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January 12, 1965 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1965-01-12

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a att.t lltiz, 14 Jt7. UAIii Z Iub7

Boulding Cites China

Across Campus


D -"~I/kA IL I1 -k7&W

Marxism, riationalism and Tai-
wan make United States-Chinese
relations a problem that is "al-
most unsolvable" and that re-
quires "extraordinary patience,"
Prof. Kenneth Boulding of the
economics department told a ca-.
pacity crowd in the Multipurpose
Rm. of the UGLI Sunday.
The lecture was the first in a
Challenge series on "The Chal-
lenge of Communist China."
Calling the Eastern tradition of
China and India and the Western
tradition of Sumer, Greece and
Rome the "two great strains of
history which, until about 100
years ago, never really mixed,"
Boulding noted that their impacts
on each other have differed.
"We owe more to China than
we realize," he said, maintaining
that China's impact on the West
in terms of the mandarin-scholar-
civil servant ideal has been very
Impact of West
"But the impact of the West on
China has been almost totally
destructive," he declaied. "In
about 200 years China fell to per-
haps the lowest level in the world."
Then "the West hit China
through Marxism-that's a little
like getting it through Jehovah's
Witnesses. The Peking Review is
a little like the "Watchtower,"
with the same narrow frame of
Boulding explained that Marx-
ism, with its stern, puritanical
outlook, its prophet, Marx, its
view of private property as sin, its
vision of heaven as the Commun-
ist state and even a transubstan-
tiation in its Labor Theory of
Value, is "the Judeo-Christian
tradition at its worst, for Marx-
ism is a loveless Christianity."
And as a result of its contact
with Marxism, Boulding declared,
"the closest thing China reminds

i rqnjwm I
Two University faculty mem-
nationalistic, particularly during bers contributed chapters to a
the later 19th century. new book, "Contemporary Amer-
China is especially nati cmalis'.ic! can Novelists," edited by Harry
in an ideological sense, he said. T. Moore in the Crosscurrents
However, answering a ds uestin Series published by the Southern
about the Chinese takeover in Illinois University Press.
Tibet, Boulding added that China's, John W. Aldridge, visiting pro-
nationalism "isn't very expan- fessor of English, contributed "The
sionist-it seeks primarily to ex- War Writers Ten Years Later,"I

A '

for Mollusks" supported by a two
year NSF grant of $15,000.,


nd.ll s r


"An Evening's Frost," a new;
The current exhibit in the cor- dramatic treatment of Robert
ridor of the General Library dis- Frost the man by Prof. Donald
plays engravings on copper by Hall of the English dept., will be
Peter Lipman-Wulf illustrating produced by the Professional
eleven of Shakespeare's sonnets. Theatre Program's New Play
The artist not only created the Project for 1965, the PTP an-
designs, but did the printing as nounced yesterday.
well. The exhibit will remain on Prof. Robert Schnitzer, execu-
display until the end of January. ror ofe PTP excud
* * *ive director of the PTP descriued
"An Evening's Frost" as a "dram-

me of is Cromwell's Englanl-
virtuous,sbut extremely disagree-
Hatred for U.S.
This puritanical fervor of the
Communist Chinese, he concluded,
has resulted in a hatred for the
less-puritanical United States that
is "understandable, but strictly
pathological," and which has im-
peded United States - Chinese
communications severely.
The second element, which has
often mingled with Marxism, is
Chinese nationalism, Boulding
maintained. "Now is perhaps the
first time that the concept of
government has replaced the con-
cept of the family, and the
Chinese are going through it with
a vengeance. It is an assertion
of national identity after one
hundred years of disaster," he
The United States, he pointed'
out, "has been a howling suc-
cess," and even so, was intensely

