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gJilt 3Zal
Partly cloudy,
rain in evening
Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom
VOL. LXXV, No. 132
LSA Faculty Vote Galls for Controlled Expa
Resolution Stipulates City OK's* * *
Enrollments Limits Lease for Cunningham
Motion Asks Examination of College'Lo
Organization, Teaching Techniques A utoL
The literary college faculty last night overwhelmingly passed a
resolution calling for controls on the college's growth for the next
four years.
The resolution, outlined in section one of a three-part motion
presented by Prof. William LeVeque of the mathematics depart-
ment, stipulates that a quota for freshman admissions should be
set and maintained at not more than 3100 for the years 1965-68.
This would amount to freezing the freshman admissions rate at the
enrollment figure anticipated for
Ann Arbor City Council last
night unanimously voted to au-
thorize a lease between the city
and builders of University Towers
Apartments for the construction
of a 400-space parking structure
on Forest Ave. near South Univer-
University Towers, Towne Realty
Inc.'s 18-story apartment building
presently under construction on
South University, will house ap-
proximately 800 students.
The property upon which the
apartment building is being con-
structed is commercially zoned so
developers are under no obligation
to provide parking for its occu-
MSU Rules'
Ease Sought
More than 4200 Michigan State
University undergraduates have
signed a petition calling for lib-
eralization of student regulations.
The petition was accepted by
MSU Vice-President for Student
Affairs John A. Fuzal recently
after having been turned down
by the chairman of a student-fac-
ulty subcommittee on off-campus
The petition calls for women's
hours to be extended in accord-
ance with current rules here in
Ann Arbor, and the extension of
off-campus housing privileges to
students under 21.
At present, under MSU Presi-
dent John Hanna's administra-
tion, undergraduate co-eds under
21 or living in dormitories must
return to their residences by 1
a.m. on weekend nights.
The petition was circulated by.
the recently-formed Committee
next fall.
The resolution emphasizes that
this step would not halt college
expansion since 3100 is a sub-
stantial increase from last fall's
admission figure.
Increase Enrollment
It points out that holding fresh-'
man enrollment at 3100 for the' pants.Y
next four years would increase the Parking Lot
college's total enrollment by 40 The city and Towne Realty plan
per cent by 1968 because of "con-yto use the property on Forest Ave.
sequent increases in the size of which is presently a municipal
the sophomore, junior and senior parking lot for the parking struc-
classes." ture.
Explaining the need for con- Second Ward Councilman O.
trolling admissions, the resolution William Habel said the parking
cites the difficulty of obtaining structure would be a solution to
additional staff of traditional Uni- a probable serious 'parking prob-
versity calibre to handle even an lem.
expansionof 40 per cent (to 11,- Although no plans have been
800 students). It also cites the made, it would contain approxi-
corresponding problem of finding mately 100 spaces for shoppers and
space to accommodate a larger short-term parking (under four
student body and staff. hours) at 10 cents an hour, 200
In line with the proposal con- spaces for long-term parking (over
cerning freshman enrollment, the four hours) at five cents an hour
motion states that the college's and 100 spaces for monthly park-
dean and faculty executive com- ing at $12 per month.
mittee should provide the Admis- Site Plans
sions Office each year with a City Administrator Guy C. Lar-'
statement giving the total num- com Jr. said he can't say what
ber of freshman and transfer stu- the construction plans for the
dents which the college is' pre- structure would be but that coun-
pared to accept. cil would have a "choice of alter-
It goes on to say that "any natives for the site plans when the
significant difference between this architects and engineers have
quota and the number of students drawn them up.
in any category admitted in any First Ward Councilwoman Mrs.
calendar year is to be carefully Eunice Burns who is currently
considered in determining the quo- Democratic candidate for mayor
ta for the ensuing year." issued a strong plea to inform the
Expansion Problem architects and engineers of the set
The second section of LeVeque's back problems concerning the resi-
motion-unanimously passed-is dential buildings in the Forest-
concerned with the literary col- South University area.
lege's relationship with other units Larcom said the next step would
of the University, criterion for ad- probably be the acquisition of ad-
mitting transfer students and in- ditional land for the structure. If
ternal adjustments that the col- the land is purchased, Towne
lege should consider in dealing Realty will advance funds for it,
with the expansion problem. he added.
