TIlE MICHIGAN DAILY '~T1NflAV ~?R VU'flR.TJAIV io~z~ - .- , v.., a 4aa~,,.aw.a .pv.
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Pla tforms
Council Executive Canddates
SGC Candidates
At the present, it is our feeling
that frequency of inspection and
adherence to building codes and
health standards are matters
which deserve a more strict and
consistent attitude.
Academics must not continue to
be neglected in the future. The
Council, through its executive
committee, should endeavor to co-
ordinate its activities and interests
with those of the respective coun-
cils in each of the University's
colleges. It should consider a re-
structuring of the membership ap-
pointment system in these organ-
izations, in order that a variety
of views and interests be insured.
In addition, we would seek to
create a permanent structure to
institutionalize the present joint
campus effort toward the course
description booklet. We feel some
HARLAN BLOOMER further steps will have to be taken
General co - chairman, Home- to insure the realization of the
Geneal c - cairmn, Hme-potential of this booklet.
coming '64; house vice-president,
Alma College; house display THE STUDENT
. T rT*A T--- - - - - - - - r.
'66, present executive vice-pres-
ident SGC; past SGC treasurer;
executive committee member and
Council member 2 years; chair-
man, Course Description Co-ord-
inating Committee; delegate to1
Conference on the University; Phif
Gamma Delta social fraternity.
Entirely too often in the past,1
SGC has been in the unfortunate
position of reacting to the deci-
sions rather than influencing
them, or, perhaps worse, has con-
cerned itself with matters of little
significance. In order to effec-
tively influence or cope with the
more important problems at hand,
Student Government Council must,
have: a voice in University policyi
making. As candidates for the
offices of President and Vice Pres-
ident of SGC, we believe that we
can employ our qualifications tot
maintain a spontaneous and in-r
spirational level of thought andE
action in the future.
We will never cease to demand
that the University assume its re-
sponsibility to the student by ex-'
amining the economic relation-
ship of the student to the Ann
Arbor community. Particularly, as
regards of campus policy, we?
would like to see steps taken to
secure the changes recently in-
troduced into Council. We feel
that the institution of an eight
month lease and deletion of the
highly unfair "joint and severally"
clause are but beginnings of stu-
dent action in an area too long
neglected. Further, we would like
chairman, Alma College; Delta
Upsilon social fraternity; D.U.'
executive committee.
to suggest that the administration
move in the direction of unsuper-
vised student apartments and cor-
relate with this a program of
parking and mass transit for the
We believe that there is abso-
lutely no reason why the proposed
S t u d e n t Government Exchange
Store could not be in operation
within the few weeks following
this election. If the student body
responds to the store in the man-
ner we anticipate, it may well be
that the existing regents by-lawI
prohibiting any competition with
Ann Arbor merchants will have to
be altered to afford the students
Both mayoralty candidates of the most reasonable rates possible
Ann Arbor have indicated a will- on textbooks and other school sup-
ingness to meet regularly with stu- plies. We would alsohdeem highly
dent groups to talk over areas of possible and necessary the publi-
mutual concern. Through such cation of a comprehensive list of
associations, Student Government comparative prices in Ann Arbor,
Council will be able to consider and the institution of a local stu-
matters of rent control and more dents' discount card similar to
effective city building inspection, the one the National Student As-
sociation is attempting to organ-
fAll~ \A_:4-. I- Lize on an international level. f
GROUP Platform
G.R.O.U.P. stands for Govern-
mental Revision of University Pol-
icy. We are a political organiza-
tion only in that the members
maintain the same moral, judicial,
and ethical concepts. GROUP ac-
cepts no labels of party type; our
only affiliation is with the student
body of the University of Mich-
As students, we look about and
see injustices which need correct-
ing. We see economic exploitation
of the student body while the Uni-
versi sremains unwilling to com- ;
mit itself or concern itself with o
economic welfare of students.rWe
note the deplorable lack of rap-
port between students and Ad-
ministrators while the University >
tor often disregards suggestions PAULA CAMERON
for academic improvement. We
see a University and city environ- selection in stores on the campus
ment which is dedicated not to is limited mainly to expensive
education but to mechanization lines, with little chance for the
and exploitation. r student on a limited budget to
Our primary concern is to bene- purchase quality clothes at a mod-
fit the student. We believe that erate price.
