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US NSA Candidates ammm NlEEEEE
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students. USNSA should also co-
operate in projects which will pro-
mote international goodwill among
students of many countries. Spe-
cifically, these programs should
benefit as many students as pos-
sible, not just the participants
absence of
China (i.e.,
contact with the All
Red China) Student
A.;Nationally, USNSA must en-E
k deavor to accommodate a broad-
er political platform to rally more
student support and to increase its
memberships. USNSA has been
justly criticized for not providing
any significant services to mem-
ber schools. USNSA does havs
many services, but it has not been
effective in making students aware
of them. If elected, I will urge
that USNSA place greater empha-
sis on implementing its services
for member schools rather than
dissipate its energy on political
YEE C. CHEN issues. As a national organization
(President-International Stu- USNSA should try to bring about
dents Association; Student Gov- greater awareness in students of!
ernment Council; Delegate to 17th the problems of this country and
USNSA Congress; Board of Gov- to initiate reforms, especially in
eor-nentioal Center; Phi t iit eomepcal n
ernors-Internaiona the academic and economic areas.
Sigma Kappa.)
Such extremism and the result-
ing withdrawal of schools from
NSA could lead to having two stu-
dent organizations-one "conserv-
ative" and the other "liberal." Thi,
would defeat the need which I
see for a representative and unit-
ed student service organization
which NSA was supposedly found-
ed to be. A recommendation was
made at the last NSA Congress
to remove NSA from political con-
flict which does not directly af-
feet the students as students. Such
conflict has weakened and split
NSA during the past decade. I am
in full agreement with this reso-
lution, the "Columbia Resolution"
-in name of the school that in-
troduced it. and shall fight for
its adoption at this coming Con-
gress if elected. I am fully for
NSA as it was established-an in-
ter-university-college student serv-
ice organization - but unless i'
commences to emphasize educa-
tion more and extreme political
questions less, we shall have to
reevaluate our connections with
Qualifications: Vice-President,
Inter-Quadrangle Council; mem-
ber AHC-IQC Merger Committee;
member UM Young Republican
Club: former Vice - President.
Markley Hall; former Vice-Presi-
dent, Van Tyne House; former
Secretary, Van Tyne House.
As the largest national student
union in the world, USNSA has
the great responsibility of repre-
senting American students nation-
ally and internationally. Interna-
tionally, USNSA should be an in-
fluential diplomat presenting in-
formation on American students
and their views to the world's
My main interests inUSNSA be-
sid!es the general philosophy above
are its programs for foreign-Amer-
ican students relationship and stu-
dent economic welfare, and if
elected, these will be the two
areas I will concentrate on at the
Why, atfer 18 years, does the
National Student Association rep-
resent less than 20 per cent of
all colleges and universities in the
United States? Why are schools
constantly disaffiliating from
NSA? The reason for this trend
which has threatened NSA's ef-
fectivenessas a service organiza -
tion has been its consistent dives
into the tangents of extremism.
This has ranged from resolutions
commending the Japanese stu-
dents who rioted against Presi-
dent Eisenhower's proposed visit
to Japan in 1960 to regretting the
Food Service Feeds Masses
V 4
(Continued from Page 1)
juice takes up almost half of a huge refrigerator stall, while the
truckload of produce brought in each day from Detroit has its own
Stocking $3 million worth of food requires the efforts of a 42-
man staff. The Food Service maintains its own baker, ice cream
plant, and butcher shop aimed at economical production of quality
The pervading look of the facility is cleanliness. No effort 1s
spared in assuring that all foods are kept free of contamination.
In fact, this attitude is carried to all purchasing done by the
food service. Recently a nearby dairy asked to bid on the food
service milk contract. Before the request was granted, Wagner and
a professor of the University School of Public Health personally
inspected the plant.
Feediig the animals is also part of the
good stock of rabbit ration, monkey food, cat
maintained, for the psychology department.
food service's task. A
food, and dog food is
SGC Member; UMSEU Presi-
dent; VOICE, Executive Commit-
tee; USNSA, Delegate to 1964 Con-
Voice Platf or .
In most countries of the world
students play crucial roles in the
fight for, the progressive recon-
struction of society. To them, it is
incumbent on their position as
students to lead movements of
social change, and to provide the
intellectual groundingfor con-
structing societies built on hu-
man values instead of the self-
interest of the ruling groups. It
is students who question the basic
values of their society, who alone
can inseminate a stagnating cul-I
ture with a fresh ideology. TheseI
students are not isolated from the
society about them. They are able
to inject into society their ideal-
ism and hope because their na-
tional student organizations are aa
potential force.
In the United States, students
or more accurately college gradu-
ates, have become the backbone of
a highly technical and sophisticat-
ed economy. Lewis Cosier esti-
mates that 42 per cent of our
economy is devoted to the dissem-
ination of knowledge, informatior
and "culture." This dwarfs the
defense budget, and even the huge
industrial corporations. We are at
the center of this "knowledge,
economy," yet we are quiescent.
With the exceution of a handfu
of students independently workinp
in the civil rights movement, the
Peace Corps, Vista, the peace
movement and with the poor anc
disenfranchised, most students re-
main oblivious to their key role in
In an economy that has shift-
ed from "brawn to brains," we
remaini, in a sense, even more ex-
ploited than the working clan-
ever was. At least they were paid
for working (however poorly): we
have to pay to be exploited. The
revolution on the Berkeley cam-
pus has made it clear to us just
how exploited we are. We have
seen the plight of Negroes and the
poor in our country; we have
sensed the cowardice of our adul+
community which would rather
"save face" and protect "its inter-
ests" rather than have peace. We
have fought the complacent Amer-
ican society which would rather
be comfortable than involve it-elf
in the problems of our nation
and indeed the world, faces.
