Admissions: Planning,
Choosing a ew Class
University admissions officers deal with the problems of en-
rollment through projected estimates and intelligent guesses long
before applications from incoming freshmen arrive.
According to Registrar Edward G. Groesbeck, the admissions
office uses three factors in predicting how many students will
apply to the University: fluctuations in college-age population
in the last few years, business conditions in and out of Michi-
gan, and enrollment trends in the past two years.
Making predictions is only the first part of the work of the
admissions office. Next comes the process of deciding just how
many students the University crn actually admit. Officials take
several factors into consideration.
One is the number of students each school thinks it can
accommodate, taking account of its present staff and available
space. The chemistry department, for example, was forced to
turn away 200 eligible students from Chemistry 104 last fall.
Due to increasing enrollment, department officials say it
will be forced to turn away even more students next fall. Safety
and available working space in the laboratories are the two limit-
ing factors. The crowding has become so severe that in some
cases waiting rooms have been converted into offices.
Another factor is how much dormitory space will be avail-
able. In a move expected to free some dormitory space this fall,
Vice-President for Student Affairs Richard L. Cutler granted
apartment privileges to junior women last February 8. However,
he noted that the amount of spaces freed in the residence halls
would probably not significantly alleviate the crowding problems.
How many graduate students the University can maintain is
another problem. Enrollment on the graduate and professional
levels is now 38.8 per cent of the University's total enrollment.
The University spends at least three times as much to edu-
cate a Masters Degree candidate as it does to educate a fresh-
man or sophomore; the amount spent on the average PhD candi-
date is even slightly higher. University officials have complained
that Gov. George Romney's 1965-66 budget proposal for the
University does not sufficiently take into account the high cost
of educating graduate students.
Final Factor
The final factor the University must take into account is
how many students will transfer from other universities as well as
between schools within the University.
In addition to these specific factors, University officials
must take into account general University goals determined by the
Regents. These goals include setting University standards for
selective admission of students, serving every qualified Michigan
resident as much as possible, and maintaining a cosmopolitan
atmosphere by recruiting a good mixture of students from other
states and countries.
Last Goal
This last goal-that the University maintain a cosmopolitan
atmosphere-causes controversy every year when the Legislature
decides upon the University's budget. University officials main-
tain that out-of-state students add to the quality of the institu-
tion, but some state legislators counter that the University is
neglecting its primary goal-serving the residents of Michigan.
Due to legislative pressure, the number of out-of-state stu-
dents will be held constant next year, again reducing the per-
centage of out-of-state students. The drop to an expected 25.8
per cent is the seventh annual drop in a row.
The percentage decrease is caused by the increasing total
number of Michigan students.
Not All Enroll
Not all students admitted to the University enroll, either be-
cause they lack funds or because they go to other institutions.
The proportion of such students is fairly constant. This is an-
other factor which the admissions office must take into account
in estimating enrollment.
James E. Lesch, assistant to the vice-president for academic
affairs, has found two new situations occurring in recent years
as the quality of applicants to the University has risen:
-The dropout rate has been lower-and as a result, vacan-
cies for new students have been more scarce.
-A higher percentage of those admitted have enrolled.
This last factor was a major cause of the overcrowding in
dormitories last fall, Byron L. Groesbeck, assistant director of ad-
missions, said recently. More students than expected accepted their
admissions. Another reason for the crowding was that more
financial aid than ever before was available last fall,
The Michigan Higher Education Authority Assistance Schol-
arships, offered to about 200 University freshmen, enabled many
students to attend the University who otherwise would have gone
Still another factor in the overcrowding was the excellent
quality of applications received in late spring from Michigan resi-
dents, Groesbeck said. The University decided to admit them on
the basis of their high academic records.
Officials surmise that many of these students had made mul-
tiple applications, and were turned down by the institutions of
their choice late in June.
University officials have good reason to anticipate greater
crowding problems next fall than they encountered last fall.
The University will probably admit several hundred more fresh-
men without opening more housing, and enrollment pressures
from expanding population and continuing prosperity are not
expected to let up.
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View SGC-Organization Link
Heads of student organiza-
tions have tra~ditionally played
a prominent part in student
government at the University.