the student should have the right Student wages, including those
to determine policies which con- paid by thte University, call for
cern him. We seek the establish- immediate action. Considering
ment of a democracy governed by the extremely high cost-of-living
the philosophy that the individual in Ann Arbor, an hourly wage of
share in those social decisions less than $1.25 is both inadequate
which determine the direction and and unrealistic.
quality of his life. Regnizing the desperate need
A11 write in
Candidates Wishing
Further I nformation
Contact the
1532 S.A.B.
We favor an increased coordina-
tion of Student Government Coun-
cil with the various administrators
of the University. Honest discus-
sion of such policies and ques-
tions as instate-outstate student
ratios, University size and plans
for future development, academic
curriculum and course offerings,
as well as student wages are part
of Student Government Council's
obligation to itself, to you, and the
These two candidates
for Council Executive po-
sitions are running on the
GROUP slate. Their plat-
form is the same as those
running for regular SGC
seats and appears to the
SGC Candidates
Qualifications: President of
Chicago House, Vice-President of
West Quadrangle, Vice-President
of U. of M. Libertarian League,
member of SGC Public Relations
Board, active member of Young
In the coming year, SGC, if it
is to continue and expand its at-
tempt to influence University pol-
icy and that of the community
with regard to student economic
welfare, must be composed of
knowledgeable, hard-working, per-
sistent people, who will have to
immediately accept the responsi-
bility of representing the student
viewpoint with the administra-
Since October, I have attended
every SGC meeting. I have talked
with several University officials.
I know the problems with which
the Council and the University are
faced. It is for this reason that I
feel I have the best qualifications
and the best chance to implement
my platform.
In part, I favor:
1) Greater control of rules gov-
erning student conduct by SGC;
2) Taking of a definitive sur-
vey of prices, beginning with books
and including clothes, food, and
laundry, as well as apartments;
3) Immediate restructuring of
the Council, with the removal of
the positions of ex-officios from
the Council structure;
'67 LSA, IFC Special Events
Committee, Alpha Delta Phi (Lit-
erary Chairman).
Student Government Council at
the present time needs dedicated
members aware of the scope of the
problems facing the University,
and the potentials and limitations
of the Council in solving them.
Students must realize that in
areas such as off-campus housing
and academic affairs the Council.
must function as a pressure group
for the student consensus.
In these areas SGC's main pow-
er lies in its ability to persuade
the administration to act. There-
fore SGC must develop better
working relations with them.
Brash demands that are brought
up at Council meetings accomplish
nothing; rather, adequate prepar-
ation of proposals and an im-
provement of communications of
among SGC, the student body,
the faculty, and the administra-
tion is essential.
Specifics on which SGC should
continue to work are: (1) im-
provement of academic counsel-
ing; (2) liberalization of the pres-
ent course dropping policy; (3)
lengthening of the exam study
period; (4) enlargement and con-
tinuation of the present student
course evaluation; (5) re-evalua-
tion of the structure of SGC in-
cluding the possibility of the re-
moval of the ex-officio members;
As a candidate for SGC I feel
that the council should certainly
serve as a more effective check
and balance on the administra-
tion without working in direct op-
position to the administration.
This can only be done by present-
ing the administration with sound
ideas and propositions to imple-
ment or alter their policies.
One alteration of policy that I
support is an administration op-
erated pressure on the apartment
owners to offer the student body
eight-month leases upon penalty
of loss of university approval.
I strongly advocate that SGC
place more emphasis on studying
the alternatives to the Off-Cam-
pus Housing problem. There are
advantages to University built
housing, private built low-cost
housing, and gov't supported hous-
ing. SGC must study these alter-
natives, decide which is the most.
advantageous to the student body,
and act upon their decision.
