go out of business completely or
to shut down any of its plants.

Darling said the shutdown was
due solely to economic consider-
ations; the union and the NLRB
argued the object was to destroy
or cripple unionism.
Skirting any discussion of eco-
nomic factors, the court declared:
Absolute Right
"We hold that, so far as the
Labor Act is concerned, an em-
ployer has the absolute right to
terminate his entire business for
any reason he pleAses, but we
disagree with the Court of Ap-
peals that such right includes the
ability to close part of a business
no matter what the reason."
So far as upholding manage-
ment's ultimate weapon-closing
up shop completely - the court
said motives are not a considera-
"Even if the liquidation is mo-
tivated by vindictiveness toward
the union, such action is not an
unfair labor practice," Harlan
Partial Motives}
In partial closings, however, the
court found motive a very im-
portant consideration.
"A partial closing is an unfair
labor practice," it said, "if moti-
vated by a purpose to chill un-
ionism in any of the remaining
plants of the single employer and
if the employer may reasonably,
have foreseen that such closing
will be likely to have that effect."
The court also took a step in
the liberal field:
It struck down-on the ground
of improper instructions being giv-
en to a jury-awards for two pub-
lic officials totaling $40,000 made
against Aaron E. Henry, who is a
Mississippi integrationist.

States military and diplomatic
chiefs received a first-hand report
on the war in Viet Nam from
Ambassador Maxwell D. Taylor .
Taylor, who flew in from Saigon
Sunday, conferred with Secretary
of State Dean Rusk, Secretary of
Defense Robert S. McNamara and
the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff.
He also arranged to meet with
his predecessor, former Ambassa-:
dor Henry Cabot Lodge, who now
is President Johnson's special ad-
viser on Viet Nam..
As Taylor carried on his third.
round of consultations within nine
months, the State Department said
a study is being made of the ex-
tent the free-world trades with
North Viet Nam.
Press officer Robert J. McClos-
key said the analysis is designed
also to show what kind of cargo
is being carried by free, world ves-
sels into North Viet Nam.
The United States long has
maintained a total embargo . on
trade with Communist China,
North Viet Nam and North Korea
and U.S. allies have agreed not to
send strategic items to the Com-
munist-bloc countries.
However, the list of banned
items has been gradually relaxed
over recent years.
The State Department spokes-
man said he was not ready to com-
ment on legislation introduced by
Rep. Paul G. Rogers (D-Fla), who
has proposed banning from U.S.
ports any vessels flying the flags
of nations engaged in sea trade
with North Viet Nam.

In the civil rights scene, Alabama Gov. George C. Wallace agreed
yesterday to meet with a group of civil rights leaders.
His decision was announced amid growing criticism of a proposed
nationwide boycott of Alabama products as a part of the civil rights,
In addition, Alabama Atty. Gen. Richmond Flowers said he hoped

By The Associated Press

to have enough evidence to seek fir
Order Rebels
To Surrender
VIENTIANE, Laos (iP)-Two col-
umns of loyalist troops marched
toward the border town of Thak-
hek yesterday with a government
ultimatum for rebel soldiers there
to surrender. The loyalists had or-
ders to open fire if the rebels ig-
nored the orders.
Premier Prince Souvanna Phou-
ma issued a press statement warn-
ing that'"energetic measures" will
be taken against the rebel troops.
The statement said rebel inten-
tions had not been made known,
but it was believed the troops are
supporters of ousted Deputy Pre-
mier Phoumi Nosavan. Phoumi is
in exile in Thailand.
Phoumi was behind an unsuc-
cessful military uprising in Vien-
tiane early in Ferbruary that
sought to restore his supremacy in
the Laotian armed forces.

irst-degree murder indictments next
-month'in the night-rider slaying
of Mrs. Viola Liuzzo of Detroit, a
participant in Thursday's march.
And in Washington, the House
Committee on Un-American Activ-
ities may decide today whether to
launch a full, formal investigation
I of the Ku Klux Klan.
Samplings of members opinions
in advance of the committee meet-
ing indicate a majority favor such
a step, which President Lyndon B.
Johnson suggested last week when
he announced four Klansmen had
been arrested in the Alabama
slaying of the Detroit civil rights
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ICC Examiners Urge
Dual Railroad Merger
WASHINGTON (AP)-Merger of the East's two railroad titans into
a Pennsylvania-New York Central System-largest in the nation-was
unexpectedly recommended yesterday by Interstate Commerce Com-
mission examiners.
"The over-all benefits to be derived from the proposed merger
clearly outweigh any possible injury," they concluded. Their recom-
mendation-a 446-page report that until yesterday was marked "con-

