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March 11, 1965 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1965-03-11

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Seventy-Fifth Year


Perpetuation of Self-Congratulation

Where Opinions Are Free, 420 MAYNARD T., ANN ARO, MicH.
Truth Will Prevail 4

NEWS PHONt: 764-0552

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

The Anti-Bias Clause:
Misdirected Efforts

crimination in fraternities and sorori-
ties by enforcing the University ban. But
the means to that goal-the ban itself,
the too-moralistic justifications which
are proclaimed in its defense-all this
seems rather misdirected.
The misdirection comes because the
zealots arguing for the anti-bias clause
wrongly take themselves for a campus
civil rights movement. The gross issue-
discrimination-may be the same, but
important strategic differences are miss-
In civil rights, regardless of the rea-
sons given for passage of equalitarian
laws, the Negro is at last allowed a chance
to be a man in his own way and finally
to contribute significantly to the exist-
ng society or to a better one. Per-
haps, in the process, white morality
changes also. But it is problematic wheth-
er either of these goals is accomplished
by forcing fraternities and sororities to
be less exclusive.
FOR THE CHAPTERS are private so-
cial clubs which exist almost solely in
order to build an institution around
friendships and traditions. The goal of
opening opportunities so minorities can
"make a better life" is thus no longer
relevant. What good is the chance to
force one's way into an exclusive cam-
eraderie? One is not wanted and there-
fore one can gain nothing, for one can-
not really partake of the cameraderie
and traditions, which are all the club
has to offer.
Moreover, it seems naive to hope the
collective or dindividual consciences of
those living in the house can be altered
significantly by invoking a rule which
requires members to include an outsider
in activities, secrets and benefits which,
they obviously do not think the out-
sider is worthy of sharing.
Finally, the discrimination ban is ulti-
mately hypocritical, since it can never be
enforced: all it affects is membership
statements, which can and will be dis-
regarded as selection meetings see fit.
Because the law is meaningless, it is
safe for fraternities and sororities to give
their assent eventually. All the rule does
is make nice public relations.
sity can show it is serious about the
anti-bias clause: convert the Greek
houses into dormitories. Active members
would no longer select new members, for
the actives will always have subtle prej-
udices which cannot be legislated out of
existence. Hash sessions would become
anathema; students would be assigned
to a house as they are now assigned to

quadrangles-at random.
But the University is not at all that
serious, and perhaps this is good. After
all, there is something to be said for
cameraderie, for living in a big place
with many friends. Certainly those liv-
ing in apartments seek such an arrange-
ment, yet they would be the first to
scream "violation of civil liberties" if the
present clause were extended to govern
selection of their roommates.
Thus another hypocrisy: if apart-
ment-dwellers are not obligated to live
with those they do not like, why must
Greeks be obligated?
If the answer is simply that fraterni-
ties and sororities are in some sense
student organizations, the University
should abolish this status, as Regent Al-
len Sorenson proposed last year. The
Greeks could then discriminate to their
hearts' content. If there are still those
who would eliminate discrimination in
the houses, they could spend their ener-
gies much more effectively by concen-
trating on those aspects of the total Uni-
versity environment which make students
want to hide in exclusive, insignificant
wombs in the first place.
should be moral as well as intellec-
tual. If they do not excite broad explora-
tion of genuinely self-fulfilling activi-
ties, if they do not stimulate commit-
ment to a world view, students will never
conceive there are satisfactions beyond
playing cool.
The dormitories should provide good
programs and living arrangements for
the formation of meaningful groups out
of the diversities they contain-otherwise
students will naturally hunger for an un-
differentiated mass to supply instant
Fraternities and sororities should not
provide the only real community on the
campus: students and faculty should have
power to decide general University direc-
*tion and policy so- there can be a real
academic community.
IF INDEED THE ROOTS of Greek petti-
ness and exclusivism lie in failures
elsewhere in the University, it is silly
and wrong to attack only the shadow of
these failures. In a good university -
which students and faculty can create if
they want-discrimination and all the
other bad features of affiliate life need
no longer be bothersome; in a poor un-
versity, they will continue to be one of
many bothers.
In the meantime, the anti-bias clause
is only an excuse.