There are several methods to
alleviate the high prices students
are forced to pay. ISID discount
cards should be put in effect, stu-
In the ten years that the pres-
ent form of SGC has existed, the
prestige of the organization has
gradually declined until an all
time low was hit in last fall's elec-
tion, in which fewer than 10%
of the students at the University
cared enough about SGC even to
vote for their representatives. Ob-
viously, then, the most pressing
need of SGC is to rebuild its
image with the students, faculty.
administration, and the commun-
My three point program for re-
gaining and then retaining thr
support of the University com-
munity to enable SGC to once
again become an effective unit is
as follows:
1. Reactivate plans for a Stu-
dent Book Exchange, but this
time start the store in business
only after careful organization.
planning, and advertising, and ac-
cumulation of enough books, sup-
plies, and capital to make the
venture a complete success in its
goal of lower prices throughout
Ann Arbor.
To this end, GROUP will movei
to end the merciless economic ex-'
ploitation of the student; GROUP'
will insist that the University
cease its irresponsible lack of con-i
cern in the students' welfare;
GROUP will work to end the de-
plorable lack of rapport between
students and the Administration.,
GROUP, on SGC, will represent
student opinion and express this
opinion by imolementing plans
designed to effect policy change.
We will do more than talk, com-
plain, suggest, and talk some
more (as SGC has done in the
past). GROUP shall, while work-
in within the legal structure of
SGC. institute whatever aonrn-
nriat.e action is necessary to elim-
inate economic and academic in-
Following are three major areas
in which much can be done to
benefit the student:
University students in Ann Ar-'
bor are dependent upon the local
business community to fulfill
many of their basic needs. As
indicated by the prevailing high
prices, the merchants in the area
are unwilling to admit that stu-
dents are a unique consumer
group with limited means. Since
it is located in a small, concen-
trated urban area, and since it re-
stricts students use of auto-
mobiles, the University isolates the
student and makes him a captive
patron of businesses in the imme-
diate campus area. Thus the Uni-
versity has a moral obligation toi
protect the student from the pres-
,ent economic exploitation by as-
sisting him in securing high qual-
ity goods and services at an equit-
able price. The University has not
met this crucial obligation.
GROUP demands that:
1. The Administration and Re-
gents define clearly the Uni-
versity's concern for students'
economic welfare.
2. The University directly par-
ticipates in securing a just
economic position for stu-
dents in Ann Arbor.
There are several urgent areas
where glaring injustices to stu-;
dents must be quickly resolved'
The first of these concerns the
Ann Arbor bookstores, long no-
torious for exorbitant prices on
new and used books combined
with a gross underpayment policy
towards sellers of used texts. At
this time, there exists no student
or University operated bookstorej
Attempts to establish such a fa-
cility on a co-operative basis have
failed due to a lack of cabital and
credit, while the University has
been prevented from orgpnizing aj
for correcting the present situa-
tion, GROUP advocates:
1. An immediate change of the
Regents' By-laws to permit
direction participation b S
the University in facilities to
provide students with the
needed goods and services at
a fair cost.
2. Immediate establishment of
a $1.25 minimum hourly wage
for all student employees and
University co-operation with
the UMSEU as the official
bargaining unit for Univer-
sity-employed students.
3. Establishment of a Univer-
sity or student department
store. Such action has been
taken at Harvard and Prince-
4. Establishment bf a Univer-
sity - owned a n d operated
bookstore, similar to those in
existence at other univer-
5. A study by SGC of the feasi-
bility of sending student
laundry by truck to a low
cost establishment.
6. Establishment of a perman-
ent committee to determine
those establishments which
provide quality goods and
services at a reasonable price.
This committee would pub-
lish its findings in pamphlet
form periodically and would
distribute the pamphlets to
the students.
In order to enact these demands
GROUP would:
1. Pass resolutions on SGC,
write letters to administra-
tors and regents, and circu-
late petitions by parents, fac-
ulty, and students. If these
measures fail, or where they
have failed,
2. Organize picketing and other
demonstrations and provide a
far-reaching public informa-
tion campaign.
3. Request, demand, and peti-
tion the State Legislature,
and, if need be,
4. Demonstrate before the State
Off-campus housing is an area
in which the University of Mich-
igan student is grossly mistreated.
