(Last in a Two-Part Series)
special To The Daily
Neighborhood Development (WRAND) is the cent:
current controversy here over a federal war on r
$188,252 which will be used in this area.
Many residents feel that the grant constit
the area, because they are in no way improveris
that the grant is needed and could be put to go
WRAND, which applied for and will aid th
of the federal grant, was registered as a nonpr
in March of 1964 by Prof. E. Lowell Kelly of
department, Gwen Rapoport (wife of Universit
Rapoport of the psychology department), Luther
tive secretary of the University's Inter-Cooperativ
S. Newcomb (wife of University Prof. Theodore
the psychology department), Henry J. C. Alting,
attorney Peter Darrow.
WRAND's stated purpose is "to receive gifts
War controversy
money and property of every kind; to administer the same for The gran
charitable, educational, civic and philanthropic uses, and to The f
do anything necessary and proper for the accomplishment of surroundi
these purposes, including the purchasing, leasing or otherwise
Association for acquiring of such grounds or buildings and equipment for such Start
ral figure in the purposes." is an iml
poverty grant of In mid-1964, WRAND asked the Institute of Labor and the Villa
Industrial Relations, a joint agency of the University and Wayne facility,
utes a slur on State University, for assistance in drawing up a request for culturalc
hed. Others say federal funds from the Office of Economic Opportunity. the area a
)od use. From that point on, Hyman Kornbluh, director of the Labor, Willo
e administration Educational and Service Division of the ILIR has been in regular Superior<
ofit corporation attendance at WRAND meetings and is an unofficial "advisor" in the a
the psychology for the group. workers i
ty Prof. Anatol "Working Paper"
Buchele, execu- In November, the ILIR filed an 88-page "working paper" The1
e Council, Mary which requested $250,000 in federal funds to expand WRAND'S ships vote
M. Newcomb of activities in Willow Village. The
and Ann Arbor The OEO suggested a major revision in the ILIR program including
, however, and returned the paper, which was rewritten to describe there wer
4 and grants of the program as a "research project" for the war on poverty. The
t was cut to $188,252 on the basis of the revised report.
first ILIR report is the basis for much of the controversy
ng the grant.
ing with the statement "Willow Village by any standards
poverished community," the report goes on to describe
ge as "without social services; there is no medical
no newspaper, no self-government, no recreation or
or even entertainment facility. There are no stores in
and the schools are a bus ride away."
w Villiage is an unincorporated entity which lies in both
and Ypsilanti Townships, just north of. Ypsilanti. It lies
rea which was a temporary housing project for the
n the Willow Run bomber plant during the war.
Voted To Approve
township boards of both Superior and Ypsilanti town-
d to approve the federal grant.
ILIR report has come under fire from many groups.
the Washtenaw County Conservatives who say that
e "many outright false statements in the report."
state Republican party at its February convention said
that the report "appears to be based on false
statements and in reality appears to constitute a
tion for the expenditure of federal tax monies."
and inaccurate
phony justifica-
Ypsilanti Township Supervisor Roy Smith, the only elected
official to vote against accepting the grant, blasted the ILIR
report as "demeaning" to the area and demanded that the federal
government take back the grant and apologize to the residents
of the Village.
The major controversy seems to be over the figures on
income and employment that appeared in the IL1IR reports.
The report cites 1960 census figures that showed 29 per cent
of Village males were unemployed, and 1963 statistics that showed
70 per cent of the males in an apartment section of the Village
held service or menial labor jobs.
Smith said that in a survey he conducted on his own, he
came up with an average annual income of $7,961 and said no
one in the Village is on welfare.
However, Alfred E. Brose, Washtenaw County Welfare Director
said that last month 163 Village residents were classified as
See Editorial Page
Snowfall of four inches by
night; hazardous driving
Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom
$2500 MAXIMUM:
Extend NDEA Loan Eligibility
Graduate students are now elig--
ible for federalloans up to $2500
a year as a result of the 1964
amendments to Title II of the
National Defense Education Act,
Director of Financial Aids Walter
Rea announced yesterday.
Graduate students in the med-
ical, dental or nursing schools are
ineligible for these funds as they
are covered by the Health Profes-
sions Educational Assistance Act
of 1964, Rea explained.
The 1964 amendments to the
NDEA allow graduate students to
borrow up to $2500 for one aca-
demic year. The total amount of
loans that a student may receive,
including those made while an
undergraduate, may not exceed
Up to $1000
Rea added that undergraduates
can still only borrow up to $1000
a year, with a total maximum of
The second change in the act
makes students "carrying at least
one-half the normal full-time
academic workload as determined
by the institution" eligible for
the funds.