Managing Editor
IF YOU'RE top dog on an inter-
collegiate athletic team or in
major student organization, some
day within the next month a
group of college students wearing
underwear, covered with brick
dust and filled with beer will drag
you from your bed, reduce you to
about the same appearance, throw
you on the ground and step on
your head once or twice, chant a
few words and go whooping off
into the night.
And then, congratulations: you
have been tapped for Michigamua,
king of the men's honoraries.
But it may be that you are one
of the two or three neurotics each
year who questions the enormity
of the honor which has befallen
you. If so, perhaps the experiences
of one former Fighting Brave wil
dispel some illusions.
* * *
TUE FIRST TEST of fitness
for this exclusive circle is an as-
signment to call the Michigan
Union before 6 p.m. and ask for
the Medicine Man. After an inter-
minable wait, a rather bored-
sounding sorcerer will begin posing
various questions, to which you
must guess the right answers. Fail-
ing, you will be assured of your
total inadequacy and ordered to
call back later and try again. (If
you feel you can get along with-

from there. Then, with blindfold
removed, you find yourself sup-
plied with a date, a moderately
good party and more talk about
"the true value."
* * *
A COUPLE more social events
(spiced with further declarations
from Fighting Braves, past and
present, of "the true value of
Michigamua") ensue, and you be-
g4n to think that you have suc-
ceeded in demonstrating your
manhood and can now be accepted
into the elite.
Not quite. The final, crucial test
of your personal worth remains.
You and the other Young Bucks
have yet to select your Indian
Names. You assemble early one
evening in a Union room and be-
gin sending suggested names to
the Fighting Braves, who purport-
edly have assembled up in the
Wigwam to pass solemn judge-
Well past midnight, the High
Court finally accepts your puny
efforts, and the blindfolded-
marching bit begins again. .You
trudge up to the top floor of the
Union tower, where a list of some
20-odd rules-keep our seorets, 'p-
hold our traditions, don't miss
more than three meetings or
you're a paleface again, etc.-is
read. Then, while you remain in
the dark both visually and intel-
lectually, the departing Fighting
Braves orate, one by one, on "the

~I "'One Of '~ " t,fAvSliAlmost
Made It Back To The Churchl"

i '.'

rest of that term, the only mem-
orable activity at any of its com-
pulsory weekly meetings was a
brief discussion of a knife fight
which had erupted at Michigras.
Aside from this, meetings each
consisted of two rather lackluster
singings of the Tribe song, passing
the Peace Pipe, and, sandwiched
in between, some table poundiig
and whooping and assorted dis-
cussions of the best way to main-
tain the Tribe's traditions and
However, having been assured
by my predecessor that things
really get going in the fall, I wA-
ed eagerly.
sentially more of same, but there
were some high points:
-Demonstrat ng, perhaps, that
there are neurotics in every gen-
eration, a member of the Tribe of
'13 wrote a letter suggesting that
meetings no longer be held in
Indian Talk (a difficult dialect
involving the substitution of "me"
for "I" and the appending of
"-um" to verbs). It's use, he opin-
ed, sounded childish and rather
silly. The Tribe of '65 repulsed
this assault on the Traditions
with appropriate indignation.
-University President Harlan
(White Eagle) Hatcher, who en-
dorses the Tribe along with every-
thing else good and bad at the
University, came up for a pow-
wow. Rumor in the paleface com-
munity has it that, because of the
secrecy of Michigamua meetings,
such visitors feel free to be com-
pletely candid. Emboldened by this
privacy, White Eagle disclosed
many things which had appeared
in The Daily scarcely a week be-
-The Fighting Braves, who by
now were developing a rathr
lethargic attitude towardrthe
meetings, were brought to life one
night by an announcement from
the Druids, a slightly inferior
honorary which occupies the see-
on-highest room in the Union
tower. They had acquired some
movies of people having inter-
course with each other and with
dogs (they-had also imported some
beer; Mount Olympus, presumably,
is exempt from the state liquor
laws), and would admit the proud
Fighting Braves for a mere $.50
each. That night the Tribe's Tra-
ditions were exalted quite con-
cisely, its closing song was sung
at double tempo and its Wigwam
was emptied with remarkable ef-
events, "the true value of Michi-
gamua" remained clouded. I quit
in November.
About two weeks later, I re-
ceived a letter from the '65 Sa-
chem (the Tribe leader, whose
identity Fighting Braves are
solemnly ordered not to divulge--
a great burden to carry, since the
paleface world is so eager to
know). On the front, he bemoaned
my myopia which "made it so
hard to fathom the value of 'fight-
ing like hell for Michigamua' one
night a week." On the back, he
unofficially added that my i'esig-
nation "initiated a lengthy and
soul - searching discussion last
Monday night. It appears that you
are not alone in your thoughts,
although no one else feels quite so
strongly or wishes to choose your
course. I think your criticism has
given us a much healthier attitude
toward our weaknesses, as well as
our strengths."
The "healthier attitude" ap-
parently suffered an immediate
relapse. Several members have ad-

