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March 20, 1965 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1965-03-20

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See Editorial Page




Colder with occasional
snow flurries

Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom








ITH 93-76



UCLA Wins Battles
Wolverines Tonight
Russell Hits for 28, Buntin 22,
As Bradley Scores 29, Fouls Out
Acting Associate Sports Editor
Special To The Daihy
PORTLAND, Ore.-Cazzie chomped on a fat unlit cigar,
then burst into an expansive grin on the plane out here
"Why don't you smoke it, Caz," someone asked him.

Democrats in House Announce Wage Increase;

A controversial bill providing property tax relief for senior citi-
zens was rammed through the House yesterday by the Democratic
Taking advantage of a rule change passed earlier in the week
as well as their nearly two to one majority, the Democrats passed Praise
the bill by a 62-37 near-party-line vote.
A Republican amendment which would have extended the prop-
erty tax exemptions to persons
over 55 who are disabled a~nd. o H 4
squelched in the process.
Republicans accused the Demo oY rIat

Latest Faculty Plan

Group c sCmment

'Dorm Hike,


"Man, I'm saving this f
night," he shot back.
Michigan got one huge ste
last night as it rambled to a
sentimental favorite, Princeton
It was the Buntin-Russel
Wolverines close in the first

To Complete
On "'Schedule
Robert E. Weaver, management
agent for University Towers, said
yesterday that the high-rise
apartment building at South Uni-
versity and Forest is scheduled for
completion August 1 and will be
ready for occupancy by the be-
ginning of the fall term:
The statement was made in re-
sponse to contrary charges ear-
lier in the week from Martin Zim-
merman, '66A&D, chairman of the
Student Government Council Off-
Campus Housing Committee. Zim-
merman had advised the students
not to sign leases with University
Towers because experts in realty
and construction did not believe
the building could be constructed
in less than 14 months and would
not be completed by the fall term.
The Office of Student Affair
Off-Campus Housing Bureau last
month had refused to endorse
leases between students and own-
ers of unfinished buildings. At
that time 10 leases between soph-

for when we win it Saturday
p closer to Cazzie's cigar smoke
93-76 victory over the crowd's
11 combination which kept the
half when the fantastic Bill
Bradliey popped in 19 points;
and it was the Wolverine twin
All - Americans who then
crushed the Tigers in the sec-
ond half. Buntin crammed in
22 points, none from further
than eight .-feet from the
UCLA, a heavy favorite with the
experts here, will be the Wolver-
ines' opponents for the national
title tonight at 10 p.m. EST as the
j B r u i ns completely outclassed
Wichita in last night's second
semifinal 108-89.
Princeton's big man, 6'9" Rob-
inson Brown, was thoroughly out-
classed by Big Bill, as was his
replacement Ed Hummer.
Cazzie was as omnipresent as
Santa Claus on Christmas Eve.
floating in his 28 points from
miles away and also right under
the bucket.
The real story of the game was
the Wolverines' complete domina-
tion of the backboards throughout
the game. Michigan out-rebound-,
ed Princeton 56-37 and the Ti-
gers got a chance to put up moret
than one shot. .
Despite the ineffectiveness off
the boards, Princeton managed to
stay in the game thanks to the
:nagnificent shooting of Bradley
who tossed in 29 points, while1
disentangling himself from the
grips of George Pomey.
"Pomey did a tremendous Job.
He has the great quickness tc
play a Bradley," said a slightly
haggard Strack afterwards.
Bill Buntin was a jumping
mountain and some observers,
swear he could have cleared Port-1
land's famed Mount Hood tonight3
if he'd felt the urge. Big Bill
snared nine rebounds in the first
half and picked off five more in;
the second for a game-leadingi
total of 14.1
Benefit from Fouls C
Michigan was the beneficiary of
a goodly number of fouls and was1
polite enough to accept theml
gracefully-so gracefully that theye
plopped in 14 of 17 in the first1
half. Midwestern thrift prevaileds
on Coach Strack's quintet as theyf
gave Princeton a mere four free
throws in the first half, of whichc
they converted two. As a matter
of fact, the Tigers notched four
more field goals than the Wolver-c
ines in the first half, yet trailedf
by four points because of their k
In the second half, Michigan
trotted out on the court far more
relaxed than in the beginning.E
Buntin got the tip and Michigan
went on to score five straight,
making it 45-36. The outcome wasc
ilite doubt after that.
The first half was nip-and-tuck
with both teams showing tense-
ness. 'Michigan was sputteringt
and we were sputtering along
with them," said Von Breda Kloff
after the game. r
M' Sprts
The score stood Princeton 34, I
Michigan 29, 3:40 remaining n
the first half. Michigan called a
time out and then proceded to hit
eight straight points in the 11-2
spurt. Don Rodenbach hit a jump-
er from the left side with 50 sec-
onds remaining and then Gerg
Pomey tipped one in from the top



