Seventy-Fifth Year
The Long, Hot Road to Selma, Alabama
Where Opinions Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANNARBoR, MrcH.
Truth Will Prevail T. RB}
NEWS PHONE: 764-0552
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
The President's Convocation:
At Best a Mediocrity
AT HIS SECOND student convocation,
University President Harlan Hatcher
gave himself and the student body an op-
portunity to talk out mutual problems
and explore the possibilities of participa-
tion and change at the University. In
terms of these goals, the convocation
must be termed at best a mediocrity, at
worst a failure.
President Hatcher roamed far and wide
in his discussion and in the questions
that followed. But several examples can
illustrate the convocation's cardinal
IN DISCUSSING the relevance of cur-
ricula to a changing world, President
Hatcher mentioned only generalities-a
technique he has used before. Curricula,
he said, must (a) supply necessary fac-
tual data, (b) impart technical skills and
the ability to perform in the arts and
(c) influence the "more private, perma-
nent area of values."
Almost everybody in Lydia Mendels-
sohn Theatre agreed with this concise
three-part statement. But this is as far
as the President went. He did not men-
tion specifics. He did not mention-or
ask-what parts of the curricula might
be irrelevant or in danger of becoming
so. Elementary English courses and the
entire journalism department, for two
examples, came through unscathed.
cuff remarks was very revealing. It
indicated his conception of the ideal stu-
nt is very possibly far-removed from
e conception of many student activists
o are pushing for academic and so-
al reform in today's universities.
Discussing the riots which plagued the
niversity of Caracas, he noted that a
ew university plant was built or being
uilt "isolated" from the city of Lima.
ommented that this type of isolat-
vironment "lets students be stu-
t to speak of isolating the stu-
ent from his society-placing him in an
ivory tower away from evil influences-
is to speak of the student not as an
emerging co-participator in his society
but as a ward of that society, subject to
its whims. It is to picture him not as a
citizen earning his right to self-deter-
mination but as a person to whom true
rights and responsibilitis are often noth-
ing more tian abstract concepts.
Such a student is not learning to be a
member of society; he is learning cer-
tain reiterative and manipulative skills
-and little else.
THE PRESIDENT'S discussion of the
student protests at Yale was also far
from satisfactory. The facts of the mat-
ter were these: A popular, 32-year-old
professor of philosophy recently failed
to gain tenure and, as a result, 60 stu-
dents staged a continuous 79-hour pro-
test demonstration against 'the faculty
tenure committee's decision.
President Hatcher called the protests
a "wise, learned parallel in possible dem-
onstrations" and added he agreed with
Yale President Kingman Brewster that
the protestors should be commended for
their concern for the welfare of their
university communities. But he stopped
He did not indicate whether he agreed
with Brewster when the Yale president
threw the publish-or-perish issue back
to the faculty committee, declining to
take a stand on it. Though nobody asked
President Hatcher this question, in an
honest and free discussion, he should
have mentioned the issue himself.
minimized his role as a mediator be-
tween the University and society. Rath-
er, he said, the president is a person
who shows "leadership, but not dicta-
torship" in. guiding his university.
But are not the primary leadership
roles of the president in fact roles of
mediation? The entire process of appro-
priations is one in which the president
essentially mediates between the faculty
-which submits requests for each de-
partment for the next year-and the
state Legislature, which usually cuts the
administration's request. And adminis-
trators have to cut faculty requests them-
selves, and then deal with Lansing while
calming the faculty.
In addition, the University gets about
one-third of its total budget from the
federal government. Thus the president
is constantly involved in dealings be-
tween research faculty and government
During the period of local controversy
over the fair housing ordinance, the Pres-
ident was constantly mediating between
the University faculty and administra-
tion and Ann Arbor authorities.
To de-emphasize the role of the uni-
versity president as mediator is to mini-
mize the close relationships and ties be-
tween the University and every sector of
national life and government. It is a
very misleading thing to do.