The United States Natiorial Stu-
dent Association could be an ef-
fective force in combatting the
complacency of our society. Un-
fortunately, member schools have
failed to contribute to the fulfill-
ment of NSA's potential. At th'
University of Michigan Student
Government Council has flauntr',
itc~ r.~, vncihi~1tr in i kng an np.
Assembly Association, Vice- VOICE, Chairman; UMSEU, Ex-
President; UMSEU, Executive ecutive Committee; D e 1e g a t e
Committee. Michigan Region USNSA Assem-
bly Fall, 1964.
tion in the fight against the "mul-
tiversity" and the exploitation of
the student has beenforthcom-
ing from any source. Berkeley is a
partial tragedy in that it is an
island of activity in a sea of stu-
dent apathy and non-involvement
resulting from a lack of direction.
Here at Michigan we are find-
ing thatathe problems of the mul-
tiversity continue to grow. The
student population is mushroom-
ing, residence halls are stuffed te
overflowing, classrooms are r
mockery, and the IBM number i
king, and all this at exorbitant
costs to the student. At the same
time off the campus, the prob-
lems of civil rights, poverty, and
world peace are becoming ever
more visible and ripe for attack
These are the areas where USNSA
should be.
U. of M. should be a leader in
NSA and should be a leader in this
new movement. In the past th(
question has always been, "Wha
can U. of M. get from NSA?" We
maintain the question should b
Campuses across the U.S. arE
running into the same economirc
problems we find so prevalent at
U. of M. Rents are on the rise,
tuitions are going up, and the gen-
eral cost of living in college towns
is higher than ever before. USNSA
can have thespower in order tc
press for legislative programs t^
fight University Administration'!
practice of non-involvement in the
problems of student economic wel-
USNSA must also be the van.
guard of the academic revolution
With increasing numbers of stu-
dents, and with the threat of thej
multiversity on every major ram-
pus, it is necessary for NSA t'
prepare to counteract the presen'
movement toward dehumanizatior
of education. Students must ques-
tion the basic values and organi-
zation of education in the United
VOICE, past Chairman, Execu-
tive Committee.
States. NSA must force experi-
mentation with new forms of
teaching methods, new courses.
new types of universities. USNSA
must lead students in creating an
atmosphere on campuses where
students and faculty work togeth-
er in directing and improving the
university and society. NSA shoul
be the collective idealog for the
new plan.
Beyond the campus, we as mem-
bers of the society must actively
involve ourselves in the fight for
civil rights, world peace, and an
end to poverty. We must emulate
the progressive student forces o
other nations, and to this end
USNSA must become the leader of
a national student movement.
Michigan must send delegates
to USNSA who shall work toward
this new direction for NSA. It i
imperative that U. of M. lend its
leadership and manpower to th(
student revolution. We pledge our
forces to this aim.
Qualifications: Editor, The Mich-
igan Daily; President, United
States Student Press Association.
The United States National Stu-
dent Association is one of the most
maligned and misunderstood or-
ganizations in America. It has
been both praised and attacked for
goals which it could never hope
and has never intended to serve.
USNSA's major role comes in
the international student world.
While student politics-rarely draw.,
attention in the United States, it
becomes a potent force in the un-
derdeveloped world, where today',
students are tomorrow's prime
USNSA has been singularly ef-
fective at representing the inter-
ests of the United States - not
necessarily, however, establish-
ment interests-at this level. It
participates in numerous ex-
changes. important international
conferences, and mutual aid pro-
grams. USNSA's role has been fav-
orably recognized by the State
Department and by heavy foun-
dation support.
At the national level, the or-
ganization has been less success-
ful. Nevertheless, with higher ed-
ucation under more and more
scrutiny, and with student-facul-
ty - administration relationships
very much in doubt, USNSA has a
major vacuum to fill.
In the early and middle years
of USNSA's existence, the Univer-
sity was able to provide a heavy
proportion of leadership. In recent
years University delegations have
been less effective. It is time that
this situation change.
These 21 2 pages
are a
paid advertisement
i by
Student Government
"Actually, the psychology people are our fussiest clients. Once
we had planned a minor change in one of our animal food pur-
chases and they became very upset. They told us that even the
slightest change in animal diet might ruin two years of research."
As for the people diet, the food service does not determine
menus; they are established by the individual housing units. Rather
food service is a central supplying agency that purchases food di-
rectly from the producer.
The food service loading dock is a continuous flurry of activity.
Crackers, spaghetti and potato chips for the League; potatoes,
oranges, and beans set to go to West Quad, spices, ketchup and
Spanish olives for the University Hospital; and boysenberries, ice
cream and roasts for South Quad.
And where does lunch for the food service staff itself come
from? Mr. Wagner says very little food is consumed on the premises,
"We all carry our own lunches."
MEETING THE DEMAND for fresh meat at
the University Hospital, dormitories, or the
League requires a good size staff of butchers.
Here a few choice cuts of beef begin their
journey to the dining table.
HERBERT P. WAGNER, manager of the $3 million a year food service operation, points out where all the carrots (cooked- in this
case) as well as Sweet Potatoes come from. This is a small portion of the three story facility. Note the Plattes used underneath
all cases throughout the building, to keep all food off the floor, to avoid any chance of contamination,
by Frank Wing
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