pand to its historical border." }
He noted that China also is
seeking friendly border states, as'
has the Soviet Union. "We'd be
alarmed if Mexico were in two,
parts and a Communist armyl
were fighting in one part," Bould-E
ing added in a reference to Vietl
"When imperialism is the worst
word in your vocabulary, you dol
not tend to be an imperialist," hel
said. He referred to China'sI
Chinese name "chung-quo" mean-
ing "middle kingdom" or "center,
of the earth" as indicating hera
traditional mentality and lending,
support to a view of an isolation-l
Crucial Element
Touching on what he calledI
"the inevitable question" of Tai-
wan, Boulding called it the "cru-
cial element" in U.S.-Chinese re-
lations. The Chinese regard Tai-
wan as a national problem; the
U.S., since it has had an impor-
tant part in its development and
a stake in its future, feels it is
an international problem, he said.
"I favor a 'two-China' policy-
in fact, I favor a twenty-China
policy. The country is much too
hard to run properly as a socialist
state. Of course, it's hard to tell
the Chinese this."
"We used to think of Canada
as 'our country,' and made several
attempts to take it from the
British," Boulding continued.
"Now we're rather accustomed to
a 'two-America' policy."
Boulding admitted that he did
not have "all the answers," but
said that United States recogni-
tion and a United Nations seat
for China, along with "extra-
ordinary patience," were imnpor-
Economic Future
"Red China's economic future,
unlike Taiwan's, is still veiy
largely a question-mark. Red.
China may be around for a long
time, and we ought to recognize
it and think in long-range terms,"
he said.
However, Boulding noted that,,
"it's very hard to communicate,
because all our classical refer-
ences are different. Marxism is a
form of Westernization. But it's
out-of-date and heretical-and it's
harder to talk with heretic than
an infidel."
He added that, in his view,
Japan would not play an impor-
tant role in promoting communi-
cation between China and the
rest of the world.

a wide-ranging essay on a num-
ber of post-World War II Ameri-
can novelists.
Prof. Marvin Felheim composed
"Eudora Welty and Carson Mc-
Cullers," a treatment of two wom-
en writers whose first works ap-
peared in the 1940's.
Two University psychologists
have received National Science
Foundation research grants total-
ling $81,900.
Prof. Daniel J. Weintraub will
conduct research entitled "Deter-
minants of Discriminability among
Visual Patterns," and Prof. Char-
les M. Butter will study "Neural
Mechanisms of Perception."
A University anthropologist and
a zoologist are directing research
projects with grants announced
by the National Science Founda-
Prof. Volney H. Jones, curator
of ethnology in the Museum of
Anthropology, is in charge of an
investigation titled "Regional Pat-
terns in Pueblo Ethno-botany."
The $19,700 NSF grant covers a
two-year period.
Prof. John B. Burch, curator of
mollusks in the Museum of Zool-
ogy, is directing research titled
"Cell and Tissue Culture Methods
'U' Gets Grant
For Education
The Woodrow Wilson Founda-
tion has given the University a
$66,000 grant for support of'grad-
In an announcement yesterday,
the foundation said that three-
fourths of the grant is for aid to
graduate students in their second
or subsequent years of study, but
not necessarily for former Wood-
row Wilson Fellows. The remain-
der of the grant is unrestricted.
Last year, 20 University stu-
dents received Woodrow Wilson
Fellowships. This ranks the Uni-
versity second in the nation
among state universities. The Uni-
versity of California's four cam-
puses ranked first with 46 fellows.
A total of 159 University stu-
dents have won the award since
the fellowship program began in
I. d


Eight Student Groups Planj
Course Description Boolet

ia rortrays rrost
what she calls "a distinguisned quent contributor to the New
Broadway cast." It includes Yorker, Paris Review and other
-Jacqueline Brooks, star of the publications. r
1964 American Shakespeare Fes- "A Reef of Tiger Lilies," Hall's
tival, newest book of poetry published
-Staats Cotsworth, currently by Viking Press, was begun when '
narrating Sean O'Casey's" IKnock I Hall was in England lalt year
at the Door" and "Pictures in the on a Guggenheim Fellowship.
Hallway" While in England he served as a
literary critic for the British
-Donald Davis, who created the Broadcasting Company and began.,
lead in "Krapp's Last Tape" and another book, a biography of the
starred in the New York com- sculptor Henry Moore.
pany's "Who's Afraid of Virginia Robert Frost was the Unlver-
Woolf and sity's first poet-in-residence in
-Will Geer, now starring in the twenties. Hall now shares the
the national tour of "110 In the same position. He has created the
Shade." play as a tribute on the second
"An Evening's Frost" the second anniversary of Frost's death.
play in the PTP's New Play Series, Last season's New Play Project,
is a theatre "first" for Hall. The "The Child Buyer" is currently
author is currently poetry cditor being presented in New York by
of Harper's magazine. He is a <re- the Theatre Guild.