Specifically, it embodies four Capital Expenses
proposals: In City Attorney Jacob F. Fahr-
-A re-examination of teach- ner Jr.'s report, Fahrner termed
ing methods, with attention given the agreement as being "surpris-
to the role of teaching fellows; ingly favorable to the city." He
-Investigation of ways to im- said the agreement between the
prove the college's organizational city and Towne Realty Inc. does
structure in order to facilitate not require a capital expenditure
communications within the college by the city.
and "diminish the routine admin- The city would lease the land
istrative responsibilities of the fac- it owns to Towne Realty which
ulty"; would build the structure and
-Examination of procedures for then lease it back to the city to
more careful screening of transfer operate. The city would then be
students so that only those who responsible only for operating and
can "profit from the special facili- maintenance costs of the structure.
ties and personnel available at the Towne Realty would receive 90
junior-senior level" at the Univer- per cent of the profit from the
sity will be admitted in the future. structure less the $12,000 the city
Training Teachers presently earns from the parking
Section three of LeVeque's mo- lot.
tion on training of college teach- 50 Years Later
ers was tabled. It stipulates that The city will have sole author-
the dean, the faculty executive ity for the operation of the struc-
committee and the various depart- ture and all spaces will be open to
ments should investigate possibili- the public on a first-come first-
ties such as grants-in-aid, fellow- serve basis;
ships and special degree programs At the end of 50 years the city
to fulfill the literary college's po- would inherit the residual value
tential for training the teachers. of the parking structure.
-Daily-Frank Wing
HARLAN BLOOMER, LEFT; AND GARY CUNNINGHAM, CEN TER, were the leaders for 'SGC vice-president anl president
seats respectively this morning as the counting of ballots from the election carried on far into the morning hours. GROUP candidates
were leading for four of the seven seats up for election. Steve Schwartz of GROUP (right) was leading-his organization's slate, as well
as other candidates for regular SGC seats.
GROUP Threatened wth Disqualification
The chaos of countnight was
heightened last night when it was
announced that Interquadrangle
Council has filed a complaint
against the GROUP (Governmen-
tal Revision of University Policy)
candidates, which t h r e a t e n s
GROUP with disqualification.
Sherry Miller, '65, administra-
tive vice-president of Student
Government Council, added that
she had received "about ten com-
plaints filed against both GROUP
candidates and others."
The Credentials and Rules Com-
mittee of SGC will act on the
complaints in a special meeting
IQC Complaint
The IQC complaint against
GROUP was based on GROUP's
distribution of campaign iiaterials
under the doprs of the men's
houses of Markley Hall.
According to IQC Presidentl
John Eadie, '65, such distribution
is in violation of IQC rules. How-
ever Eadie said he had told the
GROUP represenative who had
called asking for permission to
distribute literature that they
could do it "if, and only if, they
received the expressed permission
from the house presidents."
Stretching Rules
"I realize that I was stretching
the rules. But the house councils
can distribute their own litera-
ture which could include cam-
paign literature if they called it
their own," Eadie added.
According to Eadie, GROUP
went ahead and distributed mate-
rials without the consent of the
house presidents.
Myles Stern, '66, a GROUP
candidate, said, in response,
"There are two conflicting sets
of rules. There are the SGC elec-
tion rules, given to all candidates
which state that campaigning and
petitioning are permitted in hous- tributing literature in the Fish- up a table and distribute litera-
ing units unless where prohibited. bowl. ture in the Fishbowl with the
In parentheses the rules say that Election Rules permission of Alpha Phi Omega,
it is prohibited in South and West According to the election rules, Eisenberg added.
Quad. If there are any further no candidates may campaign in The members of GROUP had
prohibitions, these must be stated University buildings. submitted their posters and mate-
by SGC two weeks before the elec-j Speaking f o r t h e GROUP rials to Alpha Phi Omega Presi-
tion. candidates, Mickey Eisenberg, '67, dent David Young, '65, who, after
Second Set pointed out that GROUP had re- keeping the material overnight,
"The second set of rules is the ceived temporary recognition as a ruled that they were not campaign
IQC rule concerning the distribu- student organization from SGC materials since they said nothing
tion of literature. We did not ask several weeks ago. about the coming election and
permission of the house presi- As a recognized student organi- therefore, could be distributed in
dents because we were acting un- zation, GROUP was entitled to set the Fishbowl, Eisenberg said.
der the specific elections rules,"
Stern said.y
"The fault lies with the elec-
ion rules and the failure to de- U CaIO fficers
fine what the 'spirit of the law'
is," Stern added. c o +'
"People are disturbed. GROUP t
has been stretching the rules.