crats of "partisan politics" in try-
ing to beat Gov. George Rom-
ney to the punch in developing a
senior citizens' tax relief program
Romney, who called for such t
tax relief plan in his state-of-
the-state message, appointed ..
special committee to study possi-
ble tax relief plans and make rec-
ommendations to him. The
group's report is scheduled for
completion April 15.
Majority Leader Robert Trax-I

Say 'Teach-In' Bette
Method of Protestin
At their monthly meeting3
terday, the Regents praised
Faculty Committee -to Stop

er While not commenting specifically on recommendations made
1g in the report of Gov. George Romney's "blue ribbon" Citizens' Com-
mittee on Higher Education, two University Regents and University
President Harlan Hatcher discussed issues covered in the report after
yesterday's Regents meeting.
yes- Regent Eugene B. Power said that the eventual evolution of the
tha University's Plint branch into an entirelv independent state institution

the might be advisable if at some

v u t, tu"*' u IfNIL'ETuition Raise
On Flint, State BoardM

.11411 G1y 111UGj./G11L1G114 u4C4UG 111p 41411 V1V11

War in Viet Nam for "self-impos- time the needs of the state de-
ed discipline" in calling off its manded such a move.


APA Signs
Contract for
Fall Return {
The Association of Producing
Artists, the University's resident
repertory company, is renewing its
contract and will return next fall,
it was disclosed yesterday.
o The APA, under the guidance
of artistic director, Ellis Rabb,
was brought here in 1962 under
a three-year contract wnich ex-I
pires this year. Details regarding,
the new contract have not yet
been announced.#
The APA will be in Ann Arbor
only in the fall. In the spring it
goes to Broadway. "Man and
Superman" and "War and Peace,"
APA productions originated here,
were smash successes at the Off-
Broadway Phoenix Theatre this1
When the Phoenix Theatre
switches its home to the Lyceum
next season. it will be accompan-!
ied by the APA, its spring resi-
dent troup.-
Also going to New York is the'
University's Professional Theatre
Program. "An Evening's Frost,"1
staged by Marcella Cisney for the
New Play Project, 1965, will be
seen off-broadway next October
according to Producer Robert C.
Schnitzer. The play had a suc-
cessful debut here last February.
Based on the letters, verse and
cenversations of Robert Frost, the
play was compiled with narration
by poet and author Donald Hall'
of the English department.
Special Citation'
Last week the Regents present-
ed a special citation to the PTP
whichsstated: "The Regents are
proud that a production of such
chiaracter and brilliance could be-
written and performed at the Uni-
versity of Michigan. They express
the hope that it may be offered
to the public generally."1
"An Evening's Frost" will be
presented in New York by specialj
arrangement with Alfred Edwards,
president of Holt, Rinehart and
Winston, literary executor of tie,
estate of Frost.
'Spiler' Starts 3