The amendments also authorize
a partial loan cancellation for
borrowers who teach full-time at
an institution of higher educa-
tion. Rea said that previously on'y
students who taught full-time in
elementary and secondary schools
were given the loan cancellation
of 10 per cent for eari year of
teaching, with a maximum of five
Applications Available
Student Activists
Face Aftermath
Girls Who Neglected To Sign Out
Face Dormitory Discipline Charges
The participation of 70 University students in last week's racial
demonstration in Montgomery, Ala., continues to have important
consequences, both on campus and in Alabama:
-Four girls who didn't sign out to go to Alabama will face
their house judiciary tonight to appeal a "DSO"-Didn't Sign Out--
charge with a penalty ranging from two days social probation to
improbable recommendation for expulsion.
t- 1 4~-1 ". "TT1 our _
hall G;
Today's dramat
with great interest
aeronautic and astr
astronomy departm
Prof. Richard
most significant as
astronaut Virgil I.
craft into several
Faculty I
Yesterday the sti
committee of the r
lege discussed furti
a community goven
the proposed colleg
The object of co
ernment is to inte
and faculty into
body. The function
body would be to a
sent, to legislate
communicate opinic
mation, members o
tee said.
"We begin a deta
of a proposed set
and rules for the co
ernment," Prof. T
comb of the sociol
chology department
the meeting, said.
Discussion center
of the communtt
enHand Control He aded that loa plicatis
for the fall term are new avail-
able fromyi the Office of Financia.
Step in Lunar Probe Aids. Apications will
to be a va.lble during the summer
and fall terms.
The amount each graduate stu-
By CLARENCE FANTO dent wi I receive will be deter-
tic mined by an evaluation of need
ic Gemini 3 manned space flight will be followed including living ex venes and
by University professors active in the fields of their financial situation. Gradi-
ronomical engineering as well as by those in the ates with families will generally
ent. receive first consideration and
G. Teske of the astronomy, department says the more funds.
pect of the space flight will be the attempt by Rea explained that it is hardk
Grissom to maneuver the "Molly Brown" space- to document financial need forf
different orbits. Today's flight marks the first graduate students who have not
set up their own families. Tech-
attempt by U.S. astronauts to nically these students are still
u l manually control the orbit of considered in their parent's house-
lvi their vehicle. It is also the first hold, but many parents do not aid
time the U.S. has launched more their children during their grad-
Etole in than one man at a time. uate years. They pay for their
The importance of the manual continued education t h r o u g h
maneuver lies in the future plan work, fellowships and state; uni-
e Uto link up a large spacevehicl versity or private loans.
with a second craft, Teske ex- Forgotten Person
NKELMAN plained. Practice is necessary to "Generally the graduate stu-j
Ldent advisory ensure that the pilots of the two dent, especially in humanities, has}
esidential col- vehicles in a future space shot been the forgotten person when it
her its idea of will be able to maneuver their comes to financial aid," he said.
rnment within spacecraft without difficulty. "This bill will be a big help to all
rne. t A f t sc o ei graduates."
e.beAs for the space compn In the last academic year the
immunity gov- Rsweentea..an, University received $800,000 from
grate students Teske contends the Soviets are the federal government for NDEA
one governing See Related Story, Page 3 loans, Rea said. With the Univer-
ns of such a _sity matching 10 per cent of this
dvise and con- ahead, especially in the size of figure and with money from the
policy and to their space capsules and their repayment of loans, the Office of
ons and infor- technique enabling an astronaut Financial Aids distributed over
f the commit- to leave his spacecraft. $900,000 in loans.
Prof. William P. Bidelman of The average loan to each stu-
iled discussion the astronomy department view- dent was about $600.
of principles ed the Gemini shot as just one Up to and including this year'
)mmunity gov- of a series of important steps in NDEA had an $800,000 ceiling on
heodore New- the race toward the moon. There how much money one institution
logy and psy- is little of purely astronomical could receive. This limit has been
s, chairman of significance in the flight because removed, and the University will
no astronomical observations are be eligible for an unlimited
ed on the size to be undertaken during it, he amount of funds next year, Rea
y council. said. said.
THE PROPOSED FULLER-GEDDES ROAD penetrator-route is designed to ease Ann Arbor's traf-
fic problems by providing a new parkway tQ the city's most congested areas. There will be a six-lane
highway on Fuller Road between Huron Rd. and North Campus Blvd., while the remaining roads will
be four lanes or less. In this way, the road's promoters said, the traffic demand will be met by
minimum-dimension facilities.