However, the rules are hazy and
I can't see the Credentials and By CAROLE KAPLAN
R u 1 e s Committee disqualifying
candidates on the basis of petty Despite the atmosphere of nostalgia for the end of the Michigan
complaints," Thomas Smithson, Union and Women's League, the new officers of the University
'65, SGC member, predicted. Activities Center are looking forward to the coming semester with
'Probably Hesitant' optimism and enthusiasm.
"I think the Credentials and President James Kropf, '66, Executive Vice-President Michael
Rules Committee will be hesitant Holmes, '66, Administrative Vice-President Pam Erickson, '66, and
to disqualify the candidates. They Co-ordinating Vice-President Gail Howes, '66, said at the UAC in-
may, however, recommend action -stallation banquet last night that
by Joint Judiciary Council against tA C 'bmuetteright tha
GROUP, as a student organiza-mthe UAC is much better equipped
tion," Gary Cunningham, '66, ex- ero meet the challenges and de-
ecutive vice-president of SGC and mands of the growing University
candidate for president of SGC, community than the two separate
said. organizations were.
SGC Voting
Count Goes
Into Morning
Six GROUP Members
Gain Seats in Race
For Nine Positions
Present Executive Vice-Presi-
dent Gary Cunningham, '65, and
his running mate Harlan Bloomer,
'66, won over the GROUP slate of
Robert Golden, '67A&D, and Ellen
Buchalter, '67, for the positions of
president and vice-president re-
spectively. The final vote was
A little more than 4000 votes
were cast in the election.
Of the nine SGC seats in con-
tention, GROUP candidates ap-
parently took six. Whether or not
they will be seated, if in fact they
are elected, depends on the ruling
to be given tonight by Council's
Credentials and .Rules Committee
on complaints brought against
G R O U P by Inter-Quadrangle
GROUP victors were . Paula
Cameron, '67, Steven Schwartz,
'68, Mickey Eisenberg, '67, Steven
Daniels, '67, Myles Stern, '66, and
Donald Resnick, '68.
Also successful were Christo-
pher Mansfield, '66, Susan Ness,
'68, and Jack Winder, '66.
Administrative Vice - President
Sherry Miller, '65, chairman of the
committee, said last night that
complaints have also been filed
against candidates other than
those of GROUP. She indicated
that all complaints will be acted
upon at tonight's session.
H. Neil Berkson, '66; Barry
Bluestone, '66, and Yee C. Chen,
'65, were elected as delegates to
the United States National Stu-
dents Association Congress. Run-
ning a close race for the fourth'
delegate position were Judith
Klein, '66, and Lee Hornberger,
In other races, Richard Volk,
'67Ed, won the seat on the Board
in Control of Intercollegiate Ath-
letics, defeating Marvin Freedman,
'67, 1825-1388.
Philip Sutin, Grad, with 678
votes; Robert Barton, '64BAd,-with.
626; and John M. Lorenzen, Jr.,
'66BAd, with 598, led the race for
the three vacant seats on the
Board in Control of Student Pub-
lications. Robert J. Shenkin,
'Bomb' Cools
IQuad Of f
Five hundred South Quad co-
eds, 300 already in robes and
curlers, spent 15 minutes last
night outside in the 26 degree
weather. They were ordered out
of the building, as well as an
equal number of boys, during a
bomb scare.
At 11:15 p.m., the South
Quad desk received a call warn-
ing that there was a bomb in
the basement that was sched-
uled to go off at 11:30. Fire
alarms quickly brought students
outside. Sanford Security Serv-
ice, the Ann Arbor Police and
Fire Departments rushed to the
building but discovered nothing
in a search of the quad.
'65BAd, trailed with 566 votes.
George S. Clark, '66BAd, won
over Alan B. Gelbrand, '66BAd,
in the contest for president of the
business administration s c h o o1
senior class, 35-31. Thomas D.
