Seventy-Fifth Year
U.S. and Apartheid: Hypocrisy and Profit
Wuth hOiionsreailee,420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH.
NEws PHONE: 764-0552
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
The Critics Are Mistaken
About the Faculty Moratorium
RECENT REMARKS made by state of-
ficials regarding the University's
planned teachers' moratorium show a
great and tragic willingness to sacrifice
the conscience of an intellectual com-
munity on the altar of the status quo.
From Gov. George Romney: "It's about
the worst type of example professors
could give to students."
From the University's Young ,Republi-
cans: ". . . these acts are entirely illegal
and proper action should be employed to
preveh this teachers' strike."
And, perhaps most tragic of all, a
statement from a University Regent,
Frederick C. Matthaei: "They get their
living from the taxpayer. They have no
license to abrogate their duties . . . They
are robbing the payroll!"
All these attacks entirely miss the
point, because they are based on an idea
of a duty of the professor to the univer-
sity, which, although it may seem in-
creasingly true today, is a false one.
professor is basically an employe of a
firm whose business is education. This
implies a rigid contractual relationship
between the employe and his firm; the
professor talks to a group of people and
occasionally queries them on what they
recall of his remarks..
In an era of mass education one might
have expected this attitude to be forth-
coming from those who are responsible
for the educational "firm." Yet expecta-
tions of it do not decrease one's dis-
appointment at hearing it expressed.
Regardless of how these caretakers of
a careless society might feel, professors
are not at all employes in a strict sense.
Their responsibilities reach far beyond
their daily job, and their concerns go
far beyond the occasional query of their
students' intelligence.
A PROFESSOR has a dual responsibility
to his University and to his society at
large. The Vietnamese war represents
a profound crisis in American society,
and is the most important foreign policy
crisis since the Korean War. In this
case the duty of the professors to pro-
vide a needed reexamination of Amer-
ica's Viet Nam policy far surpasses their
University duty of holding two or three
classes on one specific day.
The normal classroom responsibilities
of professors center on a critical exami-
nation of the values of their society, an
examination which is in fact the heart
of education. By calling off classes Wed-
nesday, the professors will not be failing
to teach their students; rather, they will
be teaching their students something re-
lating directly to this critical appraisal
of social values. In this sense, they are
far exceeding their usual responsibili-
ties to examine their society. They have
even ,offered to reschedule their regular
the professors' actions on the ground
that "they are robbing the payroll," he
objects to a conscientious evaluation of
America's policies in Viet Nam for no
better reason than to keep the wheels
of an otherwise non-reflective University
uselessly in motion.
When Gov. Romney says that the pro-
test is a "bad example," he implies that
professors have no deeper obligation to
the minds of their students than to fill
them with lectures.
Is a professor nothing more than a
machine of specified output?
This is a convenient role for those
who are responsible for greasing the cogs
in the machine. It ensures peace and
quiet, a businessman's university. It is
certainly no surprise that the cog-greas-
ers object when their petty world starts
to crumble.
The professors have been courageous
enough to voice not only their objection
to Viet Nam but also their objection to
an educational system that is often not
an educational system at all, but only
armeaningless facade.
IT IS TO BE HOPED that the protestors
will give such criticisms as those not-
ed here exactly the consideration they
IN SOUTH AFRICA, apartheid
means separate development. In
the United States, the profit mo-
tive means equal development of
all financial possibilities, regard-
less of race, color, creed or na-
tional origin.
In South Africa, it is a criminal
act for any nonwhite person to
register at previously open uni-
versities. All primary and secon-
dary education is segregated. Stu-
dents and others creating trouble
over racial exploitation have been
jailed under the 90-day deten-
tion Act, which authorizes the gov-
ernment to imprison any person
without cause. Wage scales and
job opportunities distinguish be-
tween a huge black majority and
a frightened, entrenched, power-
ful white minority. Police brutal-
ity against blacks-in the jails
and beyond-is common.
In the U.S., about 200 businesses
and banks are indirectly support-
ing this injustice. After a massacre
of 67 Africans by white policemen
at Sharpeville in March, 1960,
foreign capital began to flee South
Africa in panic, but numerous
American concerns-especially a
large group of banks which loaned
$85 million-offered their finan-
cial assistance to the suffering
economy. Eighty concerns increas-
ed their investments by $23 million
in 1961 alone; U.S.-dominated fi-
nancial institutions extended at
least $150 million in loans. The
trend has continued.