MEDITATIONS on the unsatisfactory
nature of the second student convo-
cation can lead to very disturbing con-
In his first convocation, President
Hatcher said "the easiest way (for the
student) is to live listlessly on a dead
level of monotony or drift . . . into quiet
desperation. The next easiest is to con-
sume . . . energies in the fire of undirect-
ed revolt or rebellion or to starve them
in cynicism and unbelief. The most dif-
ficult and most rewarding is to combine
knowledge and understanding . . . with
those golden monuments of clear vision
and faith."
The second student convocation, how-,
ever, provided little hope of raising the
students of the University from their
present state of monotony and drift. If
the next convocation is no better than
this one, it will only worsen the state
of student-administration contact at the'
University. For a repeat of this session--
with its generalities, incomplete state-
ments and unanswered questions - can
only further spark that "dissatisfaction,
apprehension and lack of fulfillment"I
which the President himself has pin-
First of Two Parts
FOR A PERSON who has never
been south of Toledo, a trip to
Selma, Alabama, is a journey to
another country.
The Ohio towns - Bowling
Green, Lima, Dayton and Cin-
cinnati-seemed ordinary enough.
But 75 miles after I passed the
Ohio River an encounter in a Mc-
Donald's drive-in in Lexington,
Kentucky, indicated to me that
the Civil War was not settled at
After purchasing a bag of french
fries, I asked the salesman the
best directions to Birmingham.
He suddenly became upset, and
remarked, "What the hell you
wanna go down there for."
Theradio was on, broadcasting
an interview with Alabama Gov.
Wallace. The governor said, "I
am the governor of all the people
of Alabama; I meet Negroes often;
Negro school children have come
through my office."
' HE KENTUCKY hill towns
rolled by, and then we hit the
Tennessee state lne. I recall a
loquacious Shell gas station at-
tendant in Harriman, Tenn., who
gave us a full analysis of the
racial tension in Selma and a
polemic against the newsmanage-
ment in the Northern press.
"I think it's mostly those damn
outsiders causing all the trouble
-it's like Governor Wallace (in
the South the Alabama governor
is regarded as kind of an honorary
president of the confederacy) says:
you can't trust the newspapers.
They always leave out the stuff
about a bunch of niggers raping
a white woman."
As damn outsiders we sensed we
weren't wanted and left quickly,
skipping the green stamps.
AFTER PASSING through Day-
ton, Tenn. (where as far as I
know it is stillnagainst the law to
teach evolution), we arrived in
Lookout mountain, located in
Chattanooga, was the site of a
famous Civil War battle. We de-
scended from there into a new
battle in the war-at Selma.
I prepared for the worst at the
Alabama state line, but there were
no Klansmen, white citizens coun-
cils or state troopers-merely a
simple welcome to Alabama sign
emblazoned with confederate flags.
A SIDE from an occasional sign
advertising fireworks, there
was little of interest until we
reached Gadsden., On the out-
skirts of town there was a dilapi-
dated bus which had "Keep' out
or get shot" painted on the back.
I surmised this was in reference
to the freedom rides of several
years ago.
At that time, a group of Ne-
groes set out to see if the Inter-
state Commerce Commission law
preventing segregated facilities in
bus stations was in fact adhered
to. In Gadsden a few townspeople
had met the freedom ride bus and
burned it.
Our first gas stop in Alabama
brought a queue of people out to
glare at us. It was our Michigan
license plates that gave us away.
Sixteen miles further was the
southern metropolis of Birming-
ham. A large dump truck de-
claring the driver would rather
"be dead than red" slowed our
WE PASSED the Selma
limits. Seconds later I
where the police were.
-Associated Press
Beatings on Sunday, March 7, in Selma, Alabama, injured more than 70 Negroes beginning a 50-mile
march to Montgomery to protest limitations on voter registration. The ensuing racial conflict brought
hundreds of northern clergymen and students to Selma, including University students. Among them
was Daily reporter Roger Rapoport, who jots down his impressions in the above story.
T * *
Students Argue Against Proposed Dorm Fee Hike
To the Editor:
WE FEEL the proposed increase
in room and board rates is
both unfortu'nate and unfair to
the University student, whose fi-
nances are rapidly being depleted
by these periodic price hikes.
