i N
U.S. Judge Orders Protection
Postpone TIRATIV
[ Faces Problems
Alabama Freedom March
J._./ V 1 JLJ- 1 1 N F 1.7 J
Sends Voting
To Congress
WASHINGTON (IP) -- President
Lyndon B. Johnson sent his top-
priority voting rights bill yester-
day to a Congress poised for ac-
tion, and declared it will "help
rid the nation of racial discrimi-
nation" at the ballot box.
With it, the President asked the
House and Snate to enact thir.
broad declaration:
"No voting qualification or pro-
cedure shall be imposed or ap-
plied to deny or abridge the right
to vote on account of race or
To enforce that provision, th
measure would erase state liter-
acy tests and similar require-
ments in low-registration and
low-turnout states, counties an(
If discrimination persisted, thr
government would assign voting
examiners to register people fo
federal, state and local elections.
The bill would focus its guar-
antees on six southern states: Al-
abama, Georgia, Louisiana, Mis-
sissippi, Virginia and South Caro-
There, administration of ficial
say, voter turnout fell below 5C
per cent of the voting age popu-
lation in November's presidential
election. These officials blamed
racial discrimination.
The bill does not name the
states, but the 50 per cent voting
or registration level triggers its
1917 Washtenow
Sun. 7:00, Mar. 21
Political Science
"An unjust law is no law
at all . . ." Augustine
Discussion & Refreshments
at 6:45 P.M.
Cars at Lloyd & Union
Plan Protest
On Highway
For Friday
'U' Students Gather
For D.C. Picketing
United States District Judgel
Frank M. Johnson, Jr., yesterday
prohibited state and county au-
thorities from interferring with ;
50-mile civil rights march from
Selma to Montgomery.-
Kyprianou, foreign minister of
Cyprus, told the Security Counci'
yesterday his government took
action against Turkish Cypriote
on the northwest coast of Cypru,
as a precautionary measure
against any attempted Turkish
He was accused by Orhan Er
alp, the Turkish delegate, of "sa-
bre rattling." Eralp asserted tha'
the only purpose of the Greek
Cypriots was to achieve "gradua'
strangulation" of Turkish Cypriot
positions in the eastern Mediter
ranean island republic.
The council was called into ses.
sion to act on a recommendation
by Secretary-General U Thant
The European Atomic Energy
Commission (E U R A T 0 M) is
meeting this week in Brussels
to work out some of the diffi-
culties it faces.
Officials of nuclear and scien-
tific development in the six coun-
tries that comprise EURATOM
(France, West Germany, Italy,
Belgium, The Netherlands and
Luxembourg) are seeking to re-
solve problems that come under
two main headings:
1. President Charles de Gaulle':
attempts to reduce the influence
of the United States in Euro-
pean affairs, and
2. Hhe lack of agreement caus-
ed by conflicting national aims.
Millions of U.S. dollars in pos-
sible sales of nuclear power equip-
Protestors, 600 Police
Crowd Sizzling Selma
Special To The Daily
SELMA, Ala.-The thermometer of the Royal Crown Cola sign
registered 78 degrees. It was on the wall of Walker's Cafe where
last March 8 the Rev. James A. Reeb was fatally clubbed. It was
obvious that the tense situation had not cooled down.
There were over 600 police in town or about two for every one
of Dallas County's 324 registered Negro voters.
The majority of the policemen were six blocks away, parked
in the middle of Sylvan Street behind the blockade that was
preventing several thousand civil rights workers from staging a
planned march to the Court House.
They were all there: Al Lingo's blue-helmeted state police,
deputized green-helmeted conservation officers, Wilson Baker's white-
helmeted city police and Jim Clark's dark-green helmeted county
police. They sat there munching on fried chicken, drinking pop or
reading newspapers.
Court Order
Finally late afternoon, a federal court order approved the march
and the blockade went down. The rabbis, nuns, students, Negroes
and civil rights workers marched two blocks up Sylvan Street, made
a right turn on Alabama, and went six blocks to the center of
town to Dallas County Court House.
At the corner of Lawrence and Alabama, a few noticed that
two letters were missing from the sign of the local Coca Cola
bottler. It read "Selma riendly and rogressive," instead of, "Selma
friendly and progressive."
The marchers progressed, but thousands of white onlookers
were not friendly. On Fulton Street, patient motorists began honking
as they had to wait to let marchers pass.