ler (D-Bay City) denied the Re- puposeu work. moratorium and The "blue ribbon" committee's
publican charges, saying that "the "commendable wisdom" in choos- recommendations, while not ex-
Republicans have been the ma- ingasmore conventional means of plicitly referring to the Univer-
jority for nearly 28 years and protest. sity's plan to develop a four-year
have done nothing in this area Last Thursday, the FCSWV hadI program at Flint in the fall,
Romney has been governor for decided to schedule a teach-in showed a clear preference for the
over two years and has done for March 24, instead of a walk-esalhmnofnidpnet
overtwo earsand as o 0utater its original m oratru establishment of an independent
nothing. out, ad its sn oraoru four-year institution in Flint and
Stall plan had caused storms of pro- attacked the function of branch
Traxler charged Romney with tests about its appropriacy andcolleges general. However, the
deliberately stalling the issue legality. committee did concede t h a t
saying that "when it became ap- HUniversity President H a r 1 a n branches could be a convenient
parent that the Democrats were Hatcher told the Regents that way to start a four-year school
going to move on this issue now the teach-in was "a most appro- that later would be independent.
that they hold the majority priate method of presenting dis- Voluntary Cooperation
Romney appointed a study com- cussion." Power added that he is by no
mittee to delay action." He main- Regents Pleased oeans convinced that branches
tained that there is no reason Most of the Regents were pleas- are not functional institutions
for the Democrats to wait for the ed at FCSWV's change in plans and went on to stress the impor-
findings of the Romney committee but little was said at the meet- aneno nt ryss theio-
since "the bill that passed the ing about why the walkout pro- tance of voluntary cooperation
House is technically and philo- gram was called off or whether among Michigan's state schools
sophically sound." the administration had applied through such organizations as the
The measure would grant an pressure on faculty members in- CollegeAdministrators.
exception on the first $2500 of volved to change their method of 'There are many areas where
state equalized valuation to home- protest. Ithe Coordinating Council can play
awners over 65 on homesteads But Prof. William Gamson of a vitally important role," Power
valued at $10,000 (up to about the sociology department, spokes- said. 'However, certain issues are
$20,000 actual cash value). man for the group, flatly deniec' apt to set the institutions in con-
It would also provide a corres- rumors of a "deal" between Uni- flict, and here the State Board
ponding return to renters whc versity officials and FCSWV and of Education can help."
live in homes valued up to $10,- of threats by the administration. The "blue ribbon" committee
000. All recipients would have t, Hatcher Gives Review report, released yesterday morn-
live in Michigan for seven years Hatcher gave a brief review of ing, said that the State Board
before being eligible for the re- the controversy; he spoke of should be a powerful force in co-
lief or grant but would be sub- "discussion at the staff and de- ordinating the programs of state
ject to no income maximum. partmental level" and "contrary schools in Michigan.
Veto opinions of colleagues" as part of 'Apprehensive'
Rep. Marvin Esch (R-Ann Ar- the causes of the change in Hatcher said that he was "ap-
bor) said that if the Democratic plans. prehensive" about the present
plan passes the Senate in its Meanwhile, the teach-in idea is trend toward "super-boards" re-
pre nt form it will deserve a spreading. Prof. Marshall Sahl- sponsible for the coordination of
gubernatorial veto. He noted that ins of the anthropology depart- state institutions.
he is "confident that the gov- ment revealed yesterday that an "The idea of the 'super-hoard'
noi' will give the veto." "ad-hoc teaching committee"' a' has not proven successful in other
"We really have no idea how Columbia University has request- states, notably California," he
much the program will cost-esti- ed space from administrators for said. However, he called the un-
mates range from $20 million to a teach-in for Thursday, March ambiguous wording of Michigan's
$40 million," Esch emphasized. See REGENTS, Page 2 constitution guaranteeing t h e
- - ---------__------autonomy of each state school a
"safeguard" in this respect.
RrtnAsBut Hatcher agreed with Power
that voluntary coordination some-'
times breaks down.
During Alabama Activities Regent Irene Murphey com-
mented that it is too early to tell
what the exact relationship to the
state board and the individual
By NEIL SHISTER state schools will be.
At their meeting yesterday, the
About 70 University students, in a cooperative effort by VOICE, Regents voted to send a letter to
The Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee and GROUP, the "blue ribbon" committee con-
spent three days this week in Montgomery, Alabama participating gratulating its members for their
in civil rights demonstrations and marches. long conscientious work in pre-
Leaving Sunday night in 11 cars, the students took part in paring the 190 page report, which
the futile attempts of Monday and Tuesday to reach the Confederate was released yesterday.
flag-flying State Capital Building,
a wellas Wednesday'stfull-scale SDS PROTESTS APARTHEID:
march led by Rev. Martin Lutheri________________________
According to one member of
the group returning to Ann Arbor
d benaest Fifty U' Students P
yhad been arrested or detained by
the police, although this figure is By IRA SHOR
difficult to confirm.
The students arrested are Barry Fifty University students joined a nationwide campaign led by
Goldstein, Grad, Helen Jacobson, Students for a Democratic Society and picketed the Chrysler Cor-
'65, David Aroner, Grad and Diane poration plant in Detroit to protest that firm's investments in
Runkel, '65.
The student's trial is set for apartheid-ridden South Africa.
next Friday. The arrested stu- Besides Chrysler, SDS has singled out the Chase Manhattan
dents have decided not to post bail Bank of New York for contributing to the economy of South Africa.
and began a hunger strike Thurs- Citing Rundt's Market Report as their source of information, they
day night which will continue un- say that the Chase Manhattan has granted $40 million dollars
til they are released," Francie in a revolving loan fund to South Africa.
Lipton, stude were arrested This amounts to an outright gift to a rascist oriented nation,
Thursday with a group of 120 they indicated.
other demonstrators for loitering The students from the University were sent through an ad hoc
on the capital grounds. Eighty committee of Voice called the Committee for Action Against Apar-
more were arrested Friday, theid under the impetus of SDS. They were led by Sam Friedman,