This increase, so closely follow-
ing the one of 1964-65, leads one
to query what benefits, if any,
will be reaped by this additional
$50.00 (more or less, no one seems
to know for sure).
* * *
THE COMING increase is even
more difficult to accept since the
overcrowded conditions in the
residence halls will not be al-
leviated-in fact, they too will be
The student is being penalized
for the economic difficulties and
miscalculations of the University.
Not even given the opportunity to
find less expensive accommoda-
tions,, he is reduced to an open
wallet embroidered with an I.D.
We students affected by this fee
increase deserve, at the very least,
an explanation of this situation, in
which prices rise while conditions
* * *
Race Protest
To the Editor:
CONCERNED Negro members of
the student body at the Uni-
versity feel decisive action on our
part in battling racial discrimina-
tion is long overdue. We are gath-
ering in an effort to achieve that
measure of unity, respect and
equality under the law that is due
to us as American citizens.
Every injustice that any Negro
suffers because of his skin -color.
is an affront to all of us. The more
energy that we expand in working
for civil rights, the faster we will
gain first-class citizenship.
As Negroes we feel it is our
duty to act-and to act imme-
diately. As students we feel it is
our responsibility to help show
the nation we have waited long
enough for what is ours.
FOR THESE reasons, we shall
hold a march on the campus Sun-
day night, March 21 at 7 p.m. to
show our concern for and our
sympathy with the demonstrators
in Selma, Alabama. This will be
just the first of our actions.
-Carole Quarterman, '65
Paula Chester, '68
Greek Life
To the Editor:
18, Miss Sokolov seems to have
missed what we consider the basic
question. The issue is not wheth-
er the sorority system should be
preserved, but rather whether the
documented on the editorial page yes-
rday is indeed deplorable. The Demo-
atic administration can be justifiably
ndemned for its attempt to keep the
untry's citizens in the dark about Viet
To jump from these hard facts and sol-
judgment to the fuzzy conclusion that
is indicates "the growing 'military-in-.
complex'.... has already envelop-
ation" is a blatant lapse of logic,
ews management is said to be a
pic of instruction during the
ed teach-in, one can hope that the
ctors will present the facts as they
ET THEM NOT MAKE similar irrele-
vant conclusions cloaked in valid cri-
ism of Democratic policy in Viet Nam.
Acting Editorial Staff
Managing Editor Editorial Director
DITH WARREN.......... ...Personnel Director
OMAS WEINBERG...............Sports Editor
UREN BAHR ......Associate Managing Editor
)TT FL;1H ....... Assistant Manaaing Editor
B HIPPLER....... Associate Editorial Director
~IL LTJM)BERGr..... Magavine Editor
Y GRAFF..............Associate Sports Editor
ESON.................. Chief Photographer
DITORS: William Benoit, David Block,
yant, Michael Juliar, Leonard Pratt.
NIGHT EDITORS: Robert Carney, James
, Gilbert Samberg, James Tindall, Charles
Bud Wilkinson.
NT NIGHT EDITORS: Bruce Binelow, Size
>lins, Michael Dean, John Meredith, Peter Sara-
hn, Barbara Seyfried, Bruce Wasserstein.
Acting Business Staff
CY WELLMAN, Business Manager
GN LUECKMAN.......... Advertising Manager
'OS FEINBERO ...............Finance Manager
ITH FIELi)S..............Personnel Manager
AN CRAWFORD ......Associate Business Manager
IOR MANAGERS: Ann Jean Berger, Harry Bloch,
:deline Gonky, effrey LeedsDail Levin, rSan
rlstadt, Vic Ptasnik, Jean Rothbaum, Jill Tozer.
)hn Weiler,
HOPEFULLY, this will not just
be added to the long List of In-
justices to Students, but will be
given proper consideration and
due action.