ONE OF THE largest of the in-
stitutions involved is the Chase
Manhattan Bank. In a statement
defending its lending policies, the
bank writes: "A loan to the Re-
public of South Africa is con-
sidered sound banking business,
and we feel it would be unwise
and unfair if we, as a bank, made
judgments that were not based on
American profits in South Af-
rica average over 25 per cent
higher than the rate any place else
in the world. The companies which
make these profits accept the
fact that such profits are possible
unly because blacks are paid des-
perately low wages.
On paper at least, this nation
is committed to policies of non-
discrimination. But there could
hardly be a clearer issue: Ameri-
can dollars are partly responsible
for the strength of the Verwoerd
regime's oppression.
WASHINGTON'S moral con-
demnations of such a policy
become totally ineffective when
placed beside this fact. The situa-
tion is lucid proof that the drive
for profits and economic coloniza-
tioin has pre-empted both morality
and commitments to action upon
Certainly in a free economy
such as ours, individuals (corpor-
ate or otherwise) may invest their
money wherever they please.
Working within this free enter-
prise context, what is required is
to exert moral pressure to change
Tonight and tomorrow pressure
will be exerted.
TO NIGHT, Friends of SNCC and
Voice Political Party, the cam-
pus' chapter of Students for a
Democratic Society will stage a
rally on the Diag to explore the
facts of apartheid and American
involvement and to urge the Uni-
versity to divest itself of approxi-
mately $10 million in stocks and
bonds of corporations supporting
the South African economy. The
rally will further urge that all
corporations and banks presently
involved liquidate their financial
investments in South Africa or
use the threat of withdrawal as a
lever to eliminate racial over-
Tomorrow, more direct pres-
sures will be exerted against the
Chase Manhattan Bank. Between
500 and 1000 students, faculty and
representatives of African nations
are expected in New York for a
picket and possibly minor civil
1T IS THE conviction of SDS,
primary organizer of all the
protests, that "verbal condemna-
tion for us, as for our government,
would not be enough; we would
have to interrupt the business of
business in order to break through
to an acquiescent American public.
The accusing finger would have to
be pointed at very specific targets
to bring the point home."
Tomorrow's demonstration in
New York will be supplemented by
other demonstrations across the
nation. Locally, the focus will be
on Chrysler Corp., which has
plants in South Africa. Transpor-
tation-leaving from the SAB at
1 p.m.-will be provided into De-
troit. Significantly, the demon-
stration will go farther than just
picketing; leaflets will be dis-
tributed to Chrysler workers to
acquaint them with the facts of
apartheid and to urge union con-
demnation of their firm's in-
creasing investments in South
THE STORY of private Ameri-
can support of apartheid is a
story which demands the atten-
tion of all those concerned with
hypocrisy in high and low places.
And that attention should de-
mand action to ensure that deeds
match moral proclamations and
that power is responsibly and
democratically used.
The first opportunity is 7:30
Acting Editorial Director
Should There Be a Protest?
To the Editor:
University students and pro-
fessors will participate in a dem-
onstration of protest over Amer4-
can involvement in Viet Nam. A
work moratorium (not holding
classes) will be supplemented by
holding open discussions on the
issues involved in Viet Nam, and
a delegation will go to Washington
to lobby for the end of the war.
The professors propose to resched-
ule their regular classes for an-
other time.
We, as students of the Univer-
sity, are fully in support of this
action and wish to present a tu-
dent view of the issues involved.
The primary, if not key issue,
is Viet Nam itself. That is what
the protest is about although the
seriousness of that situation as a
central issue is being lost in the
debate over whether these profes-
sors are doing the right thing.
These professors believe that edu-
cation, especially university edu-
cation, must not ignore current
events, especially if those events
threaten to plunge the world into
in our university experience. We
believe that their current action
expresses this admirable commit-
We applaud the professors' ef-
forts to provide an opportunity
where the issues of Viet Nam will
be brought into the light of active,
intelligent debate.
--Peter Brigham, '66SW
Conrad Egan, '66SW
Elaine Selo
Shirley Terreberry, '66SW
Dawn Wachtel
Linda Walker, '65SW
Roger Manela, '68SW
To the Editor:
a few reactionary University
professors threatens to destroy the
peaceful relations which were
slowly developing between the
University and the state Legisla-
ture. Their tactics of canceling
classes are those of extremism and
will accomplish nothing since the
majority of students and faculty
Should the System Be Preserved?
THE CRISIS the sorority system is fac-
ing today is one of preservation. In
the light of the recent decision to allow
junior women to live in apartments, the
crisis heightens.
What can sororities do to attract far-
sighted freshmen and undecided sopho-
mores? What can the sorority system
offer women to compete with independ-
Certainly a long series of petty respon-
sibilities such as chapter meetings, use-
less committees, rush and various and
boring house functions will not serve to
Got the Time ?