Prices constitute the major griev-
ance. For what the student pays,
he should receive much more; for'
what he receives, he should pay
far less. Four and eight month
leases and more adequate living
accomodations are other basic is-
sues. Landlords' arguments of
high costs and property danger.
fail to vindicate what is, in ac-
GROUP advocates:
1. Demanding from the Admin-
istration and Regents an un-
equivocal statement of their
positions and responsibilities
in regard to off-campus
2. Demanding from the Univer-
sity a rationale for the ab-
sence of University owned
and built low cost housing,
and erection of such housing
if rationale is lacking.
3. Demanding of the University
and Ann Arbor landlords ne-
gotiations leading to:
a. Reduction in rents
b. Establishment of a rent
c. Improvement in quality of
d. Four and eight month
Failure of the University and
landlords to effect the above
changes should be met by direct
expression of the students' abhor-
ance of the housing situation, by
in the following order:
1. Student petitions
2. Letters from students, par-
ents, and faculty to the Ad-
ministration, Regents, and
State Legislature.,
3. Picketing or sit-ins of build
ings charging high rent or
offering inadequate accom-
4. Rent strikes with partial o,
comolete withholding o f
rents until demands are met
5. Massive publicity exuosin
the unjust and untenabl
stands of Ann Arbor land-
The right to adequate living ac-!
commodations under fair rates
and terms is basic. GROUP will
work to make this right a reality.
GROUP is greatly concerned
with the academic welfare of stu-
dents. The University has far'
from achieved a perfect academic
program. The student who is dis-
satisfied with his education willj
find little solace upon hearing the'
University acclaim itself "one of
the great educational institution
in the country." Problems are
prevalent, and unless they are
solved, more and more students
will sense the frustrated feelino-
of an academic never-never land.
The University must provide an
atmosphere in which a student
can feel the accomplishment of
an education, rather than four
years of regurgitated lectures and
recitations. We deplore the fac-
tory system of education. As stu-
dents we demand more. We be-
lieve the student should have z
stronger voice in determining
those policies that concern his
academic welfare.
We advocate:
1. A comprehensive student nro-
gram to convince the Stat
Legislature of the need for
g r e a t e r approoriations.
Means to implement this in-
clude letter camaigns. peti-
tions, parent letters to legis
lators, and student delega-
in ofhe na~la
student the opportunity to
receive a more personalized
4. An unambiguous policy for
course dropping. GROUP de,
mands that the students have
the right to drop as well as
elect courses. Presently, no
definitive course - dropping
policy exists. Such a policy
should be formulated and
should give students the op-
tion to drop courses until the
last two weeks of each semes-
5. A more equitable system of
assigning credit hours for
courses. The present system
has little rationale and is
chaotic and often misleading.
Re-evaluation of the credit
hour system or introduction
of a new system based on
'number of courses taken
should be attempted.
6. More imaginative and exper-
imental teaching methods.
We demand that the Univer-
sity meet educational needs
and not be bound by status-
quoism. Video-tape, lectures
by experts in fields, elimina-
tion of "straight" lectures,
and expanded summer read-
ing programs should be in
7. Long-range evaluation o I
the critical need for study
space. The, present situation
is deplorable, and University
attempts at solution have
been inadequate.
How can the above policies be
initiated by students? First, the
administration must be educated
as to student needs. Requests and
recommenidations will be submit-
ted. At all times, GROUP will in-
form the students and public of
the results of these recommenda-
tions. If they are received with
deaf ears, then petitions and pro-
tests would be effected. GROUP
is not afraid of action. Our cause
is just; we wish to be spokesman"
of the student body.
Robert Golden, President
Ellen Buchalter, Vice-President
Paula Cameron
Steve Daniels
Mickey Eisenberg
Russel Linden
Don Resnick
Steve Schwartz
Myles Stern
Monday, Mar. 1
2. In the field
of academics,
dent discount cards for the thea- SGC can take a major role in
tres should be obtained, and more helping to evaluate and improve
competition with the Ann Arbor thte cu:rricula of the various de-
campus merchants should be en- partments in the University. Two
couraged. This latter program er three interested individuals.
can be accomplished by increas- 1 minp nniinaP P ghppts
incr xnrl n h}ichino- fihP hnc aprvira
using Lne course evaiuacion sneeLh