Sherman, '66BAd, defeated Rob-
ert L. Sandelman, '66BAd, 26-23,
in the vice-presidential contest,
while Richard Berman. '66BAd
for Student Rights. The aim of
this group is to foster increased
communication between students
and administrators on issues af-
fecting the campus. The CSR has
a 16-man steering committee
which meets regularly to review
the progress of its actions.
Michael Kindman, a member of
the CSR's steering committee,
told The Daily yesterday that the
CSR had "purposely decided not
to seek an official charter for its
organization." The group felt such
a charter might eventually limit
its activities, Kindman said. All
student organizations must obtain
such 'a charter from the MSU stu-
dent government.
CSR's Goals
The CSR's major goals center
on these issues:
-Students over 21 should be
allowed to live in housing of
their own choice, subject only to
civil laws rather than MSU regu-
-MSU regulations which "dis-
criminate" against female students t
should be abolished no later than'
the fall term of 1968;
-There should be an immedi-
ate adoption of liberalized rules
for women;
-All students, while not on uni-
versity property or in university-
approved housing should be sub-
ject only to civil laws.
There was evidence of dissen-
sion in MSU administrative quar-
ters over the student petition
presented last week. Louis F.
Hekhuis, chairman of the- stu-
IQC also brought a complaint
against Paul Pavlik, '66, for post-
ing campaign material on bul-
letin boards in West Quad with-
out the permission of the house
This was the second complaint
filed against GROUP since the
start of the campaign. The first
was resolved in a ten to five vote
Sunday morning when SGC decid-
ed to reinstate the GROUP candi-
dates after they had allegedly vio-
lated SGC election rules by dis-
By The Associated Press
LANSING - Gov. George Rom-
ney recently termed a resolution
calling for the abolition of the
autonomy of the state's colleges
The resolution was introduced
by Sen. Edward Robinson (D-
Dearborn) as a reply to the strug-
gle between the University and
Romney over whether or not to
expand the University's Flint
Kirk Calls Poverty 3oth Spiritual and Material'
According to Kropf, the biggest
advantage of the merger is an or-
ganized one. The UAC will be able
to operate more efficiently in de-
termining what activities and
services will be needed, and in
carrying out the projects it under-
Iron Out Problems
Although the new officers real-
ize that there are problems to be
ironed out, such as the implemen-
tation of the new structural or-
ganization, the creation of a
working relationship between the
Boards of Directors, and the es-
tablishment of the relation of the
Office of Student Affairs to the
UAC, they believe that the sincere
interest and good will of all in-
volved will make it possible to
settle these problems satisfac-
The purpose of the UAC is not
to "take over" all campus activi-
ties, but to provide more and bet-
ter activities of the sortaalready
provided by the Union and the
League, Holmes pointed out. One
of the most important ways of
accommodating the growth of the
University is to provide more op-
portunity for small activities that
will cater to the individual and
increase contact between students,
faculty and administration.
Large Activities
TMffi Erickso~n addedthat, the
"Material poverty is only half the question," Russell Kirk, pro-
fessor, author and contributor to the National Review, said last
night. "Poverty is spiritual poverty as well."
The conservative later ran into some liberal crossfire.
Speaking in Rackham Aud. as part of the University Activities
Center's symposium on American poverty, Kirk maintained that
"poverty is the problem of the uprooted and the bewildered rather
than of workers with low wages or lack of skills, which are its re-
sults, not its causes."
The cure for poverty, Kirk declared, "must be the restoration
of hope and purpose in life. It must come through meaningful work
and honest charity led not by another vast layer of bureaucracy but
"those who can't adjust to the capitalist system" should be brought
back into "the mainstream of American life."
"But when the mainstream is a sewer, then it changes the analy-
sis completely," Hayden said. "Charging that "the dominant forces
in this society are business forces," Hayden asked for an end to the
"lack of organization of the poor," adding, "We have to ask whether
the poor are twisted or whether society is twisted. An individual
can't somehow get out of his situation when society does not pro-
vide enough jobs, schools, or housing."
View Archaic
Kirk, hwever, disagreed, calling Hayden's call for organizing
the poor "an archaic, Jack London solution whereby the poor
rise up and right their wrongs. That won't work because the poor
are a minority-as they are today-and because they are not ordi-