North Campus is one of the best in
the country. Except for one thing: It has
no clocks, and anybody in it has to walk
a country mile to get to the nearest clock,
which itself is never accurate.
The time is not that important-un-
less you want to catch one of the hourly
buses to Central Campus, the only trans-
portation available.
Acting Editorial Staff
Managing Editor Editorial Director
JUDITH WARREN .... . .......... Personnel Director
THOMAS WEINBERG ............ ...Sports Editor
LAUREN BAHR .......... Associate Managing Editor
SCOTT BLECH ...... . . Assistant Managing Editor
ROBERT HIPPLER ...... Associate Editorial Director
GAIL BLUMBERC .......... Magazine Editor
LLOYD GRAFF .............. Associate Sports Editor
JAMES KESON .. ... ... ........ Chief Photogranher
NIGHT EDITORS: David Block, John Bryant, Michael
Juliar, Leonard Pratt.
SPORTS NIGHT EDITORS: Robert Carney, James
LaSovage, Gilbert Samberg, James Tindall, Charles
Vetzner, Bud Wilkinson.
Bigelow, Michael Dean, John Meredith, Peter Sara-
sohn, Barbara Seyfried, Bruce Wasserstein.
allure women to the system.
THE DESIRE to join a sorority merely
to get out of the dormitory is no
longer a valid excuse for affiliation. An
apartment provides even further im-
proved living conditions. One is able to
choose her surroundings, plan and sched-
ule her own meals.
Seeking sororities for prestige is a
motive denied by all Greeks. If it is se-
cretly harbored, it is an erroneous per-
ception, for the kind of social prestige
being sought is based on money and
birth, neither of which are qualifications
for affiliation.
Who, for the most part, populates the
sororities and the whole University cam-
pus but representatives of the Ameri-
can middle class? Distinctions within this
class can only be based upon a careful
scrutiny of one's parents' income, an
investigation, which, happily, is not part
of the rush procedure.
ANOTHER WELL-WORN defense of the
"Don't Be Getting Any Ideas That YOU Have
A Right To Vote"
, - iti?9s- --
t'v p i ~
dent's paragon of excellence. How-
ever I might ask those teachers
who plan to suspend classes to
examine just who will benefit (and
how much?) from their walk out
and weigh it against those who
will be harmed and have their
schedules disrupted.
-Thomas L. Ewing, '67
To the Editor:
W E WOULD like to take this
opportunity to praise the ac-
tions of 33 members of the faculty
who have decided to suspend
classes on March 24 in protest of
American intervention in Viet
Nam. We have noted with disquiet
the conspicuous silence of many
faculty members on important
contemporary problems and ques-
tions of public policy. We feel that
faculty members, being among the
most educated and knowledgable
people in our society, have a duty
to express their feelings on con-
troversial issues. We commend
them on the courage they have
shown in taking this action to
bring attention to their views, and
deplore the action of President
Hatcher and Governor Romney in
trying to intimidate them. We
have seen nothing to warrant the
exemption of college professors
from the safeguards of the First
-Jeffrey Powers
Michael Heideman
To the Editor:,
present policy in Viet Nam is
I find the proposed faculty
"strike" just as questionable.
In this the age of the demon-
stration, sit-in, and, "walk-out"
valid methods of protest are mis-
used by individuals who seek to
make their points of view known
to the public. So long as they are
neither unconstitutional nor a
danger to the public safety I see
no reason why the demonstration
as a means of protest should not
be used. But in this case a walk-
out of the type proposed would
not only be unfair to the students
in the classes affected, but, of
dubious value since the lay public,
i.e. the Legislature, is often con-
fused by the intellectual marching
in the streets or suspending his
normal duties. There are, I am
sure, other means of protest and
I would suggest that this group
utilize them, on their own time,
and, in a way which will not
reflect discredit on the University.
-Eric D. Thuma, Grad
An Alternative
To the Editor:
HOSE OF US on the faculty
who commend the "small
group" for activating our con-
sciences regarding the issues in
Viet Nam, but who disagree with
the methods proposed, can still
lend support by meeting our
classes and devoting the day to
a thoughtful discussion of U.S.
policy in Southeast Asia. Our pur-
pose should be to clarify and
strengthen the conviction of each
person throughout the academic
community. It should be a day
when absence from class is at a
minimum, when faculty members
make a special effort to meet
classes or confer with students in
a new bond of common concern for
our country and its policies. This
JULES MUNSHIN as Fagin is shown above with Joan Eastman
as Nancy in the musical "Oliver!" which the Professional Theatre
Program presented last night as the last of its winter series.
Back-Street Londoners
.Romp in .Lusty 'Olver!'