4 p.m.-Auditions will be held
for a new choral group on cam-
pus, the Arts Chorale, in Rm.
306 of Burton Memorial Tower.
4:15 p.m.-William B. Macom-
ber, Jr., assistant director of the
Agency for International Devel-
opment, will lecture on "Foreign
Aid: Progress, Prospects and Prob-
lems," in Lane Hall Aud.
8 p.m.--The Young Democrats
will hold a meeting in the third
floor conference room of the Un-
Speakers featured will be Zol-
ton Ferency, chairman of the state
Democratic Committee, who will
speak on "Outlook for the 1965
Legislature"; Neil Staebler, who
will speak on "The Outlook for
Education," and Prof. Arnold
Kaufman of the philosophy de-
partment, who will speak on
"What's Wrong with the Univer-
8:30 p.m.-The University Jazz
Band will present a concert of
modern jazz in Rackham Aud.
1:30 p.m.-Prof. Norman R. F.
Maier of the psychology depart-
ment will speak on "Problem Solv-
ing and Decision Making" in the
4 p.m.-Prof. Richard Lowen-
thal of Columbia University will
speak on "The Prospects for Plur-
alistic Communism" in Aud. A.
4:10 p.m.-Bayard Rustin, dep-
uty director of the 1963 March on
Washington, will speak on "The
American Negro in Transition" in
Rackham Aud. This is the first of
a series of lectures sponsored by
the Office of Religious Affairs.
7 p.m.-Marianne Frostig will
speak in the University Elemen-
tary School Aud. on "Diagnostic
Proceedures a n d Establishing
Remedial Programs for Children
with Learning Disabilities."

atized portrait of Frost based on
verse, letters and °conversations."
The American premiere -will be
held in Lydia Mendelssohn Thea-
tre, February 10-14, Schnitzer
Marcella Cisney, associate direc-
tor of PTP and director of "An
Evening's Frost" has attracted
Nusbaum Dies
In Auto Crash
Robert C. Nusbaum, an instruc-
tor in the English department,
was killed in an automobile ac-
cident early Friday morning, Jan.
Nusbaum, 33, joined the Uni-
versity's faculty last June after
serving four years as an instructor
at Ohio University. A native of
Highland Park, he attended Johns
Hopkins University for two years
before completing work for a
bachelor of arts degree at Wayne
State University in 1953. He earn-
ed his masters degree from the
University in 1956.
Nusbaum is survived by a wife
and three children.

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(Continued from Page 1) C
jeet is not something new to the
sorority system. "Most sororities
keep a course evaluation file but
not on as extensive a basis as this
new undertaking represents," she
There have been at least two
previous attempts to prepare such
a booklet, one by the Literary
College Steering Committee and
the other last year under the aus-
pices of the Union, League and
Student Government Council.
Neither project got off the
"Mr. Raleigh's lectures are
'dull, pedantic and largely ii-
relevant,' and often cast in the
form of a 'long list of dull facts'{
unrelieved by imaginative an-
Although apparently a tech-
nician and scholar, 'he is like
a used car salesman selling
Tolstoy to a customer who he is
sure won't buy' No papers.
Helpful hint: develop a theory
of interrelationship among the
books read."
-SLATE, A Supplement
to the General Catalogue
ground because of lack of co-
operation and funds.
"This is not the first time that
the Union has dealt with the idea
of course evaluations, and we are
always in favor of supporting any
project that helps any student
get the best education he pos-
sibly can," Union President Kent
Cartwright, '65, said.
Booklets of this nature have
been published at Harvard Uni-
versity, Cornell University and
Berkeley. The United States Na-
tional Student Association has re-

ported receiving requests from
about 20 schools this year ex-
pressing interest in publishing
course description booklets.
The project was announced at
AHC yesterday afternoon and met
with a favorable reaction accord-
ing to AHC President Maxine
Loomis, '65.
"The groups involved in the pro-
ject are making a serious effort to
provide some meaningful public
comment on the nature of educa-
tion at the University," Berkson
said. "Its success or failure de-
pends on the quantity and quality
of student response."



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