World News'
By The Associated Press
EL COBRE, Chile-A handful of
survivors told their stories yester-
day in this tiny mining village
buried beneath tons of rubble from
Chile's worst' earthquake in five
Only a few of the 400 inhabi-
tants-those close to the edge of
town and those away from home
-escaped after the quake burst
a 230-foot high dam and unleash-
ed two million tons of rubble.
* * *
SAIGON-Many United States
military advisers doubt that non-
lethal gas can be used effective-
ly against the Communist Viet
The military effectiveness of gas
lies in attackers' ability to get
quickly to their target. So far,
this has been a major problem.
Troops have at most about 15-20
minutes to move in after gas has
been spread - at least with the
kinds in use so far. This gives
little time for troops to move up
and police an area out, sources
partment spokesman said yester-
day a ship which sailed from
Egypt to Cyprus was turned back
last week at Cyprus and returned
to Egypt. There have been pub-
lished reports that the vessel car-
vied Soviet made surface-to-air-
missiles for the Greek Cypriots.

fidential"-now goes to the full 11-
member commission for considera-
tion that may take another year.
$5.38 Billion Assets
If the ICC approves, the na-
.tion's first and third largest rail-
roads will be linked in a 19,631-
mile system with assets exceeding
$5.38 billion.
The Penn-Central System would
serve 14 states, the District of Co-
lumbia and Canada and most ma-
jor cities between the East coast
and the Mississippi.
The proposed merger has been
opposed by the Justice Department
on the grounds that it would re-
duce competition.
Not Cure All Ills
While their merger would not
cure all the ills of eastern railroad-
ing, the examiners said, it would
"provide a vehicle through which
at least one or more of the ex-
ternal pressures which have had
such disastrous effects upon these
roads can be minimized."
The approving reports of exam-
iners Henry C. Darmstadter and
Jerome K. Lyle came as no great
surprise to the rail industry.
It had been widely expected,
however, that examiners would
impose a condition that the Penn-
Central take charge of the falter-
ing passenger service of the bank-
rupt New Haven Railroad.
Take New Haven Freight
But the examiners chose in-
stead to recommend that the
merged company take over New
Haven's freight'service. Itis in this
area, they said, that the merger
would adversely affect New Haven
New Haven's passenger service is
in such bad condition, they said,
that it would only be a burden to
the Penn-Central System.

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The following space was bought by the
Graduate Student Council to publish a re-
port on the Student Parking Policies which
was alluded to in the Daily of March 27,
1965. The text is printed in its entirety to
make known the complete position of the
Grad Sudent Council and correct any nzis
information concerning the report.
Report of the Parking Committee:
The Graduate Student Council Parking Committee
was formed at the request of graduate students con-
cerned with driving and parking problems. The com-
mittee set out to investigate the rationale behind the
various parking policies and to evaluate the effective-
ness of the overall automotive restrictions now in effect.
In the later stages the committee has worked closely
with the Office of Student Affairs in preparation of its
It is obvious that the abolishment of all regula-
tions can only lead to a more chaotic state of affairs.
The need for rules is self evident. However, the present
system is antiquated and sorely in need of revision. The
accumulation of money from E sticker sales with no
realistic possibiilties for the, use of these funds for their
original purpose is a gross injustice. Students in this
urban area faced with an already exhorbitant cost of
living should not be subjected. to this additional taxa-
tion, especially since the money is not now nor can be
in the foreseeable future used for its original purpose:
the construction of on-campus parking facilities.
The present sticker sales pay the salaries of 2 part-
time secretaries, I full time administrator, 1 full time
secretary, and 3 fullrtime patrolmen plus operating
costs. Their salaries are on a yearly basis and at the
university established wage scale. The surplus funds
after, the above incidentals are deducted have now
mounted to 136,000 dollars. The original reason offered
for the collection of the funds was to finance student
parking facilities in the campus area. Structures have
been ruled out due to the cost of $2,000 per car. A 70
car structure would do nothing to alleviate the increas-
ingly crowded conditions of the campus area streets.
Until recently no alternatives have been proposed by
the administration for effective utilization of this money
for student parking facilities.
If bikes can be accounted for at a rate of 50c each,
a car (much larger, easier to spot, and harder to hide)
does not warrant a fee of $7.00, even though these
funds are being used to support a self-perpetuating or-
The solution to the parking problem can only be
arrived at in conjunction with the planning of future
housing developments of both the university and private
concerns. Traffic flow patterns 10 years hence should
be studied and not those of. 10 years past. No major
city in the country has been able to solve its traffic
problems without fostering another mode of transpor-
tation. There is no basis that Ann Arbor is an exception
in this respect.
On the basis of the above information and other
data collected, the Graduate Student Council Parking
Committee submits the following suggestions:
1. The abolishment of the present $7.00 E Sticker
fee which serves no purpose except to collect over
$28,000 a year. The registration fee should be adjusted
so that the cost of the stickers is sufficient to cover only
the necessary administrative expenses.
2. The adoption of definite policies to prevent the
catostrophic traffic problem that will result if the present
trend towards a larger student body continues towards
its ultimate goal.
These measures wouldinclude a comprehensive

study of the general university parking needs. The stu-
dent parking problem can not be separated out of the
while picture and treated alone. This study should be
financed in part by the university and in part by the
city. After this study is made then it will be possible
to adopt more definitive steps such as the construction

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