Their role has changed several
times in the past 19 years and
may be altogether broken by
former Interfaternity Council
President Lawrence Lossing's
recent proposal that they with-
draw from Student Government
Council and establish their own
The tradition began in 1946,
when seven student organiza-
tion leaders joined the faculty-
administration Committee on
Student Affairs. The committee
recognized new organizations,
approved student-sponsored ac-
tivities, drew up rules governing
student activities and made pol-
icies for the recognition and
social activities of and partici-
pation in extra-curricular non-
athletic activities.
Added to the committee in
1946 were the highest officers
of The Daily, the League, the
Union, and Women's Judiciary
Council, as well as three mem-
bers of Student Legislature, the
popularly-elected body that
shared student government
powers with the committee by
"providing for the expression
of student opinions, the co-
ordination of student activities
and projects to meet student
In 1953 the chairman of
Joint Judiciary Council replac-
ed one of the SL members on
the committee.
Hatcher Committee
Also in 1953, University
President Harlan H. Hatcher
appointed a committee, headed
by Prof. Lionel H. Laing of the
political science department, to
review student government. In
1954 the study committee sug-
gested the present Student
Government Council system.
The Council consists of 11
elected student representatives
and seven ex-officio organiza-
tion leaders, thus seeking to
combine the advantages of the
democratically chosen SL and
the experienced Committee on
Student Affairs.
The theory behind the inclu-
sion of the ex-officios, Laing
explained recently, is "to in-
clude responsible leadership, an
element that commands'respect
from the organizations and
from the student body as a
whole." The 11-to-7 ratio is
intended to keep the democratic
process, while making sure of
an experienced and influential
Original Plan
According to the original
plan, the ex-officios were ex-
pected to delegate more respon-
sibility to their vice-presidents,
who would play a larger role
in the individual organizations
and give the organization heads
more time to devote to SGC.
In practice, the ex-officios
have been important on SGC,
says John Feldkamp, assistant
to the Director of Student Ac-
tivities and Organizations.
"The contributions of the ex-
officios have been outstanding,"
Feldkamp said on Monday.
"The ex-officio has traveled
over the tough road to the top
of his own organization and is
an outstanding individual by
the time he gets to the Council.
"The burden of solutions to
problems has often gone to ex-
officios, and they have added
prestige to the Council."
Highest Officers
The student leaders serving
on SGC are the highest officers
of the Union, the League, Pan-
hellenic Association, Assembly
Association, IFC, International
Students Association, Inter-
Quadrangle Council and the
The heads of the four resi-
dence systems provide the most
direct student representation,
while the Union and League
leaders are involved with stu-
dent activities outside the resi-
dence units. ISA, the coordinat-
ing body for the different na-
tionality groups on campus, of-
fers still another point of view.
The idea that the organiza-
tion leaders withdraw from
SGC is not a new one. In
March, 1963, the Council put
the question on the ballot for a
student opinion poll.
Many students, including a
Committee for Democratic Stu-
dent Government and several of
the elected SGC members, agi-
tated, for removal of the ex-
officios. The elected members
of SGC were generally more
liberal than the ex-officios and
felt the ex-officios were hinder-
ing SGC action.
The opinion poll, however,
was a conservative victory, and
the traditional system was pre-
Since the 1963 election the
focus has changed. The issue
now is not that the elected
members of SGC want to abol-
ish the ex-officios, but rather
that some of the ex-officios
want to withdraw from SGC.
These organization leaders
maintain that they do not have
enough time to devote to the
Council and that a separate,
informal organization of resi-
dence and activity heads would
be a more effective way for
them to function.
Main Difficulties
Lossing, a former ex-officio,
said Tuesday night that there
are two main difficulties with
the present system. First, the
ex-officios "do not have time
to give of their experience be-
yond the SGC table talk," and
second, "SGC itself has no
areas of concern which are of
any real or overriding conse-
Solutions to
T'Issue Grow
IQC-AHC Merger
By LESLEY FINKELMAN to me that AHC diverts its ho
ing problems to committees a
Esch Seeks Eventual The presidents of Assembly occupies itself with other fac
House Council and Inter-Quad- of dorm living, which really sho
Separate College rangle Council yesterday express- be the minor area of concer
ed their hopes and opinions about Eadie said.