"THE RISING of Dickens," notes Chesterton, "was like the rising
of a mob." And a lusty, rousing mob it was that came to life
last night and romped about- the stage of Hill Auditorium. "Oliver!"
the Professional Theatre Program's touring musical offering, worked
and sang away with equal vigor to bring Ann Arbor the comedy
and tragedy of back-street London, and brought them off with gusto.
The show's chief merits were its music, its staging, the perform-
ances turned in by Jules Munshin and Joan Easterman, and Dickens'
characters. Munshin, as the crafty Fagin, brought to the piece his
equally crafty comic sense, an outrageous range of antic. polish, and
the solidly professional capacity for bringing an audience to life.
Miss Eastman, as the gay and tragic Nancy, matched his quality
on wholly different grounds, adding to a grand, and belting, lilting
voice the furious enthusiasm of her dancing personality.
They get plenty of support. Dale Malone and Lu Leonard more
than validated their billing, and Chris Andrews, as The Artful
Dodger, is spectacularly surprising in his first-act antics, with a
versatility that touched everything but his voice.
On through the cast, the quality showed, even to the momentary
delights of Tilda D'Andrea and Evan Thompson, in their minor roles.
And running through it all, the music of Lionel Bart gave grace,
depth and happiness in a way that justified entirely its album-
jacket praises.
BUT THERE were unsettling problems, and the force of what I've
noted already is what truly carries the show. For Mr. Bart's book
is very weak, and borders sometimes on the tedious. Much of Oliver's
sad tale cannot be told in tuneful merriment, and the spaces in be-
tween don't always justify the fine attempts of a hard-working cast.
Even little Christopher Spooner, as Oliver, had a tough time shifting
gears into the reverie of "Where Is Love?"' The weakness of dialogue
forced many of the show's best tunes to work as isolated musical
cameos, even in the case of Miss Eastman's finest accompishment in
the delicately tragic "As Long As He Needs Me."
FOR ALL OF that, the little boys, lovely ladies and lusty rogues
brought a tuneful, charming affair to town. If you can catch it
down the road, do.
Players Give Enjoyable,
Singing Performance
AS IS USUAL with operatic productions, there were few vocal
problems with the University Players' presentation of Mozart's
"Magic Flute" last night. However the staging, which often interfered
with the singing performances of the actors, was at times less than
The inherent problems of operatic production have not been
completely solved by stage director Jack Bender. The singers are
often not free to sing because of motions and actions involved in
the parts they are playing. But since the vocalists are all acceptable
or better, the evening is still very enjoyable.
The best singing of the evening comes from Waldie Emerson
as Tamino. His voice. which has great brilliance at the top, is a
fine tenor. Elizabeth Ilson, who can float a long Mozartean phrase
at will, is fine as Pamina. Norman Brody copes manfully with the
exacting role of Sarastro, and Noel Rodgers-who has the capability
for top notes if she doesn't force them-manages well as Queen
of the Night. Maria Bahas is the cutest Papagena ever seen. Her
voice leaves absolutely nothing to be desired.
system is the
which affiliation
presence of 60 or so
valuable friendships
provides. True, the
familiar faces around
campus is satisfying, but this type of
glamour wears off quickly after the first
Sorority women are the first to ad-
mit that one is not expected to love her
sisters. The majority of Greeks leave the
system with only a 'few close friendships
which will last. Is. this not the social
pattern in most living units across cam-
THE QUESTION sororities have been
asking themselves recently is how to
preserve the system. A far more relevant
question would be: Is the system worth
® sAb U - Wvim Adn rA
an extended and perhaps nuclear
war. They believe that by refusing
to ignore the world problems and
by opening them up to discussion,
they are not only fulfilling their
rights of protest as citizens par-
ticipating in the government of
their country but also their role
as educators.
THEY HAVE structured their
protests in a graphic way: a work
stoppage. However, they have also
planned to make up the classes
which will be missed that day.
Thus they do not abandon their
responsibilities as teachers. Rather
the faculty is assuming addition-
al teaching responsibility. The
seminars and discussions of Viet
Nam are a bonus educational ex-
perience directed at a current is-
sue which is not accommodated
in the existing curriculum. Thus,
are opposed to their actions. The
only sane course is for these pro-
fessors to negotiate a face-saving
retreat from their untenable po-
sition. Let us not allow a few will-
ful men to lead us into a disas-
trous attempt to second guess the
-Gary Barber, '67
To the Editor:
I WOULD like to question the
appropriateness of teacher walk-
out protests. I attend this univer-
sity to learn and I do not feel that
cancellation of classes by any of
my instructors helps me to achieve
my purpose.
I became particularly perturbed
when I discovered from a substi-