-Barbara Migdal, '68
Susan Weiss, '68
Donna Hirt, '68A&D
Ruth Selitsky, '68
concept of university life apart
from classes is vital to personal
As a result of increasing aca-
demic pressure, the only remain-
ing unified campus activities are
Homecoming, Winter Weekend
and supporting our athletic teams
when they win. Of the first two,
it is only through Greek partici-
pation that these activities man-
age to survive. Of the 12 housing
units taking part in Skit Night, for
Winter Weekend, 1965, all 12 were
Greek. Saturday night participa-
tion was 21 fraternities and sorori-
ties out of 24 housing units. If
there were no Greek support,
where would these activities be?
We have always felt college must
be more than an academic exper-
ience, that learning often takes
place elsewhere than in the class-
room. With the decrease of stu-
dent groups of any kind, there is
a consequent decrease in potential
learning experiences.
The sorority and fraternity sys-
tem offers one thing dormitory
and apartment living never can:
a cohesive living unit. A dormitory
holds 400 people, an apartment,
four. The happy medium is the
house witha manageable 60 mem-
bers-not so they can greet each
other on campus but so they can
bind their force together to pre-
serve what is known as "college"
in the atmosphere and opportun-
ities offered by the University.
-Sheri Berman, '66
Nancy Neiber, '66
IQC and Apartheid
To the Editor:
,V ECENTLY several charges have
been made by a small group of
people against Inter-Quadrangle
Council stating it had taken an
indirect stand for apartheid by
refusing to sign a letter to Uni-
versity President Harlan Hatcher
condemning apartheid. This situ-
ation has been blown completely
out of proportion. The facts are
At the March 9 meeting of IQC,
Miss Sue Orrin presented a letter
to IQC which 1) told of the Uni-
versity's economic involvement in
South Africa and 2) invited Presi-
dent Hatcher to speak at the Diag
rally Thursday night to give the
University's official policy toward
South Africa.
After a long and thoughtful dis-
cussion of this letter, IQC decided
not to sign it for two reasons:
1) We were not altogether sure
of the statements in it;
2) Far more important, we felt
Viet ICong
Free Agent
"The mistake of the Americans
is to think that the Vietnamese
affair is simply a phase of the
struggle between the Communist
and capitalist worlds and to be-
BEGAN to notice the stares
from other drivers. There were
quick side glances, long glaring
looks, short smirks and common
frowns from men, women and
I sensed these people did not
agree with the local Chamber of
Commerce which declared in signs
all over town, "It's nice to have
you in Birmingham."
Going out of town, there was
little beyond the sea of billboards
claiming that Burger was Ala-
bama's largest selling beer and
asking, "What's wrong with being
r'ght? Join the Birch society and
fight Comm~iunism and Socialism."
We got off the superhighway at
Clanton (pop. 6000) to pick up
state highway 20 to Selma. We
stopped for fuel and the use of
segregated bathroom facilities at
a gas station. An inquisitive at-
tendant asked, "Where you going,
Fort Lauderdale?" I nodded and
we left.
T HE ROAD to Selma was sur-
rounded with beautiful red clay
rock, scenic pine forest and road
gangs of prisoners (all Negro).
The innumerable tar paper shacks
looked like the poverty supple-
ment in Newsweek.
Signs flashed by: "Sell your
cattle and hogs at Selma stock-
yards" and "Selma Police Juris-
At that point I realized our car
had traversed two-thirds of Ala-
bama without seeing a single state
IQC should not involve itself di-
rectly with political stands which
do not concern our constituents
directly as University dormitory
* * *
LATER at that meeting, a mo-
tion to reconsider was passed. In
the meantime a large and unruly
crowd had gatpered. Because of
the late hour (midnight), the of-
ficials of East Quadrangle asked
us to move our meeting out of
the Greene House Lounge, which
we did.
At our new location in the East
Quadrangle Council room, a mo-
tion was passed to send a letter
to President Hatcher asking him
to speak at the rally on the Uni-
versity's policy toward apartheid,
because we felt this was a matter
of student concern.
At approximately 1 a.m., we
passed into members and con-
stituents time. During this time,
an admitted filibuster was held
by certain constituents present.