Solutions and rumors enveloped the proposed IQC-AHC merger. "The organizations of IQC a
the Flint college controversy yes- Although the study committee AHC also show another differer
terday. formed to investigate the prob- in their philosophy. Wher
State Rep. Marvin L. Esch (R- lems of merger-has not yet begun men's housing units' preside
Ann Arbor) announced his inten- research, AHC President Georgia have representatives at IQC
tion yesterday to discuss his solu- Berland, '67, and IQC President! that they can spend more time
tion to the Flint issue with Gov. John Eadie, '65, said that a merger their individual house operatio
George Romney and with Univer- should occur in about a year be- AHC representatives sometir
sity President Harlan Hatcher. cause the housing situation de- are house presidents themselves
mands the joint efforts of the Men More Interested
Meanwhile rumors circulated in two councils. "This shows that men are m
Lansing that Romney's Blue Rib- "Because the Bursley Hall and interested in their respect
bon Committee will ask for an end Cedar Bend units will double the houses, because they feel theyI
to the Flint expansion project. number of students living in co-ed long there. Women like the id
Esch hopes to resolve the Flint dorms, it is necessary that they of centralized, highly organi
conflict by allowing the University find representation in an auto- activity in their council," Ea
to continue its "long standing plan nomous body which will have said.
to develop the Flint Campus into enough influence to solve their "Although I disagree witht
a four year institution but with residence hall problems," Eadie distinction which John makesI
the intention, that there will be said. tween the philosophies of ourc
"a planned ten year period of Similar Problems ganizations, I think we both i
growth and transition to a sepa- "Men's and women's housing that this problem can be resolv
rate college by 1975." units face similar problems, and What we feel is more importan
efforts to work them out would the problem of residence hall r
Chairman of the State Board of
Education Thomas Brennan noted
that the proposal will probably be
brought up at the public hearing
on the Flint expansion next
Wednesday, and Hatcher had no
comment until he was more famil-
iar with Esch's proposal.
The Blue Ribbon Committee
rumor was refuted by Irving Blue-
stone, a member of the comihittee.
He noted that no recommenda-
tions have been authorized as yet
by the committee.
be more quickly rewarded and
more satisfactory, due to the lack
of duplication in work, if a body
of both sexes was formed," he
Miss Berland added that the
distance separating these two pro-
posed units from the rest of the
campus needs to be lessened, and
IQC-AHC merger would serve to
bring them into the University
"O n e consideration w h i c h
prompted the idea of merger is
that the residence hall adminis-
tration is one organization which
is dealing with two similar groups.
Because we could present a strong
student organization, our doubled
Parties in Lb
Joint Talksr 4
reform Wednesday-and Hou
meet them half way.
The Republican caucus a
tee to work with the Dem
Minority Leader Robert Wal
Democrats to appoint a simila
ski (D-Detroit) said the Den
cratic caucus most likely wo
appoint arcommittee "to f
areas of agreement."
Memo Gives
" Explanation
" nSight O I4 Stn
us- resentation," Miss Berland added.
nd "For representation to be most
ets direct and efficient, it will prob- Claims Flint Plans
uld ably be based on population," Miss ..
n," Berland said. Preceded Polcies of
"It's most important that the State Educational Unit
nd council be small yet represent
nce everyone, and it's feasible that a By BRUCE WASSERSTEIN
eas house's voice should parallel its
nts population: To deal with big prob- The controversy surrounding the
so lems, it would be best to have a University's bypassing of the State
in House Presidents Assembly," Eadie Board of Education in its deci-
ns, commented. sion to expand the Flint campus
nes When asked what the merged was eased last night when Uni-
. organizations would do in general versity President Harlan Hatcher
within the residence halls, Miss agreed to work with the board on
ore Berland replied that from AHC's the explosive issue.
ive viewpoint, it would try to make Both Gov. George Romney and
be- dorms more than places for food Chairman of the State Board of
dea and shelter. Education Thomas Brennan had
zed More Challenging assailed the University's ignoring
die "A dorm should have an intel- of the board in making its deci-
lectually challenging atmosphere. sion.
the Today the emphasis among girls In a policy statement the Uni-
be- is on how soon they can move out. versity President explained the
or- With more speaker programs, etc., reasoning behind the lack of con-
eel we could make dorms more intel- sultation between the University
ed. lectually' stimulating and a living and the State Board prior to
t is unit with as much attraction as Hatcher's decision to admit a
ep- an apartment," Miss Berland said. freshman class to Flint next fall.