Counci Hears Roadway Plans
By ANNE MARIE ELLSWORTH the issue beyond discussion, but, ical Center, Veterans Hospital and
upon the suggestion of Mayor
The Ann Arbor City Council Cecil 0. Creal, put it up for pub-
dicussed the proposed Fuller- lie hearing next Monday.
Geddes roadway last night after i
consultants from three firms Recommended by the firms of
made a presentation detailing the Atwell-Hicks, Inc., Lloyd Reid,
route and giving reasons for its and Johnson, Johnson, and Roy
location, the "penetrator-route" plan isI
The council took no action on based on a 1960 traffic study,
----which indicates the 1980 traffic
needs of Ann Arbor. It will de-
Put Off AAUP crease the congestion of the more
heavily traveled thoroughfares3
" such as Washtenaw Ave., Pack-
M eeti g Date trd St., by directing the flow
onto the Fuller-Geddes route.
the Huron Towers. The three main
phases of the route are:
-Fuller Pkwy., Main St. to
Huro.i Pkwy.
--The extension of Glen St,
from Huron St. to Huron River at
Cedar Bend.
-And Wall St. extension to
Ashley and Felch.
The Medical Center, the larg-
est and most congested traffic
area, can be approached from any
of the phases. This eliminates the
possibility, the consultants said,
that any one roadway will become
nti-f~rnrl o dd
J "'"
f m _ _ __. _i_.__ C
Roci oc fhie 9i t:Jill r t"nviria a
C 11., ., T- 4--4-
The meeting of the University Besiues Uins, it wiml jiuv e a v
chapter of the American Associa- new parkway to the city's prin- Included in its estimated cost of
tion of University Professors cipal busy spots: the central bus- $3.9 million, are the accessory
scheduled for Wednesday evening, iness district, the Central Cam- roads and bridges usual in park-
March 24, is being postponed for pus, the North Campus, the Med- way construction.
one week.
Chapter president Arthur J. j I a
Carr explained that the executiveXP E1lam s Positio
committee of the local chapter de-j
cause many students and faculty
members interested in the an-As New Assistant to Cutler
nounced topic of the meeting mayI
-Returned student marchers
sity President Harlan Hatcher to
strate, and will present a public
program Thursday to mobilize
support for their cause.
-The four University students
held in Alabama jails, still on
their hunger strike, will spend as
many as 30 days. awaiting their
hearing, according to their attor-
The four girls charged with
"DSO" left for Alabama without
filling out the proper sign-out
(One girl did fill one out; for
destination, telephone number and
expected return, she just wrote
"Alabama." She was not charged.)
Mary Thatcher, '67, chairman
of the Blagdon judiciary, said she
doubted whether the girls would
receive any punishment beyond
the automatic two days social pro-
bation, because the charge was a
"technicality" in comparison to
their cause.
But some administrators, in-
cluding some housemothers, felt
the girls were "irresponsible" and
that the case should he handled
without regard to the reason that
they went.
Last Sunday, the returned
marchers met to plan continuing
efforts to change voter registra-
tion practices in Alabama. They
sent a delegation to the home of
President Hatcher to ask a hear-
ing for later in the week. How-
ever, the delegation reported that
President Hatcher was "courteous,
but evasive."
The group has now made a
tentative appointment for tomor-
row afternoon, President Hatcher
told The Daily. The returned
demonstrators will probably ask
him to release a statement agree-
ing with the aims of the demon-
strations and asking leniency for
student protestors.
The students will also present
the idea of a University boycott of
Hammerhill - Bond Paper Co.,
which plans a plant in Selma.
President Hatcher said he hoped
that "satisfactory arrangements
can be made so that students who
went to Alabama can catch up on
their academics."
He said that nearly everyone
respected the demonstrators for
their courage. Asked about the
difference between the students'
skipping classes and the teachers'
skipping, as in the proposed fac-
ulty walkout, President Hatcher
said that the students did not
have an academic contract in the
same way that teachers did.
From Alabama, Attorney Char-
les Conley told The Daily yester-
will meet tomorrow with Univer-
discuss students' duty to demon-
U Teach-In
Continues T o
Gain Support
The announced plans for the
faculty teach-in, replacing the
previously proposed work-mora-
torium, have continued to gain
support on both a nationwide and
administrational level.
Justice Paul Adams of the state
Supreme Court reported yester-
day that he will attend the teach-
in. Adams, a former University
Regent and state attorney gen-
eral said of the teach-in, "I be-
lieve these professors are doing
a vital service to their country
in promoting debate on the ques-
tion of U.S. policy in Viet Nam."