mitted that the activities after
November weren't significantly
different from those before.
toward "our weaknesses" and "our
strengths" doesn't really matter,
for an organization can be
"strong" or "weak" only in terms
of some purpose. And the fact is
that Michigamua has no purpose,
except to perpetuate and congra-
tulate itself.
It is not, despite claims about
its great influence on certain Uni-
versity policies, an essential part
of the communications or deci-
sion-making structure of the Uni-
versity. Administrators in need of
counsel can go to Student Gov-
ernment Council, read The Daily
or talk with individual students
and receive much more coherent
and representative advice. Student
leaders in search of information
find few doors closed to them-
and Michigamua is unlikely to
open those which are closed.
It does not perform any par-
ticular service to the University.
Its closed nature prevents it from
doing anything important, and the
few gestures it does make could
be done by individuals-if, indeed,
they turned out to be important
enough to do once the group pres-
sure was off. As the Sa hem said
of service in his letter, "I fon't
believe that is the Tribe's func-
* * *
IT IS not effective in sparking
understanding even among its
members. The activities ueople
have their own clique independent

of the Tribe: so do the athletes.
Within Michigamua, the two
groups mix only superficially, ex-
cept for the moments when a show
of group solidarity is appropriate.
It is not even effective in rec-
ognizing achievement in activities
and athletics. Rope Day, its only
public function, provokes more
disgust and derision than ad-
miration. The rest of the year, a
member receives no one's applause
except the other members'. And
because Tribe membership goes
almost automatically and exclu-
sively to holders of certain campus
positions, the "honor" of being
selected to it is superfluous--the
real honor came in being named
to lead one's own organization. If,
indeed, student leaders are tuat
hungry for and deserving of pubic
acclaim, some sort of public rec-
ognition assembly would distribute
the kudos more effectively md
with less wasted time.
4 * *
WHY, THEN, have some of the
University's best and busiest stu-
dents put up with all the riga-
marole for over 60 years?
I'm baffled. Perhaps the secrecy
lures them to join, expecting
something worthwhile. Perhaps
once you're in, it's too embarrass-
ing to drop out. Or perhaps they
are so hungry for praise and status
that they don't notice when it's
Whatever the reason, an amaz-
ing number of people have refrain-
ed from pointing out that the em-
peror's new clothes consist of
nothing but self-congratulation
and hollow ritual.




Trigon Case Deserves
A Rescheduled Trial




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out this educational experience,
don't call until about 5:45 and
he'll tell you the answers.)
Next is the public initiation,
Rope Day, which isn't nearly as
hellish from the inside as it ap-
pears from the outside. At the
end of your duck-walk "seven
flights up," you sit panting on the
roof of the Union and learn for
the first time that you are about
to "realize-um true value of Michi-
Ordeal three involves a blind-
folded ride to part unknown and
a blindfolded, barefoot march

true value of Michigamua." Then
the blindfolds are removed, and
-the hallowed interior of the Wig-
wam is revealed for the first time.
Its decor simultaneously resembles
that of a hunting lodge, a Boy
Scout camp and a kindergarten.
** *
"OKAY," you say to your self,
"so I wasted a weekend getting
into this thing. But the inanity
is over now, and the worthwhile
part is yet to come."
You're wrong.
The Tribe of 1965 began its
reign in mid-April, 1964. For C-ie