One man got out of his car and said to a policeman, "You
gonna let them stop this car?"
"I guess I have to ," said the policeman.
"Goddamn cattle," replied the man as he stalked back into
his car.
But on March 7 ...
On March 7, many of these same policeman were chasing many
of these same demonstrators down Fulton Street. Then the marchers
were on a 50-mile hike to Montgomery. They were stopped by
policemen who chased them back to town, ultimately injuring 70
and hospitalizing 18.
When the marchers reached the Court House, Rev. Martin
Luther King placed a memorial wreath for the Rev. Reeb at the
door of the Dallas County Court House. Rev. James Abernathy said,
"Rev. Reeb's spirits shall dwell at the Dallas County Court House
until every Negro is registered."
A few feet away, County Sheriff Jim Clark, who believed "the
Negroes want black supremacy," sat in his office. Sheriff Clark
wears a badge that says "NEVER."
But the Negroes in Selma now begin to think soon.
Johnson also ordered state that the
troopers and Dallas County sher- man UN
iff's deputies at Selma to provide extended
protection for the marchers dur- months, u
ing the trek to the state capital Kypriar
to dramatize Negro demands fol Ambassad
equal voting rights. that the
Meanwhile, demonstrations con- should be
tinued in Selma and Montgomery sition was
protesting Tuesday's attack by But th
police officials on a group o' es among
demonstrators near the state cap- issues inv
itol building. the futu]
Washington Protests council a
In Washington, about 300 stu- ernoon wi
dents, mostly white, gathered foi recommer
more demonstrations in front o The er
the White House. They will b( tween G
joined today by nine University riots in t
students who left Ann Arbor las' northwest
night. Another car will leave the in on t
campus this afternoon for the the counc
W a s h i n g t o n demonstrations.
which were called by the Student There
Non-Violent Coordinating Com- toward a
mittee. the islan
The Montgomery court issued F have be
preliminary injunction barring mands fo
Gov. George C. Wallace, state Cyprus w
trooper commander Col. Albert J terly opp
Lingo and Sheriff James G. Clark has vowe4
of Dallas County from "failing tc Turkish C
provide police protection." Cypioetd
The order said the processior i want the
along U.S. Highway 80 is sched-
uled to begin Friday.
Johnson turned down a peti
tion by the Justice Departmen W (
for a more sweeping order to pro-
hibit interference with civil rights
demonstrations in addition to the
Selma-Montgomery march.
Joint in Suit-
The Justice Department joinec By
in a suit by civil rights leaders
for the no-interference order. DA NA
When demonstrators tried to Six U.S.
march from Selma to Montpomery more tha
March 7, state troopers clubbed yesterday
and tear-gassed them in an epi- munist to
sode that brought hundreds of no disclo
civil rights workers streaming in. the missi
to Selma. In Ha]
Johnson's decision came a raid drill
hundreds of demonstrators mass- Viet Nan
ed in front of the county court- becomei
house here after a street march Vietname
led by Dr. Martin Luther King closest st
Jr. miles awe
mandate of the 6100-
peacekeeping force be
for another three
until June 26.
,ou, Eralp and Greek
or Dimitri Bitsios agreed
mandate of the force
extended, and no oppo-
s expected.
ere were sharp exchang-
the three on the basic
olved in the dispute ove;
re of Cyprus, and the
diourned until this aft-
ithout acting on Thant',
uption of righting be-
reek and Turkish Cyp-
he area of Lefka on thr
t coast heightened ten-
he island in advance o'
eil debate.
has been no progres'
political settlement or
d. The Greek Cypriot-
en renewing their de-
or Enosis, the union o'
with Greece. This is bit-
posed by Turkey, whic)
d to protect the 100,00c
Cypriots from being over
by the 400,000 Greek
The Turkish Cypriot"-
island partitioned.
orld News
The Associated Press
.NG, South Viet Nam --
Air Force jets emptied
an 20 tons of explosives
, apparently on Com-
argets in Laos. There was
osure of the results of
on or its exact nature.
rioi, a blackout and air
1 suggested that North
n fear sits capital might
a target of U.S.-South
ese air raids, though the
trike so far has been 100
ment, fuels and data to EURA-
TON and its member nations
could be involved in EURATOM,
actions. A major policy question
facing EURATOM now is how
much the group will have to do,
with the U.S. in the reactor field.