One of these spoke in excess of
25 minutes. At 2:30 a.m., a motion
was passed by IQC to limit dis-
cussion during members and con-
stituents time to five minutes per
person. After hearing the remain-
der of the discussion, the meeting
was adjourned at 3:30.
* *
DESPITE the continuing valid-
ity of the five-minute limit, IQC
consented to listen to two mem-
bers of this group for far more
than five minutes each at its
meeting March 15.
-Lee E. Hornberger, '66
Inter-Quadrangle Council
Sports and IQ
To the Editor:
very little taste. It is unfor-
tunate when a great athlete must
be ridiculed for being a gentleman
and a scholar. Perhaps this atti-
tude is influenced by an environ-
ment that encourages a separation
of academic excellence from ath-
letic prowess.
At any rate it is patently evi-
dent that Mr. Graff has never met
Bill Bradley.
-P. Charlie, Grad
Double your Pleasure,
Double Your Fuit
At the campus Theatre
AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION rises to new heights at the Campus
Theatre this week; in fact, most of the total entertainment was
provided by the audience finding double meanings in everything on
the screen.
And no wonder: for back despite popular request are "Return to
Peyton Place," in all its seamy glory, and "Peyton Place," which is
so abominable that it makes its sequel look good by comparison.
Granted that "Peyton Place" dates back to 1958, it is still
pretty difficult to put up with its wretched color .quality, terrible
splicing, almost uniformly poor acting and, above all, the unforgettable
In the unlikely possibility that there might still be someone who
doesn't know what "Peyton Place" is all about, it's the saga of
life in a typical Hollywood-style small town, studded with illegitimacy,
suspicion, suicide, rape and murder-to paraphrase an old advertise-
ment, everything, in fact, that makes life in a typical small town
so interesting.
As for the sequel, it is copied from its predecessor in so many
ways and with such abominable lack of subtlety that it's pathetic.
The cast is generally a stronger one (if we charitably overlook the
acting prowess of Misses Weld and Lynley), however, and the color
is much better; but the splicing is still atrocious, resulting in some
ludicrously weird lines from all concerned.
The sequel's plot, when it isn't getting bogged down by some
'Cowboy' Isn't 'Re ally
Worth Fifty Cents
At the Cinema Guild
"COWBOY" is apparently designed to be a semi-spoof Western
which takes time to drive home a serious point. It doesn't make it,
mainly because it isn't able to convince the audience of a thing.
The agonizing familiarity of its plot doesn't help the movie
at all. Jack Lemmon is Frank Harris, a hotel clerk who lives in
Chicago. He cares very deeply for the welfare, of his fellow men.
Glenn Ford is Reese, a tough and seasoned cattle boss who lives on
the trail and doesn't care about anybody except himself and,
occasionally, the cattle.
By the end of the movie, Harris has become tough and Reese
has learned to care, all through the process of communicating with
each other.
THE POINT doesn't really come off, mainly because the movie is
extremely redundant and never convincing. A short, decent con-
versation or two between Reese and Harris might have helped. But
throughout the movie, all communication between them consists of
sneers, coarse reprimands and thrown punches.
The audience is given no explanation of how Harris converts
Reese into a good shepherd after becoming his partner on the trail.
The only possible means the movie leaves open is that of example,
but only one or two examples are given during a terribly abbreviated
cattle drive.
One thing is particularly distracting: the movie is filled with
many colorful, noisy incidents-often lengthy digressions-that are
very ineffective. Harris' thwarted love affair with a Mexican girl is
worthless-except as grist material for the constant jibes the men
exchange. An obviously-staged bullfight scene does nothing to dram-
atize Harris' love affair.
FINALLY, a phenomenon the director couldn't have planned for
helps reduce any success "Cowboy" might have earned-even as
a semi-spoof: Jack Lemmon has been playing all comedy roles since
the movie was released. Thursday's audience was so perfectly con-
ditioned that a Lemmon glance or facial twitch often put it into
stitches-usually at a serious moment.
For example: Having adopted a serious tone after some opening