Flint and State Junior Colleaes

To the Editor:
THIS LETTER is to serve as
explanation to the members of
the Fraternity President's Assem-
bly and students on campus why
it would be an unfair and arbi-
trary decision to force Trigon fra-
ternity to appeal its pending mem-
bership case on March 11.
We are not seeking to shirk our
responsibility in any manner-we
are simply requesting that the
trial be rescheduled impartially,
without sacrificing the interests
of one side on behalf of the other.
From the very outset, we were
never contacted-verbally or by
letter-as to what dates might be
compatible with the obligations
and commitments that a frater-
nity and its members inevitably
assume during the course of a
semester. Rather, by decree of the
Executive Committee of IFC on
February 23, March 11 was select-
ed. Even though'The Daily did
mention the above date, it would
have been inexcusable for us to
regard this as official notification
from the. IFC, the body entrusted
with the task of handling and
evaluating our case.
** *
FINALLY, on March 2, the ac-
tive and alumni bodies of Trigon
fraternity were simultaneously in-
formed by letter dated February 28
and postmarked March 1 that
March 11 had been set for the
FPA hearing.
As quickly as possible, those
individuals directly involved in
the membership question met, dis-
cussed the appropriateness of the
appeal, and, on the very next day,
March 3,'formally requested that
the proposed hearing be delayed,
at least until the following week.
The reasons submitted for this
change were as follows:
1) Nine days notification proved
insufficient for the alumni to
make arrangements and alter the
commitments of their professional
careers. Asa matter of fact, the
president, vice-president and their
consultants could not attend. In
addition, two highly-regarded and
influential alumni, who wished to
address the FPA, were similarly
unable to obtain freedom from
their businesses and arrange
transportation from their homes
out of state.
2) The "spring recess" of thr'e
days would serve only to hinder
the fraternity in its efforts to
finalize its defense.
3) House elections for the ac-
tive chapter, scheduled constitu-
tionally for March 8, would change
officers and create conflicts in
presenting the case, especially
since the past president and
spokesman for the house could not,
in allsprobability; remain on cam-
pus that day.
HOWEVER, on March 9, tihe
Executive Committee, in the face
of all objections, reaffirmed its
original decision and retained
March 11 for the trial. What ra-
tionale did they offer us for ii.-
fusing to grant this favor?-that
it would be "impractical" to delay
the hearing since the semester was
drawing to a close and two full
meetings were needed to render
judgment. We might reasonably
ask, since our original hearing
occurred January 12 and our ap-
noa ura lnia i a -r ar ?wh

tradition, service, and high ac-
complishments on the University
campus, is to survive is a matter
that must not be slightenly re-
Ostensibly, the intent of the
hearing ; is for us to present our
case before th fraternity presi-
dents; however, if we can not
adequately defend our position in
a matter of the gravest conse-
quence to us merely on account
of an overt injustice in scheduling,
what is the sense of holding the
hearing under its present condi-
IN A MATTER of the most
delicate nature and with poten-
tially serious and damaging im-
plications, is it really wise to
hastily dispose of the proceedings
under the pretext that there is
"insufficient" time to do other-
wise? For these reasons, we urge
that the Executive Committee re-
examine the significance of the
Trigon hearing and take measures
to avert the injustice which will be
perpetrated on March 11.
-Harold B. Tobin, '66
Past President,
Pavlik Replies
To the Editor:
I MADE a clear uncompromising
statement that I would refuse
to take my seat on Student Gov-
ernment Council if less than 5000
votes were cast. Also uncompro-
mising and clear was a challenge
to every other candidate to adopt
a position similar to mine. This
was not just a campaign aim-
mick. When the idea of calling for
a mandate was being worked out
it was perfectly evident that if
I stood up and shouted "5000
people vote-or I won't take my
seat" it would probably serve to
drive people away from the polls!
Did I think I could get 5000 people
to vote just by yelling, ranting and
raving? Surely I might be given
a little more credit than having
conceited, half-brained ideas like
The reaction to my campaign
statement and challenge was dis-
heartening. Only one other can-
didate went so far as to say he
agreed in a student mandate be-
ing the basis for SGC's power. The
only other reaction, except yawn-
ing, was letters to The Daily and
some cries of being unfair and
betraying the voters. My original
and true notion was to provide a
rallying point so that we together
could put the issue in sharp focus
before the students. I was perfect-
ly aware that if unified action
was not taken, the 2600 who voted
last semester might not even
bother to get their ID cards mu-
tilated again.
ALTHOUGH l e s s important
than the above, the decision to
take my seat was precipitated
when a member of GROUP ap-
proached me to say that "laudi-
toiy editorials and letters"would
appear in The Daily if I refused
my seat and informed me of a
"smear campaign" if I did other-
wise. If it is thought I am worth
all this I will give my fullest co-
Tf thicis hn irrn a mlir

versity's expansion of its Flint cam-
pus, that offered by the state's commu-
nity colleges is the most specious. Con-
cerned with their own selfish welfare,
they have employed reasonable argu-
ments against the plan only when strict-
ly necessary.
This was illustrated excellently a week
ago when Robert E. Turner, president of
Macomb County's college} and member
of the Michigan Council of Community
College Administrators, presented his
"testimony" before the State Board of
Education's Flint hearings. Turner's
statements would have been funny were
they not so tragically representative of
powers within the state which are oppos-
ing the University's Flint plans.
Turner's prime weapons were vague
condemnations of the plan, unhampered
by any vestages of fact. "I can't see any
good coming of the Flint plan in rela-
tion to the Flint Junior College," he be-
gan, and from there proceeded to deploy
an excellent rearguard action by noting
that he was "concerned with a princi-
ciple? The principle of educating 2200
people in the next five years, or the
principle of maintaining the status of the
Flint Junior College?" If it is the prin-
cinle of maintaing Flint JC's status, one