The U.S., with a tremendous
supply of information and re-
sources in the field, has been sup-
plying these to Western Europe
but de Gaulle would like to con-
siderably diminish this influence
One reason for this is that the
French, the only EURATOM
country constructing reactors
makes reactors that use natura;
uranium, which is plentiful in
France. The U.S. reactors use en-
riched uranium, which must be
imported to Europe.
The French are trying to get
EURATOM to abandon a $29.5
million five-year research pro-
gram involving mostly American
reactors, in an attempt to draw
attention away from U.S. equip-
ment. An agreement under which
the U.S. was to provide three or
four reactors valued at $350 mil-
lion to EURATOM has been alter-
ed, with only three scheduled foi
completion. The fourth was drop-
ped because of disagreement with-
The French hope that by less-
ening interest in U.S. atomic
work, Italian and power compa-
nies of other countries will in-
vest in French reactors. France
wants EURATOM to consider F
special loan and tax program for
European companies producing
reactors designed and built in Eu-
Robert Wells, Jr., of the politi-
cal science department comment-
ed that U.S. influence will prob-
ably remain strong because"ther,
is a growing realization that any
exchange is indispensible.. The or-
ganization was set up as a poo"
and has enormous potential as a
center of data,"
He pointed to the limits of coun-
tries such as Luxembourg working
alone and compared them to the
gains possible in a united organi-
zation. In such an organization
he said, the "miniscule" develop-
ment of France in the reactor
field will be insufficient to lead
the other nations. He concluded
that U.S. influence must remain.
The group has not been work-
ing as well as a united communi-
ty. Wells predicted that after Jan-
uary, 1966, when the European
Common Market, the Coal and
Steel Community and EURATOM
are fused, "cooperation will spill
over" from one group to another.
EURATOM's problems began to
accumulate last year when ths
commission's vice-president, Prof.
Enrico Medi resigned because of
the lack of an agreement on plans
and funds for EURATOM re-
Protest Cancels
Degree Award
threatened student boycott caus-
ed cancellation yesterday of cere-
monies at which Oklahoma City
University was to present an hon-
orary doctor of law degree to seg-
regationist Sen. Allen llender
John F. Olson, president of the
university, announced at the
Methodist institution's weekly
convocation that student leaders
had refused to guarantee that El-
lender would "be given a cour-
teous reception."
Zoology & Fishery Dept.
SUNDAY, March 28th
"For want of a nail the
shoe is lost . . ." Herbert
Cars at Lloyd & Union
at 6:45 P.M.
Senate .Debates
Cain Selection
The nomination of a University
professor to be assistant secretary
of the interior for wildlife and fish
is expected to be confirmed soon
by the Senate Commerce Commit-
The committee held hearings
yesterday on President Lyndon B.
Johnson's nomination of Stanley
A. Cain, professor of conservation
in the School of Natural Resources.
No opposition was expressed to
Cain's nomination.
Sen. Warren Magnuson (D-
Wash), chairman of the commit-
tee, told Cain he is hopeful prob-
lems involving commercial fishing
can be resolved by him.
Cain, 62, is a former chairman
of both the Michigan State Con-
servation Commission and the
School of Natural Resources de-
partment of conservation. He join-
ed the University faculty in 1950.
Full Time & Evening Employment
If you are free from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. four evenings each week end
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a part-time job doing special interview work that will bring an average
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If everybody and his
Read and Use
Michigan Daily Classifieds
A five-day hearing on the issue
ended Tuesday.
Nearly 1500 civil rights demon-
strators led by King marched tc
protest the club-swinging rout o:
demonstrators here Tuesday by
mounted deputies.
Several hundred college stu-
dents from northern cities and
about 30 white clergymen joiner
the ranks of marchers. They mov-
ed slowly and silently, eigh'
Meanwhile in Selma, police ar-
rested 33 white ministers while
they were picketing the mayor';
house after a march to the Dalla:
County courthouse in the rain.
The ministers were taken away
in police cars after their arres'
in front of Mayor Joseph T
Smitherman's home.
They were charged with violat-
ing a city ordinance prohibiting
picketing in a private residentia1
diciary Committee yesterday ap-
proved a constitutional amend-
ment designed to make sure there
will always be a functioning Chief
Executive in the office of the
Presidency. The proposed amend-
ment, similar to one already pass-
ed by the Senate, would provide
a means for replacing a disabled
President, either with or without
his approval, and letting him re-
sume office.
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