In a telegram to The Daily,
members of the Yale faculty sent
word of their support of the Uni-
versity faculty "in protesting es-
calation of the Viet Nam conflict
and in urging negotiation to re-
duce the danger of world war."
Donate Auditoriums
The administration is donat-
ing the use of Angell Auditoriums
A, B, C and D for the seminars
to be held Wednesday evening. Di-
rector of Student Activities and
Organizations John Bingley has
announced that female students,
participating in the teach-in, have
been granted all-night "pers" on
the condition that they inform
their respective housemothers.
The increased faculty support
of the movement has been at-
tributed to the change in tac-
tics of the Faculty Committee To
Stop the War in Viet Nam. Prof.
Kenneth Boulding of the econom-
ics department, who was not in
favor of the original work-mora-
torium, will now be a featured
speaker at the midnight protest.
He felt that the proposed mor-
atorium "would divert attention
from the object of the protest to
the method."
Lost Prestige?
When asked if the committee
had lost prestige by their change
of plans, Boulding replied, "their
willingness to lose face is a great
virtue and shows great strength
It's precisely what we're asking
the U.S. to do."
It was decided that the oo-
sition would not be represented
officially at the protest.
Prof. William Gamson of the
sociology department, spokesman
of the committee, felt that all
sides should be defended but "de-
frndprq of th TTnied StqtS npoli-
be attending the conference on'
Viet Nam scheduled for the same
night. John C. Feldkamp, newly-appointed assistant to Vice-President
The program of the postponed for Student Affairs Richard L. Cutler, yesterday described his position
meeting was a discussion by stu- as that of a general administrative aide.
dents and faculty of the AAUP Feldkamp explained that three other officials in the Office of
draft-paper on "Faculty Respon -
ibility for the Academic Freedom Student Affairs with the same title have more specific duties. Walter
si Students." B. Rea directs financial aid, Mrs. Elizabeth Davenport coordinates
-counseling, and Peter A. Ostafin
works with University and Ann
Arbor officials on planning.
Domestic Peace Corps Recruiter Explains VISTA
Feldkamp's position, which was
instituted March 1, covers a wide
range of functions, however. Feld-
'kamp generally assists Cutler with
his administrative load and speci-
finnlly hanles b d ~t and finance-
By MICHAEL HEFFER ers to be sent to Pittsburgh to
help familiarize dropouts with em-
The domestic version of the ployment centers. Many dropouts
Peace Corps is in the midst of a "have to learn how to apply for
recruiting d r i v e, concentrating a job. They are afraid," Gerson
this month in Michigan . said. "VISTA workers become
Volunteers in Service to America hod STAnds"kersdded.m
holders of hands," he added.
(VISTA) has already received Las Vegas Library
over 11,000 applications for volun- One program now in progress
teer work in poverty-stricken i, the building of the first library
areas of the country. Richard in "the side of Las Vegas without
Gerson, of the VISTA recruitment Ithe glitter, the ghetto," he said.
office, explained the program to
classes at the University yester- Gerson said there is a great
day. need for work at the pre-school;
Gerson said he received a very level, aiding children to learn
good response from students, and English. "If you could only talk
had several fill out applications to some of these youngsters you'd
on the spot immediately. realize their problem. They sp,=ak
18 who does not have dependents Felda mp a Lso cotinues toa ct
under 18 may apply. Gerson noted I Feldkamp also continues to act
thattheoldst ISTAvolnter !as administrative adviser to the
that the oldest VISTA volunteer membership committee and mem-
is 81, working in a pre-school pro- ber of the ad hoc Committee on
gram in Tennessee. Student Participation in Univer-
Prospective VISTA w o r k e r sity Affairs, headed by Prof. Mar-
must. fill out two applications. sinAffais, fhee EngPrsh da-
They are not accepted until they min Felheim of the English de-
complete the training program. partentm
Thi cosiss o fom ourto ix While Feldkamp's appointment
This consists of from four to six adds a fourth assistant to the
weeks at private or public organ- vice-president and leaves vacant
izations, such as colleges. The vol- Feldkamp's previous position of
unteers are taught whatever skills assistant to the director of stu-
will be needed in the areas in dent activities and organizations,
which they are to work, and dis- he does not see it as the begin-
cuss poverty in the United Km'ates ning of a major structural change
and how to work against povercy
while working with groups and in the Office of Student Affairs.
individuals. "There are many ideas about