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March 04, 1965 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1965-03-04

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HEW Seeks Rights Compliance

Senate Kills U.S. Looks on as Red China Woos Khan
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WASHINGTON UPI)-State and Assistant Secretary of Welfare
local agencies which receive fed- James M. Quigley said "I think
eral funds for health, education the overwhelming majority of our
and welfare programs may soon recipients have sent in their as-
get a push if they don't assure surances of compliance or are do-
the government they are comply- ing so."
ing with the 1964 Civil Rights Act. He reiterated that voluntary
Yesterday was a target date - compliance is still the goal-rath-
but not a deadline-for recipients er than pressure or precipitous
of such aid under 95 federal pro- cutting off of aid for failure to
grams to send in assurance of comply, as the law permits.
compliance or tell of their plans Reviews Reports
to eliminate racial and other dis- Quigley said his department is
crimination. now beginning a review of assur-
Detroit Says Welfare Cases
tTo Receive. Contraceptives
DETROIT 0P1)-The Detroit City Welfare Department is go-
ing to make contraceptive pills and birth control devices available to
its welfare clients.
The policy, which supplants a prior move of a more restrictive na-
ture, was adopted by the City Welfare Commission Tuesday.
Under the new policy, welfare workers Will be permitted to sug-

ances that have been received and '65 B udget
also will immediately proceed tog
determine which recipients have
failed to send their reports. LANSING A -The Senate kill
He said the welfare department ed Gov. George Romney's budget
would prefer that a school dis- Tuesday but Democratic legisla-
trict which has a problem take tive leaders told the governor theyt
enough time to come in with a! will consider all its key elements
good workable plan rather than and will avoid a logjam of bills at =Y m
send in an assurance of compli- the end of the session.
ance which does not reflect the The Senate action came on a
actual conditions, string of party line votes. It fol-
No Figures lowed an hour-long meeting at
Quigley said he did not have a which majority leader Sen, Ray-
figure on the individual school dis- mond Dzendzel (D-Detroit) and
tricts which have sent in assur- House Speaker Joseph Kowalski
ances or plans to end discrimina- (D-Detroit) tried to clarify with
tion. But he said they number ins o Romney their differences.
the thousands and include recent Senate Republicans lost out in
receipts from districts in Missi 3- moves to delay the budget rejec-
sippi and South Carolina. tion. Angry words were exchanged g
Describing procedure to be fol- but Democrats said it was all right PRESIDENT KHAN
lowed, Quigley said: with them if Republicans reintro-
"After March 3, we'll immedi- duce Romney's budget pabkage. By CONRAD FINK
ately be doing two things: After conferring with Romney, Associated Press Staff Writer
"Fistwewil reie wht i IKowalski said that he and Rom-
. First, we will review what is ney remained at odds over wheth- NEW DELHI - The United
an egvauatin t ean tr ents oItl e er it is sound practice to con- States is watching helplessly this
plans sider new money programs before week as an Asian leader on whom
pSan , passing the budget for existing it pinned many expensive hopes
Second, we will review and d- functions. is wooed by Communist China's
termine where we have not got- Root of the problem is a consti- leaders on their home ground,
ten anything and inquire as to the tutional provision that the gover- He is President Mohammed Ay-
situation in the state or locality, nor's budget bills must be accept-" ub Khan of Pakistan, who receiv-
',ed or rejected before any monay ; ed what Peking Radio calls "a
what are the plans, and can we be item not mentioned in the budget tremendously warm welcome."
of help. can be considered. It is nothing new for American

diplomats in Asia to see key lead-1
ers go to Peking. Indonesians.
Cambodians, Burmese and Japa-
nese have made the trip.
Center of U.S. Plans
A few years ago he was the
center of U.S. plans for a firm
anti-Communist alliance in Asia.
Ayub had taken Pakistan into
both the Southeast Asia Trea y
Organization and the Central
Treaty Organization alliances.
The U.S. economic and military
aid in Pakistan totals more than
$4 billion and the flow of dollars
is likely to continue despite Ayub s
flirtation with the Chinese.
In Pakistan, as in other Asian
nations flirting with Peking,
American diplomats have essen-
tially two choices.
They can wait, hoping to sal-
vage some influence that will
strengthen America's position in
the Asia-wide confrontation with
Communist China.
Or they can quit, with the in-
evitable result that China wins.
Cast Lots
Some of the nations along Chi-
nas' perimeter will cast their lot
with Peking regardless, as Cam-
bodia and Indonesia apparently
already have done.
Asian leaders have many com-
plex reasons for making the Pe-
king trip.
The Japanese want trade with
China. Indonesians want support

in their fight against Malaysia.: the world and in this region can
Cambodians want backing in their be reduced and peace maintained."
quarrel with South Viet Nam. Pak- Ayub, like many Asian leaders,
istanis want Chinese help in their feels his country couldn't be say-
struggle with India over Kashmir.
Above all, some Asian leaders ed by all of America's ships and
seem to have concluded that in planes in a showdown with China.
the long run China will be the Ayub's visit to Peking doesn't
power to reckon with in this part mean he's throwing Pakistan in-
of the world. to China's orbit. He's scheduled
Thanks China to visit Washington April 26 for
Ayub inPeking has thanked talks with President LyndonB.
China for its support in the Kash- Johnson and probably will con-
mir quarrel. but said his primary tinue trying to walk Pakistan
purpose is to exchange views on down the narrow path between
"how the deepening tensions n China and the U.S.