"Generally in the case of pro-
e gislature Backjects which were underway or al-
ready committed prior to the es-
tablishment of the State Board of
Education, such as the expansion
on Tax Re f orm of the Flint campus, the Univer-
sity will proceed with its plans un-
less the State Legislature requests
publicans took a step toward fiscal a special consultation between the
ise Democrats indicated they would University and the board about a
controversial issue. Upon such a
appointed a special five-man commit- request, the University will work
ocrats toward fiscal reform. House closely with the board n.making
dron (R-Grosse Pointe) invited the
Hatcher now is willing to work
ar committee. Speaker Joseph Kowal- with the board on the Flint issue
no- since the Legislature had asked
uld i FTU S.In ict for an advisory opinion on the
ind issue and the board is willing to
review the issue.
atic "SHatcher remarked that he was
ini- C OM MU]tSt looking forward to the public
ong hearing on Flint scheduled for
next Wednesday to present his
J. WASHINGTON()-The federal views to the board.
ma- government renewed its long legal On the other side of the con-
ant battle with the United States troversy, Brennan said that he
n. Communist Party yesterday. A was "originally disappointed in
fis- grand jury indicted the party Hatcher's action to expand Flint
in again for failing to register as. a because Hatcher had ignored the
ion, Communist action group. body which is granted jurisdiction
ck- This time, however, the Justice over educational coordinating
uld Department took pains to avoid functions (the State Board of Ed-
of the loopholes that brought about ucation) under the same constitu-
mu- an appeals court reversal of a tion which upholds the autonomy
1962 conviction on the . same of the state universities."
ass- charge. "I am not making any judg-
vith The party's spokesman, Gus ments about the merits of the
gis- Hall, said the party will fight the University's Flint program," Bren-
indictment in the courts, and add- nan said, "but I think the Board
any ed, "This new indictment of the and President Hatcher should
ab- Communist Party is an attempt to have discussed the issue."
create an atmosphere of hysteria
ert- and emergency to silence all oppo-
te," sition to the conduct of an un- i
ake popular, undeclared and, there- Feiheim T l a s
he fore, unconstitutional and unjust
war of aggression in Viet Nam." On I ecturjng
een The 12-count indictment, re-,J
Rumors about the Blue
Report were picked up by
newspaper. The report is
uled to be issued in early
a local
:". xax..".vr: x. ".
Yes, Virginia, There Are Classes Today
Window "A" in the Administra-
tion Bldg. was open yesterday and
definitely will be open today, ac-
cording to high sources. But little
else was open on the campus, or
throughout the state yesterday, as
the worst snowstorm in a genera-
tion hit the Midwest.
And classes will be held. Scotch-
ing a heavy rumor that blew
across the campus last night,
President Harlan Hatcher said,
"Because the University is so
large and there are so many
things going on, it wouldn't be
wise to close the University." He
added that he hoped the faculty
would be understanding of those
students who are snowbound or
who cannot attend classes for rea-
sons of health or clothing.
The problem;
solved before
plete are ideol
"IQC deals
residence halls
Mrs. Eunice
cratic candidat
H. C. Curry,I
date for city
the First Ward
of students on
tion in Ann Arb
Curry spoke
ties of institut
housing project
bor. He said th
federal aid, but
more interested
l~li o" u~ ii~iU But at least one Democra
cal Problems leader complained that thei
s which must be tiative was coming from the wr
a merger is com- "Ifavor this," said Rep.
ogical as well as Robert Traxler (D-Bay City), r
jority floor leader. "But we w
with problems in the governor to take some actio
first, and it seems Gov. George Romney, whosef
- cal reform program was killed
a special 1963 legislative sessi
Rights, said he would not present a pa
aged program this year, but wo
g Action work with legislative leaders
both parties to work out a r
tuaily acceptable program.
L. Burns, Demo-I He already has met and disco
e for mayor, and ed the area in general terms w
Democratic candi- Republican and Democratic leg
councilman from lators.
, spoke to a group He has expressed fear thata
the housing situa- proposals he made would be l
)or last night. Ieled "Romney's program."
on the possibili- "I find such silence disconc
ing a low-income ing for a presidential candida
here in Ann Ar- Traxler said. "How can a man t
e city qualified for on national problems, when
some people were won't handle those at home?"
d in keeping the Romnev freauently has b