at the same way turning away 2200 stu-
dents within five years.
Turner's one attempt at logic was his
allegation that expansion at Flint would
"undermine the community college move-
ment in Michigan." In a way, this is a
point: if the state's large colleges were
to attempt to compete with the com-
munity colleges, the local schools would
clearly suffer. But Turner's point is valid
only if it would in fact be practical for
many of the large colleges to engage in
such competition. And this clearly is not
the case. The state's larger colleges and
universities are much too preoccupied
with expansion of their central campuses
to engage in any large-scale rush to
create branches.
THE REAL REASON for state commu-
nity colleges' interest in Flint was
brought out well in Turner's reply to a
question posed by board member Donald
M. D. Thurber. Thurber asked Turner
why community cloleges were so con-
cerned with the establishment of addi-
tional freshman-sophomore classes, in
Flint, when they are not similarly con-
cerned with such expansion by commu-
nity colleges, such as the newly-approv-
ed Washtenaw Community College. Turn-
er's thoughtful reply was, "I have no
information on that."
Now really, gentlemen.
It is difficult to argue that self-inter-
pfi+ is ntn+ i aip of enmp em-t vapt

Broadway Comes to Campus

At Hill Auditorium
EVEN THE MYOPIC critic, crass,
crotchety and congenitally
mean, stubbing =away at his bil-
ious inkhorn with splintery, well-
notched pen, knows moments
warm and happy. Given the cause.
profit mixes well with delight. And
he leaves the theatre happy, and
at peace.Glory be to God for
dappled things !
Last evening's dappled things
were glorious indeed. The Profes-
sional Theatre Program was, with
little agony, eminently successful
in its efforts to share with Ann
Arbor the delights of Broadway.
For they brought to town s
charming production of Edgar Lee
Masters' "Spoon River," that grac-
ed the stage with glowing half-
glimpses of humanity, flickerine
burning smokily to the enthralled
delight of well-rewarded patrons
*- 4
THE PLAY builds slowly aroune
four actors and a brace of sing-
ers. The actors play a myriad of
roles, assuming with slippery
grace the forms and character-
of the deceased inhabitants of the
village of Spoon River, Ill.
It is a graveyard setting, and
the chatty, reminiscing shades of
doctors, clerks and tragic local
ladies reflect a bit, or tell their
c . -- LI.... 1 . n.a

ing another, but, gradually, im-
perceptibly, they and their feel-
ings grow closer and more inter-
mingled. And with the second half,
the themes and attitudes grow
subtlyto coalesce; monologue and
choral comment lose their isolated
quality on the strength of a very
thoughtful script and excellent di-
recting to generate impressionist-
ically a serious and satirical vision
of the heartache and mottled glory
of the human condition.
IT IS A VIEW of life through
the eyes of those once living, and
the aesthetic distance accorded by
this focus lends a gently universal-

ized value to our view of eternal.
mortal man. The lenses that we
wear, through whichhwe see and
swear that life is thus and so,
themselves grow suspect, and per-
haps a bit short-sighted.
The sprightly brilliance of Bai-
bara Gilbert, the resonant versa-
tility of Edward Grover, the deli-
cate melancholy of Judy Franl.
and the character manipulation.
of Carl Esser have done some-
thing fine for Ann Arbor. Barba'a
Porter and Gil Turner, mixing in
the biting, earthy, comic quality
of song as they reinforce the run-
ning comment, add gloss to lustre
-John J. Manning, Jr.


Knowledge Factory
By any reasonable standard, the multiversity has not taken its
students seriously. At Berkeley, the educational environment of the
undergraduate is bleak He is confronted throughout his entire first
two years with indifferent advising, endless bureaucratic routines,
gigantic lecture courses, and a deadening succession of textbook
assignments, and blueblook examinations testing his grasp of bits
and pieces of knowledge. All too often the difference between the
last two years of a student's education and the first two is chrono-
logical rather than qualitative. It is possible to take a B.A. at Berkeley
and never talk with a professor. To many of the students, the whole
system seems a perversion of an educational community into a factory
designed for the mass processing of men into machines. The image


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