insulated construction

gest birth control to clients. The
World News

clients must declare in writing that
they accept such aid voluntarily.
Contraceptive pills and birth con-
trol devices are to be made avail-
able free of charge. Unwed moth-
ers as well as married couples will
be included.

" Now renting for Aug. '65

By The Associated Press
KHARTOUM - The Sudanese
government charged last night
that Congolese aircraft penetrated
Sudan's air space, and a' spokes-
man declared that "if such flights
are repeated the Sudanese army
will be instructed to shoot them
K * *
TEL AVIV - Egyptian MIG
fighters crossed from Sinai into
the air space of the Negev Desert
yesterday but were driven by Is-
' rael Mirage jets, a military
spokesman announced.
North of the Sea of Galilee,
there was another clash with Syr-
ian frontier forces. The spokesman
said Syrian machine gun fire
wounded an Israeli tractor driver
working near the Almagor Settle-
ment on the west bank of the
Jordan River.
In Damascus, a Syrian army
communique said the exchange of
fire occurred when the Israeli
tractor entered the demilitarized
area to plow Arab land.
* * *
JACKSON-Twenty-one Hinds
County deputy sheriffs resigned
yesterday after a grand jury was
ordered to investigate their alleg-
ed participation in the murder of
three civil rights workers last sum-
Only one deputy in the criminal
division kept his badge. The oth-
ers, including Chief Deputy How-
ard Evans and the sheriff's broth-
er, Jim Pickett, submitted resig-
* *
Energy Commission reported that
the United States recorded seismic
signals yesterday from an event in
the Siberian area where the So-
viet Union has conducted nuclear
tests in the past.
In response to questions, an
AEC spokesman said the U.S. was
neither assuming it was a nuclear
test nor ruling out that possibil-
Energy Commission yesterday
conducted an underground nuclear
test, which it said was of low in-
termediate yield, at its Nevada
test site.
Low intermediate, in the AEC
-scale, is a wide range equal to
20,000 to 200,000 tons of TNT.
vestigations Subcommittee report-
ed yesterday a "ruthless," nation-
wide mob known variously as the
r Mafia and La Cosa Nostra is prof-
iting to the tune of "many bil-
lions" of dollars a year from gam-
bling, narcotics, prostitution and
other rackets.
In a formal report to be sub-
mitted to the Senate today, the
subcommittee urged Congress t
consider the enactment of new
laws for an all out war against
the outfit.
MARION-Dr. Martin Luther
King, Jr. led hundreds of Negroes
yesterday on a three-mile march
to bury Jimmie Lee Jackson, whom
King had described as "a mar-
tyr in the crusade for human dig-
nity and freedom."
Jackson, a laborer who had tak-
en an active part in the civil
rights campaign in adjoining Per-
ry County, was shot in the stom-
ach during a bloody outbreak of
racial violence at Marion follow-
ing an attempted night street
demonstration Feb. 18.
MOSCOW-Communist parties
of 19 countries emphasized yester-
day one thing they agreed upon.
denunciation of U.S. actions in
Viet Nam. But they are believe.i to
have disagreed on what to say
about the Red Chinese challenge
to Soviet policies.

The prior policy required wel-
fare clients to initiate birth con-
trol discussions with caseworkers.
Caseworkers then could refer them
to clergymen or physicians. Un-
wed mothers were not included.
The cost of pills or devices also
had to be borne by the clients un-
der the former policy.
The commission said it adopted
the new policy in the interests of
"individual, family and communi-
ty happiness and security."
The new policy goes against
recommendations of the Michigan
Catholic Conference, a spokesman
for the Roman Catholic Church
The Catholic Conference had
urged that birth control services
be limited to married women and
that welfare coseworkers be bar-
red from bringing up discussions
on the subject with welfare re-
Detroit's City Health Depart-
ment earlier adopted a policy iden-
tical with the Welfare Commis-
sion's new policy. At that time the
Michigan Episcopal Church sup-
ported the Health Department's
City Welfare Superintendent
Daniel J. Ryan said the new policy
would be put into practice within
two weeks.
Ryan said the policy protects
caseworkers. He said workers with
"personal convictions" against
certain forms of birth control
would not be expected to mention
the subject to clients. Other case-
workers would be assigned to such
clients, he said.

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