Award Grant
For Study of
Prof. Daniel N. Fader of the
English department has been
awarded a $64,000 contract by the
United States Office of Educa-
tion for a project which proposes
to evaluate a radically different
English curriculum now being
taught at the W. J. Maxey Boys
Training School at Whitmore
If the curriculum is successful
in its application to delinquent
boys, it could revolutionize the
teaching of English in secondary
schools throughout the country.
The project is the outcome of a
program commissioned by the
Bureau of School Services of the
University and written by Fader
early in 1964. This program was
published by the Bureau in Feb-
ruary 1964 as a pamphlet entitled
"Teaching English at Boys Train-
ing School," and adopted by the
training school as their English
curriculum in August of that
Fader's proposal is a "satura-
tion program" of reading and
writing, in which every instructor
becomes a teacher of English, He
advocates "complete removal of
those symbols (a n d perhaps
causes) of failure from the boys'
learning environment - the large,
hardbound texts, usually antho-
To replace them he recommends
an avalanche of newspapers, mag-
azines, and paperbound books
"which so surround the boy in all
of his classrooms and are 'so
easily available to him in his en-
tire environment that he con-
vinces himself of the normality
and inescapabiilty of the written
In this intense effort to teach
functional literacy, every instruc-
See FADER, Page 2

Higher Rates Depend
On Appropriations
From Legislature
The minimum wage rate for
1680 part-time employes will be
raised from $1 to $1.25 beginning
July 1, University President Harlan
Hatcher announced yesterday at
the Regents meeting.
Officials hinted, however, that
a dorm fee hike and higher tui-
tion rates may also go into effect
next year to offset the higher
costs incurred by the wage in-
crease and other expenses. They
refused official comment on the
situation, since the main factor
in balancing the budget, the size
of state appropriations to the
University, is 'still an unknown.
Noted Expenses
Vice-President for Business and
Finance Wilbur K. Pierpont noted
that the expenses of University
facilities such as libraries, resi-
dence halls and student centers
which rely heavily on student em-
ployes will climb as a result of
the wage hike. For example, ac-
cording to Pierpont, the cost of
running the residence hall system
will increase by $80,000 because
of the higher wages.
Furthermore, Pierpont added,
the overall cost of raising the
wages for temporary employes,
who are iostly students, will be
partially offset by redjucing the
total number of such workers em-
ployed by the University.
He said, however, that this solu-
tion will not tighten the student
job market at the University since
this year many, job openings have
not been filled.
Pierpont added that the admin-
istration will probably not know
until May or June if the state's
appropriations to the University
will cover the increased costs caus-
ed by the wage hike and other
Although the original appropria-
tions bill containing the gover-
nor's requests has been killed by
the Legislature, the University is
still uncertain how much it will
See APPROVE, Page 2
Regents Approve
Three Day Period
A three day study period for
final examinations has been in-
corporated into the academic
calendar that was adopted and
approved by the Regents at their
monthly meeting yesterday.


omore women and University
Towers were cancelled.
Expected Date
The presently expected date of
completion, August 1, is based or
a "critical path plan" which as-
sesses the present construction
progress and projects a comple-j
tion date.
The plan was used to adjus t
the date of completion from July
1 to August 1 due to unpredictably
bad winter weather. A provision ir
the lease nullifies the agreementj
and provides for the return of
payment if the building is not
dpn 'v fnr u i nanc y by August 10

icket Chrysler Plant

reauy lu p(cu~U yru~ait
of the key with 34 seconds lUft
According to Weaver, in th( in tne half. "Spider" is the name of the
event of further unpredictable de- Strdak said afterwards, "II look- magazine causing the latest
lays the builders are prepared ed like any minute we should Berkeley scandal.
to work double and triple shifts have been taking real control.' The magazine, which Acting
if necessary. I He felt that at that monment the Berkeley Chancellor Martin Mey-
Also, "for additional assurance' Tolverines had gained the upper erson terms "inappropriate for a


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